Chapter 77 Wealth and honor make people jealous

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Today was a big day for Su Family. Naturally everyone in Su Family dressed up. The fine cotton clothes mixed with silk threads were slightly shimmering in the sun. After a year of nurturing care, all Su Family’s daughter had become fair and cute. Even Mrs. Su body had been recuperated for a long time. Her complexion was much better now. One can see the beauty of her youth.

And the two eldest daughters, thirteen years old You Jin and eleven year You Yin had sprouted a lot. Their peach eyes, which look exactly like Mrs. Su, were slightly raised. There were gentle and polite smiles on their fair and beautiful faces. In a group of country girls with tanned skin, thin skin and rough hair, they really stood out.

Looking at You Jin who gracefully interacted with everyone, Mrs. Zhao sighed deeply again. In the end, there was no fate!

During this housewarming, everyone had different thoughts. Su Family was all happy. Especially when a figure they hadn't seen for a long time appeared outside the door. You Jin's mood became a little better. She quickly went over to greet him: "Young Gentleman Xiao, why are you here?"

You Jin quite liked this frivolous little kid. Although he was half a year younger than her, in You Jin's eyes, Xiao Lin Feng was just like a child.

Xiao Lin Feng, who was still dressed in white, took in the messy crowd in the yard with some distaste. Only when he saw You Jin come out did he show a smile on his face: "Su Family’s lass, you are too unfair. You’re having a housewarming banquet and didn't call me! It is too noisy here. Is there a quieter place for me to rest my feet?"

You Jin wasn’t angry with his behavior. She smiled and led him to the backyard: "Today’s housewarming banquet is neighbors in the village coming to have fun. I never thought Young Gentleman’s noble steps would touch these lowly land and made no preparation."

She took him to sit in the parlor in the front yard. After a while, a girl came up with tea and snacks: "Eldest Miss."

She personally carried the tea and put it in front of Xiao Lin Feng. Afterward, she smilingly apologized: "Young Gentleman, drink a cup of tea to relieve your fatigue. This place was fairly quiet and clean. Didn't Young Gentleman go back to the capital? Why did you return to Luohe Prefecture?"

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She remembered nearly half a month before the New Year, Xiao Lin Feng dragged Xiao Lin Yu to the snack shop to buy some snacks. He had said that he was going to eat them on the way back to the capital. Why did he come back after less than half a year?

Xiao Lin Feng first took a slow sip of the tea. Then he picked up a piece of soft and delicious sweet-scented osmanthus mung bean cake, put it in his mouth and savored it slowly. Only then, he replied: "Eldest Brother wants to go back to Luohe Prefecture to deal with some matters, so I came along. What, you have an objection?"

Actually, You Jin wanted to ask why Xiao Lin Yu didn't come. After all, Xiao Lin Feng was just a little handsome man. Xiao Lin Yu was the big handsome man! However, she swallowed these words back and jollyly responded: "Our shop had launched a few new flavors of snack this year. I was thinking how Young Gentleman haven't tried it yet!"

"Really? What flavor?" Xiao Lin Feng still had a good impression of the food produced by Su Family. After all, the taste was great. As soon as he heard that there was something to eat, he immediately changed his attitude: "Then why don't you hurry up and serve some for Young Master to try?"

You Jin said apologetically, "Today we are warming up the house. I didn't know that you would come, Young Gentleman and didn't prepare them. When the shop opens tomorrow morning, how about I send it to your house when it's ready?"

Xiao Lin Feng sat upright and casually waved his hands: "It's okay. I'll go to your shop to eat tomorrow."

After all, freshly baked ones were the best!

Just now, Mrs. Su didn't see it in person. She only heard that a very good-looking young gentleman arrived and was taken to the parlor by You Jin. So hurriedly came over: "You Jin, this is?"

Seeing Mrs. Su coming, You Jin hurriedly stood up and introduced the two of them: "Mother, this is the Young Gentleman from Xiao Family who bought our sour plum soup recipe."

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Then she turned to Xiao Lin Feng and introduced: "Young Gentleman Xiao, this is my mother. Family name is Su."

When it came to elders, Xiao Lin Feng knew the boundary. He obediently stood up and gave a younger generation bow: "Greeting, Auntie Su."

This was the first time that Mrs. Su was greeted by others like this and was somewhat flustered. She frantically urged him to not be reserved: "Then, You Jin, properly entertain Gentleman Xiao. I will not disturb you." At this time, Mrs. Su forgot it was inappropriate for a lone male and lone female to be in the same room. She smiled a little stiffly and exited the parlor.

Fortunately, You Jin hadn’t forgotten. She got □□ and Song Hua to stay behind and serve. Song Hua was Uncle Song's eldest son. Now, he can help with many things.

Xiao Lin Feng didn't stay for long. He sat for a while, drank tea and ate a few pastries. Leaving the congratulatory gift he brought, he took the snack box specially prepared by You Jin for him and contentedly went back to the city.

After the housewarming banquet ended, the four labor old women quickly cleaned up the leftovers together with Song Family’s wife, Mrs. Li and Bai Zhi. Mrs. Su sat in an armchair in the main hall and enjoyed a cup of tea. Then she sighed: "I never imagined that we are living a good life when we just came and settled down in Luohe Prefecture at this time last year!"

