
Chapter 10

e break of dawn the following day, I distributed the supplies that I had gathered to the Knights

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I still had plenty of jeweled flowers that I could exchange for cash. When necessary, I could sell it for gold along the way to purchase any necessities I would require.


Along with the supplies, I also handed over the remaining gold that I have yet to use to Felix who seemed to be financially capable. As if they were moved by my ‘generosity,’ the Knights started to tear up as I wished every one of them luck.


Although they planned to stay in the mountain for now, they would still have to come down eventually to scout the premises.

There was also no guarantee that they wouldn’t be caught.


Knowing this, Isana was rather gloomy.


“Please do not worry about us.

As I said yesterday, there is no detailed description about us in the wanted notice

Since Elqueeness-nim provided us plentiful amounts of supply and money, there should be no problem in journeying to the capital.”


“Your number is not small, will you be alright? Felix, how much money do you have?”

Isana who still felt anxious hurriedly questioned Felix who took the role as the budget manager.


In response, Felix gave a casual but reassuring smile and took out a sizeable pouch.


“After purchasing clothes, supplies, horses, and weapons, we still have over 300 gold pieces left.

With this, even if we run into every obstacle imaginable along the way to Hereeka (Soltere Empire’s Capital), we should still have plenty of money left.”

“Is that so? Then that’s a relief. By the way, your water supp..”


“There’s no need to worry about that either. With this amount of money, we could even buy water for bathing.”


“Oh is that so…. Wait… what?”


While I was nodding along their conversation, something odd caught my ears.


Just, just now, what did you say? You’re going to buy water?


‘It’s not like this is modern Korea where the water supply is undrinkable since it is heavily polluted. Why would you need to buy water? Did they mean they’ll buy containers to store the water?’


However Felix meant what he said.

The Knights had previously the prepared water for their journey.

Noticing my confused expression, Aleck gave me a relaxed explanation.


“After the 10 year calamity, water has become rare. In the present, water can only be bought by the bottle.

The profits made from this goes to the city lord who uses it to supposedly fund the creation of a ‘solution’ to the calamity.



“H…Hold on… By now, nature should have recovered. Despite that, you guys are still buying and selling water?”


It would be understandable to use water as a merchandise during the calamity. However that very calamity has already ended.

Furthermore, the Four Spirit Kings have labored for the past few months to return the world back into equilibrium so Arkadon’s nature should have completely recovered by now.


But despite that, their world seems to have maintained the status quo… What is going on here?


Seeing me ask in a flustered tone, Felix bitterly replied.


“It’s the fault of a few nobles who desire to fill their treasury.

The powerless citizens have no choice but to abide their demands. The water that they are selling is extremely expensive…

A single bucket of water costs 5 silver.


(An average farmer makes 10 silver pieces a day) Because of the discrepancy in salary and the cost of living, people often collect rain water and try to use that to last till the next rainfall.”


Unbelievable. Just what is this Empire’s Emperor doin…. Oh wait, he’s right in front of me.


It was truly astonishing.

Even if there was a large difference between the citizens and nobles, selling water that they obviously did not make to the people in order to make a profit feels like a scam.


Not wanting to believe this, the Knights and I came down to inspect the circumstances of the village.

What we saw were numerous guards stationed by the well collecting money from the people who in return received a single pail of water.

Felix sneakily added in a few more lines.

“Not long after Elqueeness-nim was summoned, we discovered a small lake in the mountains.

It may have been made during the storms that have occurred previously. So far, no other people have noticed its existence. It’s quite lucky for us.”


I was not in the listening mood. A woman who was carried a toddler on her back clung onto the legs of the guards and begged.


“My lord. Please help us.

How can a widowed woman raising a child obtain 5 silver?

Please be merciful and let us have some water. A single mouthful is fine.

It’s already been five days without water. Even if it’s just for this child, please…”


Her golden hair has faded in color due to malnutrition and her soot covered clothes was that of a beggar’s.

The infant who was wrapped in a cloth at her waist coughed repeatedly and looked like it could die any second.

As the woman grasped onto the trousers of the guard with her thin hands, the guard made an expression as if he had stepped on crap and planted a kick aimed at the woman’s stomach.






“God damn it. Where did this beggar wench come from? You should pay attention to who you’re talking to.

How dare you touch me who is a Knight. Are you mocking me? Huh?

If you don’t want to die with that brat of yours then screw off! There’s no water here to give to some piece of garbage like you!”


Clench. I tightly balled up my hands into a fist. However I was not in a circumstance where I could make a scene so I forcefully stopped my trembling shoulders and repressed the burning rage that built up inside.


From the impact of the kick, the woman wheezed and coughed blood.

Having no energy to even cry, the infant child could only make out a small groan.


Panicked upon seeing this, the woman ignored the pain and once again clung onto the guard’s leg.


“Please please please!! My LORD! Please show mercy just this one time! Please, my child has done no wrong so please!! Please My lord!!!”


“This wench, you still haven’t learned!?”

With eyes that seemed to shoot daggers, he prepared for another kick. Even though she knew what was going to happen, the woman relentlessly begged.

Unable to watch this any longer, I came in between the two.


“Hold it that’s enough!!”


“What arrogant wench… Huk.. Who.. who are you?”


At first, the guard glared at me with a rugged look and sent a barrage of insults.

But seeing the face that was beneath the hood,

He quickly turned pale and examined me with cautious eyes.

Unlike regular commoners, I had milky white skin and a delicate figure.

He probably suspected that I was the son (TLN: Daughter) of a noble family

It wasn’t an awful misunderstanding.

Especially in cases like this. I haughtily raised my chin and replied in an overbearing tone.


“Isn’t your treatment of a woman who has an child too barbaric?

Is it fine to kill a person just for a single pail of water? Do you think your actions are suitable to a person who is a knight?”


I learned back in Earth that a Knight is a protector of the weak. I tried to criticize his faults so that he would have some understanding of his crimes.


But the moment he heard my words, he looked at me with eyes of an adult gazing at child. Shaking his head, he replied slyly.


“Hmph, it seems that you read some fiction regarding knights but,

To think you would believe such things, you really are gullible.

Before you hurt that pretty face of yours, you should run back.  A lady as beautiful as you shouldn’t protect that beggar.”





Bea…Beautiful???  (TLN: Here we go again.)


That’s no different in calling me a woman right???


As I took another unexpected blow, my thoughts immediately scattered.

Seeing me trembling while being unable to say a word, the guard looked at me curiously.

I don’t know what he was thinking but he rubbed his hands while trying to look polite.

“Hehe. To think that such a high-class person as yourself to come here alone without any guards, are you unaware how dangerous the streets are?
If you tell me your address I shall escort you.”




Do you want to die!! I wanted to shout at his ugly mug of a face.

But with unbelievable timing, Felix intervened so I could only hold myself back.


He grasped my hand that was itching to pitch a ball of water at extreme velocities and faced the guard.


“My my, to say that there are no attendants. My lady is not emotional to act on her own.”


Although he was not a noble by birth, he had the unique skills of a Summoner so he grew up by Isana’s side ever since he was young. There he learned the mannerism and attitude of a noble

In other words, every inch of him was elegant so he looked like a noble or someone who served a noble.

Seeing such a confident smile, the guard could only swallow his complaint and looked at me with a grin.

“So you had a party with you. I’ve heard that there have been numerous sights of mountain bands around here so you should hurry back.

Please don’t worry about the beggar wench, I’ll  take care of her so that she will never take another step on this land ever again.”


“There’s no need for you to do that. We’ll deal with the woman with our own ways. I apologize for causing you trouble.”



Once again with unbelievable timing, he gave me no chance to pent my rage.

Before he could protest, Felix bid farewell and helped the injured woman up. The guard could only watch bitterly.


As if feeling that something was regretful, the guard cast gazes at me as if he wanted something.

Ignoring his looks, Felix and I moved to an isolated location far away from the well.


Afterwards… Confirming that there was no living being around, I began to vent my bottled up rage.




“ACKKKKK! Shameless buffoon! Who are you calling a lady!!”


Unable to control my anger, I lashed out at the ground with my fist and created a 1 meter radius crater.

And from that very crater sprouted out fresh spring water.


The woman who was holding her stomach while grimacing in pain from the blows stopped and stared.
Her eyes seemed to be bulging out in disbelief.

It was the same for Felix. Not knowing whether to laugh or cry, he could only stare with a shocked expression at the spring water that was instantly created.


Because he was conscientious of the woman’s eyes, he couldn’t openly admire my work and tried to make up an explanation for the water that seemed to have sprouted out of thin air.


“Hoh…. Although I heard that Elq… Ahem… -nim’s strength was the greatest,  I didn’t know you could do something like this. Did you penetrate the water veins underground?

Well that’s convenient. You said you were thirsty right? Would you like to drink this?”


“Ar…Are you serious? My Lord?”


“Of course. This kind of luck does not happen every day so please help yourself and the child.”


“Thank you, Thank you my lord!”


She gave a hurried response and rushed towards the spring water. She spooned the water with her hands as if she was trying to grab it and gulped it down.


Seeing her drinking with tears streaming down, I felt rather bitter.


With a sigh I walked up to the woman.


“Slow down. At that rate you’ll get stomach problems. If you rush the intake of water it won’t be good for you body.”


“Gulp gulp. Khp. Eum…. Oop Gulp”


But even whilst nodding to show understanding, she did not slow down the intake of water.

I cannot imagine the thirst that she was suffering from.


After a while when she finally sated her thirst, she grabbed the child on her back and hurriedly tried to make him drink.

But the child seemed to have even less energy than the mother.

When the mother spooned cups of water to the child’s lips, the child did not seem to have the strength to even swallow so the water just spilled out from his mouth.


With signs of minor convulsions, the toddler looked as if it could die any moment. When she saw that the child could not drink,


The woman panicked and tried to convince the child through words.

“Ray. Drink some of this. It’s water. My Ray, you wanted to drink it right?

It’s water, here…Water. There’s so much of it. Please… my baby, just drink one mouthful…sob… baby..”


The child did not seem any older than five. Although any child of his age should be chubby and lively to the point of annoyance, his body was terribly gaunt and was made of only skin and bones.


Although Isana and the rest were also not in a good condition, it wasn’t as bad as this child.


But this was to be expected for someone who had lacked water to drink for five days.


Although I wasn’t sure of what the cause was, I suddenly felt nauseated instead. I took the child from the mother and put him in my arms.


In response, the frightened woman tried to fight back and take the child by force.


But what she saw next made her entire body lose strength from shock.






As a blinding light engulfed the half-dead child, he began to feel strength as if life itself was pouring inside of him.

I had activated Elqueeness’s innate divine skill of healing.

.Not only could it save people with severe external and internal injuries from the brink of death,

Elqueeness’s skill could also help recover stamina and life force by implanting nature energy to the weak and frail child.


Seeing that the complexion of the child had turned healthy, the woman could only stare in disbelief.

Because she remained on the spot immobile, I had to feed the child the water.


Unlike a few minutes ago, the toddler seemed much healthier and greedily gulped down whatever I gave him.

Seeing that her child was once again healthy, the woman was so emotionally hit that she knelt down and began to cry.


Her expression of gratitude did not seem to ask who I was and just what I did. She was just thankful.

At least that is what I initially had thought

Thinking that she hadn’t noticed, I sighed inwardly in relief. But in that very instant, I froze from the following words.


“Ahhhhh… To think that I would meet El-Wee-En’s priest. I am truly thankful. Lord Priest, thank you, thank you.

I will never forget this favor till the day I die….”



El-Wee-En’s priest?


Because I did not expect to hear El-Wee-En’s names in a place like this, I could only make a flustered expression.

I could understand the fact that she would think of me as a priest since I had healing powers… But why did she mention El-Wee-En?


El-Wee-En has absolutely no relation to this and is currently the God of Punishment.


It was Felix who once again soothed my confusion.

“Hmmm Certainly… El-Wee-En’s priest  travels around the globe and heals those who are in need in the oddest locations..

Priests who serve the temples generally do not heal others for free so that’s probably the source of the misunderstanding

Furthermore.. Elqueeness-nim showed rather absurd amount of power just now…”


“What are you trying to say Felix?”


“Oops did you overhear? So as I was saying… El-Wee-En’s priests make pilgrimages across the nation as a healer sometimes.

Furthermore the power of El-Wee-En’s priests is extremely strong so they are able to cure even the most severe of illnesses.

That’s probably why this woman misunderstood.”


As Felix whispered in a voice that was inaudible to others, I made a difficult expression.


I had never expected that El-Wee-En who seemed to do nothing but bring forth punishment could have priests that had healing powers… How ironic.



“Although he is the God of Punishment, he is not someone who does not have any sympathy.

By promoting virtue, evil is suppressed.

To follow this ideology, his priests work without pay to heal the sickly.

However their numbers are so small that I have only heard of them. It seems that this woman is also knowledgeable about them.”


“Is… Is that so…”


Seeing the woman who was still kneeling and saying prayers of thanks,

It was hard to tell her that I was not El-Wee-En’s priest so I just gave her a simple smile.


With that, the woman completely saw me as El-We-En’s priest,

Her gratitude seemed to have been further renewed and reinforced. She now started to bow to me and made a request that made me rather helpless.


“Please tell me your name Lord Priest. This child will definitely repay your mercy.

Please tell us your name so that this child could come find you to repay the favor.”


“M..My name? So… that’s….. umm..”


I did not expect such a outcome so I could only let out a few stuttered words.


Even Felix did not seem to have a solution so he stared at me with a troubled expression.

I wasn’t in a position to tell her my real name. Even if I were to make up a name on the spot, it would be a problem if the child really did come and search for. It was quite worrisome.


Seeing the woman’s determined face, I was certain that her child in the future could do much more in the future then just search for me in order to repay the favor.


I was not even registered as El-Wee-en’s priest so the child might roam the entire world to search for me.

Because of that, I was placed in a difficult position.


“Yes, I m El-Wee-En’s priest. I have left the temple as a wanderer to  roam the world. Even I am not sure when I’ll be back.

As El-Wee-En’s priest, it is my duty to help those that are in trouble, please do not worry about repaying any kind of favors.”


“No, I cannot do that! You saved my child who was at his death bed. You are our savior.

So please tell me your name to let us repay this favor.”


Facing such sincere words, all my excuses died away.

Her expression seemed to threaten that she will commit suicide if I did not tell her my name.


After standing there silently and pondering what to do, I realized I had no other way out.


“If that’s the case then I too have no choice. My friends call me El. I am someone who abandoned his residence and is a wanderer.

If you’re child wishes to see me, come find the Emperor of Soltere.”


“Hu… Huh? The Imperial Emperor??”




For the first time, the woman actually seemed frightened. Seeing this, Felix seemed to have his own thoughts.

