As Niels suspected, Lionel was sitting in a tree, staring at the dark sky with a blank stare. Ever since he saw that dazzling light, he knew the time to live peacefully was over. He had to go.

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Sooner or later, his partner will come to see him. Then they must leave this place to fulfill their promise to the girl.

"Princess Xiao Yue. Why do you have to wake up at a time like this? Can't you wake up in a few years?" he mumbled to himself.

He knew it was a ridiculous wish. He would be a bad guy if he hoped Princess Xiao Yue would never awaken. He knew that yet his mind had wished for it. He hoped Princess Xiao Yue never awaken.

'Lionel, how low you are now.' insulted himself.

He used to be one of the strongest Elementalists and had joined into a secret elite army. But since that fateful day, he left the force and met his partner and that little 'girl.'

Lionel closed his eyes to enjoy the wind that blows around him.

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It was quiet, calm, and also cold. At this time, the atmosphere was very suitable to his mood. But at the same time, he missed his beloved one. Florence.

When he first met Flo, he fell in love with her at that very minute. Her eyes were shining brightly in his boring life. Her smile was like a warm morning sun. Her voice was so melodious as if a musician played his zither that calms his wretched soul.

He knew that the girl was his eternal love. He felt Flo was the breath of his life. But sadly, they were not meant to be together. He couldn't claim her… that was the most painful reality.


The man opened his eyes to see his beloved one under the tree, watching him with sparkle brown eyes.

"Flo?" Lionel immediately jumped and landed perfectly in front of Florence, making her heart flutter. The man looked cool and handsome when did the jump, "Are you looking for me?"

Florence shook her head quickly to remove the red blush from her cheek even though it seemed her attempt failed.

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"Hm ... I'm just worried about you. You are more silent than usual since the appearance of the light earlier."

Lionel smiled. "Really? I have no idea. I'm sorry to make you worry."

"Is there something you are thinking about?"

"..." without answering that question, Lionel stared straight into her eyes lovingly, making Florence's face as red as a tomato. "Want to accompany me for a walk?" invited Lionel suddenly. "It was a perfect night. We could see the stars tonight." He continued while looking up at the sky.

Florence looked up at the sky and gasped in admiration. "You are right. They are beautiful."

Lionel smiled at the fascinated expression of the girl. In the end, they both walked to the open field.

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They laid in the middle of the field to enjoy the night stars above them.

"I've never seen such a beautiful view in my entire life."

Florence was somewhat surprised to hear this. Lionel never told about his childhood or his hometown. The man never said anything about his family. This was the first time - the first time the man tell her something about himself.

"Where is your hometown? What does it look like?"

"Much different from here. In my place, there was full of sand and drought. There are no plants and no water. We only rely on traders who pass by and buy our daily food needs. Some of us chose to stay for life while others didn't like the place and moved to another area. Therefore most of us moved here alongside the flora elementalists. It seems we are mutually beneficial in this regard.

Flora Elementalist needs their plants to grow in fine and fertile soils that we could provide them. And we need food from their plants. We can all live together until now because of that."

And because of the relationship, he could meet his only love. He continued in his heart.

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Florence smiled at that. "You are right. Too bad, my family and I are just ordinary citizens. Although we come from flora elemental descendants, we have absolutely no elemental energy."

"At least you can still live happily with your family."

Lionel and Florence looked at each other and smiled.

"You're right once again. That's why I'm always grateful for my life."

Both of them were watching the dark sky filled full of stars with contend heart. The atmosphere around them was lovely and romantic. The weather was cold, yet her heart was warm.

Perhaps this time, she could say it. She could say what she had to say.

"Lionel, I'm ready to let you go if you want to leave."

The next moment, the romantic feelings vanished in that instance, with the fading of Lionel's blissful smile.

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