Chapter 162. Su Family’s Eldest Daughter’s wedding

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Back to Xiao Family's side. Everything was already in order. Xiao Lin Yu was so excited that he almost didn't sleep all night. There were no dark circles under his eyes. He was in high spirits. He changed into the wedding gown embroidered with gold thread in the closet. Then he changed to a red jade hairpin. Truly a face like crown jade.

"It’s 9 o’clock now. The front has yet to depart and you're already in a hurry." Mrs. Yu was dressed in a dark red dress with floral satin skirt today. On her hair bun, between her ears and both wrists were adorned with red gold jewelry inlaid with precious stones. Quite luxurious. She signaled Youngest Son to pull Eldest Son to sit down: "You aren't a child anymore, so don't lose your sense of proportion."

Although today was her son’s joyous day, her Xiao Family was now the household of a commandery duke. No one in Luohe Prefecture can surpass her family. If outsiders saw the eagerness of Eldest Son, the commandery duke’s face will be swept to the floor.

Although Mrs. Yu was happy, she was still much calmer than Eldest Son whose long-cherished wish had come true for many years. After all, she still wanted to maintain the dignity as the mistress of the house and the reputation of Xiao Family.

This was the first time in Xiao Lin Feng's life that he had seen his eldest brother in such an agitated state. Already eighteen but still carefree, he pulled his eldest brother as he snickered on the inside: “Truly heroes have it difficult at beauty’s challenge. Never imagined Eldest Brother would lose composure!"

"On the day of the child's joyous day, it’s possible to be overjoyed." Sitting at the head, Mrs. Song smiled and protected her eldest grandson. Today, she was wearing a dress embroidered with blessings and had a top-notch emerald on her forehead. The bracelet on her wrist was the same material as the one on the forehead, showing the dignity and temperament of the elderly.

Except for Second Master Xiao, who was an official answer to the roll call in the court and couldn't come back, Xiao Family’s two branches gathered together. Everyone had deep or shallow smiles on their faces and chatted one after another. It was quite lively.

After breakfast and lunch, some of the people who received the invitations came early. Xiao Family's wedding procession team finally set off amidst Xiao Lin Yu's longing.

Riding on a white horse tied with red silk satin, Xiao Lin Yu headed the bride-welcoming team. Although there was a faint smile on his face, it was just a little cover for his inner ecstasy.

Walking in the familiar streets of Luohe Prefecture, Xiao Lin Yu couldn't help recalling the nearly eight years of knowing You Jin. Scene after scene flashed through his mind like singing an opera. He was full of joy and emotion. Joy due to finally being able to embrace the beautiful woman back. Emotional because he and You Jin had experienced too many separations and tribulations. He made up her mind that in the future, he must wholeheartedly love her for the rest of his life.

Su Family was thriving in population now. Han Li brothers, Fourth Wei, Liu Zhuo Ting, Yue Wen Sheng brothers, and Su Kang, the seven males blocked Xiao Lin Yu’s welcoming procession outside for nearly two quarters of an hour. There was poetry and red envelopes. It ended when the matchmaker came from the main courtyard and said that it was nearly time. Only then, everyone dropped it with an unsatisfied feeling.

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Xiao Lin Yu, who was finally allowed to enter Su's house, straightened his clothes and headed straight for the bride's boudoir.

This time, he finally received the bride smoothly, led You Jin to the main hall, knelt farewell to Mrs. Su. Then Su Kang led his elder sister's hand slowly out of the gate of Su Family. She got on the eight-carried sedan chair. All the way, firecrackers were set off along with the sound of joy as they went to the city of Luohe Prefecture.

At Su Family’s side, joyous money was scattered. After the last dowry was carried out from Su’s house, Uncle Song took Su Kang and sprinkled two large baskets of copper coins, and distributed wedding candies to the surrounding villagers who spectated the ceremony. Only then, everyone from Su Family turned around and went in. The Wuliqiao villagers who came to congratulate picked up forty or fifty wens. Those with less got a dozen or so wens as well as wedding candies. Naturally, they happily left.

Marrying out a daughter, Su Family had already hosted a banquet for the whole village of Wuliqiao yesterday. The banquet kept on going for half a day. Today's banquet guests will wait another half an hour to go to Xiao's manor for the banquet. In the whole Wuliqiao, only the Lizheng family was invited. There were some who were red-eyed, but they can only envy in secret.