He took off his necklace and fastened it onto the neck of the child.


He gave bright smile to the woman who seemed to be suspicious and gave a sincere explanation.


“When you come looking for us, show the Knights this necklace. Then they will escort the child to the Emperor.

The person before you is a high ranking individual among God El-Wee-En’s priests and is currently the Soltere Empire’s Emperor, Isana Lance Solt’s closest aids.”


“ !! ”


“If you are frightened then there is no need to come find us.  It is fine to sell that necklace to make money for a living.”


Holding onto the possession of the Traitor Emperor’s closest aid is the same thing as having one foot in the grave.

Felix was trying to scare the woman into giving up and was implying that he would not blame her.


But in the next instant, her face hardened and gazed at Felix with an adamant expression.


“We were people who were fated to die. I will definitely repay this favor. It is an honor for this humble wench to meet such dignified people as yourselves.”


“You are braver and more honorable than a hundred Knights.

El-nim will definitely remember you for your courage and dignity

I pray that your child will safely be able to find us.”


Hey Hey. Aren’t you overestimating me? This child still has several years ahead of him before he can find me… How am I supposed to remember him!


Although I was flustered inside, I couldn’t disrupt the atmosphere by refusing.

As she saw me give an awkward expression, the woman seemed deeply moved and started to shout.


“I am grateful that you have given us a chance to repay the favor my lord. This child’s name is called Ray.

As a commoner he does not have a family name his father was a powerful mercenary during his lifetime so he should become capable as an adult.

Whether you decide to keep him as your slave or sell him, please do as you wish.

The child will happily follow your request.”


…Ugh. It looks like it’ll be a real problem if I don’t remember him.


With a sigh, I secretly implanted my aura within the necklace around the child’s neck.

The next time we meet, I hoped that I could recognize him through that necklace.

ards, the woman expressed her sincere gratitude before returning after Felix supplied her with money and water.


Seeing her background grow faint as the distance grew, I worriedly turned around to face Felix

“Isn’t this dangerous? Even though I as the instigator am at fault for this commotion, what if she talks?


“The risk isn’t as serious as you might suspect. Her kind of people holds strongly to their beliefs more than anything. They won’t so easily be tempted to betray their benefactors for tangible rewards. Even if she does turn us over, who would believe her?

When I told her that Elqueeness-nim was a High-Priest serving under the Emperor, it wasn’t just to make up an identity for you. It is simply illogical for someone of that level of rank to belong on the Emperor’s side who is currently being pursued by the entire Empire as a traitor.

If she tells the guards what I told her, adding on to her sickly appearance, they’ll name her a fraud and chase her off.


“I see”


While I acted without a plan, Felix seemed to have already thought through every possibility.

Felix’s superior mental abilities make him more suitable to the position of the Spirit King than I.


Although I felt rather embarrassed when I compared myself to Felix, I also felt relieved.

With his wit and caution, I felt confident that he will be able pull through when we separate.


Seeing his trustworthy expression, I spark of curiosity hit me.


“Now that I think about it Felix, do you have no intention to contract a Spirit of Water? Rather than purchasing your drinking supply at villages and increasing your chances of being captured, it should be safer if you had a Water Spirit to provide it for you.

“What? Make a contract with a Spirit of Water? Hmm… This… I am already contracted to Spirits of the Wind so it won’t be possible for me to contract Spirits of the Water.


“It may be a problem to contract Water Spirits while you are a Fire Summoner, but Wind and Water coexist in harmony and neutrality. As long as your affinity for the element is adequate and you have the mana supply to fuel the summoning, it should be possible.

As a Wind Summoner, you are contracted to Wind Spirits. Although the power of your Spirits is low, the fact that you were able to summon during the sanction proves your skill as a Summoner. With that kind of natural talent, you should be able to simultaneously control Spirits of two elements.”


“H…Huh? Are you telling the truth?”


Most Summoners, regardless of their level usually contracted one of the four elements.

Controlling two Spirit Elements was like learning swordplay and magic at the same time.


However there are exceptions to everything.

As long as the nature of the Elements does not conflict, a person is able to control multiple elements as long as their affinity for them is sufficient.
Adding onto Felix’s unusual amount of power, once I the Spirit King of Water is added into the equation, summoning even the highest class of Spirits is possible.


With my help, Un-Dee-Nae and even Sea-Cue-El could be summoned.

Hearing my words, Felix’s face instantly became filled with excitement. It was as if he had gained everything he had desired in the world.


“If I could do that then I would love to. Just like how Magicians aim to train in the Higher Circles of Magic, Contractors like me aim to summon the Superior Grade Spirits.”


“Then would you like to try it? Succeeding here will pave the way for you to contract Intermediate level Spirits of the Wind.

However, you won’t be able to summon Superior Grade Wind Spirits since the burden on your body will be too great.”


“It does not matter! Please I beg you Elqueeness-nim!”


Breathing heavily, he could not seem to contain his excitement as his eyes glinted with powerful brilliance.


Seeing this, I smiled awkwardly. Behaving like this out in the open will certainly draw attention so I teleported with Felix to the same very place that I was summoned by Isana.


After I had Felix whose eyes were literally shining sit next to the lake, I closed my eyes and prepared my mind for a spell.

As I diffused my aura  into the molecules of water, I made him memorize the Summoning Incantation for the Superior Grade Spirit Sea-Cue-El


At first, he seemed to have a hard time withstanding my ice-cold aura, but as time went by, his complexion improved and with both accuracy and precision, he chanted the incantation.


[At Nature’s Genesis

The One To Receive my Mana

The One Who Reigns Over the Vast and Boundless Seas


Hear My Call

Answer My Wishes as I Summon Thee]




Perhaps it was because of my aid or because of Felix’s unbelievable talent, the Summoning went faster than I had expected.


The moment the last words left his lips, Aura swirled around violently as if it was storm.

In the very eye of the hurricane, a single form emerged.

With the rapid consumption of Mana, Felix turned pale but his eyes seemed glued as if he was in a trance.


With a powerful and sleek body, a captivating and proud mane which reeked the very essence of arrogance, the storm condensed into the form of a wolf.


Unable to believe his own very eyes, Felix seemed as if he could have a hard attack at any second.


However Sea-Cue-El paid him no mind and without so much a glance, he lowered his head and paid his respects to me who was his master.


-Honorable Ruler of Water, I greet you. I who govern the seas, Sea-Cue-El is honored to be in your presence.


Although his shape, aura, and voice were identical, he was not the same Sea-Cue-El as the one that I usually carried around.


But he was still one of the Spirits I had created so I could not hide my joy and greeted him with a smile.


Unlike the talkative Naiads and the bashful Un-Dee-Naes, Sea-Cue-El seemed rather taciturn and radiated power.

After paying his respects, he glanced coldly at the human that had summoned him.


-Are you the one who had summoned me?


“Y…Yes I am Lord Spirit!”


-INSOLENT, How dare you talk like that in front of my King!

As my contractor, you are obligated to serve him as your liege

Do not talk with honorifics; we are both servants of the great King.

I have already examined you and have determined that you are more than worthy to have summoned me. Will you make a contract?


“O…Of Course Lord Sp.. I mean Sea-Cue-El. My name is ‘Felix D’ Hammer.’ I consent to the contract of the Superior Grade Spirit…”


-Very well, the contract has been completed. Felix, as my contractor I will abide your wishes and carry out your intentions. That I vow as the being that you have summoned.




With a brief answer, Sea-Cue-El turned around like a Nine-Tailed Fox and collapsed into a stream of water that smashed into Felix.

As the water enveloped Felix, a Mark of Water emerged on his forehead next to the already existing Mark of Wind. These marks were proof that identified him as a contractor.



With a dazed expression, he wiped off the water with his sleeves while looking as if he was dreaming.

“D…. Did I really make a contract with Sea-Cue-El just now Elqueeness-nim??”


“Hmph, if you can’t believe it yourself, why don’t you try calling him?”


“Huh? Ah yes you’re right! Uh….. Sea-Cue El?”


-Did you call?


The usual intellect that Felix showed seemed to have disappeared without a trace as he backtracked clumsily from the shock.


It was truly wasteful to have seen this amusing event by myself. Although I was enjoying myself considerably, I also felt worried. It is dangerous for a human to repeatedly summon a powerful Spirit such as Sea-Cue-El. He should have hit the rock bottom in terms of mana supply by now.

And as expected, the mana consumption from the contract seemed to have drained him completely and his face was milk white with a hint of blue.


Concerned, I ordered Sea-Cue-El to cut off the link and chanted a healing spell.

“For now you should practice summoning Un-Dee-Naes and Naiads so that you could get comfortable with the burden.


“I… I just can’t believe it. I…. I became a Superior Level Summoner whose number can be counted on two hands… This is all thanks to you Elqueeness-nim.”


Voice trembling with uncontrollable emotions, Felix’s eyes was glistening with drops of tears.

He had originally been introduced to the palace because of his talent as a summoner.

However, as someone who could only control the Lower-Grade Spirits adding onto his past as a commoner, he had lived much of his early life facing scorn and looks of disdain by his fellow palace counterparts.

The reason why he was chosen to serve Isana despite the fact that majority of the palace residents looked upon him with mockery was because Archduke Yura had deemed him worthless. He had sent him to Isana because he saw that it was a chance to turn the young Emperor into a laughingstock.

Although Isana valued him and enjoyed interacting with the Sylphs he had summoned,

Felix lived his everyday life filled with frustration and feelings of powerlessness due to the fact that he had no method to aid his lord.

He often tortured himself with feelings of inferiority and had even felt sorry for the Slyphs that the person who they were contracted to was so useless.


As if he was in front of a holy father, he remained there kneeling while he confessed his feelings and thoughts.

Unlike the usual Felix I knew, the one before me at this moment seemed as frail as the glass of a fine wine cup.

I gently petted his head as an adult would do to a child.


“? E..Elqueeness-nim?”


“The need for strength, the need for ability, and the need to be needed. Those emotions are not limited to the human race alone. No matter the person, race, or Spirit, the desire for greater power is universal for all living beings. Especially if there is an existence that you desire to protect.

Your Sylphs will also understand. There is no need to live in torment any longer.”


“B… But.”

“The only thing you need to do is acknowledge them as your friend.

See them not as subordinates to order but as friends who live by your side. Knowing the personality of the Sylphs, I am sure that they will empathize with you.

After all, you’re not the kind of person who excludes the weak, are you?”


“O… Of not, I would never do that!”


Bewildered, he replied with a strong rebuttal. Seeing that he had finally returned to his usual active self, I smiled and nodded my head.


“Haha, yes. Then that’s fine. Rather than keeping Lower-Grade Spirits for combat, it is more meaningful to keep them by your side as emotional support.

Although these Spirits are numerous and their powers are not great, they are the closest beings there is to nature itself.”




The power and authority a Superior Contractor can obtain in any country transcends imagination.

But once a person reaches that peak, people will regard that person only as an object of fear and admiration. Those who truly wish to be his friend will cease to exist.


That is why I believe that it is harder to find better company than the intimacy of the Lower-Grade Spirits.


Despite the common misconceptions, the abilities of a Lower-Grade Spirit is nothing to laugh at.

Felix probably has only used them for reconnaissance so he seemed to be unaware of the battle potential of his Spirits.


The blades of a Sylph contain enough force and sharpness to slice down thick branches of trees.

Because they are so often looked down upon, spirits like the Sylphs often could not express their thoughts or emotion to their contractors.

Without cooperation, a Summoner could only use his own abilities and his precision of control to manipulate the power of the Spirits.

If Summoners would act together with the mutual aid of the Spirits, they would find that the amount of potential that they could draw out would far surpass their abilities in the past.


I refrained myself from telling this to Felix because I did not wish him to suffer from regret.

With a shrug of my shoulders, I calmly examined Felix who was brimming with happiness.


Now Isana has gained another reliable member in his party.

With Felix added in, the plan of reclaiming the palace will occur more smoothly.


When I had relayed the events of the village to Isana after our return, I was answered by a look of shock.

Although he knew that water was being treated as merchandise,

He had little idea of the level of exploitation that the commoners were living under.


At this moment, Isana was seething with pure and unfathomable rage.

He shouted angrily that he could not tolerate this abuse and was determined to execute the guards for their crimes. Seeing this, the Knights felt cold sweat all of their bodies.
Isana was the kind of person who lost reason along with his temper.


Unable to restrain Isana, the people who were fervently trying to ease his anger looked at me with eyes pleading for help. I was after all the only person here who was his equal or perhaps even his superior.


“That’s enough. You’ll end up being discovered like that

This is a problem you can deal with when you become the Emperor. If you can’t fix that obstinacy, the ones who will suffer the most are the people around you.”

“How can I sit still while being aware of such inhuman acts? During the time it takes for me to reclaim the Throne how many more people will die of thirst? Are you telling me to be indifferent while god knows how many people die?”


“You have no power to save them. Perhaps you could save tens or maybe hundreds but it’s not just those hundreds that are suffering. You cannot save them all with only your power.

Don’t think of anything reckless and stay still. And also, do you see me as a spare? Do I look that worthless to you?

Just cool your head and think for a while!”




I feel like these humans seem to be forgetting to often that there was a Spirit King right in front of them.

I thought that while solving this problem, I might as well open their eyes to reality.


The solution that I had thought of was….





“Huk… I… It’s rain!!”


“How is that possible, there was not a single cloud in the skys… El… Elqueeness-nim?”


Now do you understand you fools!


All I needed was a few rain clouds. That was enough to soak the entire area.

However the agitated humans did not seem to understand the source of the sudden downpour and stared at each other stupidly as if they were hoping that the answer would be written on their faces.

However one of the few intelligent life forms in this room, Felix seemed to have finally understood.


“I see! If Elqueeness-nim calls the rain than there is no need for the people to purchase the water.

To think that there was such a simple solution, I did not even think about such a method.”


Finally understanding, the other Knights showed expressions of shock.

Isana looked like he had been hit by thunder.


Don’t tell me you had no idea right? I’m sure you are aware of….


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“I had no idea such a thing was possible. Although I know you are a Spirit King…. It is truly marvelous.”




As if embarrassed, his face turned read and talked as if he was making excuses.

To summarize his words, he was clueless. With a smirk, I scattered the rain clouds.


Under the watchful eyes of the people, I began to explain the plan I had laid out.


“The water that I as the Spirit King of Water can reign over is endless. Every molecule of water, the vast seas and boundless oceans are like the fingers and limbs of my very body. Calling rain to the entire continent is nothing difficult.

From now on, I will bring down rain once every three days from 12:00-13:00 to the entire Soltere Empire.

So Aleck, please spread the rumor of this plan. Make sure that every citizen has the potential to receive this news.”


