"Is it true?" Hokuto asked when Scarlet contacted him through foni stone.

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Scarlet explained to him what kind of deets Shin Ha found in his hometown.

"Yes. Right now, Shin Ha goes around to find out the name of the island and its whereabouts. I hope we find it soon. So, Hokuto you should go back and help Shin Ha. No, you must come here this instant. I don't know what to do to comfort and calm Kazuto. I need you here."

"I'll be back tomorrow using my teleport. How is the girl? Has she regained consciousness?"

"She has regained and looked cheerful as usual. It's just that, we could sense the instability energy flowing inside her. I don't know if it's good or bad news, but Richard suspects nothing of her condition."

"You didn't tell him?"

"If you're in my shoes, could you tell him?"

"..." Hokuto sighed with a dejected heart. "Sooner or later he will find out soon."

"That's why we have to find a way to help Niken before he finds out. I have advised Niken to not use her water elemental for the next two weeks. Or else, no one knows what will happen to her. Aside from that, she would be fine for now."

"What about the lesson?"

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"I already asked permission to the higher-ups. Niken will be excused from practical work. For now, Niken is safe. I hope Shin Ha finds the Great Time Master soon. I also want to meet him." Scarlet uttered the last sentence very quietly more for herself.

"Why do you want to meet him too?"


"Earlier you said you also wanted to meet with the Time Master."

"..." There was no sound from across there for a few seconds. "Ah, maybe you heard it wrong. Alright Hokuto, good night. I hope you can come back quickly."

Hokuto looked at his foni stone with a frown. Why did he feel Scarlet hiding something from him? No... not only from him. For some reason, his guts told him Scarlet was hiding something from everyone.

What is Scarlet hiding? And why she looked restless since the other two lady knights join them?


The next morning, Hokuto waited patiently in front of the courtyard. Afterward, he felt something pulled his robe.

"Sir golden knight, grandfather wants to talk to you."

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Hokuto just smiled at the little girl and together they walked inside the hut. After closing the door tightly, Hokuto sat beside Finnick.

"Yesterday I dreamed. Even though I can't tell you in detail, I have good news for you. Your friend's inamorata will be safe. She will not die anytime soon."

"Really?" there was a tone of relief and happiness in Hokuto's voice.

"Yes. However, the girl will face a tough decision. If she uses her power, there's a chance she will die."

What does it mean? Hokuto asked himself. Niken was only a water Elementalist, right? Why the girl could die if she used her power? This was very confusing.

"In that case, she just doesn't need to use her water elemental, right?"

"Not that one. But the real power that girl has."


Finnick gave a comforting smile seeing a frown expression on Hokuto.

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"For now the girl would be fine. Let them handle this by themselves as it will involve them. You just need to tell your friend, the girl would be fine."

Hokuto did not look satisfied hearing that explanation. But finally, he let it go and prepared to return to Bieger.

Hokuto bid farewell to Finnick and his family who were still staring at him unfriendly. Except for the child, only the child welcomed him merrily.

"Will you come here again?" the girl asked.

"Hm... I don't want to involve everyone here in danger. So it better if I don't come again."

"Why would we be in danger if you come here again?"

Hokuto glanced at Finnick's who stood not far from them with a smile.

Hokuto patted the girl's head lightly and rubbed gently.

"Be big and strong. Protect your family with all your strength. Maybe then I'll come here again to see you mature."

The girl smiled cheerfully. "Promise?" the girl raised her pinky finger towards Hokuto while the other four fingers closed.

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Hokuto hooked his pinky finger to the girls.

"Promise." And they both smiled together.

"What is your name?"

"My name is Tasya."

Hokuto and Tasya were waving hands at each other when she felt her grandfather standing right behind her. "Are we going to meet him again?"

"Maybe. At that time, I am no longer in this world."

"Grandfather, please don't talk like that."

Finnick chuckled gently at his sullen granddaughter. "Don't worry, you will meet him again."

"Really? I'm looking forward to it."

Finnick shook his head hearing his granddaughter's excited voice.

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