Chapter 63 Han Li

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"You Jin, you’re back? Your mother and I just talked about you!" Mrs. Zhao jollily sat on the edge of the kang. In her arms, she was hugging adorable little Eighth and was teasing her: "This big bundle of matters are all handled by you. It’s not easy. Right, little Eighth?”

Little Eighth was over half a year old. She wasn’t afraid of strangers. Seeing Mrs. Zhao teasing her, she yelled ‘ahhh’ in response. It was unknown what she said. Still, it made everyone laugh.

Mrs. Su knew that Mrs. Zhao came to see You Jin for something, so she said with a smile: "You Jin is back. Mrs. Zhao, whatever the matter you have, you two talk first. I'll take Kang-er out and walk around."

She left with Kang-er and considerately gave the room to the two of them.

You Jin stretched out her hand to take little Eighth who was stretching out her hand to her for a hug. She sat down on the edge of the kang where a table separated her from Mrs. Zhao and asked, "Auntie Zhao, you came here for the matter of selling food, right?"

Mrs. Zhao smiled shyly and replied, "I didn't want to bother your family, but you know that our family’s eldest child is studying in the city. My daughter is thirteen years old. After two years, it’s marriage time and the dowry will be an expense. Your Uncle Lizheng feels embarrassed, so I have to stick my face out and beg you for help."

"Our family moved to Wuliqiao few months ago. It’s thanks to Auntie Zhao and Uncle Lizheng’s help. If you need something, I would naturally oblige. It’s like this, our family had built two rooms next to the canal worker's dormitory. It’s not big. One room can only accommodate seven or eight tables, but at least it sheltered one from the wind and rain. This room can be used by you and Uncle Lizheng first. The other room will be used by us to do some other food when the time comes. We won’t clash. What does Auntie Zhao think?” You Jin roughly told Mrs. Zhao what her plan was. “There are at least hundreds of people digging the canal. Even if we only sell one hundred shares every day, it’ll still earn a lot of money."

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When Mrs. Zhao heard this, she felt it was doable. Even if she only earns ten or twenty wen a day, she can earn a lot of money in a month, right? After getting You Jin's promise, he happily went home to prepare.

After sending off Mrs. Zhao, You Zhu and the others came around and asked, "Elder Sister, can't we cook and sell it by ourselves? Do we need to share with the villagers? It means we will earn a lot less?"

You Jin smilingly shook her head. She broke down her decision and explained to her sisters: "Our family bought ten mu of wasteland in one go and built a dormitory for canal workers. When our lives go exceptionally well, people holding grudges is inevitable. Even though the breakfast business is given to Lizheng’s family, our family gets one more supporter, no? In the future, if anyone wants to bully our family, would Lizheng’s family stand by and watch?"

From You Jin's point of view, this income was also part of the investment.

"I understand what Elder Sister means. Even if our family doesn't lend that house to Lizheng's family and they want to earn the money, they can carry food to the riverside and still earn money. While using our house is owing us a favor. Isn’t that right, Eldest Sister?” You Bao understood the reasoning and said as she pondered with her head tilted.

"You Bao is right. Debts are easy to repay in this world, but debts of favor are not so easy to repay." You Jin replied with twinkles in her eyes. She seized every opportunity to educate her sisters. She asked for nothing else but for them to be strong enough to protect themselves even if she isn’t by their side.


Mrs. Zhao's hands and feet were also fast. Within two days, they bought the things to open a steamed stuffed bun shop. Although there were only a few benches and three or four old tables, they can open a shop after tidying up. On a slightly cool morning in July and the day was dimly lit. On the quiet embankment, the small house where Mrs. Zhao and He Hao were lit up. Mrs. Zhao kneaded the dough vigorously. Two simple stoves had been set up outside the door and seven or eight layers of steamer baskets had been stacked on top of the stoves. The hot and fragrant smoke drifted across the countryside with the July wind and attracted the early-rising canal workers.

According to the word of mouth of the canal workers who lived here since a few days ago, more than 90 people have lived in Su Family’s canal worker dormitory. Seven of the ten small single rooms had been rented out. It can be said that the business was very hot. The early-rising canal workers initially thought it was inconvenient to find food in Wuliqiao and saw a small house on the side of the road setting up a stall to sell breakfast today. After a night of hunger, their stomachs' cravings were pulled upon the smell of fragrant hot food. They all came here in groups of twos and threes.

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Mrs. Zhao was a swift worker. The buns and mantou were delicious too. Although the price was the same as in the city, they were more than 50 percent bigger in size than the ones in the city. An adult man can eat one meat bun and a bowl and a half of coarse grains congee and be full for the whole morning. And it only cost four wen. As for those who want to save money, they can choose a three-grain mantou. One mantou plus a bowl of coarse-grain congee cost only two wen. Which was the same price as Su Family’s from earlier.

