Lionel straightened his back and sat with one knee bent. He looked straight to Flo's eye with a frown face.

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"What are you talking about?" Lionel asked, making Florence got up and sat in front of the man.

"I wish I know. But I'm sure about one thing. You are one of those called an Elementalist Knight, am I right? "

"..." there was no answer from Lionel. "How did you know?" he was sure he hid his power well so no one would be suspicious of his true identity. He even made sure his hair back to normal as his hair would stay orange-color even though he stored his equipment into his astral dimension.

"At first, I didn't know. But one day I've seen you hold a big, long staff, and your hair changed into orange color. I didn't want to believe it and try to forget it. But seeing you who is not aging at all and sometimes unconsciously expend energy around your body with orange-colored smoke whenever the bandits attack our settlement area, I can't help but have to admit that you are an orange Elementalist knight - Knight of the Desert." Florence forced her smile while trying not to cry. "Right?"

Lionel felt sad as he raised a hand to embrace the girl but undo his intention. That girl was not his to embrace. He really liked that girl. She was his inamorata yet, he couldn't claim her.

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Florence was a non-Elementalist as she could not cultivate her elemental energy. If he forced himself to put his symbol on Florence, he would lose the girl forever.

Lionel sighed heavily and tormented. "I... I'm sorry."

"You don't need to apologize." Florence was unable to say another word. If she spoke again, she would not be able to stop herself from crying.

In the end, they both sat quietly, staring straight ahead, hoping that time would stop right then and there. They both wanted to stay like that for a long time before they finally break up.

The night was very late, and the wind began to feel cold. Lionel was trying to keep smiling, invited Florence to return home. He did not want the girl to fall ill.

They walked in hands, in silence, while enjoying the night breeze. They would savor this moment of togetherness and imprinted it to their heart. Until they reached the house, they saw someone who was waiting for them.

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The man had emerald green hair with yellowish eyes. One look and Flo knew the instance. This man must be a friend of Lionel.

"Long time no see." greeted that person to Lionel.

Florence glanced at Lionel to ask if Lionel knew the man. But her voice couldn't come out when she saw the sorrowful expression on the man's face. Now she understood. It looked like their breakup time was faster than they thought.


How could this happen? Previously they all could joke and be happy together. Mischa prefers her aunt, who is angry at scolding her father and Lionel for acting childish rather than seeing her father's anger that no one can stop.

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Mischa seeing her aunt defending Lionel and explaining something about the Elementalist Knight made his father's body stiffen. Then she saw his father's fist with a terrible facial expression that she had never seen.

Is that person really his father? Her father, who was gentle and succumbed to Aunt Florence, pretended to be angry at Lionel and often joked with him? Where was his father whom she had known all this time?

'Please, don't fight!' The little girl shouted in her heart, making everyone there looked at her. Unknown to her, she just shouted out loud with her sobbing voice. When she realized all eyes were on her, she hid behind the closet again.

"Niels, please stop. You're scaring your daughter. " granny Sisca said sadly.

"Brother, please." pleaded Florence in tearful eyes.

Letting go of the man she loved was already hard for her. If her brother insisted on Lionel to stay by force, she couldn't hold on to her resistance and would force the man to stay with her.

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But she wouldn't. She couldn't do it, to be exact. She knew as an Elementalist knight; the man couldn't settle in one place. She is already grateful to the man as he stayed with them for over ten years.

She wouldn't ask for more. To be precise, she was afraid to request more. She was nothing. She was a non-Elementalist and couldn't be with the man.

Why had she born as non-Elementalist? Why did she fell in love with an Elementalist knight?

Unknown to her, Lionel was thinking the same thing.

Why the legacy equipment chose him to become an Elementalist knight? He wished he was just an ordinary earth Elementalist.

"Alright. Just go then and don't ever think to come back here. I can't stand seeing your face anymore." growled Niels as he entered his room with long and quick steps.

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