“W… Will you really do that?”

“It doesn’t matter. If anyone asks, just say that God has answered someone’s wishes. There is no need to worry about that.”


Nature, regardless of the dimension or world, was the territory of the Spirit Kings. No matter what I did, my actions would become Nature itself and there would be no repercussions.


Furthermore, no matter what I did, the Gods would never complain.


“If rain falls once every three days, than the quantity would need to be enough so that the people can last three days.

But with that amount of water, wouldn’t the villages flood?”


“I could have the Naiads take care of that. If I need to, I could ask the Spirit King of Earth to drain the water into the earth.”


Of course, I would honestly rather not bother Tromwell.

But with my answer, the Knights seemed to have also found their own confidence while Felix looked like he was slyly planning something.


“Then would it be fine for us to control the details of the information that we are planning to spread?”



“…? Do as you wish. But remember that you need to make sure that all people can have access to it immedeatly.

Since you control Spirits of Wind, spreading the information should be enough faster.”


“Yes I understand Elqueeness-nim…Hehehe…”


Just what is he thinking that would make him wear such a sinister smile?


This is Dellphit, I’ve been busy with Thanksgiving and Finals but I am now back on track. I’ll try to make up for all the chapters I neglected and here’s the first chapter of the week!


Although I should have placed restrictions on the liberties regarding the rumor, I had already given Felix approval to move freely. I could do nothing but regret since the river had been crossed.

After saying our adieus to the Knights, I hiked down the mountains with Isana who carried a small satchel containing necessary supplies.

The time that I had promised was drawing near so  I created some rain gear for Isana so that he could have some protection for the soon to come storm. Once I finished the preparations, I channeled my energy and spread thick clouds throughout the entire continent.




Soon, a storm so powerful that blinded our sight came smashing down.

Seeing that everything has gone according to what I had envisioned, I smiled with satisfaction. However, because I was focusing on the environment, I neglected Isana.

It was only now after I had confirmed my success that I had noticed his bitter expression

“Isana, what’s wrong? Don’t be sad about separating from your Knights. They are capable of fending for themselves so trust their promise when they swore that they would welcome you back at the capital with a fanfare.”



“That’s not it…”

“Then what is it? Are you planning to meet your cousin with those half-dead eyes? How will you procure his help if he doesn’t feel any confidence in you? Cheer up, everything will be fine.”


“Forgive me Elqueness.”


“Forgive you for what?”



Seeing my confused eyes, Isana seemed to be more embarrassed as his skin turned crimson from the shame.

“I fall too short on my duties as Emperor. I wasn’t even aware of your abilities unlike Felix.

I even boasted that I would not need your help yet…. Here I am, having you solve all my problems. How can I keep my place as Emperor when I can’t even keep my promises? Whenever I look back, the only word I can use to describe myself is ‘Pathetic.’”



“Cut that crap! Felix is just quicker with his mind. Most of the Knights didn’t catch onto my plan either.

Furthermore, you can’t call something like this as help.

Just think about it as having a friend that’s skilled in a particular area.”


“That’s….. How can I dare to consider a Spirit King who exist on the same realm as the Gods my friend?”


This brat….

If that’s what you think than don’t talk to me like I’m your friend! If you hold me in the same esteem as deities, at least use some honorifics.

Aren’t you being rather hypocritical?


Although I felt irritation when I heard his words, I could not bring myself to become angry.


“So is that what you think. From the day I met you and even till now, I have always thought of you as a friend. I hadn’t realize that the feeling was only one-sided, truly disappointing.”




“Well, I’m probably just some extra luggage that your carrying around like your satchel. It’s inevitable if that’s what you believe.”


“That’s absolutely false Elqueeness! How can I consider you as luggage? There’s no way that can be true! The person who is useless is me and you’re the one who is truly capable! To me, you are not extra baggage!”


With a baffled expression, he shouted in protest. Seeing him, I almost could not control my laughter

Cute kid (TLN: This is not anything romantic)


When I was still Kan-Hee-Hoon, I had a friend in my class named Park Hyo Sun

He often invited male students and set up a blind date with some girls… Most of the time

His motive was purely for his own amusement as he often set up guys with guys and laughed from the side line while watching their perplexed expression.

This in return had earned him much resentment from the school and he was ultimately ostracized.

However, he honestly did not care.

Regardless of the perverted nature of his pranks, many of the male students often looked forward in being invited to his dates.

The reason was that the people he had chosen were all considered handsome so being chosen is basically proof of your aesthetic figure.
One of my lifelong regrets and pains was that I was never invited.

Well, now it’s all in the past.


Swallowing back my amusement, I gazed into his eyes.


“So you consider me as a friend than correct?”



“Absolutely! Elqueeness, as long as you’re fine with it I would love to be your friend!!”


“Hmm then it’s simple. Since our feelings are now mutual F r i e n d, don’t hesitate to ask me for help.”


“That’s…. All right.”


It seems that he has not yet fully accepted it as I sensed a hint of unwillingness in his voice.

I felt rather bad since I had taken advantage of his immaturity and oppressed him into this.

Well, that’s fine too.


Fortunately, Isana’s once bitter expression seemed to have loosened up

It seemed that his hesitation to acknowledge me as his friend has gone down.

With a tranquil expression, I gazed at the storm, eyeing the droplets of liquid that came down fiercely and was slamming onto the ground.

Suddenly, my peaceful thoughts was interrupted when I thought back to Felix’s last words to me before we had left.


He definitely said that he wanted to have free reign over the contents of the rumor. Why do I keep having this ominous feeling? What is that guy plotting?

I would have preferred it if he had kept my identity hidden but thinking about their characters, there is no way that they would even consider my preferences.

Feeling powerless, I could do nothing but despair and hope for the best.


The ‘rumor’ that Felix mentioned took its form as a maelstrom when it finally hit us one week later in a small village along the path to Marquis Ka-Well


“Have you heard the rumors? The ones regarding the storm that’s been coming down every three days. The rumors claim that the cause of it is the Emperor pleading to the Gods!”


“Yeah! I’ve heard that too. Crying tears as he watched the sufferings of his people, he prayed in hope of some relief! That vicious regent Archduke Yura framed him!

He is the son of the Sagacious Emperor! How can Isana-nim possibly sell out his country? I refuse to believe that is true!”



“Although people aren’t saying anything, most people probably know already. How can they not? The Information Guild’s Master personally approved the authenticity of this rumor.”


“Even while facing that cruel oppression, to think that he still was thinking about his people…. I cannot imagine the mercy in his heart!

I am truly ashamed of myself who had scoffed at him at his coronation because of his age…. I’m so embarrassed I can’t walk the streets with my head held up!”


In a small table in the corner, grown men were successfully downing consecutive classes of wine. This was normal in a tavern such as this but after hearing the topic of their conversation, our faces turned ashen white.

I had never expected that Felix would sell the information to the Information Guilds.


Although they had no military might, these Guilds were among the most powerful forces existing in this world because they were so scattered across the continent and was relied on by other influential organizations. I had to admit that selling the information to the Guilds was a masterstroke and wanted to applaud them.

But when I thought about the profits that they would be swimming in and the 300 gold pieces I had given them which was probably collecting dust in someone’s pockets, I could only gnash my teeth and repress my fury.


It seemed that Felix has converted from the Soltere Empire’s Dark God and abandoned the Empire’s national religion.

What was truly laughable was that the God that Isana prayed to was none other than El-Wee-En


But despite my beliefs, the people responded extremely favorably to the news.


“The Priests of El-Wee-En’s Temple has long since aided the poor with a merciful heart.

As the one leading these Priests, how could the God El-Wee-En with all that mercy and kindness, possibly ignore the pitiable pleas of the Emperor.”


“That’s right! I too one received treatment from El-Wee-En’s priests for free!

These kinds of people who are free from impurities are rare in today’s world.”


…….. Wait. Wait a moment, hold your horses!

Merciful? Kind? That guy??? You’re all being fooled, this is a scam!


Since when did El-Wee-En look after poor but virtuous people with mercy and generosity?

It is a relief that my hood covered my face or my distorted expression would have drawn unwanted attention.


Hearing the conversation around the tavern and seeing my hardening complexion, Isana who was just a second ago enjoying his meal, became anxious and whispered closely to my ear.


“Fortunately it doesn’t seem like Aleck has been captured.

They should be able to reach to capital at this rate right? To have approached the Information Guilds… that was too risky… They’re really daring.”


Although their personal information was not detailed in the wanted list, there is no way that an organization such as the Information Guild wouldn’t discover their Aleck’s identity.


But I didn’t congratulate them. Rather than feeling happiness from their success, I only felt disdain. I already knew what method Felix and Aleck used to shut the mouth of the Guild Master.


‘They definitely sold me out. Spirit King Elqueeness’s first summoner in history- Isana. They sold our information to shut their mouths!’

The continent’s first Elqueeness’s Contracter.


The information was something that the information guild would hold a fanfare and receive with open arms while kicking all other minor problems under the carpet.


Felix had contracted with the Superior Grade spirit-Sea-Cue-El with my help. With that alone, Felix would be considered a first degree customer and would be able to take such risky moves.


Furthermore, if Isana did happen to re-obtain the throne, than the rewards the Information Guild would receive would be tempting.

Taking all of this into consideration, there is no reason for them to ignore Felix


I finally understood the reckless enthusiasm of the Knights when I was summoned. It was as if they had caught a phoenix with bare hands!


“What’s wrong El? You look displeased.”


“No, it’s nothing. But it looks like the rumor has spread quite far.

It may have already reached the ears of my cousin. The negotiation might be easier now.”


“Yes… But what will we do now? To reach him, we have to go through two checkpoints… We don’t have a pass or any kind of identification…”


“Don’t worry. If the situation calls for it, we could fly or swim through the waterway.”


With my confident answer, Isana’s eyes that was filled with worry showed relief and refocused.



The restaurant we were dining in was an inn located in the corner of a village. It was also the plainest and the shabbiest place we could find.


Although we could sell a jeweled flower and go to any High-Class-Hotels, it wasn’t ideal to draw any unwanted attention.


The people who were relaxing in the inn were mostly middle aged men dressed as farmers or mercenaries who were drinking without a care of other people’s eyes.


In a place like this, youths like us would stand out but our faces were completely covered with hoods and our voices were kept at whisper.


Then suddenly, the Inn owner’s daughter who was prided as the Jewel of the Inn made her rounds. However she was busy serving other customers so we were mostly ignored.

“Whistle~~ Amy. You’ve gotten prettier! If that brat Mike were to see you he would shed tears of joy!”


“Hahaha~ That poor guy. How many years has he been chasing after her. Isn’t it time for you to accept him?”


With an annoyed expression, a brown haired girl who was carrying trays of food answered with a glare.


Her age seemed to be around 16. With a cute face that was slightly decorated with small freckles, she seemed to give off a lively and comely feel.

Although it wasn’t milky white, her skin was tan and healthy

Slender frame and well balanced body structure. She was someone who gave off that charisma that could turn heads.


As if flustered, she moved aggressively to the man who shouted out. In an irritated voice, she bitingly rebutted his words.


“Are you asking me to accept someone like Mike? Even if he came in a dozen I would still refuse!

I have my own hopes and dreams you know!”


“Kukuku. Here you go again. Quit it Amy. Are you expecting some young master from a noble family to take away a commoner wench like you?

Just go to Mike while he’s willing to chase you to death.”


“What child dreams of a Prince on a White Horse in this time period? Mike should be more than satisfactory for you.”


“What? I’ve been to lax with you uncles…”


“Khahaha~! Alcohol tastes great today! Hey owner! Another glass of beer!”

It seemed like this level of verbal warfare is not something that has happened once or twice. Seeing reaction of the customers, they seemed to have completely adopted to this sort of commotion


On the other hand, the young girl named Amy wasn’t able to contain her anger and beated her chest. But what’s the use?

Taking a joke as a joke is a skill in life that requires certain amount of wisdom.

Eyeing them sheepishly, Isana seemed quite curious about something.


“By the way El… What does beer taste like? That’s also alcohol right?”


“Yes you’re right. Why? Do you want a try?”


“N..No, it’s not that. I was just wondering. Felix said in that past beer was absolutely delicious.”


Since he didn’t have the courage to express his desires, he idly tried to change the topic.

Seeing his face filled with embarrassment, I had an urge to laugh.


Mercenaries that were seated near us seemed to have heard our conversation. With laughter filled with valor, they raised their glasses and shouted loudly.


“Hey, are you a geek that has yet to taste alcohol? If you don’t know this taste than you’re not an adult!”


“Hahaha. He probably just came of age. Do you want to try? The taste is fantastic!”


These people, are they trying to give alcohol to a meek minor?


Before Isana could succumb to pressure, I shook my head in refusal.


“It’s fine. This guy is weak to alcohol. I’m grateful for your offer.”


“Ho~ What’s this? Has his guardian angel made an appearance? Don’t be like that, why don’t you try it like a big boy? Tolerance is something that grows as you drink.”

“Definitely! Someone who can’t drink alcohol can’t be called a man. Haha!”


What kind of groundless bull crap are they sprouting out from those empty heads?


Although their words were without malice, I was unable to find the right words to make a comeback. Then suddenly, a savior appeared.


It was the young lady who was engaging in a verbal battle against a few mercenaries. Now she switched her target.


“That’s enough Uncle Jack. You can’t coerce someone who’s weak to alcohol like that. That’s assault!


“Hey Amy~ Are you taking out your anger on us? This isn’t coercion, its advice!


“Hahaha~ Our Amy seems to be in a terrible mood! You should be more thoughtful about your health.”


At his words, all the men who were sitting at his table burst out into laughter.


For a small worn-out tavern, there was a surprisingly large amount of people. The people here looked to be regulars who frequented this place.

Thankfully, the eyes that were aimed at us scattered. With that, I was able to release my breath in relief.


“I don’t know about your drinking capacity but you should try not to drink alcohol right now if you can.

We don’t want any accidents that’ll delay our plans.”


“I’m sorry. I seemed to have a needless problem.”


With a apologetic expression, he nodded in agreement and concentrated once again on his meal.

But at this moment, a guy who seemed to be rather curious approached. Isana was once again forced to halt his hand.


“Hey you, you guys seem new here? Are you in a middle of a journey?”


Because our faces were hidden beneath hoods, we should have seemed rather unpleasant however, he did not seem to care and enthusiastically stated his question.

I nodded yes in response.


Majority of the inhabitants of this tavern were in their 40’s. However, this guy seemed to be in the middle 20s. Compared to the rest, he carried a much youthful appearance.


With short black hair that was made in a haggard style, he wore brown leather jackets to match his dark skin. His rough appearance accompanied by hard muscles and scars made me think that he was no virgin to violence.

