Chapter 161. Dowry displaying day

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On November 23rd was Su Family’s marrying out daughter’s dowry add on.

Today was a rare sunny day. The winter sun was shining warmly on people’s bodies. Su Family had started to make preparations for Eldest Miss's dowry display long ago.

Today, You Jin wore a jade-colored ruskirt with a peach-red undertone. The jacket outside was a double-embroidered crabapple and a white rabbit lining. The makeup on her face was also a peach blossom makeup in accordance with the occasion. She looked dignified and elegant without losing charming.

"I've heard that Eldest Miss of Su Family is outstanding. Seeing her today once is better than hearing about it a hundred times!" You Ling's future husband's family’s old Madam rarely came out. Today it was to interact with people from the wealthy circle of Luohe Prefecture. Secondly, was to get closer to the future in-laws.

You Jin sat below of old Madam Cui. She nodded slightly and smilingly replied: "Thank you, old Madam Cui for your compliment."

Seeing her being so courteous, old Madam Cui secretly approved in her heart, knowing to advance and retreat, while being generous and dignified. Certainly a good one. This old Madam Cui also came from a scholarly family. At the beginning, she knew that her son and daughter-in-law had arranged for a countryside girl for grandson. Although there was a signage bestowed by the emperor, she still had some doubts in her heart. How good could they be?

Now she met Su Family's eldest daughter today and saw that she was much better than their granddaughter in terms of appearance, character, temperament, and implementing the rule of advance and retreat. Hearing that Su Family’s fifth daughter, who was chosen by son and daughter-in-law, was taught by Su Family's eldest daughter, the prejudice she had was lessened despite not seeing her yet.

Speak of the devil. You Ling and You Luo outside heard that there were distinguished guests coming, so they came to pay respects very politely.

Old Madam Cui looked at You Ling who was standing in the hall and properly greeting. With critical eyes, she wished she could see even a strand of hair clearly and wanted to pick out some faults.

You Ling didn't know that it was old Madam of the Cui family who was sitting on the top seat. After saluting, she stepped back and sat on the side without saying a word. A proper smile remained on her fair face all the time. There was a strange feeling in her heart. Old Madam kept staring at herself?

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Old Madam Cui had always been at odds with that daughter-in-law. Naturally, she was a little dissatisfied with the marriage that she decided on her own even when major matters like marriage were decided by her parents. Although she had opinions, she can't influence them. So she could only find fault from granddaughter-in-law and fight with her daughter-in-law.

Back to Madam Cui, who was also present today. Just now she was talking with other wives at the front. Only now, she came to the parlor.

"I haven't seen you for a while. You Ling has grown more and more pretty." Madam Cui looked amiable and she was very satisfied with the daughter-in-law she had chosen. When she entered the parlor and saw You Ling, she merrily chatted with her.

You Ling got up to greet her: "Good day, Madam Cui."

She had met Madam Cui and knew she was her future mother-in-law. Although she was a little shy, she greeted her with a slightly red face.

Madam Cui and her old mother-in-law being at odds wasn’t a matter of a year or two. In order to make face for her future daughter-in-law, she must perform well in front of the ladies of the family. Then she led You Ling to old Madam Cui and gave another salute.

At the side, You Jin could sense the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law pair’s thought. However, it was obvious that Madam Cui liked You Ling. Currently, it was Madam Cui who called the shots in Cui Family. Once You Ling marry in, choose more capable women and maids and there was nothing to be afraid of.


The people who came to add dowry today almost included more than half of the wives and girls in the upper circle of Luohe Prefecture. Many people originally looked down on people from mud-legged families like Su Family. Now they arrived at Su’s house, they found out there were at least dozens of servants in Su Family who were moving in and out. Their every movement was agile and well-behaved. Much better than many people who think they have some background. They can't help but have a little more respect for Su Family.

This point of awe reached fifty percent when they saw the dowry of Su Family's eldest daughter with their own eyes. Which family would give such a generous dowry when marrying out daughter! They heard the resonant voice of the marriage official, who sang the dowry list, kept singing: "There are triple entry property in Yunhua Lane in Luohe Prefecture, triple entry property in Qingyun Lane in the capital..."

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Just the triple entry property, there were two. On top of that, two shops in Luohe Prefecture and the capital city each, two villa with thousands of mu of land, hundreds of gold, silver, pearl, treasure, silk and satin, and the likes. There were also all kinds of furniture made of precious wood such as yellow rosewood and sour branch, a dowry silver of 18,888 liang at in fund box, twenty-eight servants for dowry, etc. The dowry, which was worth at least fifty to sixty thousand liang, made the women present click their tongues. Those misses from various families who came to join in the fun were even more envious.

In addition to Xiao Family's betrothal gift, which Su Family didn’t keep at all, was included in Eldest Daughter's dowry. The combined value was at least one hundred and fifty thousand liang. People were dumbfounded.

The smile on You Jin's face remained unchanged, but her brows were slightly frowned. Why was this much things prepared?

This was the dowry painstakingly prepared by Mrs. Su and her daughters. Seeing that everyone who came to add dowry today was shocked, Mrs. Su was also a little embarrassed: "The dowry is a little short, made everyone see a joke."

Compared to Xiao Family's nearly one hundred thousand liang worth of gift, the dowry prepared by the family was a bit insignificant. As Mrs. Su spoke, she wondered whether to prepare more for Eldest Daughter or not.

After the dowry display, it was adding to the dowry. Then there was a banquet. It was lively for a long time. The guests and hosts had a good time before they dispersed.

"Madam, the add-on dowry from each family has been registered and included in Eldest Miss's dowry list." Auntie Song, who was in charge of the registration, came forward., and now the whole family was fully preparing for Eldest Miss's wedding. Currently the entire Su Family was putting their heart in Eldest Miss’s marriage and determined to make this wedding a decent one.

