Chapter 64 Trouble

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Of course, Su Family’s rice bowl wasn’t easy to hold.

After eating this meal, Han brothers were arranged to live with Uncle Hong in the small room on the right side of the courtyard gate at the canal worker's dormitory. The kang was big enough. It wasn't too crowded for three people to sleep in.

You Jin took Han Li brothers around the canal worker's dormitory: "We don't need to take care of the sanitation in each room. Only need to be responsible for the sanitation of the public areas. You have to sweep the front and back yards every day and the toilet must be cleaned regularly. In addition, you can start a fire to boil water inside the compound. That’s why you must pay attention to the problem of fire and not cause a fire to break out. Your daily work are these. Is there any problem?"

Han Li was a relatively taciturn person. After hearing what You Jin said, he just nodded his head and said ‘yes’. No question asked.

Seeing that he had nothing to ask, You Jin handed him over to Uncle Hong: "Uncle Hong, both of these brothers are still young. You need to pay more attention to everything."

Then she turned to the two brothers and stated, "One day, three meals. Just come to our house for them. I will call You Yin and the others to call you when it’s mealtime."

Nearby, Uncle Hong jollily spoke: "You Jin, you take care of the meal! Don't leave me out!"

You Jin smiled and said: "Of course I won't leave you elder behind."

Two days ago, Uncle Hong specially approached You Jin. He was willing to take only fifty wen a month. The rest would be his food expenses. He wanted Su Family to help cook his meals. You Jin knew about Uncle Hong’s situation. In the early years when there was a plague in Luohe Prefecture, Uncle Hong was the only one in his family who survived. It took a little effort, so she agreed.

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After sending You Jin away, Uncle Hong brought the two Han brothers into the small room where he usually sleeps: "You two will live here with me from now on. If anyone bullies you, tell me."

Back then, Uncle Hong had two young grandsons who died of illness in that plague. If those two children were still alive, they must be about the same age as Han Li.

Han Li cautiously thanked Uncle Hong before asking, "Uncle Hong, what should I do now?"

Seeing that he was on guard, Uncle Hong didn't mind. He thought for a while and answered, "Then you go and clean up the yard first!"

Having a task, Han Li, went to the backyard with his broom. Han Er Hua followed closely behind his brother with his short legs. One swept, one played. Feeling quite comfortable.

More and more people were living in Su Family’s canal worker's dormitory. Now the six shared quarters were almost all occupied. Wuliqiao villagers with a smart mind tidied up their family’s vacant rooms and old houses. The price was the same as Su Family's canal workers' dormitory; three sen per night. This had attracted many canal workers to live in the village.

He Hao, who was pushing the cart with Mrs. Zhao from the west of the river, looked at the grown men with unfamiliar faces walking out of the village in twos and threes and couldn't help feeling a little worried: "Now that there are so many strangers coming to the village. If we don't put some restraints, I'm afraid something will happen!"

How could Mrs. Zhao possibly like to hear this? She said: "It's just you being a worrywort! It’s a good thing that someone lives in and everyone can earn money together, no? What else can happen?"

Right now, He Family’s breakfast shop business was getting better and better. Look at the money that kept coming in every day. Mrs. Zhao can't wait for more people to live in here!


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He Hao's worry wasn’t unreasonable. In just two days, something happened in the village.

Just as the lights were turned on that night, a younger generation's panting voice came from outside He Family's yard: "Uncle Lizheng, something happened in the village!"

He Hao, who was enjoying the cool air in the courtyard after dinner, immediately sat up when he heard that something happened. He hurried out to open the courtyard door: "What happened?"

"The canal worker who lives, lives, lives at Third Uncle Chen's house said that his money is missing. Right now, he’s arguing with Third Uncle Chen!" The younger generation had heard the commotion and went to watch the excitement. But seeing that that both sides were about to fight, the village elders sent him to get Lizheng to come over to preside over the overall situation. So the young man ran all the way over and was feeling out of breath.

"Old Third Chen?" He Hao knew it was deep trouble as soon as he heard about it. This old Third Chen was the most rogue rascal in Wuliqiao Village. He hurriedly closed the courtyard door: "Quick, let’s have a look!"

Before He Hao reached the gate of old Third Chen's house, he heard the ruckus in old Third Chen's yard from a distance. There were people watching the commotion outside the courtyard in the night. He Hao frowned. He rushed through the crowd and entered the yard. What came to sight was two groups headed by the canal worker who had lost his money and old Third Chen. The atmosphere was tense, as if the next moment a fight would break out.

"It was you who stole our money while we were away! Otherwise, who else would have come in?" The leading man was so mad the veins were popping in his face. He had followed the workers to dig the river channel from other places. It was all to earn some silver for his family so his blind mother can receive treatment. How can he not be angry now the money was gone?

But who was old Third Chen? A famous hooligan rascal in the whole of Wuliqiao. From young, he always took advantage of others. In response to what the man said, he acted like a complete hooligan: "Everything must rely on evidence. You said I stole your money. There must be evidence, right?"