Despite his rather uncomely appearance, his face seemed gentle and gave off an amiable feeling.


“You’re right. The two of us are on a journey right now.”



“Hehhh~ How Brave. If you go further out of this zone you’ll frequently come across monsters. Will the two of you be okay? How far are you going?”


I hesitated to respond to his question.

However even if I told him about our destination it shouldn’t cause any problems in the future. So I answered in a care free tone.


“We are going to the Kalmore. We’re supposed to meet a cousin there.”

“Huj? Kalmore? That’s where the Archduke’s Knights are besieging.

The inspection there is extremely complex. Without solid identification or clear purpose, you’ll be kicked out without question. Your cousin lives in that fief?”


“To be more specific, our cousin isn’t from there either. We’ve just decided to meet there.

If what you said about Kalmore is true than the situation has become troublesome…”


The fact that Isana’s uncle, Archduke Yura would send his knights to Kalmore was something that Aleck had already anticipated.

Seeing me who feigned surprise to a fact that I already knew about without batting an eye, Isana seemed thoroughly impressed and stared as if I was a rare animal.

He probably never imagined that a Spirit King would be some proficient with lies


“Since the two of you are travelling alone, than you must have some proficiency in the Sword Arts. How about you temporary join a mercenary group?

There are mercenaries heading to Kalmore as well. Hey, you’re going there right?”


The target of his question was a blonde man who was solemnly drinking alcohol by himself.

His overall figure was good enough to be mistaken as a young master of some rich family.

But unlike his delicate frame, his gaze contained a certain light that was sharp enough to pierce through a person’s heart.


His estimated age was also in his mid 20s.

With an annoyed expression, he glared at our direction and continued you with his drink after a short answer.


“I don’t accept rookies.”


“Huh? What’s with your attitude? Isn’t there situation pitiful?

How many monsters are there on the way to Kalmore? Do you think that those two alone could handle all that?

Hosane, I didn’t see you like that but your heart is cold as your eyes!”


“Shut up. As you say the monsters on the path are countless. How could I bring two rookies who are clueless about everything with me?

Don’t think through things so easily just because it’s not your responsibility!”

Their manner of speech clued me in that these two were acquaintances.


I did not want their relationship to become sour so I raised my hand as a gesture that it is alright before things could become violent.


“I’m grateful for your thoughts. Don’t worry about us; we could take care of ourselves.”


“Huh? But even if that’s the case…”


“It’s fine, isn’t that right Rai?


Rai was an alias that I invented a few seconds ago.

Despite being bewildered about the name that was randomly assigned, Isana noticed my intention and nodded in agreement.


But… Despite my original goal, I seemed to have made them even more nervous.


“For cautions sake… You… what’s your age.”


“Huh? Ah Rai is 16, I’m 17.”


“God Damn It! This is why nothing ever goes right when you get involved Harol!!!”


“Hahaha. It’s fine than. Hey you guys, Hosane is weak against children.

Now he can’t ignore you guys since he knows your age.”
As if he was enjoying himself, Harol was laughing his head off. This wasn’t what I had envisioned…


To be honest, getting involved in any organization would be a headache for us.


For Isana, he had to be careful not to be discovered and I was a Spirit King so I had to hold back from displaying my abilities.


This was a disastrous headache…


“However our opponents seemed to be determined to take us. Putting down the glass he was drinking from, he got up and walked towards our table.


“My name is Hosane. I am the leader of the Champagne Mercenaries. I believe you said you were going to Kalmore.

Our request designated us to go to Kalmore and we have been entrusted as a guard escort. I have to introduce you to your future comrades so follow me.”


“What? No… It’s al-“


“I hate it when people drag things out the most. Just stay silent and follow.”


“ …….. ”


If I knew this would happen I would have lied about our age.


With a dismayed expression, I followed his lead.


Isana also seemed helpless and he seemed to have given up on finding a method of escape. He sighed and decided to go with the flow.


Furthermore Hosane took it to himself to pay for our meals so I felt obligated to do what he suggested.


“Hey, if you have a chance come visit! It was good to see you guys~~”


As if he had done something praise worthy, Harold smiled ear to ear and waved.


Although this was done purely out of good will, I could feel nothing but resentment.

If he had not shown such needless interest things would have gone differently!


While grinding my teeth in anger, I hurriedly left the restaurant with Isana.

Hosane who was waiting for us to come out silently took the lead and walked on ahead.


“Out group has 7 people. 5 men and two women. But don’t pry into things too much. Although they’re girls their skills are just as good as any men so don’t take them lightly.


As long as you guys don’t cause trouble we will treat you well.”


“We’re grateful for your kindness but we really ar-“


“You guys are lucky.

The Champagne Mercenaries are on the upper levels in the Mercenary Guild. We could be considered elites.

There shouldn’t be anything life threatening events along the way.”


“ …….. ”


He wasn’t listening.


There was no point in starting a conversation since he was treating us as 16, 17 year old teens right from the start.


After passing the crowded markets and countless people, we finally arrived at an inn called ‘Spring Trees Shelter’

It was most likely a designated place for mercenaries to gather.

After informing us that his comrades were residing there, he told us to wait outside and went in alone.


In the meantime, Isana and I engaged in a fierce debate about whether we escape.


“What should we do?  Should we just make a run for it?”


“But what if we meet along the way? These people are also going to Kalmore.”


“This is driving me crazy. I’m sorry Isana, this is my mistake.”


“Nonsense, this was unavoidable.”


At this time, Hosane brought his men so we ceased our conversation.


Despite the blazing sun centered in the sky, they clearly were woken up recently as they came out scratching their tangled hair while chatting nosily.


“Yawwnn~ Boss, who did you bring?

Why would you wake a sleeping person? We still have time before we leave. Huh? I feel rather hungry. What time is it? Hey Ialea?”

“Am I your watch? Don’t ask me for the time every time you’re clueless.”


“Ah. Two of you, are you about to fight again? It’s just past lunch time Harol.”

“Heh, what would I do without you Matthew!”

Looking emotionally moved, the muscle man put the youth who told him the time in tight embrace. Seeing this, Harol received further scolding from the frowning woman.


“Stop hugging Matthew like that you beast! Don’t think that I don’t know your deep desires! Matthew! Come here. If you stay near that pervert you’ll be eaten alive.”




“What? Ialea! How am I pervert~?”

Looking wronged, he attempted to draw pity but only received a chilling gaze and a powerful round house kick in response.


With a crunch, muscle man went flying from the woman’s kick. But what really caught my attention was not the flying slab of meat but the youth named Matthew.


That dark-brown skin that seemed smoother than glass.

That straight black hair that seemed more luxurious than any fine silk .

That golden eyes radiated warm light that could make anyone who met his gaze blush.


His bodily frame was so slender that it was difficult to see if he was a young man or a young woman at a glance.

If it were not for the garment that revealed most of his upper body, he would definitely receive pick up lines from interested men.

It wasn’t strange that Harol would be labeled as a pervert when he embraced the youth named Matthew in such a manner.

One thing was sure however.

I already knew of someone else who could give me the same kind of feeling I am getting from him.

Along with his sexy appearance that would receive jealousy of both male and female, his golden eyes that seemed so composed and confident seemed to be able to see right through me… Perhaps….


“….Trom-Well??” (TLN: Spirit King of Earth)

I was unable to contain my voice from shock but I noticed that Matthew had a visible reaction to that name.


Seemingly surprised, he mysteriously smiled.

Is he really Trom-Well??


The mercenaries who were absorbed in their own conversation and were ignoring us finally realized that they were not alone as they followed Matthew’s gaze and eyed me with looks of curiosity.


“Huh? Who are these kids Boss?”


“I just explained. They will be joining us in this expedition.


“Huh? These kids? Ah I see, you guys are also going to Kalmore Marqdom right?

And this vulgar fellow must have dragged you to come with them? Heh I don’t need to know the full story. It’s not like this is the first time where Boss showed weakness to kids.”


“You bastard Matey!”

Red in the face, Hosane glared fiercely but this was something that they had grown accustomed to so no one even flinched.

Rather than being intimidated, Matey seemed to be encouraged and continued his assault.


“What it’s true! Don’t be like that cause you know I’m not lying.”


“Kkkk. It’s not like this is the first or second time. Just get used to it hahaha.”


“You… son of a…!!!”


“By the way, what are their names? Age?


Before Hosane could erupt from anger, a light soothing voice filled the air.


While Matthew looked at us with those golden eyes filled with anticipation, Hosane realized that he had gotten to excited and cleared his throat.

The others seemed to be deeply inspired by Matthew’s ability to change topics.


“As expected of Matthew! Why don’t we change who’s boss?”


“Ha~ I’ve seen this numerous times but you’re really skilled at calming people down Matthew!”


Receiving a light whistle as an encore, Matthew retained his usual bright smile and stared directly at me.


At this point, Hosane had no choice but to hurry with the introductions despite being dissatisfied.

“Ahem, these guys will be accompanying us in the mission to reach Kalmore Marqdom. The names are…”


“I am Is… no Rai. Age is 16, please take care of me.”


“…17. Call me El.”


Matthew’s eyes shined even brighter.

With a melodious laughter, he ignored the dumfounded looks of his fellow comrades and pulled me in a warm embrace.


“El~! It’s been such a long a time! Have you been well? You have no idea how much I worried about you!”

“ ….!! ”

‘So it is Trom-Well!’

I was unable to respond due to the suddenness of his action.

While I was astonished at the sudden turn of events, I received looks of even greater astonishment.

“Do you guys know each other? My Lord and Savior. It’s the first time I’ve seen him laugh like that.”


“Wh..What? What kind of relationship do you guys have? Do I have a rival now?”


“Ho~ The veil covering Matthew’s identity is finally being revealed! Who could have imagined he would run into a familiar face in this deserted area.”


The most astonished person here was however, Isana. Knowing that I was a Spirit King, the fact that Matthew knew of me meant that he was also of the same rank.


Shooting him an apologetic look, I whispered silently to Trom-Well.


“What’s going on? Why are you here? What’s with this Matthew?”



“I’m in the middle of my vacation. Although I knew that you were summoned I didn’t think that you would also be summoned here.

Looks like Arkadon is truly small. Hehe. Ah and Matthew is the alias I use as my vacation name… That guy over there… must be your Contractor?”


Isana unconsciously flinched from Trom-Well’s sexy gaze.


“Hmm. So you guys know each other. This is unexpected. Why don’t we talk inside? Hm? By the way Iale, where’s your partner? I instructed you guys to come without fail.”


“Are you talking about Sherry? She went out early in the morning. The Eagle Mercenaries are nearby.

Looks like the rumors of her having a lover there is true.”


Iale was a young woman in her early 20s. With violet hair that flowed to her waist and skin that shone brightly under the sun. Adding in her slender frame, she was definitely a beauty.


At her words, the fiery red haired man named Matey moaned in despair.


“This can’t be true! Sherry has a lover!! God screw it all!!!”


“Hahaha, jump over trees that you can jump over. Why would Sherry be interested in someone like you?”
“Harol, a pervert like you have no right to say that.”


Harol was the fellow with short brown hair and the height that suprassed 180cm.


“Huk! Iale! Why are you doing this to me?


Seeing him give the usual pitiful eyes but still being ignored, excluding Hosane, the entire tavern burst into laughter.

The inn they were residing at was split into two sections, one for dining and the other half for residence areas

Lunch time had already passed so the empty restaurant emitted a sense of tranquility. As if being considerate of me who had met a friend after a long time of separation, Hosane and the other mercenaries did not ask too many questions and left us alone.


Sending his thanks with a glance, Trom-Well eyed Isana as if sizing him up.

Seeing this, Isana flinched as his entire body stiffened without being able to utter a single word of protest.


“To think that I would mean the first human to ever summon Spirit King of Water-Elqueeness here in this barren area, I would have never imagined. Greetings. I am Spirit King of Earth-Trom-Well.


Should I be honored to meet ‘Isana Lance Solte,’ the rightful young Emperor of Soltere?”

‘”!!! H… How?”

Isana was probably wondering how he knew despite when neither he nor Elqueeness had disclosed any information.

To calm Isana who was shocked senseless, I answered his question in a tranquil voice.

“Trom-Well can read the hearts of humans and Spirits. Don’t over think it Isana.”

“I… I understand. Nice to meet you. It is an honor to be in your presence Spirit King of Earth..”


“Hahaha. The Spirit King of Earth having the appearance of a youth must be going against your prior expectations. Well, a major weakness of humans is that they judge books by the cover far too often.

But thankfully, my vacation will become more pleasant.”


… Isana must have thought of Trom-Well as a kid in his mind.

As if caught red handed, his face was flushed red. Flustered, he seemed clueless on how to respond. Seeing him, all I could do was make a wry smile.


Stopping Trom-Well from peering inside your heart is not something that can be accomplished by readiness alone.

There is no way to easily control your inner thoughts as you please.

Isana will probably suffer quite a bit in the future to adapt to Trom-Well


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In the past, I too was shocked when Trom-Well revealed my inner thoughts with a smile. But as a fellow Spirit King, I still had much greater resistance to Trom-Well’s mind reading.

A human like Isana would be completely exposed. For Trom-Well, Isana’s heart is identical to a library where he could freely browse whatever he desired.


Feeling bad, I sent a silent prayer for the hardships that Isana would soon face.


“By the way Trom-Well, what about your Contractor?”


“Ha? My contractor isn’t here. He’s a Black Dragon but after the contract he rarely ever comes to visit or needs my aid. So I have a good deal of time in my hand which I’m spending for my own amusement.”


“So that’s the case.”



“Oh yeah! Have you been raising those storms every three days?


I couldn’t find you in the Spirit World so I used drained the excess water underground.

If I were to leave it as it was than this world would have flooded by now.”


Oops. Now that I think about it I forgot to ask Trom-Well for cooperation.

No wonder everything went without a hitch even though I have never vaporized the water.


Feeling sorry, I gave a short apology to Trom-Well.


“My bad. I forgot to ask for your aid. It’s become rather cumbersome for me…”


“Don’t mention it. It’s not like we’re strangers. But thanks to you the lives of these people have gotten much easier.

Don’t worry about me and do what you need to do.

You’ll be doing this until Emperor Isana reclaims the throne correct?”


Seeing how his was already aware of my plans, he must have already skimmed through majority of the events in Isana’s heart.


I nodded in agreement


“Yeah. If it goes according to my plans, the whole process will take around a month. If there are any changes in events, it may take longer. You see my Contractor is extremely stubborn. He refuses to accept my help even though I want to give it to him.”


“Hey El~!”


“Hahaha. That’s quite unique for a human. Once in the past, one of my human contractor was the greediest person I’ve ever met.