Mrs. Su put down her teacup and sighed, "Everyone had worked hard today. After finishing Eldest Miss's happy event, I will give everyone two days off to have a good rest." Mrs. Su’s housekeeping skill had improved and continued to use daughter’s management method of treating the servants leniently. The servants of Su Family only thought that Eldest Miss was capable and assumed Madam was soft-tempered. Unexpectedly, she seemed to have some capability and they were willing to comply.

Today, Mrs. Zhao from Lizheng's family brought her daughter-in-law to add dowry. Lian Hua-er listened to the dowry list sung by the marriage official and unconsciously twisted her sleeves and cuffs into a ball. Her envy toward Su Family’s girl got heavier.

Ever since the incident happened the year before last, Mrs. Zhao had been even more dissatisfied with this daughter-in-law. Today, she noticed how gloomy she looked after they came back from Su’s house. Mrs. Zhao whispered what she knew with her own man: "From what I see, Lian Hua-er got a big heart. I'm really afraid that she will implicate Xuan Hai in the future if she does something. What to do?"

In the past two years, the life of He Family had gotten better and better. Although there was a difference between cloud and earth when compared with Su Family, they can still save three hundred or so liang silver despite having a scholar in the family and bought seventeen-eighteen mu of fertile land. In Wuliqiao and surrounding areas, they were considered wealthy households.

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Although Mrs. Zhao knew that Lian Hua-er was hostile to You Jin, she still didn't know why. She could only be on guard, for fear that she would stir something and implicate the family: "Look at that old Fifth Chen’s family. They harbor bad intentions and their family is already in ruin. Now You Jin is going to marry Commandery Duke! If we offend Su Family, what will happen to our Xuan Hai's future?"

One must know that He Xuan Hai was the only chance for their old He Family to change their household position. Mrs. Zhao will never allow Lian Hua-er to drag their son down.

"Indeed, not to mention Commandery Duke, there’s Wei Family and Xu Family. Which one can we afford to offend?" He Hao leaned on the kang and smoked. His dark face wrinkled into a ball: "It’ll be hard for you to keep an eye on her."

Now there were a few helpers in He Family’s small restaurant and He Hao oversaw it. Since the family's only granddaughter, little Ni Ni, who had been in poor health since she was little and Lian Hua-er herself wasn't get close to her, Mrs. Zhao wholeheartedly took care of the child at home. It wasn't difficult to keep an eye on Lian Hua-er.

The husband and wife talked for a long time before they each rested. As for Su Family, they didn't know He Family’s thought. They were all focused on Eldest Miss's wedding in three days.


On the 25th, there was a light snowfall all day. Everyone in Su Family was very worried, fearing that the bad weather tomorrow would delay Eldest Miss from heading out for her happy event.

November 26th was suitable for marriage.

The time to welcome the bride was the second quarter of three o’clock in the afternoon. Before the seven in the morning, the sky was dimly lit when Su’s house, which had been brightly lit all night, began to be lively.

"Da Lin, you guys quickly clean up all the snow on the road. Chen Qing's wife, you take a few people to shake off the snow on the red silk and get the wet ones to the warehouse to quickly clean. Also, Yang Zi’s side, hurry up to the stove and get someone to boil water to make tea. Don't delay!" Wearing a dark red silk padded jacket and a gold-plated magpie hairpin and a two-finger-sized red silk flower on her neatly combed hair, Auntie Song stood in the courtyard. Bit by bit, everyone got busy with their work.

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"Today is Eldest Miss's big day. There are many delicate guests in the house. You should be vigilant when you move in and out. Don't offend the noble." Auntie Song was now helping Mrs. Su manage the inner house. She was diligent and never showed favoritism. Among the many servants in the family, her words held power.

All the servants in dark red clothes naturally knew the importance. It went without saying, they were tense. Lowering their hands and restrained their expression, they replied in unison: "Yes."

Back to in the second entry’s east compound house. it was still quiet. The gray sky covered the sun. The candles hadn’t been lit in the quiet boudoir. The young girl covered with brocade quilt on the big carved bed hadn't woken up yet. Through the gauze tent, only shallow and even breathing can be heard.

After a while, the two slender and perfectly curved eyelashes fluttered slightly. THe young girl slowly opened her eyes and woke up.

Lying on the bed, You Jin still couldn't keep her eyes open. Last night when she, who had never been in a relationship in the past two lifetimes, thought that she was going to get married today, became nervous for no reason. Then she couldn't sleep until the early morning. Consciousness wasn't yet awake.

"Is Miss waking up?" Qiu Fen, who was guarding outside, heard the movement inside. So she quietly opened the door and came in. Seeing that Eldest Miss was still lying on the bed with her eyes half open, she went to the bed, bent her knees, pulled up the gauze curtain, and asked softly.

Checking at the light outside, the slightly confused young girl asked, "What time is it?"

"It was the third quarter of seven o’clock. At the front, lucky matron has arrived. Madam is entertaining her in the parlor. Do you want to rest for a while?" Although the light in the room wasn't bright, Qiu Fen could still make out the black circles under Eldest Miss’s eyes: "I'm afraid today will be rowdy till midnight."

You Jin recalled You Bao and You Yin’s wedding. The banquets weren't finished until late in the evening. So she nodded and said: "I will sleep for another half an hour. When it’s time, come back to call me."

After saying that, she closed her eyes while thinking that she was really the most leisurely bride ever. Shortly later, she fell asleep.

Seeing that Eldest Miss was asleep, Qiu Fen put down the gauze lightly and then quietly made her way out. A quiet room was left behind.

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