Back to the wedding procession that marched into Luohe Prefecture. The eighty-eight dowries that followed were as long as a kilometer. The people in Luohe Prefecture were all dumbfounded. Some clueless passersby sighed and exclaimed: "Which rich and noble family is getting married? There’s over 20 boxes at the front and there's no end in sight! Truly rich and powerful!"

There were onlookers who knew. When they heard that someone was so ignorant, they said: "You don't know! This is Commandery Duke’s wedding. He’s marrying to the daughter of Su Family who got an imperial plaque written by his Majesty at home! "

"Commandery Duke? I saw that the groom is only in his early twenties. He actually already a commandery duke?"

"Let me tell you..."

The noise outside naturally couldn't reach the ears of You Jin who was sitting on the bridal sedan chair. Only the sound of firecrackers kept ringing as the joy of the gong, drum and suona ensemble blocked everything out. You Jin felt that her palms were slightly sweaty, It felt like she could still hear the thumping sound in her chest. The nervousness made her feel dizzy.

She thought of how she somehow came to this strange time and space. She thought how hard she had raised her seven younger sisters. She thought of how she first met Xiao Lin Yu and she was secretly laughing at how rich and powerful he was. She thought of those sleepless nights of worrying after she thought he was gone ...

Too much of the past flashed through her mind like a movie scene. Suddenly, she heard the matchmaker shouting something outside and saw that the wedding sedan chair that was still shaking just now also stopped. They must have arrived. So she came back to her sense. "Groom kicks the sedan chair..."

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"Newly-wedded step over the brazier, safely enter in..."

"One worship to heaven and earth... Husband and wife worship each other..."

The matchmaker yelled loudly in a booming and pleasing voice. You Jin, whose vision was blocked by the Bingdi Lotus head veil, could only turn around like a marionette with the support of Qiu Fen and Xiao Lin Yu and knelt down. She became more and more dizzy. When she felt that she couldn't hold on any longer, she finally sat on the big yellow rosewood wedding bed with mandarin ducks playing with water and carved flowers under the lotus.

You Jin, who didn't know what was going on outside the red veil, was relieved to be able to sit so quietly even when the string on her head was tense.

Back to at Xiao Family’s wedding banquet outside. Although Xiao Lin Feng and Xiao Lin Wen helped hold back a lot of wine, Xiao Lin Yu was still a little drunk. Blushes had already appeared on his slightly smiling face. Holding the white jade wine cup in his hand, he drank it in one gulp: "For Official Liu to be able to take the time to come here today, it’s really my blessing."

Luohe Prefecture’s cavalry Official Liu saw how straightforward he was and jollily guffawed: "Commandery Duke is a good drinker!"

After saying that, he picked up the giant bowl in front of him that he specially asked from the servant and drank it all. Official Liu was born in the army. Although he was now an important minister who controlled the military power of a second rank, the bold temperament cultivated for more than 20 years hadn’t changed at all. .

When the previous emperor was around and the princes were fighting to be the heir, Official Liu never took a side despite having a large army in his hands. Now that the new emperor ascended the throne, Xiao Lin Yu got the order from the emperor to come and test the cavalry official’s thoughts. Official Teacher knew that he had a 300,000 Luohe Prefecture garrison army in his hand but had never stood on a side line to seize the throne would receive suspicion from his Majesty. This time he came to the banquet with the intention of getting on the good side with Xiao Lin Yu.

After all, Xiao Lin Yu was one of the first batch of conferred titles after his Majesty ascended the throne. Presumably, he must have the merits of following the dragon. Now he was willing to be friends with himself, this should also be his Majesty’s intention. Although Official Liu was a rough man, he was also somewhat wise. Having these guesses, the smile on his face became even more obvious.

After drinking with the other officials present in Luohe Prefecture, Xiao Lin Yu pretended to be drunk. Supported by his younger brother and younger cousin brother, he returned to the bridal room.

Because of Xiao Lin Yu's special status, naturally no young people dared to come and stir the bridal chamber. The ‘drunk man’ who was helped back to the door of the bridal room immediately became ‘sober’ when he reached the door: "Everyone retreat."

"Yes." Receiving the master’s order, Xiao Family's servants naturally didn’t refuse. The several maidservants in the bridal room came out together with the matchmaker. Xiao Lin Feng and Younger Cousin Brother had long disappeared. Only the bride whose veil had yet to be lifted and a slightly blushing jade face and somewhat timid groom standing in front of her was left.

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Xiao Lin Yu looked at the person sitting quietly on the bed. After a moment of hesitation, he lifted the red veil with all his might. Afterward, he was instantly amazed by the beauty under the red veil: "Jin-er..."