This time, there were a total of five canal workers living in old Third Chen's house. All of them were from other places. So they didn't know the infamous old Third Chen. Old Third Chen was certain that even if they got stolen, they wouldn’t dare to do anything. That was why he had the guts to steal five people's money.

"You!" The two younger men standing behind the leading man wanted to rush forward, but were stopped by the leading man. These five canal workers who lived in old Third Chen's house had all their hidden money stolen by old Third Chen except for the little money they had on their bodies. They were all waiting to send home the money. How could they swallow this breath down?

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"Alright! What's the fuss?" The crowd was attracted by this angry shout. It turned out that He Hao had arrived.

Old Third Chen had been a rascal for many years and also top-notch at playing tricks. When he saw Lizheng come, his mind spun and started the act of the villain complaining first: "Lizheng, you came at a good time. It’s enough that these outsiders live in my house and don't give money. Now they accused me of stealing their money! As the village lizheng, you have to uphold justice for us!"

"It was clearly you who stole our money. You even slander us of not paying for the stay!" The outsiders who had their money stolen were all very furious and pointed at old Third Chen as they berated.

Seeing that old Third Chen called him Lizheng, the red-faced man at the head also turned around and cupped his hands at He Hao: "You are the village’s Lizheng, right? We live in his house. Yesterday, the wages were paid. When we got off work today, we discovered they were all gone. The room is still in a mess. Beside him, who else could come in and search for our things?"

"How much money did you lose?" He Hao frowned and took in the messy courtyard. This old third Chen was getting more and more out of hand.

"I lost seven coin!" "I lost six coin!" "I lost..." The wages of canal workers were quite high. But compared to other jobs, it was labor-intensive. They were all from poor families. It would be strange if they weren’t anxious!

He Hao only felt that his sight darkened. He was also a farmer. So how could he not know the importance of six or seven silver coins to a family? After taking a deep breath, he looked at old Third Chen and asked, "Old Third San, this happened in your house. As the head of the house, no matter who did it, you have to give an explanation."

This was the logic. But what kind of character was old Third Chen? What explanation can he give? As soon as old Third Chen heard what Lizheng said, he spread his hands and pretended to be helpless: "What can I do? I didn't let the thief in. Besides, who knows if they really lost money or faked it? They said they lost a few silver coins. I can say how many liang, no, how many dozens of silver liang my family lost after they moved in!"

At this moment, not only did the five sufferers who lost their money falter backwards from anger, but even He Hao and the spectating villagers outside refreshed their understanding of old Third Chen's scoundrel again. This was the villain's complaining first!

Old Third Chen had been in the village for so many years. He was a scoundrel who can even cheat eggs from children. Even when everyone in the village knew that he stole it, old Third Chen would insist that they have no evidence. No one can do anything to him.

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Seeing old Third Chen's triumphant look, the five men were so infuriated that blood rushed to their heads. The two young and vigorous men rushed up at this time. Their casserole-sized fists went straight to old Third Chen's proud face.

People who can work as canal workers had a good bit of strength. Old Third Chen had lived by cheating and tricking all these years. Although he wasn’t short, he was very thin. How can he possibly withstand these all-out fists?

"Ouch!" Old Third Chen fell down in response. Blood oozed from his nose. He unsteadily stood up with the support of a few pigs and dogs friends: "Ge, you dare to beat me on my ground! My brothers!"

All the people who fooled around with old Third Chen were also present today. Although they watched old Third Chen being punched until his nose spurted blood, they could only boost their courage and charge. How can the few of them hang out in Luohe Prefecture if they don’t retaliate?

The young man whose money was stolen was mad. Both sides immediately started to brawl. Although there were only five canal workers and were all young and strong, there were seven or eight people on old Third Chen's side. They were outnumbered.

Hollers, violently waving fists, and the dull sound of flesh collison... The scene instantly fell into chaos. Although He Hao was present, he was the only one person. He couldn't stop them. He beckoned the villagers who were watching the excitement outside to come in and break up the fight. It took a long time to separate the two groups of people whose eyes were red from beating.

Although both sides suffered some injuries, the canal workers only had slight bruises on their faces and all stood upright. While old Third Chen’s sides all had bruised noses and swollen faces. They kept wailing and screaming in pain.

All the villagers who had been cheated by old Third Chen felt extremely happy in their hearts. This kind of person deserved to be beaten up by someone! The few villagers who had a feud with old Third Chen winked at old Third Chen. Their mood were quite merry!

But who was old Third Chen? He was the one who can accuse one of stealing his cattle just for walking past his house! Would he take this beating lying down? He can be seen falling directly to the ground and clutching his broken nose as he hollered: "Ouch! Murder! Report to the officer!"

Old Third Chen's wife was also a powerful character. She directly pinched the daughter who was standing timidly by the side into tears. Then she plopped down on the ground and cried: "Unreasonable! Oppressing good people!"

The cries of the adults and the cries of the children were mixed together. Chen Family was really lively for a while.

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