No matter what I gave him he always wanted more.

I honest wanted to just trash the contract and leave. Your luck is pretty good El.”


With a laugh, I heartedly agreed. My arms seemed to swing automatically as I enjoyed the pleasant mood.

But at that moment, Trom-Well’s eyes made a perfect circle as he eyed Isana.


“El was never a human from the start, Contractor. Don’t be mistaken just because you can freely talk to him. If you see him as your kind it’ll make things difficult in the future.”



“Ah… Yes..”

“What are you talking about?”


With a red face, Isana was unable to race his head from shame.

Seeing my questioning look, Trom-Well lightly answered.


“He just came into realization that you are not a human. All I did was correct him.”



“Is that so? That’s probably because I don’t know self restraint. Don’t worry about it Isana, it’s alright.”




Seeing my indifferent attitude, Isana seemed to become even smaller as he sheepishly nodded a reply.


Perhaps because he thought that he hurt my pride, he avoided my eye as he broke whatever fantasy he had in his head.


One thing however, that has been bothering me was that Trom-Well’s attitude towards Isana was rather cold.

Although he retained his usual smile,

His eyes as he gazed at Isana did not show a favorable impression.


I felt uncomfortable that Trom-Well who greeted everyone so warmly and gently would treat someone like that.


In my own deep thoughts, I called Trom-Well alone without Isana to a secluded region in the Inn.


There I carefully asked,

“What’s with you Trom-Well? Are you in a bad mood?”


“Hm? What are you talking about all of a sudden.”


“Well, it might just be a false intuition but I noticed that you were giving Isana the cold shoulder.”


“Oh that? Haha. So it was something like that. It’s nothing important El. It’s not just Isana, I treat all humans like that.”




He treats all humans in that manner? Seeing that I was surprised, Trom-Well shrugged and gave an explanation.

“How should I say this…. What about a sense of hierarchy? Although I try not to show it, as a Spirit King I cannot treat humans equally on the same level. Ifrit and Minerva are of the same opinion.”


“I… I see.”

“To be honest I hoped that you wouldn’t be summoned into a human realm, at least for some while.

You still lack self-awareness as a Spirit King but that’ll come with time. So until you clarified your own identity, it would have been best for you to be away from any form of human contact.

Especially since humans have a strong sense of empathy, it wouldn’t be good if you were exposed to such things. ‘Sigh.’ Well now that you’re here, it’s already too late.

Anyways congratulations on your first summon El.

I didn’t expect that you who is the hardest to summon would be dragged here by a human.

I’m guessing that special factors must have played a role.”
“Special factors?”


I could understand perfectly what Trom-Well was implying

To be frank, Isana is lacking in numerous aspects. His elemental affinity with me isn’t good and his Mana supply isn’t sufficient.

Even if he spent day and night training, the best he would be able to summon would be some low level Naiads.

He simply had no talent so it is strange how someone like him succeeded in forming a contract with me.



Even if Trom-Well hadn’t told me, I too had guessed that there must’ve been an external factor that played a role.


“My hypothesis is that after you were born, your aura in this world became abundant and since the other Spirit Kings were withholding their powers, it surpassed the quantity of other elements. This was necessary since we needed your power to restore nature back to its proper course.

But that dispelled the equilibrium so your excess aura must be removed by compressing it in a single location where it is dissolved after a short while. The location that Isana conducted the summoning must be the same area where your aura was compressed. With that power helping him, he would have been able to successfully summon you.

He is an extremely lucky individual.”


ut is El-Wee-En aware that you’re here? He’ll be disappointed when he visits the Spirit World only to find that you’re gone.”

“Hm? Ah it’s fine. Ifrit made a huge mess not too long ago. He’ll be stuck in the God Realm for a solid amount of time. Ifrit went berserk in El-Wee-En’s office and destroyed all the files recording the life of the residents of his world. He should have his hands full recovering those documents.”


Hell, he may be cursing Ifrit while shedding tears.

Restoring the damaged documents alone will take at least 10 years and updating the files to present time will take another 10 years. I doubt I’ll see a single strand of his hair for at least 20 years.


It would be a different case if I was capable of dimension level teleportation. If that was possible than I could drop by a few times to visit.

Unless El-Wee-En himself came, it would be impossible for me to see him


Trom-Well seemed to feel a little regretful after seeing my bitter expression.


“That’s too bad. The person who would be the happiest to learn about your summon would be El-Wee-En. Sorry, I asked something unnecessary.

“No, it’s alright. By the way… Trom-Well, I was really surprised to hear that you became a mercenary, how did that happen?”


At first glance, Trom-Well looked even younger than me so it is suspicious that he was able to join a mercenary group so easily.


Trom-Well explained simply. While he was on vacation, he suddenly had an urge to try becoming a mercenary.

At that time, several units were recruiting and the Champagne Mercenaries was one of them.

Walking up to the group he lifted a boulder the size of a house which stupefied the people arguing that kids could not join.


Knowing of Hosane’s weakness against children, Trom-Well was able to manipulate him to join without a hitch.


“Ah…. Was that really necessary?”


“Humans are weak against the unexpected. Once you bewilder them, you can use the time when they are senseless to gain an upper hand. I didn’t join through the Guild since that is too chaotic.”


To become a mercenary, a person could join through a guild where you receive a Rank Pass based on the results of your individual test. Another method is to join an existing mercenary group.

Trom-Well is grouped with the latter.


If a person were to become a mercenary through the Guild, the organization would team the person with a group based on your abilities and without your individal consent. Even if the assigned group had zero compatibility with another, they would still be stuck together.

In this sense, it is better to join an existing group that a person feels most comfortable.


However the average person feels too lazy and signs up at tahe Guild where everything is taken care of.

But Trom-Well who could read the hearts of living beings could have an easy time finding a group that is compatible with him.


“These are a fine bunch of people.”


“Right? The hearts of most mercenaries are coarse and violent but I rather like these people.

We’ll be stuck together for a while so it’ll be fun hahaha.”


“Yeah bear with me for a while hehe”


No matter how close a friend, as long as they have different goals it is impossible to stay together forever.

After we arrive at our destination, Trom-Well and I will have to go our separate ways.


The first day of our reunion ended just like that.



“Here Take this.”


Trom-Well and the rest were heading to Kalmore as a guard escort so this afternoon was spent preparing for the journey.



Isana and I had no choice but to remain another day at the inn.


The next day while we were coming down from the restaurant, Captain Hosane handed out an unsophisticated looking leather pendant.

With an axe and a sword crossed together in front of a split tree, it looked like something that could be bought anywhere.


What is this supposed to be used for?


“…….? ”


After tossing this thing out to us Hosane neglected to give an explanation. Harol however, kindly took the time to clarify.


“That’s a temporary Guild Rank Pass. You need that to pass the checkpoints so don’t lose it.”


“This is a Rank Pass?”


“It’s a temporary one. Genuine mercenaries are classified into Bronze, Silver, and Gold and the Rank Pass differs based on your status. Look at this.”

He took out a silver pendant. The design was identical to what I head but its metallic look gave off a feeling of authenticity.


Seeing that I was fascinated by the pendant, Harol seemed to be pleased and started bragging by telling stories I had no desire to hear.

The most useful information from his prattling was what jobs mercenaries usually took and how amazing their group was.

To summarize, mercenaries were split into three ranks.

Bronze was the lowest tier and consisted of the weakest.

Bronze Ranked Mercenaries took on police duties in villages such as chasing petty thieves or patrolling the perimeter.


Silver Ranked Mercenaries often served as a Noble’s escort or monster eradication force.

Hearing this, I was rather surprised that Harold was silver ranked.


And lastly, the Gold Rank. Those who had this were one of the best warriors in the continent. They often took major requests such as Dungeon conquests or took on missions from Royalty itself.

As the rank gets higher, there are less and less people which is unavoidable.

However, the Captain of the Champagne Mercenaries Hosane possessed a Gold Rank Pass.


“Seriously? Boss Hosane?”


“That’s right, Surprised? Gold Ranked Mercenaries usually act solo but Boss feels more comfortable acting in a group.

Should I tell you something else? Matthew will probably receive a Gold Rank Pass in the next few months.”


“What? Tro.. I mean, Matthew??”

Mercenaries are classified based on skill rather than age. No matter how young the person is, as long as their skill is acknowledged than it is possible to receive higher class Rank Passes.


However I would have never imagined that Matthew would go as far as obtaining status. Harol proudly spread his shoulders and said,

“Impressive right? The Guild has been watching Matthew for a long time.

Although he was never tested at a Guild, all mercenaries are documented based on performance and abilities

At earliest, after winter. Even if it came late, he should receive the Gold Rank Pass during Summer time.

With this, the Champagne Mercenaries will now have two Gold Ranks! I better start working harder!”



He seemed to imply that all members of Champagne Mercenaries were at least at the Silver Rank so they took on more difficult missions such as monster subjugation.


Although I was surprised to hear of Trom-Well’s Rank, it  would be even stranger if a youth who could lift a boulder the size of a house were to be still a bottom tiered mercenary.


I have never thought about gaining status here in Arkadon. Perhaps I should follow Trom-Well’s example.


However that was just a momentary interest. I have no time to spend on such matters.


I am not in the position to simply enjoy my vacation. As long as Isana is my contractor, I am obligated to help him. Pursuing my own self interests was not something I currently had the chance to do.


Once I join a Mercenary Guild, it will become impossible to eliminate future interference in our journey.

Furthermore, there would be variety of problems with Isana becoming a mercenary.


No matter how amazing a mercenary is, he will still be a commoner.

If this world was a Democratic State it would be a different story but Titles of Aristocracy here makes a clear difference in status. It wouldn’t be appropriate for Isana who was the Emperor to serve as a subordinate to some minor noble.

“Ha… It’s not like we could continue on like this, what should I do?”

“What is it El?”


Hearing my mumble something under my breath, Isana shot a look of curiosity while fingering his pendant.


Wait, now that I think about it, the fact that I was summoned by Isana… Does that have to be a secret?


Isana only expressed that he did not want m help. He never asked for my identity to be kept a secret.

Felix has probably already revealed my identity to the Information Guild (I am almost certain) so the rumor would soon spread over the continent.


Then there would be no point in gaining status here in this land.


Whether I want it or not, my identity as a Spirit King will soon be revealed.


Ugh! I was worried for no reason. Is this why they say your body suffers if your head is empty?


“It’s nothing… I was just thinking of something pointless..”



Seeing how I replied while making a face as if I had swallowed a bug, Isana looked even more curious.


“Pointless thoughts?”


“Ah I was thinking about whether we should gain a certain degree of status. But I don’t think it’ll be necessary.

Once the continent knows that you summoned a Spirit King, my identity will be revealed along with yours so something like Titles of Aristocracy is pointless.”


“Well I don’t think that’s a bad idea since I don’t intend on revealing my identity.”


“Yeah you’re right, that makes sen… what? You’re going to keep it a secret??”


What is this now?

Isana answered with a shrug


“I told you, I’ll gain back my throne with my own power.

If I were to use you to gain reputation than I can’t say that I am using solely my own abilities

So I already told Aleck to keep you a secret. It won’t matter if I were to reveal the truth after I gain back the throne.”


“What? Than what did Felix give the Information Guild to overlook their identities? Isn’t that dangerous?”


“Rain falling every three days is definitely unnatural.

Felix could have told them that that was because of me, pleading to the Gods. Also he’s now a Contractor of a Superior Grade Spirit.

After the 10 year calamity, the number of Summoners is now the smallest when compared to all of history. Contracters to Spirits of Water is even rarer.

That alone is appealing enough for the Information Guild to overlook some minor details.”

No matter how far the Archduke’s power has spread, it would be impossible for him to prosecute the Information Guild that has branches throughout every sector of the continent.



The Guild Master probably believed in his invincibility and was confident that there wouldn’t be any backlash by aiding Felix.


Also the news that Felix would bring him is also very appealing.

After all, a story of a rightful ruler banished by a evil regent would definitely catch the ears of the public.

And while being banished, he gained a Superior Summoner as a retainer. Something like this would be very filling to the Information Guild. Rather, it would be stranger if they ignored it.

Now I felt bad that I was cursing at Felix earlier. How embarrassing…


Just when will I gain the dignity and insight of a Spirit King?

I truly did wish to be a genuine ruler… Currently it looks like the road is still far.

Well regardless I better start thinking about our future status than.

But since I am still not accustomed to this world, it is difficult for me to come up with a proper solution.

So I decided to…


“Huh? You don’t know what status would be the best?”

The one available person I knew of that had unparallel wisdom and insight along with deep understanding of the continent was Trom-Well.


Staring blankly, he eyed Isana and then realized the problem.

“You don’t really need something like that. What’s the matter? You’ve already received a Rank Pass.”



“But it’s not like we’ll always be together.

Also it’s not like the people at Kalmore will let any stranger meet Ka-Well, a status will be necessary for that. That way they will trust us as authentic.”

“I see, you have a point.”


I could have claimed to be a Superior Summoner but that wouldn’t be possible because of Felix.

It would be extremely suspicious if Isana suddenly had two people at such level.


“Should I just claim to be Felix than?”


“That won’t be possible. It’s not like Isana and Ka-Well are strangers. Ka-Well should have at least some idea of who Felix is. You might end up being suspected as a spy if you’re discovered.”


“You’re right…”


I thought that it was a novel idea. Dismayed, I let out a depressed sighed. Seeing this, Trom-Well carefully suggested an idea.


“Uh you see… Don’t get mad when you hear this.”


“Okay, what is it Trom-Well?”


“Why don’t you become a priest? El-Wee-En’s priest.”

P-Priest? Become a priest? El-Wee-En’s priest on top of that?


I had never even thought about such an idea.

“It might not sound appealing to serve as his priest since you’re his son…

But your skill in healing is exceptional. I thought it would be a fitting occupation for you. Searching Isana’s heart, it looks like you’ve already been mistaken for one anyways.”


“T.. That’s true but Trom-Well. It’s not like I could become a priest just because I want to.

Don’t I need to go to a temple and pass an examination? Who knows if they’ll even let me take it or how long the whole process will take.”

Although I am not an expert about the Priesthood and the Temples, I suspected that Priests generally carry some sort of identification as proof of their identity.


“Normally yes that is true. Priests generally start their training at a young age to pass the aptitude test.

However not all Priests belong to or is registered at a temple. There are special cases.

If a person were to receive a blessing from God, he could work individually instead of belonging to an organization.”




“Yes. Since you can use the Art of Healing, you should be fine.

Most people are unable to tell the difference between Spiritual and Sacred power. The only problem here is that all Priests have an inherent Stigma.”

“A Stigma?”


