Merylin, as the successor to the throne of Mermaladia, would not be able to appoint another mermaid to be her sibling. If there were another mermaid who becomes her foster siblings, then there was a possibility that there would be a struggle for the throne. The crown of Mermaladia could be inherited on any mermaid as long as they have a royal member's blood.

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If there were a mermaid who wanted to foster a mermaid child or made them into a family member, an adoption ritual must be completed. The mermaid who wished to adopt must give her blood to the mermaid she wanted to take.

The blood that merges into the adopted mermaid will automatically have the same blood as the adoptive family.

Merylin will also give her blood to her adopted younger sibling, making her sibling have the same right to ascend the throne. That was why Merylin could not take her fellow mermaids to be appointed her younger siblings.

Meanwhile, if Merylin took a human to be selected as her sibling, she would have to provide plenty of triton herbs for the human to be able to linger in the kingdom of Mermaladia. The price of a triton herb was quite low for Merlyn, but it was infrequent, so the price was very high among humans.

If she runs out of tritons someday and could not drink it to her human sibling on time, she was afraid her sibling would die first before reaching the surface.

Merylin did not want to risk it and did not raise a human sister. But Niken was very different. The girl could use her magic to make her breathe in water without using a triton. Niken was also not a mermaid, which means she did not need to perform an adoption ritual.

Niken was the perfect foster sister for princess Merylin.

"Alright, I'll help you find a way out."


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"On one condition. Don't ever leave this world without saying goodbye to me."

Niken smiled at the conditions and joyfully promised the princess.

"I promise, princess Merylin. Thank you."

"Ah, one more thing. Since I proposed to you as my younger sister, don't call me princess. Just call me Merylin."

"Alright, Merylin."

Merylin smiled with satisfaction. "Now, what do you want to do? How about we search for some information above?"

Niken immediately agreed, and the two came out of Merylin's room and swam to the surface.

"Merylin, can you tell me what this world is like? I want to know how much different it is from my world."

"As you know, the only ones who can use magic are wizards and spirits. For other humans who are not descendants of wizards, only use natural energy. They are called Elementalists."

"..." it's not much different from her world. Niken thought to herself.

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What? They have vampires in this world?

"The dragon and phoenix clan lives on the sky island while wolves and vampires live on land but on different territory."

Niken still listened to Merylin's explanation carefully, even though they had surfaced. Niken deactivates her magic circle, and a pair of legs now replace her tail. Merylin also did the same thing by turning her tail into a pair of human legs.

As they walked towards the lake's edge, Niken was fascinated by the clothes Merylin was wearing. The princess wore a light blue knee-length dress. There were twinkles like beautiful gemstones on the sleeves. Her purple-blue hair braided into one at the back, making Merylin like a typical noble lady disguised as a commoner.

"Wow, you're so beautiful."

Merylin chuckled at the praise of her adopted sister. "You're also beautiful. I bet whoever will be your lover will be jealous easily."

Hearing this, Niken's face flushed without realizing it.

"Eh? Do you have a lover?"


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"Turns out you already have a boyfriend!? Wow, what is that person like? Is he handsome? Is he strong? I'm interested in meeting him."

And so they were more engrossed in chatting about Niken's romance life and forgetting that Niken had to find a way to return to her world. The two of them were still chatting merrily while walking towards the village.

Not long after, a noise was heard as a gold carriage decorated with diamonds appeared entering the countryside. Niken could see everyone around her rejoicing and giving way to the carriage that ran by some of the horses.

The horses that pulled the carriage looked dashing to make anyone immediately knew the person in the carriage was a prominent figure.

Several people wore uniforms like a soldier with platinum armor and a sword sheathed to their belts in front of the horses. The soldiers use the same mask, which was an expressionless white human mask.

There was an Ace crest at the center of their armor. The same logo was craved on the carriage door. Niken had never seen the symbol before, so she did not understand that meaning.

"Who are they?"

"They are the elite forces of each noble pureblood."

"Pureblood?" Is it the same with pureblood Wizard? But... isn't pureblood almost gone?

Ah, maybe pureblood wizards are still dominant in this world. Thought Niken.

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"That's right. The wizards who could create more than two magic circles are called purebloods. They have the same characteristics. Their hair is silver, and their eyes are red. They are very well-known wizards throughout the world. They are the noble family of Zeed kingdom."

"Zeed?" Niken's head suddenly felt dizzy. Strangely, her chest felt tight as if something was blocking her breathing.

Why is the name of pureblood wizard in this world the same as in her world?

"Zeed Kingdom will send aid twice a year to impoverished places. They are protectors and peace-keepers in this world. Aren't they very kind? You're lucky you came on the day one of Zeed arrived here."

Niken's brow frowned at this. All of Merylin's explanation and assistance from Zeed to the most poverty-stricken places was something she had read in the library. It was all history she had studied before.

The golden carriage stopped right in front of people who had gathered to welcome them. The carriage door opened, and a silver-haired woman appeared down the carriage like a fairy descended from the sky.

As soon as the woman raised her eyes, Niken's breath caught at the display of the red color.

"Merylin, what year is it now?"

"Now? Now it's year x404. Why?"

Instantly Niken's knees went limp to hear that. She is not in a different world. Niken is still in the same universe as hers.

But she is now in a different time. Now she is at five hundred before her real-time!

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