On the other side, Hokuto was in remote, ancient areas that had valuable information that was sometimes not found in any history book. His purpose coming here was the same with Shin Ha. He tried to find a way to save Niken.

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Hokuto, who had been asking the locals for days, changed his tactics. Previously he had indeed felt strange why not an elderly person in the village. He finally decided to look for elders people.

After walking around and asking questions, at last, he succeeded in persuading a small child to tell him where her grandfather lived.

"Grandfather! Someone is looking for grandfather." Exclaimed the girl as she entered an old hut that seemed to be about to collapse soon.

Hokuto followed the girl in, who turned out he was greeted with a hostile look from the house's members.

"Grandfather, take a look ..." the girl showed a golden glowing stone to his grandfather, making everyone in the house shocked and then scared. However, the old man smiled at him friendly.

"One question for you young man. What is your purpose for coming here? Will you attack us?"

"No. I come in peace. My friend needs help and I'm looking for information to save her"

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"So you came peacefully?" the grandfather asked again.

"Correct. I promise no one will get hurt while I'm here."

The old man smiled again then gave a signal with his eyes to the whole family. They swiftly and quickly covered all the windows and doors of the house.

The place was dark instantly. Only some candles that were lit inside the house brightened the darkroom.

"I already know that one of you will come to me. Welcome to our humble home, the Elementalist knight of the Bolt."

Hokuto was surprised the old man recognized him right away. It looked like he entered the house of someone who was not an ordinary villager.

"Who are you?" Hokuto couldn't help but be wary of this old man.

"You don't need to be vigilant like that. As you can see, we are just ordinary civilians and it is impossible for us to win against you."

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"For me, the person who immediately recognizes the identity of an Elementalist knight is not an ordinary person."

The old man smiled casually as if he didn't care about Hokuto's hostility. Slowly yet steadily, the dark clouds came into sight and some lightning could be heard.

The old man asked his granddaughter for the stone that glowed in golden light.

"When I was young I created this stone. This stone can detect the presence of an Elementalist knight. If it glows in red light, then the red knight is nearby. While this stone glow in gold which shows the color of yours. That's why I can immediately find out who you are."

Hokuto examined the stone in wonder. Who is this old man that could make this otherwordly stone?

"Who are you?"

The old man stood up from his chair assisted by his children making Hokuto's attitude even more vigilant.

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"My name is Finnick. I am the former colorless knight. I was once known as a Knight of the Oracle."


Knight of the Oracle? Did it mean the old man could see the future? The most important part was the old man was former the colorless knight!

Hokuto immediately gets rid of his hostility and bowed to pay respect to the old man.

"Forgive my attitude earlier. I had no idea."

"It's okay young man. So what can I do for you?"

"To tell you the truth..."

Hokuto told what happened to Kazuto with his inamorata. He also told him at this time Hokuto along with other knights went around looking for a way to save the poor girl. They didn't have much time as Nike's energy barely survive at this moment.

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"Is the red knight also with you?"

"Yes, she is."

Finnick flashed a genuine smile. "When I still have the power of a knight, I could know everything that will happen in detail. When I wanted an answer to the future, I will have a dream in my sleep. What appears in my dreams will come true.

Even now, I don't have the power of a knight, yet sometimes I still dream of what will happen. Unfortunately, it is very random and unclear, nevertheless, I still have the ability to see the future."

"So that was the reason you knew one of a knight will come at the same time you don't know which one or his purpose."

Finnick nodded his head. "As for your friend's situation, I don't know If I could help. As far as I know, all weak inamorata wouldn't survive a week after she received the symbol. Please, stay overnight. Perhaps tonight I will dream about it. But I have one condition."

"What is it? I'll try my best to fulfill it."

Finnick smiled again despite he said it with a serious tone. "I hope you keep our meeting a secret. I want to live in peace with my family as ordinary civilians."

Hokuto immediately agreed and stayed overnight there.

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