Seeing that I had already lost him, Trom-Well backtracked for clarification. A Priest or a person who received a blessing from the Gods all have certain types of Stigmas depending on the God the person serves in certain areas of their body.

A stigma is not something that is given by a temple but is naturally manifested when the person is accepted by God as his Priest.

A stigma is useful because it serves as a pass for almost anywhere in the continent.

Also depending on your power, the color and the size may defer so it is possible to identify a High-Rank Priest from a Low-Rank one.

Without the Stigma, no matter how much a person argues that he’s a Priest, no one would believe him.

Rather the person may be prosecuted for crimes of blasphemy against God.



“A stigma… Is it similar to the ones that appear on the contractor when they successfully summon a spirit?”

“Correct. A person without that mark won’t be considered a Summoner by his peers and only receive mockery. It’s the same as that.

The one difference however is that a God’s Stigma can be seen by anyone including the powerless as well as the powerful alike. A Summoner’s Mark however can only be seen by other Summoners and Spirits.

So if you want to live as a Priest, it is essential for you to receive the Stigma.”

“Then it was impossible from the start. Trom-Well, just how am I supposed to receive the Stigma?”

“So this part is why I asked you to not get offended… Why don’t you ask El-Wee-En personally?”


If I could only meet him I would. But would he agree?

Although he was the one who suggested it, Trom-Well himself did not look so confident.


I felt a guilty conscious creeping up since I was giving Trom-Well needless responsibilities while he was on vacation. However I really was helpless.


“Sorry Trom-Well. I think I asked for too much. There’s no point in progressing too quickly. I’ll just maintain the status quo.”


“Hmm.. Won’t it be alright? El-Wee-En won’t interfere with his son having fun. The problem is that he’s currently extremely busy so he may not have the chance….

Wait. Ah that’s right! You’re going to Kalmore right? I heard that there’s a temple dedicated to El-Wee-En there.

As soon as you arrive, head to the temple.

No matter how busy El-Wee-En is, he’ll always have his ears open to his temples. If you pray there, then El-Wee-En will contact you.”


“Huh? That was possible?”

Even if the God was unpopular, the number of temples throughout every world across the dimensions is astronomical. So how can it be possible that a God could listen to every single plea from the humans?


Seeing that I wasn’t buying his words, Trom-Well shrugged his shoulders lightly and explained further.

“A God is not called almighty without reason.

Even if El-Wee-En doesn’t hear it, Angels that serve him will receive the prayer for him.


Although I’m not certain since I haven’t seen it for myself, the prayers or organized into ranks depending on importance.

You’re not strangers with El-Wee-En. Rather you’re his son. His Angels will definitely prioritize your prayer above all others.”

“I..Is that right? Complicated….”

To think that father meeting his son would be this difficult…

Isn’t this too much?


If it’s going to be like this I may as well select a different occupation…


“How bout I become a Sword Master or a Magician?”


“Huh? But you don’t know anything about the Sword Arts or Magic. If you want to move more comfortably with Isana,

Just claim that you’re a noble.

Who’s going prove you wrong? But that’s not what you want.


His tone of voice was similar to how an adult soothes a whimpering child. I felt rather embarrassed by this as a felt my blood rise to my face as I nodded in agreement.

To be honest, if we were to look at the facts objectively, I haven’t been alive for a long time in comparison to Trom-Well so I may well be a child in his eyes.

Although Trom-Well looked like a child, he was far older than Ifrit.


In human years, he has already lived for 5 millennia. I on the other hand, was born a few months ago and even if I were to include my years as a human, it would still only be 18 years at most.

In this sense, his behavior is only to be expected.


Whether he knew of my internal struggle, I could not tell since he always wore that same calm pleasant smile his face.

“If you’re planning to help Isana till the very end, I recommend that you take an identity as a Summoner or as a Priest.

How you’re treated, even among the Nobility, will depend on your ability.

You could become a Magician if you truly wished but you would have to learn the Magical Arts in the future.

So shouldn’t you choose from the skill sets you already have?”


“Yeah you’re right.”


Like a complacent child, I obediently nodded to every word he said. Trom-Well seemed satisfied as his golden smile became even more golden.

Now thinking about the entirety of the circumstance, I felt that I should be grateful that the person I ran into was Trom-Well. If it was Ifrit in Trom-Well shoes,

She would treat me like a pathetic creature and constantly force me into submission.

If it was Minerva than she would heartlessly say, ‘do what you want.’

Seeing how I was blessed by lady luck, I made a sad smile.

Isana who has been silent while watching cautiously since yesterday finally opened his mouth.

“You don’t have to do this for me. El, I’ll get the throne by my own pow….”


“That’s why I’m pretending to be human! Not as the Spirit King of Water but as Isana’s human friend who wants to help him!

Well… Normal humans probably won’t compare to me in terms of ability but…

Regardless no one will be able to say that your reclamation of the Throne wasn’t because of your own strength.”



“I’m already determined to follow you. I just want to give you some aid along the way. Are you going to say no to that too?”


Asking him while showing my best hurtful expression, Isana couldn’t give a negative or a positive affirmation and could only look away awkwardly.

Even though I couldn’t see his face because of his hood, knowing his personality from the time I spent with him, ten to one his face is probably bright red right now.


“It’s not that I don’t want it…”


“Really? Thanks Isana. I promise I won’t be a bother. If I interfere too much just warn me. I’ll be careful.”


“A.. A bother? That’s not true!”

While shaking his head to refute my words, his eyes met Trom-Well’s. With a sudden shiver he cast his head down in fear.

On the outside, Trom-Well looks like a youth with extremely sexy looks. There was nothing that looked out of ordinary so why did Isana fear Trom-Well so much?

Is it because unlike me, Trom-Well gave off the feeling of a genuine Spirit King?

By the time we finished our business and headed back to the restaurant the Champagne Mercenaries were already seated and ordering.

As we approached after the secret meeting, they greeted us with delighted expression and invited us to sit.


Among them, Harold contested most strongly.


“Hey kid, sit over here.

“What are you talking about? Matthew always sits here! So his friends should also sit here!”


“What? That’s not fair Iale!

I want to have an amicable meal for once. There’s no way food will taste good when I’m surrounded by all these uncles.”


Matey happened to be the one sitting Harol’s right when he said that. His expression suddenly became twisted as he brushed his crimson hair while eyeing Harol with a chilling gaze.



“I’m sorry that I’m an uncle Harol. Even though I’m only a year older than you~”


“Huh? Ah! Matey! I wasn’t referring to you…”


“Than were you talking about me?”




Looking flustered while trying to find a excuse, Harol took another direct hit as the person to his left was Hosane.

Although he didn’t have any ulterior motives, he had just dug his own early grave.



While cracking his knuckles, Hosane looked at the white faced Harol with a laugh.

“It looks like my discipline has been thoroughly lacking. Should I help you understand how thankful you should be for getting to eat with these uncles?”


“H…Huk! Of course not Elder Brother! It’s my fault! S… So.. what I meant was… I was definitely not referring to Elder Brother!!!”


“Of course you weren’t. Who here is old enough to have the title of an uncle. Isn’t that right Matey?


“Of Course captain. Now~~~ how should we cook you Harol? Our Boss here seems to be really hurt; wouldn’t it be right to give him an apology?”




Perhaps because he was scared witless, he started using honorifics in an attempt to placate Hosane.

However neither Hosane nor Matey seemed to care.

With dreadful screams accompanied by melodic laughter, Harol’s thrashing began.

In the mean time, Isana and I seated ourselves next to Iale.

While watching Harol’s fate, she made a peculiar smile while chuckling out of amusement.


“Hehehe~ you’re not my match Harol. Why don’t you give up now? A pervert should be treated like a pervert.”


“ACK!!! Iale~ You~~~~GAHH!”

It is said that men control the world. So do women control the men?


“Now now, just ignore that moron. What do you guys want to eat? Matthew do you want the usual Juice?”

Unlike the ravenous stare of a wild canine she gave to Harol, she asked us with a pleasant smile.

Matthew probably always ordered the same thing as he reponsed with a smile.

“Yes please, I’ll leave it to you Iale.”

Although Spirits used their contractor’s mana to create a physical form in this world, a Spirit, in the end is part of nature.

We do not need any nourishment to survive.


Trom-Well did not want others to become too suspicious so he always ordered a juice.

Perhaps because they were already used to it, the mercenaries did not act like there was something wrong.

Only Harol who just narrowly escaped death from two carnivores made a complaint.

“Hey Matthew, if you only eat that then you won’t get any taller. You don’t even eat any snacks so how can you satisfy your stomach with only water?

That ridiculous strength of yours… I really want to know what you’re body is made out of.”

“Haha Harol, you just don’t see it but I do eat. How can a person live off of only water?”


“I’m saying this because I’ve only seen you drink water.

Someone who’s in their growth phase shouldn’t end their meal with only a glass of juice. It’s inevitable that you’re big brother is worried. Eat some more.”

His serious request was once again met by Iale’s ravenous glare which kicked Harol back into his personal pool of despair.




“Just take care of yourselves. Do you think Matthew is like you? He knows how to control his body better than anyone so you’re useless advice only serves as an annoyance.”

“ ………. ”

“Kukuku. By the way Iale, where’s Sherry? Is she still not here?”

Iale who was busy laughing at Harol became serious once again.


Since Sherry had been gone all night and still wasn’t back for morning breakfast, Matey who was eagerly waiting for the food turned moody.

Hosane on the other hand was grumbling about the lack of discipline

Seeing his cloudy face, it looked as if he swore in his heart that he will smash her with a wave of lectures.

While I was being thoroughly entertained, I had not noticed till now that Isana had yet to order anything.


“Hey Isa… I mean Rai? What do you want to eat? Since its early morning how about some Stew and Bacon?”


“Ah? Sure…”


“The Beef Stew here is delicious. Do you want that? Your name was El right? How about you Rai?”


Unlike how she dealt with Harol, Iale was very attentive towards other people’s needs.

Because of how pleasant she was, I felt like something was wrong as I felt my heart beat quicken.


“Oh. I’m not very hungry. I’ll just have a glass of water…”

“Huh? No way. You came to a restaraunat but you’re only having a glass of water? You said you were 17? You can’t do that when you’re still growing.”


Hahaha. Excuse me? Didn’t you just scold Harol for saying the same thing?


Harol seemed to be in league with my thoughts. While frowning, he started to glare at Iale.

“That’s what I said to Matthew earlier! Who was the one that said to take care of yourself?”


“Hmph. Are my words and yours the same? We’ve only met El here recently so I have an obligation to look after him!

And by the way…. You guys, those robes… Isn’t it uncomfortable? Even if it’s winter, aren’t you wearing too much? I’m rather curious about your faces.”

hen the conversation strayed to the forbidden topic, I felt as if I was sprayed with a bucket of cold ice.

I had no qualms on my part but…

Isana’s face was known internationally across every Empire and Kingdom. Even common peasants should know of his face by now. There would be no end to problems if his face was revealed here.

This is why I didn’t want to travel with these guys… I let my guard down since they were so accepting of us,

But in the end this is how things turn out.


Rather than showing sympathy, Hosane started to fan the flames himself.

“Now that I think about it… I haven’t seen their faces either.”


“Huh? You too captain? What the heck Boss! You should’ve at least known how they look like even if you don’t care about their status if you want to bring them with us.

Even if it’s only temporary, you can’t be this careless.”

“Hehe it’s not that surprising

You know he’s weak against kids

He probably dragged them along immediately after hearing their ages. Don’t be so nervous, we’re not doing this for an ulterior motive.”

Matey who waved his hand in an attempt to give off a friendly feeling only further darkened my mood.

Perhaps you’re like this now….

But you’ll have different thoughts after you know of Isana’s identity.


Although I’ve only glanced at the wanted posters, I knew very well that the reward for Isana’s neck was an astronomical sum.

These people would have no reason to sympathize someone they’ve known for less than a day.

I currently did not even have the courage to lift my hand.


At that instant, Trom-Well intervened.


“I’ll say this now, Harol, Matey. If you see El’s face, you’ll definitely regret it. Is it still fine?”

“ …..? ”

“Huh? Regret?
Since it’s Matthew saying this, I feel scared now. Matthew has never bluffed before.”


“Haha. Even if I have regrets it doesn’t matter. Even if you’re a wanted Royalty, I will still overlook it so show me. I’m really curious.”


…. Now I know why Iale dislikes Harol so much.
Even though I haven’t glanced at Isana, I could tell that his body is stiffer than a statue.

While I felt sad for him, Trom-Well gave his golden smile and sent a mental message.

-Try to be their center of attention El. Take of your hood.

“Tro… Ma.. Matthew?”

How did I hear his voice when his mouth never opened?

What was even more fascinating was that no one else seemed to have heard.


They were only looking at me strangely when I stared at Trom-Well with a flustered expression.


Seeing how confused I look, Trom-Well frowned and spoke once again.


-Stupid. You have to use the Language of Spirits in this situation. Ah, do you not know how to use it? ‘

I’ll teach you later on so do as I say for now. Take off you hood El.


I relented without knowing the reason when his voice grew stern.

Reaching toward my head, I slowly removed the cloth that covered my face.



Shaww~. I don’t know where but the wind gently grazed across my back.

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The fluttering azure hair seemed to flicker as it gracefully reflected the sunlight.


Long hair was a nuisance so while I searched for my hair band,

I did not realize the stupid look that the people were giving me.

Among them Harol and Matey seemed to be the most astonished.


It was only when I realized that the entire restaurant had gotten quiet that I raised my head when I noticed something was amiss.

Unlike Harol who was frozen stiff, Trom-Well laughed delightfully and as he prepared for the climax.

“See? I told you that you’ll regret it. Haha.”



“ ….? What is that supposed to mean?? ”

“Hm? It’s nothing El. Oh by the way Harol!

Before you make a mistake, I’m sorry but El is not a girl so don’t stare at him like that. You too Matey. So what do you want to do? Do you want to see Rai’s face also?

You may regret that even more.”

Trom-Well’s single sentence created a destructive ripple that was beyond par. ‘This is a scam!’ was the look that the others gave me.

Trom-Well’s last words ‘You may regret that even more’ implanted a deep sense of fear beneath their hearts.


“GAHHHHH! This can’t be true! I thought Matthew was too much but this… Why does God only lead me to fields of the forbidden fruit!”


“God Damn it! If you want someone than take Harol alone! Why me too? I only have Sherry in my heart! Let me go back in time~~~!”


Although their wailing looked extremely pitiful, I did not have the heart to feel sorry for them.’


Are… Are they doing this because their shocked I’m not a girl? Right?


The truth finally hit me like a cannon ball.


‘%#%$#! Ifrit! Then why did you tell me I looked manly!!! Just wait till I see you again!!’


