After a day of walking around, none could get caught Izzy's attention. It seemed like her inamorato wasn't here either. Coming here was pointless.

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The sound of a loud 'bang' from the next place made Izzy and Yuki curious.

"What is going on over there?" Izzy asked.

"I have no idea. Let's go and see."

When they arrived, they saw that a young fire Elementalist was testing his abilities by fighting Scarlet. Izzy laughed cynically, how could that person fight the red knight?

Well, she had to admit. Despite her young age, Scarlet could control her fire elemental energy entirely. Not excessive and not weakened. No one would realize that Scarlet was in fact, an Elementalist knight.

"That person is not bad." praised Izzy for the young man. "He could counterbalance for her strength."

"But that young man will positively lose if Scarlet uses all of her power."

"Of course. Without a doubt." Izzy looked back at the match. And when the battle was over, Izzy saw the young man getting out of breath while Scarlet...

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Ah, the girl was also trying to regulate her breathing more like pretending to be tired while in truth, she wasn't tired at all.

"What Sir Fred said was true," exclaimed Scarlet happily. "You can be my rival."

After the young man managed to regulate his breathing, he straightened his body and smiled at Scarlet.

"Based on our match earlier, I realize I can never be your rival. I'm still far from you."

"Wow, this is the first time I've seen a match this exciting."

"Yes, it is true. Moreover, they are both fire Elementalist."

"Eh, isn't that the new kid named Richard?"

"Yes, he is! Isn't he very handsome?"

Sounded from the girls around started gossiping with excitement.

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"I heard he also has a twin sister in the moon class with a water elemental."

Yuki's eyebrows raised hearing this. How can a younger sibling have a different element from her brother? Especially fire and water?

What a contradiction!

The crowd began to disperse one by one, and when Yuki glanced at the young man who had just fought with Scarlet, their gazes clasped.


What? Zeph? Isn't that Zephyr? What is he doing here? Didn't he say he had a mission? Didn't he say he had a criminal to catch on?

Yuki wanted to ask this to the young man when she realized something.

No. This man is not the man she knew well. His eyes were different. This young man's eyes were black while Zeph had emerald green eyes. This young man was not Zephyr.

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Besides, she felt nothing towards the young man as Zephyr was her inamorato. She would feel anything if the man was indeed her inamorato.


"What is this feeling?" Izzy asked more to herself. "Why does it feel like deja vu?"

"Did you say something?"

Without answering her friend's question, Izzy stepped and walked towards the young man. Yuki was stunned watching her friend walked straight to the man called Richard.

She followed her quickly in confusion.

"Do you know me?" Izzy asked in a curious tone making the young man confused.

"Sorry?" after thinking for a while, the young man finally answered. "I don't think so. I've never met you before."

Izzy scratched her neck, which didn't feel itchy at all. "How old are you?"

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"This year I'm going to seventeen. Something's wrong?"

"Nothing. Have you heard of Nishian country?"

"Nishian? Where is it?"

Once again, Izzy scratched her neck that was not itchy and frowned. Then she let out a resigned sigh.

No.. He is not that person. Besides, his name was not from Nishian. Moreover, this person knows nothing about the country. This person was not the crown prince of the Nishian Kingdom.

But why did the face was similar to the crown prince?

Both of the girls became silent while pondering why Richard had the same face with the person in their memory.

Unfortunately, they didn't know each other's thoughts and kept it as a secret.

Whether the person in their mind was the same man or not still a mystery that would be revealed shortly.

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