Niken tried to recall the history book she had read. She remembered the mass murders in the Zeed kingdom occurred in x404, meaning... this year?

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The nine brave Elementalists only managed to apprehend and arrest the killer four years later. Since then, an Elementalist Knight appeared, and the Nishian kingdom began to seclude themselves as they did not want Elementalist knights to make time-controllers an inamorata.

That means that Elementalist knights did not exist in this world, and Nishian Island was still visible and free to be visited by outsiders.

Niken massaged her forehead with frustration. At first, she thought she was in another world like the parallel world theory she had learned at Bieger Academy. But apparently, she had gone into the past without realizing it.

How could this happen? How did she get back to her time?

She closed her eyes as digesting everything without knowing a pair of eyes was probing her.

"Niken, it looks like she's looking at you."

Niken opened her eyes and saw the silver-haired lady was indeed looking at her.

After the woman gave her subordinates orders to distribute items and gifts to the children, the woman walked up to them.

"Good evening, Princess Merylin, nice to meet you on land here."

"Good evening Lady Genevieve. I didn't expect you to come here this year."

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Niken was speechless and stepped a little away from the two women who seemed to be insulting each other.

Why did she feel that Merylin did not like Lady Genevieve's presence?

"Well, are you going to introduce your friend to me?" Genevieve's eyes turned to Niken with interest.

"Well, I wish she would never meet you, but today is a good day for me, so I would let you get acquainted with my new sister. Her name is Niken."

"Ah, so you found the one. Niken, is it? I feel sorry for you because you have to be her sister. You must have a great heart to overcome her spoiled act and arrogant behavior."

Merylin bit her lip in annoyance. "Are you picking a fight??"

"Hm? Did you have a breakthrough? As I recall, your magic level was only in the green stage. I don't take challenges below than blue stage."


Niken immediately held Merylin's hand so as not to fight the lady. She did not know how strong the magic Lady Genevieve had, but she knew Merylin was definitely no match for the lady.

"I thought you are the elder sister? But it seems like she is far more mature than you." the lady teased Merylin again, making Niken shook her head. Niken did not understand why the lady kept provoking Merylin.

"Merylin, how about we go back? You are a princess, and it is impolite to offense the lady who is being generous for this place." Niken whispered, trying to persuade the princess to return.

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Both of them intend to walk away, but the lady stopped them.

"What are you talking to her for?"

"Are you afraid I will persuade her to leave you?"

For the umpteenth time, Niken prevented Merylin from wanting to cause trouble.

"Merylin, I'll catch you later at the lake. I promise I will return to you."


"I also want to talk to her. Maybe I can find my way back from her." Niken whispered in a low voice so that the lady wouldn't hear her words.

"..." Merylin did not argue anymore and snorted irritably towards Genevieve then walked towards the lake.

Seeing Merylin's departure, Genevieve giggled merrily. "She is more suitable to be a younger one, don't you think so?"

Niken only gave a faint smile as the answer. "So, what do you want to talk to me about?"

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Genevieve smiled as she walked closer to Niken, making Niken wary.

"I'm just curious about your background. You're not a wizard but have magic. Above all, you have the same aura as my sister. Where are you come from?"

"I'm sorry I can't tell you the answer as we barely know each other."

"Oh, I see. Is it possible that you are not from this era?"

Niken's eyes widened at that. How could this woman guess right away in one glance? She even needed a day to understand that she was at a different period.

"What will you do if I am not from this era?"

"Nothing. It was not rare for time travelers to come to this era."

"Time travelers?"

"Aren't you?"

Niken really wished she was dreaming. For as long as she could remember, she only knew Time-controllers and Time Masters. But she had never heard of time travelers.

"I'm not. I don't even know that there are time travelers in this world. Don't we only have a time controller and a time master?"

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"Ah, you are from the Nishian kingdom. But why is your name Niken?"

"What does that have to do with Nishian?" instead of answering the question, she  asked back.

"The time-controller and time master are only from the Nishian kingdom. In contrast, time travelers come from the Zeed kingdom. Niken, there are four types of time power in this world. The weakest one is the time-controller that can only stop time within a limited range. Then there is the time traveler where they can go to the era-time they wanted. The third one is Time Master, which is more powerful than an ordinary time-controller. I want to ask you if you are from Nishian, which type of time controller is your ability. Time-controller or time master?"

"..." Niken seemed hesitant to answer, so she didn't respond right away. "Time master."

Lady Geneive smiled faintly at that. "That means you are the fourth type of time controller. The Great Time Master."

"!?" What? The Great Time Master? Her?

"You must return to your generation immediately. There can only have one Great Time Master in this world. If two masters were using magic power at the same time, one of them would surely die. The Great Time Master in this era is still alive and settled in the Nishian island. You must return to your era immediately."

Hearing that she would die if using magic in this era scared her to death.

"But I don't know how to go back. I don't even know how I ended up coming here."

"If you can't go back as you wish, that means someone from this period is calling for you. Find the person and his purpose for calling you. If that goal is fulfilled, you will return automatically."

The person who called her?

Niken glanced toward the lake where Merylin was waiting for her. It looked like her guess was right. Only Merylin could bring her back home.

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