This is the third time that has happened to be since I met the Death God.

Perhaps…. I really am supposed to be a female spirit?


Suppressing the fear that was swelling up in my mind, I tried to force myself to maintain an indifferent expression.

But I could not hide my feelings completely

Harol and Matey noticed my stiffened expression and quickly changed the topic.


“Ah Hmm… Are you perhaps a noble?”


“ ……? ”


“Uh… Your looks are very… Delicate. No I meant… That it’s white… No that’s not it.

A noble wouldn’t be a temporary mercenary”

“Matthew wouldn’t be friends with you if you were, isn’t that right?”


Even though Iale couldn’t hide her curiosity, she cut off Harol to prevent any more discomfort for me.

However I still noticed that something was off.

“What do you mean Matthew wouldn’t be my friend..?”


“Ahaha. Don’t say that when you already know. You’re aware that I don’t like Nobility.

That’s why I was brash when I first met you since I thought you were a noble.”


“Huh? Ah… AHHHH! Yes.. You’re right.”


Secretly sending a wink, he mentally explained.


Hating nobles was an identity that Trom-Well had built for himself.

It was only until later that I got the full story but to summarize his ‘past’

When Matthew was a child, he was a servant of a Noble Family and suffered from severe bullying while under their care.

As a result he is hostile to people of aristocracy.

Unlike me who planned things along as the journey progressed,


Trom-Well seemed to have everything prepared and created his own character with a specific past, personality, and character.


“It’s really comfortable making contracts with Dragons.

Unlike humans they rarely need our help. They just summon us out of curiosity or to brag.

Even after summoning us they don’t call us… So I can do whatever I please in the mean time.”

“I see.”


I wasn’t sure whether I should feel jealousy or sadness.

It was impossible for me at this moment to be summoned by a dragon.

That son of a @$%#$ Red Dragon named Lapiz Lazul sanctioned Elqueeness so that no other dragons could summon me.


So being able to form a contract with Isana is a huge stroke of luck for me.


“By the way, why do you hide that pretty face of yours? Isn’t it a waste?”

Unlike Harol and Matey who couldn’t even look at me in the eye, Iale seemed extremely excited as she asked with a smile.



While I was thinking how I should respond to that, I decided to tell them what Felix had told me.


“There was a person I met some time ago…  He told me I should wear a hood in public places.

But it was mostly because of Rai since his skin is so sensitive to sunlight…”



“Hmm I see.”

It felt rather strange for me that these people accepted my lies so easily.

If it was El-Wee-En or Ifrit here in my place,

They would have glared at them saying, ‘you have 5 milliseconds to look away. Do you have a death wish? Is it because of you guys I look like this?

Hoo~~ So you say it is because of you? Then you should take responsibility. I’ll give you a grand tour… of HELL! Die obediently!!!’ Is what they would have said.

If I had any control over my specs, I would have gone for Einstein’s brain or El-Wee-En’s quick temper rather than this appearance.


While I steeled my heart to keep whatever resolve I had left, the topic of the conversation made a peaceful transition as the food that we had previously ordered arrived.

At this moment, almost as if it was scheduled to be in sequence, a blonde young woman entered through the tavern door.


Having a willowy slim figure while wearing tight garments that revealed her slender waist, the girl who looked between 18-20 years old fearlessly entered the tavern which was swarming with mercenaries.

I felt that this was out of ordinary but I could not seem to be able to ignore her.

With hair the color of melted butter and eyes green as true jade

Although there were visible patches of tan, her skin still looked white and smooth

She was a beauty on par with Iale who sat in front of me.


‘Whew… Ever since I came into this world my eyes have been living in luxury.’

Even while feeling embarrassed by thinking such thoughts, I to  check out the woman who was rhythmically walking in this direction.

Uncaring of who came in or left,

The Champagne Mercenaries were preoccupied with their food to even spare a glance.

However, as the young woman drew close, their eyes immediately widened.


“Sherry!! Why are you so late? Where were you till now?!”

Ah. So that woman was the last member of Champagne Mercenaries that has not yet emerged.

As she was being lectured, the woman named Sherry seemed almost offended as her face turned sour while she fiercely glared at Hosane.

“Where I go is my business, I shouldn’t have to report every detail of my life to you.”

“Even if that’s the case we are comrades of the same Mercenary group with the same goal. Isn’t it basic manners in preventing needless worries for you companions?”


“Oh? So you were worried? I never thought you had a heart to do that. Hey hey, don’t glare at me like that.

I wasn’t planning on staying out all night. Kaleck wouldn’t let me go so what could I do? Life is tiring for the popular.”

How should I describe her… Every word she sprouted felt like a fishbone stuck in the throat.


Before Hosane had a chance to erupt from anger, Matey bolted from his seat.


“Ka…Kaleck? SHERRY! Your lover was Kaleck? That bastard? Last time I checked on him he didn’t have a lover of any sort!!”

I couldn’t whether he shouted to save us all from Hosane’s lecture or from genuine anger.


Although I felt thankful for being spared but Sherry who was glaring at Matey showed discomfort as she clenched her teeth.


“You’re right, he doesn’t have one.”


“What?? But… Then how??”


“How innocent… It’s not that surprising that a man and a woman who find each other appealing would spend a night together.”


“She… Sherry?!”

Matey was not the only one bewildered by her words.

We all stared in disbelief. (Trom-Well was still smiling)

“Jesus Christ… I never imagined she would say something like that. I thought she was a model example of sincerity and innocence.”

“I’ve simply just opened my eyes from the Captain’s carelessness. We may as well have chosen Matey to lead us.

I wasted my valuable life here.

By the way, how does it feel to have ruined the life of an innocent maiden? I no longer care, do as you want.”

As if she heard something absurd she flailed her hands but was unable to get an answer from the unresponsive Hosane. I think I have a good idea of the situation now…

Perhaps Sherry and Hosane… (TLN: Sitting on a tree…. )

Although she tried to seem indifferent by raising her shoulders with pride, her eyes blazed with fiery passion whenever she looked at Hosane.

Is this a case where a girl goes out of control after being hurt and unrewarded from an impossible love?


After glaring at Hosane, Sherry carried an indifferent expression as she nodded.


“Don’t look at me as if something’s strange. I just needed a change in surroundings to refresh myself. I’m tired after spending the night out; can I go take a nap?

There’s still time before we depart.”


“Wh… What about your meal?”
Matey who still did not seem to have recovered from shock only received a ‘don’t need it’ as a response


Without even turning back, Sherry started to climb to the second floor but at this moment,

Hosane who has been silent till now opened his mouth.


“Are you blind? Can you not see that there are new faces here. Come and sit down at once. They are people who will be following us in our journey so introduce yourself at the very least.”


Finally realizing that there were others, Sherry’s eyes went round. But the moment her eyes met mine, her pupils started to burn with pure anger.


Why… Why is she like that? Is something on my face?


“ …..? ”

After glaring at my face for some time, she sneered.


“Hosane brought them? Looking at their pendants, they’ll be here temporary.. What’s this? Is it out of sympathy too? Since you’re always weak to children? Dirty liar.

For someone who can’t even allow himself to show weakness, you truly are a wonder.”

“Uh. Scuse me?”

I had a terrible feeling that the topic was heading towards a terrible direction.


At that moment, the words that Sherry bitterly spat out completely immobilized me in my place.

“You’re too much. Even though I left like that, you felt like bringing in a different girl?

As I thought… I truly was nothing to you Hosane.”

 !!! ”

What girl is she talki… Wait a moment… Don’t tell me she…. She probably meant it as an insult, but it actually brought the opposite of the intended results.


As soon as the words left her mouth, the once serious mood had a 180 degree change.


Pfff–Trying to stop themselves but being unable to, they could only tremble in a poor attempt at self control. In the end, they were fighting a lost battle.

“Pffff…Haha….HAHAHHA!! Oh my tummy, my poor little tummy!!! Someone save me!!”


“HAHAHA. Dear Mohammad!!! you should try a career on stage Sherry. Hosane brought who over?? HAHAHA. I’m about to die!!!”


“KHAHAHA! Wa… Wait.. It’s not like I can’t understand it… Kkkkk..HAHAHA. But how could you relate this to Hos…  KHHAHA!!! Ha…ha…

Ugh.. I feel like I’m dying… he.. he.. save me…”

“ …….. ”


The only ones not amused were Sherry and I.

Even the silent Hosane who seemed unmovable, was gripping the table with his head down while trembling violently.

Although his face was covered with a hood, I could easily tell that Isana was in league with the rest of them.

I glared hatefully at Isana for the betrayal.

The sound of laughter finally started to die off when they had noticed that I was not the slightest bit amused.

I bolted out of my seat and stared at Sherry. The sound of laughter immediately turned into sounds of astonishment as I grabbed her hand to put it against my chest.


“Wh… What are you?….!!! Kya.. KYAAAAA~~!!!”


As if she had touched something vulgar, she freaked out and snatched her hand away from my grasp.

When she glanced at me once more, the light in her eyes were different

Seeing her sorry state, I felt the disharmony in my heart settle down to a good degree but,

My mood had not improved.

So I spoke coldly in a lashing manner.

“Now do you understand what is wrong here?”

“P… Perhaps… A male???”

Hey… Harol, Matey… Don’t looks so disappointed there.


They did not expect that I would convey the facts in such an explosive manner so the entirety of the Champagne Mercenaries including Isana stared stupidly.

As I looked closely, their faces were slightly tinged with red… Just what were they thinking about?


“You went too far Sherry. Even if you don’t say that El is extremely sensitive about his appearance. You’ll apologize right?”

“Ah… Ma… Matthew..”


“Don’t get too mad on your side El. Everyone can make mistakes, right?”

“ ……. ”

Hearing Trom-Well talk as if he was admonishing a mumpish child, I could not bring myself to stay angry.


As I’ve noticed numerous times, Trom-Well has a peculiar ability to soothe the hearts of people.

Whether that is one of his powers as a Spirit King or stems from his personality, I do not know

But what I was sure of was that it was effective.


Honestly, he felt more like a father than El-Wee-En.

Hehe, if he knew he’ll be pretty pissed off.


As if finally realizing that the whole problem was an absurd misunderstanding, Sherry’s expression softened as she lowered her head.

Seeing how Sherry looked like as if she was caught in a dilemma, I took the initiative and offered my hand.

“I am called El. I will be joining your company temporarily so please take care of me.

And as you can CLEARLY TELL I am a MAN. So you have absolutely no REASON to misunderstand. Please relax.”


“Ah… Pl… Please forgive me. I made a huge mistake. I am usually prone to such errors so I… I’m really sorry. I am a Silver Rank of Champagne Mercenary, Sherry.

Please take care of me.”


Contrasting with her dollish and arrogant looking outlook,

She had it in her to apologize when she knew that she was wrong. As the mood eased, Hosane who was staring silently began to explain.


“El is 17, the same age as you. Since this is his first time in a mercenary band, as a peer, help him when he needs it. Matthew will do the same but he and I are the ones that can display the most fire power in this team. In certain circumstances, he will be your responsibility.

The young man next to El is called Rai. He’s a year younger than you and is 16 this year.

His skin is sensitive to sunlight which is why he wears the hood.”


“… Alright.”


After a short reply, she glanced at Isana as if sizing him up and headed upstairs.


Since morning breakfast had already been prepared, Matey tried to convince Sherry to have a portion to eat but Sherry complained that she was tired and refused.


As she disappeared, Matey concentrated his glare at Hosane.


“You were too harsh Captain. How can you have the stomach to eat right now?”

“We leave this afternoon. We won’t be able to have a proper meal for a long time so eat what you can now. That’s an iron clad rule that you should know very well.”


“What about Sherry? She’s a girl and furthermore she is really young.
Even if we should take care of our personal needs on our own, we’re still one group. As the Captain are you not worried?”


“Of course I do. But Sherry is a pro just like us. I have no reason to baby sit her.”


“That’s true but….”


Mercenary bands were a group organization however, every individual member concentrated their efforts in honing their personal skills over group teamwork.


In an actual battle, most people were too busy keeping themselves alive to even worry about their team mates. For mercenaries above the Bronze Rank, self maintenance regarding problems such as emotional and physical health was of upmost importance.


As Hosane coolly replied, Matey realized it was hopeless to say anything else so he slumped back down on his seat.


Although Harol sighed in sadness, there was nothing he could do since this was a problem between Sherry and Hosane and silently continued his meal.




“ …….. ”



“ ……. ”

Not even bothering to hide their discomfort, a suffocating silence rang in the air.


Excluding the munches and crunches, not a single word could be heart.

Looking at Isana who was picking at his food, even I could tell how awkward the mood was since he should be delighted to be eating such food after starving in a mountain for the past several weeks.


“Isana, we’ll have to leave this afternoon. Afterwards we’ll be sleeping on the ground so eat as much as you can. It’ll be hard to find any decent food along the way.”


Isana hastily nodded. After peering at the others to make sure no one was listening in, he came close to my ear and whispered.

“Alright El. But after we arrive at Kalmore, what are we going to do? Should we search for El-Wee-En’s temple first?”


“Perhaps. It’ll depend on the situation. Being a Spirit Summoner isn’t that bad either.

But it’ll draw attention if we’re both Summoners so I should be the priest.”


“Huh? What do you mean… two summoners? Who’s the other one?”


Seeing how he reacted, I now knew that Trom-Well was right..



Is he unable to see me as a Spirit King? Who do you think is the one who summoned me?


“Isana. You’re a Spirit Summoner. Not a normal one but the first human to have summoned Spirit King of Water- Elqueeness! Did you forget?!”


“Uh..? AH! Th.. That’s right I forgot!”


“Moron. How can you forget that? You should start training by calling the Naiads and get used to the mana consumption.

That way you’ll be able to rival Felix in control.”




Embarrassed, he couldn’t seem to be able to raise his head and only nodded.

Looking at his pathetic form, I could not help but wonder how this guy who didn’t seem to have any dignity could be the Emperor.


Unknowingly, others started to show curiosity when they saw us whispering amongst ourselves.

“What are you two doing? Is it something funny? By the way, why are you headed for Kalmore? The only people who’s heading there are the Knights of the Archduke who is searching for the missing Emperor.

It’s not somewhere kids like you should be going.”

“Eh? Ah… So things just turned out that way, Iale. Was it last year? We made an arrangement with a relative to meet there.

We never expected for something like this to happen.

Since we’ve already made arrangements, it’ll be hard to turn back and it’s not like we have carrier pigeons so we can’t change the location.”

“Hmm… You’re right. But were you two planning to go there by yourselves? Didn’t you meet Hosane just by coincidence?

If you guys hadn’t, then you would have left alone.”


Everyone seemed to already be aware of the circumstances that we met Hosane.


