Chapter 76 Ganef’s bad start

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The fact that Su Family opened a snack shop in Luohe Prefecture can’t be hidden from the villagers of Wuliqiao. Most people were just envious of Su Family's situation. But when it came to stealing and robbing, ordinary people really can't do it .

But there was always someone who dared.

Ever since old Third Chen tricked a few silver liang from those outsider canal workers, he really lived a nourishing period of time. However, old Third Chen was a qualified rascal, who enjoyed their food, drink, prostitute, and gamble. For other people, those few silver liang may be enough for the whole family to chew on for a whole year. While in old Third Chen’s hand, it was already spent before the New Year celebration ended.

The days without money in hand were too difficult. Old Third Chen and his cronies made a plan. They set their sight on the west side of the river’s Su Familyr: "Su Family is all old and weak, women and children. As for those dogs guarding the house. let’s get some rat medicine and give the dogs some medicine first. Then we’re going to get the money and the shop!” After a pause, he continued: “Let’s not mention Su Family’s other things, just the snack shop opened in Luohe Prefecture can earn at least more than a dozen liang a day at least!"

As soon as old Third Chen finished speaking, the others were all red-eyed. Earning more than ten silver liang a day! What was this concept? These people had never spent more than ten silver liang in their lives! "Deal! Third Elder Brother, just say what we need to do, us brothers all listen to you!"

So on the day when Su Family all went to Luohe Prefecture to spend the Lantern Festival, old Third Chen and the others had already tried it once. Unfortunately, just as they climbed over the fence, they were discovered by the guarding dog. They rushed to the bottom of the wall and barked at old Third Chen and others.

Looking at the big dog with thick fangs and already half a person's height, old Third Chen was so frightened that his legs went limp and his hands kept shaking. He took out a few pieces of meat bones covered in rat poison from the bag he had prepared in advance and threw them down: "Good dog, good dog, eat some meaty bone!"

However, Su Family's dogs were all carefully trained by You Jin. How could they possibly eat the bones thrown by old Third Chen? Not a glance was spared to the fleshy bones that were on the ground. They all eagerly jumped up to get a bite out of old Third Chen and the others.

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"Third Elder Brother, what, what's going on here?" All the people straddling the wall were so frightened that their legs were limp. Looking at the big dog below, they only felt chills on their backs: "If they keep barking like this, it’ll attract people’s attention!" Su’s house was only a few hundred meters away from the canal worker dormitory. So if this stirred into a big mess, it was possible for someone there to find out.

In a dilemma, old Third Chen had a very ugly expression on his face and viciously spat: "It's bad luck today. Let’s come back next time!"

After saying that, he led the few people down the fence and took advantage of the night to quietly go back to the east of the river. The story of being nearly ransacked just silently turned the page.

It was the early morning of the next day, when You Jin saw a few pieces of meaty bones by the wall and a dead mouse that was foaming at the mouth on the bottom of the wall. She felt it was a little strange. When she asked Mrs. Su, Mrs. Su said that it wasn't someone from the family who poisoned the mouse. Suspicious, You Jin led Xiao Hei out of the yard. Sure enough, she found a few different size of adult men’s footprint by the bottom of the wall behind the west wing.

You Jin's heart sank. Now it reached this point, she didn't need to use her brain to know that there were ganefs who wanted to sneak into the house last night to steal. However, You Jin didn't tell Mrs. Su Family and the others about this. Instead, she called Han Li and his brothers over to live in the east wing of Su’s house. From then on, Han Li had the additional task of night watch every night.


As old Third Chen and the others, they didn’t make a comeback so quickly after this incident. He had come up with a way to restrain Su Family's dog before he could enter. If not, it’ll be giving his life instead of getting money. This transaction would be a big loss then.

Although everything was calm, You Jin seriously began to ponder about how to better protect the whole family after this incident. After she finally finished her work in Houjiawan and Su Family's new home was completed, she spent another sum of money- to buy people.

This side, You Jin spent money like running water. Fortunately, the snack shop's business was getting better and better. On a whim, You Zhu and the others came up with a simple version of the oven.

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Under You Jin’s suggestion, it was changed to burning coal to better control the temperature. The coal-burning oven was officially put into use. Now Sujiaxiang’s snack shop began to sell baked snack. This was one of a kind in Luohe Prefecture. Of course, it went without saying how great the business was.

This time, You Jin found Broker Chen again. He helped her buy a family of five and four women capable of hard work from the human market. In one go, there was an increase of nine people.

Su Family's new house was built big. According to You Jin's request, the two mu of wasteland were all included in the scope of the new homestead. The walls were also built with bricks to a height of nearly two people.


The house had double entry and double exit. The first and second entrances were to the spacious and bright main hall and main room. East and west wings each had three rooms. The second entry area was slightly larger. It had Su Family's study, storeroom, and two small compound houses. Inside one compound house were two obvious and two hidden rooms.

Everywhere in the house was paved with flat bluestone slabs. Even if it was raining, there was no fear of getting muddy. Several rooms had glazed windows that cost a lot of money. Although they were a bit more expensive, the light was obviously much better.