Seeing his dumbfounded look, droop-eye You Jin, couldn't help laughing out loud: "You fool!"

The crown that You Jin wore on her head today was made from the box of pearls that Xiao Lin Yu entrusted someone to send back long ago. The pearls and rubies complemented each other. They enhanced the heavy-make-up young woman to look more glamorous today. Around seventy percent more charming and seductive than in the past with light make-up. It was no wonder Xiao Lin Yu was stunned.

"I..." Although Xiao Lin Yu was scolded, he still stared at her intently. Seeing her move her neck again, he considered how the crown was quite heavy and helped her remove the crown carefully without pulling her hair.

You Jin was exhausted from the day. Now she can finally relax. Feeling fortunate, she stood up, went to sit down at the round table where a table of rich food and drink had already been prepared, and then looked at Xiao Lin Yu who was still in a daze: "Come over already!"

Xiao Lin Yu woke up like he came out of a big dream. He walked up to the young woman in three steps at a time and then sat down next to her. After the two of them had a cup of wine, You Jin took a bite of each dish and felt full. Recalling the heavy makeup on her face, she went to the washing room at the back to wash up, changed into a semi-transparent begonia red undershirt, and came out.

Seeing that he was still staring at her, her face couldn’t help get slightly hot: "You go wash up too. You reek of alcohol."

Xiao Lin Yu watched her come out in a faintly visible undershirt and felt that his throat was terribly dry and hoarse in an instant. He wished he could eat her right now. But hearing that she despised the smell of alcohol so much, he didn't call for water to be fetched and just casually rinsed with the water that You Jin used.

Hearing the sound of water coming from the washing room at the back, You Jin felt her face was burning hot. Although she knew about love between men and women, she only had theoretical knowledge. When she thought that tonight was the wedding night in the bridal chamber and the thing that would soon happen, she truly felt too ashamed to see people.

"What are you thinking about?" You Jin sat on the edge of the bed with her head half lowered, thinking about something she shouldn't be thinking about. What she didn't realize was that the man had finished washing. She felt herself fall into a hot embrace instantly. Hearing his low and somewhat hoarse voice falling that was accompanied by hot breath falling on neck, she was startled and shy. She couldn't help but chide softly: "What are you doing!"

You Jin was so frightened by him that she fell down on the brocade quilt. Her black hair was like ink, her eyes were as charming as silk, and the thin begonia red jacket perfectly outlined the beauty of the woman, making her ivory-like fair and flawless skin even more beautiful.

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Seeing this scene, Xiao Lin Yu felt that his throat was hoarse and clogged. His adam's apple kept rolling back and forth. He bent down gently and lightly kissed the shiny red lips that he had been coveting for a long time.

Both of them were newbies. It was useless to be impatient. They couldn't get in for a long time. The blushing You Jin felt the heat from all over his body. Embarrassed, she pointed at the small box that she brought into the bridal room and told Xiao Lin Yu to dig out the booklet at the bottom of the box.

It went without saying Xiao Lin Yu flipped through it quickly as if he had found a treasure. Following suit, he tried it a few times and it really worked.

However, it wasn't always so smooth for beginners. It took only a moment to get into the good place, but it came to an abrupt end.

Xiao Lin Yu found it a little unbelievable and felt a little embarrassed. How could it be like this? Wasn't this different from what was expected?

Looking at the blank face of the woman who had tears in her eyes, as if she didn't know what happened, Xiao Lin Yu suddenly worried that he was...

Back to You Jin. Seeing him staring at her blankly, there was a mix of disbelief and embarrassment. At first she didn't understand why. Then she soon came back to her senses and her lips pursed to let out a chuckle.

A little embarrassed by her snigger, Xiao Lin Yu stretched out his arms to hold her waist tightly: "Are you laughing at Husband? En?"

You Jin’s heart was tickled by his whispers. The two were originally in love with each other. Now at the right time, right place and with the right person, why would they retreat? After a short rest, another violent storm finally broke. The mountain’s shortage limit of clouds and rains increased bit by bit.

Back to the servants outside the yard of the bridal room were waiting for the master to call for water tonight. They changed the water five or six times from the first half of the night to the second half of the night. The female attendants who have already learned about human affairs were all covering their mouths and snickering. Seemed like their Xiao Family’s branch will be able to flourish with leaves soon~

It was really a moment of spring night worth a thousand gold.

The author had something to say: Little bit of driving. Cuties, don’t report me! Pick up my rocking car and run away~~~

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