Richard just neutralized the hot steam inside his body when his eyes interlocked with a pair of greenish eyes.

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He could sense the girl had an A level energy, so she should be in the same class as him. But he never met the girl before making him wonder if the girl was a new kid.

A second later, the other girl who also unknown to him walked straight toward him and asked some weird questions.

It was obvious he knew nothing about Nishian country, yet he felt nostalgic when he heard the name.

"Nishian? Where is it?"

The strangest thing when he said the word, he almost got a heart attack, just for a moment.

What is that?

Nah, it must be his imagination. Thought he.

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Because it seems the girl doesn't intend to talk anymore, Richard decided to open his voice first.

"Is there anything I can help you with?"

"Ah, no. It's just that I feel we've met before. But he should have been almost thirty years now. So you are not him."

The young man just smiled. "Does my face look like him?"

"I think so. I've only met him twice, uh... three times. I don't even really remember his face. My memory is horrible at remembering someone's face. But I just felt a similar aura of him from you."

Plus, when he met with that person, they were nine, long before she was chosen as the Elementalist knight. And what made her more convinced that the person before her was not the person she was looking for was the tidal energy inside Richard. She remembered well; the child she had met was not an Elementalist. He was just a non-Elementalist human.

Unknown to her, every people in Nishian Island did not have elemental energy. But they had elemental fire seed implanted to the baby boy that would activate at the age of ten.

That included the crown prince of Nishian.

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"Sorry for bothering you," said Izzy with a thin smile.

The young man returned her smile and left the place.

"For a moment, I thought you had found your inamorato." Said Scarlet, who seemingly had been watching them.

"I didn't know that you were still here," Izzy answered sarcastically.

"So... you're sure he's not your inamorato?"

"Yes, I'm pretty sure. Besides, do I have to report everything to you?"

Scarlet just smiled at that. "I know our meeting began poorly, but I hope to be friends with you. If you need my help, I will help you. I just want you to know that." There was a moment of awkwardness. "Well, I'd better go before ruining your mood."

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"Wait a minute."

Scarlet stopped in her tracks as she was called and looked at Izzy in puzzlement. Izzy and Yuki looked at each other, then nodded their heads as if they had finished communicating through eye contact.

Izzy moved forward to Scarlet and held out her hand.

"I also hope we can all be friends. I'm sorry for my rudeness at the beginning."

"No, I'm sorry too."

Scarlet smiled happily at that and accepted Izzy's hand. Then the two of them laughed, making Yuki breathe a sigh of relief.

"By the way, is there no one with a flora Elementalist aside from this list. I prefer flora elemental for your information." Izzy still retained her choice and expressed her complaint to Scarlet as the three of them walked together out of place.

"I will find a way out. For the time being, can you stick with this list?"

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Izzy sighed. "Alright. I will try it."


It was unusual for Niken went to class alone with no Karyn. Sadly, Karyn had to take a retake in the wind bending test, so Niken had to take the hunting class apart.

Aside from Karyn, Niken wasn't used to get close to other friends, especially since her classmates knew that her twin brother, Richard, was in the sun class at A-class.

Their gaze of her felt strange. And this made Niken uncomfortable.

In this world, there were no siblings that had different elemental energy. If the brother had elemental fire energy, then the sister should also have the same elemental power. Yet, that wasn't the case for Niken.

That was why they were wondering if Richard and Niken were indeed siblings or not. Perhaps the couple adopted them since baby. Then all of it would make sense.

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