You Jin didn't have much research on ancient time architecture. While Zhao Er, he had once built a house for a wealthy family. So You Jin handed this over to Zhao Er and Yu Lan. The final product was satisfactory to You Jin.

In the first entry yard, only four one-person-high white magnolia trees were planted. The surroundings were flat. While in the second yard, a few red plums, sweet-scented osmanthus, and two clumps of plantains were planted. The winding cobblestones were around the courtyard with a view every three steps. A pavilion was very elegantly built in the courtyard. In Yu Lan’s words: "Appreciate peaches in spring, rain in summer, osmanthus in autumn, and snow in winter." ".

These saplings were all readily provided by Su Family. It didn't cost much money. Because the place was adequately huge, whether it was the parlor, the girl’s boudoir or the storeroom, they were large enough. After the house was built, a total of one hundred and forty silver liang was spent. Including the new furniture purchased, the total cost was two hundred liang.

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"Eldest Sister, our new home is so beautiful!" Today was the first time for Su Family to come in to see the new home after everything had been arranged. The little ones chattered non-stop: "Yes! That’s right! There is also a pavilion!"

She knelt down to wipe off the sweat on little Seventh's face one by one before grinning: "That’s right. You have seen everywhere, right? Did you choose a room?" The first entry’s main room was Mrs. Su, little Eighth and Kang-er. The second entry’s large room on the east side of the main hall was You Jin's bedroom and personal study. The rest were left to the sisters to choose by themselves.

"I've made my choice. You Bao and I will live in the same courtyard!" You Zhu giggled out. Although she and You Bao always quarreled, the twins still had the best relationship. You Yin had made her choice: "I’ll live with little Seventh. She is still young and dare not live alone!"

In the end, You Zhu and You Bao lived in the east compound house. You Yin took little Seventh to live in the west compound house. You Ling and You Luo live in the two rooms on the west side of the second main hall.

The newly bought family of five was a couple in their 40s with a 14-year-old son and two daughters aged 11 and 7. Their family surname was Song. Song Family were originally servant slaves. But after the decline of their master's family, they were transferred to Luohe Prefecture. Afterward, they were picked by Broker Chen and entered Su Family's door.

Uncle Song and Auntie Song were both good housekeepers. So You Jin handed over the dormitory of the canal worker to Uncle Song. While Auntie Song took care of the running of the house and the staff. The family of five lived in the few rooms next to the kitchen.

In addition to Song Family, Yu Lan and two labor women lived in the new house. The rest of them were arranged to live in the original old house. Although it was an old house, You Jin had spent money to get Zhao Er and his people to tidy up and renovate the old house. A side door was opened between the two houses, making it very convenient to enter and exit.

Now the monthly income of Sujiaxiang snack shop had stabilized between four and five hundred silver liang. Although You Jin overspent a little on building a new house, it wasn’t too bad. At least not to the point of making ends meet.


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Su Family's housewarming banquet date was set on 19th May,. The main guests invited were people in Wuliqiao Village who have had some contacts with Su Family in the past. The total number was only six or seven tables. In addition, You Jin had handed over an invitation to Second Master Huang in Luohe Prefecture. That was it.

Su Family's house’s construction was witnessed by the villagers of Wuliqiao every day. Although the wall was built first and the high wall blocked people's prying eyes, it couldn't stop their curiosity. One must know that the courtyard wall alone was built so high and with blue bricks. It was basically building with gold bricks and silver bricks! How much did it cost?

On May 19th, the people who received the invitation from Su Family all arrived at Su’s house early. They were also quite curious! As for the villagers who didn't receive the invitation, they could only eagerly speculate outside as they mentally grumble how stingy Su Family was for not inviting the whole village to the housewarming banquet.

You Jin didn't care about this. Enough food and drinks were prepared early on. She didn't need to hire anyone. Sujiaxiang shop was closed for a day, so the family’s hands was enough.

The banquet was decently set up. The high-end version of the eight great bowls had all the invited villagers’s mouths covered in oil. They wished that their stomachs would be bigger so they could eat more.

While some people ate to their heart's content, naturally some people didn't. Mrs. Zhao finally understood what Family head meant back then. The orphans and widows of Su Family lived in such a grand house within a year. What need was there to wait a few years? Right now, they were beyond their reach!

Mrs. Zhao felt that they were climbing a higher branch. But there were always people who would be blinded by the sight of wealth and honor: "Our boy will be fourteen this year. Do you think I should go to Su Family to try to propose a marriage?"

"Quickly rest that thought! Look at Su Family’s girls. All of them are wearing quality clothes and jewelry. Have you ever seen such fine things? Your son isn’t a gentleman of Luohe Prefecture. Isn't this whatever toad wants to eat something meat?"

The woman had just finished speaking when another young woman with a thin face at the same table retorted.

"Maybe she'll set her eyes on him!" The woman wanted to say something. But seeing You Jin not far away with a calm smile on her face and then recalling her useless eldest son, she indeed wilted. Though she didn't want to admit it, she really felt that Su Family wouldn't set their eyes on their family.

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