Standing behind Mrs. Su, You Jin was vigorously massaging her shoulders. Hearing what she said, she couldn't help laughing: "This is just the beginning. After two years, we will definitely have an even better life!"

"I believe you." Mrs. Su heart was really satisfied now. The older daughters in the family were more capable than the other. The younger ones were all well-behaved and sensible. Recalling the past ten years of hell-like life in Yue Family, she really didn't know how they survived in the first place!


After moving into the new home and having many more people at home, You Jin still didn’t dare to relax her guard. She sought a blacksmith and order a batch of hard iron spikes to surround the walls of the old and new houses.

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Old Third Chen, who deliberately passed by Su’s house on the west side of the river, looked at the sharp iron thorns on the high courtyard wall. Remembering the villagers’ talk of how good the food and wine were during the housewarming and a noble son from the city giving them congratulatory gifts such as brocade, old Third Chen felt frustrated. He became more determined to net a fortune from Su Family: "As long as this succeed, we can all live in a big house like Su Family and buy a bunch of people back to serve us!"

Hearing his words, those cronies’ heart moved. Still, there was hesitation: "But Third Elder Brother, won't we become bandits who rob houses?"

He was used to petty theft. But old Third Chen’s intention of kidnapping Su Family’s lass and ask for ransom was a completely different nature!

He patted the head of the man who thought of retreating: "Truly unpromising! Now that the wall of Su Family courtyard is so high and there are iron spikes on it, how do you plan to get in? Besides, you don't know where they put money after you get in."

Old Third Chen was so desparate for Su Family's money that his eyes turned red: "As long as we kidnap Su Family’s eldest lass, the ransom will be up to us to get!"

Old Third Chen's appetite had been greatly nourished by Su Family’s glorious. He can no longer be satisfied with ten or so silver liang: "When the time comes to kidnap her, I will ask for one thousand liang! No, two thousand liang!"

"Two thousand liang!" These were all the local countryside ruffians. How could they possibly seen so much money? When they heard that there was so much money, they also became red-eyed. One with guts slapped his thighs: "Sure! Third Elder Brother, I do it with you! I will listen to your orders!"

Once one showed support, everyone else agreed. Only the hesitant one received everyone’s gaze on him. So he gritted his teeth and stomped his foot. He nodded in agreement!

A group of people got drunk at old Third Chen's house. All of them were imagining how to squander it after they had two thousand silver liang. What they didn't even notice was a thin figure huddled in the darkness outside the broken window of Chen's house and listen to all their conversations.

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Old Third Chen's family had two sons and two daughters. The two sons had exactly the same temperament as old Third Chen. The eldest of the two daughters was fifteen years old. The youngest was only eight years old. From a young age, she was treated like an animal by old Third Chen couple and two brothers. Naturally, a lot of resentment towards this family brewed in her heart.

Chen Xiao Cui was old Third Chen's youngest daughter. Hearing that old Third Chen and others planned to kidnap Su Family’s eldest girl, she was shocked and frightened. She didn't know what to do, so she told Chen Family’s eldest daughter, Chen Xiao Hong: "Eldest Sister, is father really going to kidnap Su Family’s sister?"

She liked the eldest sister from Su Family who had a beautiful smile. The last time she saw her, she gave her a piece of pastry that she had never eaten before. The fragrant taste in the mouth made her unable to forget it for a long time. Last night, she dreamed about it and drool a lot!

After listening to Chen Xiao Cui's words, a strange gleam flashed in Chen Xiao Hong's eyes. She had no way out now. That beast old Third Chen often spouted about the matter of selling her. It seemed he might really have this plan.

Seeing that Eldest Sister being silent, Chen Xiao Cui pushed her slightly: "Eldest Sister, what are you thinking? What should we do?"

"Xiao Cui, if you have the chance, would you like to run away with Eldest Sister?" Chen Xiao Hong really couldn't stand it any longer. It was enough that she didn't have enough food to be full and clothing to keep warm. She happened to have such parents, who never treated her like a human. She really didn't want to live a day like this!

Chen Xiao Cui was only eight years old. How could she possibly understand these? She didn't even understand why Eldest Sister had the idea of running away: "Eldest Sister, where do you want to run to? If Father know, he will definitely beat you!" She only remembered that Chen Xiao Hong had escaped once the year before last. After being found and brought back by old Third Chen, she was ruthlessly beaten up and starved for a good few days before the matter was over. Why did Eldest Sister still have this idea now?

But Chen Xiao Hong didn't want to suffer this pain anymore. Rremembering the beating she had endured the year before, she wanted to bite her lips until it bleed. Suddenly, an idea came to her: "Xiao Cui, I want to tell Su You Jin about this!"

This way, she helped Su Family. Su You Jin must be able to help her too!

After finishing speaking, she gave no regard to what Chen Xiao Cui wanted to say. Only instructed her pay attention to the main room before quietly slipping out. After leaving the gate of Chen's house, she ran like the wind all the way to the west of the river, as if there was a vicious dog chasing her behind. Or as if there was something in front that attracted her to chase desperately.

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