Although the steamed buns at the He’s Bun Shop weren’t as good as the ones sold by the Su Family’s, the taste was pretty decent. So the business was booming every day. Old He couple got up early every day to open the shop and do business. Although getting up early make them sleepy, the thought of earning more than 100 wen a day, the couple felt it was worth it no matter how tired they were.


As for Su Family’s canal worker dormitory’s side. Since there were more and more people living in now, Uncle Hong couldn’t handle it all alone. So You Jin sought the two little beggars who had been following their sour plum soup stall in the city: "Do you want to be full?"

When the little one heard that they could be full, he repeatedly nodded. The older one defensively looked at You Jin, as if she was a villain who was tricking them with candy before selling them to traffickers: "What do you want?"

You Jin stood opposite the two and replied, "I can provide you with a place to live and let you have enough food every day. How about you work for me?"

"Do what?" The older beggar was half a head taller than You Jin, but he cautiously kept a distance of five or six steps from her, as if she was a man-eating monster.

You Jin paid no heed to his precautions and merrily explained: "Our family opened a canal worker dormitory at Wuliqiao. We lack two porter attendants. If you were willing, you can have enough food every day but no pay. How about it?"

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As soon as the younger one heard that he could have enough to eat, he immediately looked at the older one with bright eyes, wishing that he could nod and agree in his place. It was unknown what the older one was thinking. He hesitated for a while before slightly nodding: "Okay."

You Yin, who was at the side, was slightly relieved when she heard his agreement. This was an opportunity that she spent half the day to obtain from Eldest Sister! If he refuse, how unfortunate it’ll be!

After selling out today's sour plum soup, You Jin sisters returned to the Su's house in Wuliqiao with the completely dirty little beggars.

After returning to Su's house, You Jin directly told the two of them to wash themselves in the river: "After washing, throw away all the old clothes and shave all hair. We can't let fleas and lice into the house."

Since she opened her mouth, the older one took the younger one into the shallow water. First, he carefully shaved off the little beggar's filthy hair that had already formed a nest. Then he shaved off his own hair without saying a word. When You Jin brought clean clothes and towels to the two of them, she saw two bald heads soaking in the water and seriously washing off the dirt on their bodies. She shouted: “The clothes and towels are here. Come back by yourselves after washing up!"

Hearing the voice on the embankment, the older one already knew how to be embarrassed and immediately squatted down, only showing a shaved head like dysentery on the water. He answered with a blushing face: "Got it. "

You Jin knew that this was the shyness of a little boy. Chuckling, she left. These clothes were old clothes she asked from Auntie Zhao and were worn by her eldest son!

When the two little beggars returned to Su's courtyard after washing clean and were about to open the door to enter, they heard a few dogs barking. It frightened the two to the point of not daring to move. Soon, a little girl’s voice sounded from inside: "Don't call Wang Cai!"

Afterward, she came out quickly and took the two of them in. It turned out to be You Yin. She had been waiting all this time and rushed out after hearing the noise.

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She led them to the main room and considered having met everyone in Su Family. Sitting on the edge of the Kang, You Jin said with a smile, "I've seen you so many times, but this is the first time I've seen your true face! What's your name?"

The older one was about thirteen or fourteen years old. He looked simple and honest, but was extremely defensive. Wherever he went, he protected the younger one, for fear that someone would snatch him away. Seeing You Jin asking this question, he murmured, "My name was Han Li. His name is...his name is Han Er Hua."

The younger one looked only four or five years old. Although he was a little darker and thinner, he got handsome feature. He wasn’t afraid of them. Standing behind Han Li, he tilted his head and looked at You Jin: "Elder Sister, do you really have something to eat for us to eat?"

"Of course I have. But the meals at Elder Sister's house aren’t free. If you want to eat, you have to work for Elder Sister!" You Jin smilingly replied. She liked pretty little doll. It went without saying she felt close to Han Er Hua. Seeing that they were indeed hungry, she stated: "Now it happens to be lunch time at our house. Let's eat first. We can talk afterward."

Su Family's current meal was now a fixed one meat, one vegetable and one soup. Although it wasn’t bountiful, it tasted superb. Although Han Li brothers were slightly wolfing it down, their eating manners weren’t too bad. This made You Jin look at them admirably. Presumably, the beggars’ previous environment was educated, right? She pondered about it while eating.

Seeing that the two children were anxiously eating, Mrs. Su felt distressed. She kept clipping food for the two of them: "Good child, eat slowly. If there’s not enough, there’s more."

Although Su Family's meals were simple, the portions were large. Guaranteed that every child can be full. This was the only requirement that You Jin had for the food at home.

Lifting the cold bamboo shoots and pork bone soup, Han Li slowly finished it. Only then, he put down the rough porcelain bowl in his hand in content. Watching Han Er Hua who was still sipping the soup, his heart couldn't help but felt hot. After so many years, the two of them finally had a hot meal. While his heart was agitated, he also became much less defensive towards Su Family.

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