Xiao Yue glanced at her brother with a pleading look. Xiao Yang smiled gently at her, then took his hand off his younger sister's head.

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Xiao Yue's face became cheerful and radiant again when she got her brother's permission. She turned around to look for the source of the voice that was still calling out her name.

Her name was not Niken, but for some reason, she felt Niken was her name.

Meanwhile, Yang Shuo gritted his teeth at the sight of Xiao Yue leaving. He firmly believed he had blocked the mind-linking connection between the black knight and his inamorata.

He did not expect that, with just one peck, Xiao Yang destroyed his blockade so that Xiao Yue could hear the black knight's voice.

Yang Shuo realized he had made a grave mistake. He deliberately took advantage of Xiao Yang's presence and made him a tool to persuade Xiao Yue to accept this arranged marriage. He did not expect that the Xiao Yang he was using turned out to be foreign soul energy.

"It seems your game ends here, O vampire king."

Xiao Yang turned around and looked straight into his eyes, which shocked Yang Shuo.

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He had activated his stealth abilities, so no one would notice his presence nor see him. Even Xiao Yue didn't feel his presence at all, but how could Xiao Yang see him? And again, how did that man know his identity as the vampire king?

"Who are you?"

Xiao Yang did not answer, but his black eyes turned purple, which caused Yang Shuo to gasp in disbelief.

"You…it can't be. How come you are here? Since when are you here?"

"Since the beginning."

"And you didn't do anything even though you knew I tricked the girl?"

"She looks happy here, which is why I didn't do anything. I also let you use me and control me. However, she no longer felt comfortable here. You think I'll sit around with doing nothing?"

Yang Shuo didn't speak for a moment. Not long after, a crooked smile adorned his face and was followed by a burst of evil-like laughter.

"Haha, haha. I did not expect it at all. I made a phantasm lord as my prey—no wonder her blood is so sweet and irresistible. It turned out, a vlinder has chosen her to be its master."

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Xiao Yang did not respond with a smile or anger. His expression was currently flat, and he had no intention of answering Yang Shuo's conclusion.

"Tell me. What can you do to save her from me? The current Phantasm Lord is still alive, and I don't feel any strength from you at all. You're still in a cocoon form. You won't be able to save her. You won't be able to get her out of here."

After saying that, Xiao Yang's body became transparent before finally disappearing in midair. Simultaneously, the sky became cloudy, and there were cracks here and there, indicating that this illusory world was about to be destroyed.

Yang Shuo wondered what kind of guardian spirit other than the vlinder was still in the 'sleeping' phase within Xiao Yue's astral.

Without waiting for time, Yang Shuo immediately ran to find Xiao Yue before the girl found a way out of this illusory world.

Meanwhile, Xiao Yue, who had been running after the source of the voice calling her, halted her steps when she encountered a high cliff blocking her path.

How did she get over this high cliff?

Xiao Yue tilted her head up and realized she wouldn't be able to climb this cliff without having wings.

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Ah, if she were a bird, or at least she had one of the winged-beasts, it would be nice.

'Niken, Niken.' came the same sound that reached out to her.

"I am here. I can hear you here." Xiao Yue tried to respond to the voice, but she felt that the voice couldn't hear her response, so the voice just kept calling out her name.

Xiao Yue put her hands on the cliff rock while whispering, "I'm here."

At the same time, Kazuto and Hokuto forcibly opened the portal door to the vampire realm. The door was like a black crack in a large tree.

Using their respective strengths, the two Elementalist Knights tried to open the crack enough for the human body to enter.

Before this, they planned to find the beastmaster for guidance and help them open the portal. Unfortunately, no matter how hard Kazuto tracked the beastmaster's energy, he couldn't find him.

Kazuto didn't even feel the Black Supreme Alpha's presence anymore as if the two of them had left this country.

The truth was, the beastmaster had indeed left Beast Country once Alpha returned from killing the two 'insects.' Just like Kazuto, who didn't want to meet the beastmaster, the black-haired man with one red eye didn't want to meet Kazuto either.

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That's why Kazuto had no other choice but to rely on his instincts to track down Niken's whereabouts.

'I am here.'

Kazuto's steps stopped when he heard Niken's voice in his mind. Hearing it only once, he knew immediately where his inamorata's precise location.

Without telling Hokuto first, Kazuto jumped into the forest area, which was covered with large trees.

Even though he was surprised by their sudden change of destination, Hokuto still followed Kazuto from behind.

The sun was still shining above, but the more they walked inside, the darker environment around them. This was all because the tall trees close to each other make the leaves block the sunlight from entering.

Not long after, they found a large tree along with a crack extending vertically.

"Niken is there. I can feel it."

As if they understood each other's thoughts, the two of them directly directed their cultivation energy towards the crack to open it by force.

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