Seeing how curious these people were, I helplessly nodded yes.

“That’s what we were planning. No matter what the problem we had to go there. But we were really fortunate to meet you guys. Our luck has been pretty good.”


“Hmm~. Well, Hosane always try to be the guardian of every child he meets….

Despite what you may think, I am the Vice Captain and am in charge of giving out the skill test.

Even though you guys are only temporary mercenaries, since you are getting paid, it won’t be fair for us to protect you the whole time. Isn’t that right? So how about we conduct a skill test for you two?”

“Huh? Iale? Since when were you the Vice Captain?”


“What are you… Iale! They’re still only children. What skill test??  And they’re Matthew’s friends! We’ve already given them the Rank Pass so what kind of nonsense are you saying? It’s not funny so stop.”

Looking thoroughly offended for some unknown reason,  Matey counterattacked but Iale did not even flinch.


Raising that haughty chin, she twirled her violet hair while setting her intentions straight.


“The fact that the path to Kalmore is ridden with monsters is something that everyone knows about.

But these two still decided to go by themselves so I don’t think that their skills are poor.

Also they’re Matthew’s friends so I think it’ll be more interesting? So how about it? Would you like to have a go with this big sis.


“ ……. ”

C.. Cough. Big Sis…… Those words don’t sound right…


The faces of the men around her flushed red.


I struggled to maintain a straight face and gave an indifferent smile.

However I could not think of anything to say as I felt my blood dry out.


My savior, once again was Trom-Well.

Without even finishing have of his glass of punch, he put it down.


“I’m sorry Iale but El doesn’t know any sword arts.”


“Huh? That’s fine. I don’t use a sword either.”


“No that’s not it… El’s skills does not involve any techniques for combat. So it won’t be fair for Iale to fight him.”


“Huh? No way.  Than how were you two planning to get across?”


Iale was not the only person who was shocked. The other mercenaries who were busy criticizing her now stared at us with stranged eyes filled with curiosity.

Should I tell them it’s reckless courage?


Trom-Well answered for me as if he was waiting for this moment.

“I know it’s late but, Rai is a Low-Grade Spirit Summoner for Spirits of Water. He could have obtained nobility and an official position but he thought that it was too troublesome so he refused.

sn’t that right Rai?”

“Ah. Ye… Yeah.”

With eyes that seemed to exclaim ‘no way…’, they turned to mumble amongst themselves about Isana.


Ever since the 10 year calamity, Spirit Summoners have become exceedingly rare so being one alone was a sizeable accomplishment.


Thankfully since it was still early in the morning, the restaurant was not as packed. If others had seen Harol’s expression, they would have noticed that something was off.


“Sp… Spirit Summoner???”


“Huk? You’re a Spirit Summoner? And a Summoner of Water on top of that?”


“For the sake of Saint Peter… This is the first time I’ve met a Spirit Smmoner! How does a lower class Spirit look like? Show us!”


Confused Iale, Surprised Harol, and Curious Matey. Excluding Trom-Well who already knew the truth before hand, the only person who was calm was Hosane.

However he too was surprised in his heart. But as the Captain, he did not express his emotions so easily.

As the eyes of all the Mercenaries were aimed at Isana, he tried to shrink back and hide even further under the hood that already completely hid his face.

Awkwardly, he nodded.


He seemed like he was about to break down from Matey’s pestering as he looked in my direction.

I gave him permission.


“Um… It’s sort of difficult right now, maybe after we finish eating…”


“Huh? Our meals? How can we stomach the food right now? I’m already finished! So hurry up and show us please!!!”


“Hey, hey. You may have finished but Rai hasn’t! Senseless muscle brain, why can’t you be more considerate. Take your time Rai and finish your meal.

We could wait.”


But how could Isana possibly pass food down his throat while being stared at by a half a dozen pair of eyes.

Helplessly he put down his fork.

“….. no. I too have finished. Let’s go outside, it’ll be troublesome to do it here.”


“!!! Really?”


“Then lets go! Hurry up!”

Just who’s the child and who’s the adult…

As soon as Isana gave his approval, Harol and Matey bolted out of the door.


Seeing them act so childishly, Isana’s lips curled into a smile and followed them out.

I wonder if I should follow but,

I thought that he should be able to complete the task by himself so I stayed with Trom-Well.


Unexpectedly, although Iale seemed to have the word ‘curiosity’ tattooed on her face, she remained seated while anxiously shifting left and right.


“If you’re curious then you should go to.”


“Ah it’s fine. I think it’s better for me to not see.”


“Why? You look really curious..”


“I am. I’m really really REALLY curious.”


“Then why?”


Unable to understand, I could only stare blankly.


After hesitating for a while, she finally talked.

“Minor-Grade Spirits of Water are the Naiads right? I heard that their lower bodies are that of a fish while the area from waist up is that of a cute child’s.  Is that true?”


“Uh yes. They look similar to Mermaids. They’re extremely cute.”


“Ugh. As I thought… I can’t than.




“ …..? ”

What does cuteness have to do with this? Is she allergic to Spirits?


Although she looked like she could die from the anticipation, she absolutely refused to get up from her seat.

Just what is the problem?


Trom-Well, once again took time to clarify the situation.


“Iale is weak to cuteness.”


“… Say what?”

“And when I say weak, I mean really REALLY weak. If she were to find a cute child in the middle of the battlefield, she’ll give up whatever she’s doing and play with him all day.

Also her personality does a 180 degree flip so no one has the courage to stop her.”

“…. Sorry?”


“When her personality changes, she becomes hostile towards anyone who interferes.

The reason why she’s so critical of Harol is because of his looks. She hates men with bulging muscles like that the most.

When she sees anything beautiful or pretty, she still retains a certain degree of rationality so you should be fine.

To summarize things, she’s a lunatic about things that are cute and adorable.”



The countless Naiads that Isana would have summoned were definitely cute enough that Iale might just want to eat them all up.

If Iale were to see them, she would have clutched them in her arms till they are forcefully deported from mana depletion.

A Captain that’s weak to children, and a vice captain weak to cuteness..


Will it be safe to travel with these guys?

If it wasn’t for Trom-Well being here, I would have just made a run for it last night.



That afternoon, the journey to Kalmore finally began.


But unlike what we had previously expected, there were other mercenary groups that served as guard escort for the merchant caravan.

Hosane seemed dissatisfied with the arrangement and complained. However the representative of the merchants excused themselves by saying the caravan was enormous and needed more men.


So different groups were assigned to protect different areas of the convoy.

We were in charge of the rear.

While many people believe that the front is the most dangerous area, the rear can have just as many as many risks so it was an area that needed good defenders.


Monsters and bandits do not always approach head on and often try to scatter their targets by attacking their weakest links.

Since it was easy to relax in the rear, people often had their guards down which made it the favorite starting point for an assault.



Also if the situation becomes dire, the ones responsible for creating a path for retreat and for holding off the enemies were the men in the back.


“There is something that I must clarify. Our goal is not monster eradication but to protect the merchant convoy.

Don’t get to excited and break away from the group. If anyone does that I will personally end that person! Especially you! I’m talking to you Harol!

If you cause problems again you will be out of here faster than you can pack your bags!”

“Chet. I got it I got it. Ah damn it. Staying in one place and defending is not my style.”

Iale’s eyes suddenly flashed

“Ah I understand~ You’re right. Since you’re an imbecile who’s brain is made of muscle, all you would like to do is swing your axe around and howl like a cave man.

But what can we do Harol?

I think you better start packing your bags. Hohohoho.”


“You! I told you I won’t do that. Why are you always picking a fight with me?”


Although Harol looked extremely sincere with his face flushed red, no one seemed to believe him.


Rather their eyes seemed to scoff, ‘as if’ or ‘we’ll see about that’.

Several times in the past, Harol often forgot his purpose from the heat of battle and broke away from the group, pursing his foes to God knows where.

The Champagne Mercenaries then took the next several days searching for him.


Hosane’s warning was repeated countless times every year and Harol has give the same response just as many times and the end result was always the same.


It would be stranger to actually have faith in his words.

Champagne mercenaries all consisted of at least Silver Ranked people, however they received less requests than a Bronze Ranked team because their team had  terrible reputation since Harol went berserk every time.


Trom-Well explained Harol’s behavior in a strange manner.


“Harol was definitely part of the Demon Tribe in his past life.”


“ ………. ”


While I had never personally seen a Demon Tribe member, I knew very well that they were a frightening race.


While being the embodiment of evil, they held a Festival of Blood every 1000 years to select the Demon King.


Just what kind of person is he to be compared with such a tribe?

I thought it was an exaggeration but when I saw what Harol was carrying, I felt my lips dry up.


No way… He’s not going to use that as a weapon right? Trom-Well saw my suspicious eyes and answered my thoughts.

“You’re right. That’s Harol’s weapon of choice. Unlike swords, it’s not very delicate but the power is unmatched. He could cut down 2 or 3 Orcs with one strike. Pretty cool huh?”

“He… He could carry that? That thing that’s taller than him?”

Harol was over 180cms in height. In his hand was a giant axe that surpassed his own height.

Most people wouldn’t even be able to hold that thing because of its sheer weight.


However Harol carried a relaxed expression and was leisurely twirling the axe. Maybe that’s actually really light I thought.


But that thought was shattered. Isana who was just as fascinated as I tried to hold the axe himself but collapsed the moment Harol let go.

Thankfully Harol snatched it back right away so Isana was not injured. If he hadn’t, Isana would have departed from the world already.

Bewildered, I worriedly ran up to the collapsed Isana to check his condition.

“Hey Rai! Are you alright? Does it hurt anywhere?”


“Ah… I’m alright. I was just a little surprised. As soon as I tried to hold that thing I couldn’t breathe. Impressive Harol. You could hold it with just one hand.”


Harol seemed embarrassed from Isana’s innocent compliments. But then with a burst of laughter filled with vigor, he started to brag.


“KHAHAHA. I’m quite confident in my strength! I’m not trying to brag but the number of people who could hold this thing can be counted on one hand!

With a single stroke from this baby, no matter how strong the defense, it’s a goner! KHAHAHAHA!”

“You’re loud Harol! You could have crippled him if you were carless so what the hell is so funny? Even if he’s curious,

Don’t let him hold that absurd thing! Are you trying to kill him?”

As usual came Iale’s criticism after Harol’s gloating.

As her words stabbed into his body like daggers, Harol flinched while looking wronged.

“Hey~ That’s too harsh. It’s not like he got hurt… I grabbed it as soon as he fell down.”

“Oy. So are you saying what you did was okay? What if you didn’t grab it? It’s not a problem of whether the kid gets hurt or not.

This is common sense you ignorant buffoon!!”

“AHHH!!! FINE! I deserve death! Happy now you violent witch! It’s because you’re so nitpicky that you look like my grandma!” (TLN: Shots fired)


“!!! WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY????!!!”



Harol’s backlash created unimaginable amount of anger within Iale.

She was 23 years old but her appearance was so youthful that she could be mistaken for a teen. Although there was not a single part of her that looked like Harol’s grandmother,

This was an insult that no woman could ever ignore. All we could do was watch Iale erupt.


Instantly, she snapped out a whip that had several metallic rods running through the flesh. It seemed that she was planning to take it all the way.

Wait. A whip?

I felt like something wasn’t right like a disharmonic note in a solo. However I couldn’t tell what it was so I just continued to view Harol’s final moments.


SNAP- The weapon that left a dent on whatever it came in contact with was definitely a whip.


Since when was she carrying that?

Before I could grasp what had just happened, Harol’s screams of agony filled the air.



“Crazy!! This little guy is much more practical than that absurdly heavy axe of yours. How dare you call this weapon crazy!”


“Isn’t a weapon that could latch off a Troll’s head with a single stroke crazy? HEY! YES YOU, I’M TALKING TO  ALL OF YOU! STOP STARING AND STOP THIS BLOODY WITCH!!



Being that afraid because of a meager whip, that huge body is wasted on him.

I felt that Harol was over reacting since a whip is a weapon of torture, not execution.

However, those thoughts instantly evaporated as I realized the magnitude of the situation when the whip sliced through a tree trunk and split it in half.


“W.. What? Just what the heck is she using?”


As soon as the whip made contact with the tree, the trunk cleanly snapped as if it was hit by lightning.


What kind of whip can cut down trees? Are you sure that’s not an axe just disguised as a whip?


Seeing how I was put into disbelief, Trom-Well decided to explain this phenomenon.


“Iale’s weapon is a whip. As you can surely tell… Trees, monsters, that whip can cut anything into halves.

Iale has a close friend who’s an alchemist. That friend created that whip for her. You see those metal rods that’s going through the whip?

That is mirithil. It make just look like a sharp pieces of bone from a far but I assure you that it is not that simple.”

“Mi.. Mirthil?”

“Yes. It is world’s strongest metal. It is harder than diamond.

Even if you were to hit it with Ki, it will not leave a scratch. That is why so many Master Swordsman dream of obtaining a mirithil sword.

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I never even thought about strengthening a weapon in such manner.

Hahaha. Humans sure do use their wit in the oddest places.”

Laughing as if something was funny, he seemed tranquil even as Harol was being mutilated right in front of his eyes.


Hey Trom-Well, aren’t you worried at all about that comrade of yours?


Along with the first tree that met its end under Iale’s whip, several other trees met their ends under the same fate.


But thankfully, I wasn’t the only person who was shocked at this scene.


Excluding the Champagne Mercenaries who were treating this an everyday occurrence,

The jaws of all the people present dropped and winced at Harol’s misfortune.

They didn’t seem to have the heart to come out and help.

Even though they knew that the situation was desperate, just one glance at the whip was enough to squash whatever courage they had.


Seeing how people were only spectating , Harol cried out in fury.


Every time Harol’s eyes met someone’s eyes, that person always happened to be looking the other way as if nothing was happening. They may end up becoming crippled by getting involved.

“Don’t worry. If it’s Harol, he may be able to survive this beating.”

“On… On what basis are you saying that?”



“I wonder. Eh… Don’t nitpick. Oh come on you don’t actually think that Iale’s actually going to kill him right? She’ll probably stop after his bones start sticking out of his flesh.

So just relax and enjoy the show hahaha.”


“ …… ”

These words came from Matey who I believed to be close with Harol. The reactions of others were… Well….

Trom-Well never showed any interest in getting involved

While Hosane and Sherry looked like they were having the time of their life.

So I too followed their lead and sat down.

I was thinking about calling the Naiads in an attempt to placate Iale but…. The woman who was crazy over cute things may cause some other problems.


Harol narrowly escaped death as we needed to quicken the pace of movment.

Although enraged, they were professional knowing how to act appropriately.

It was not worth offending the client by continuing this internal quarrel.

However in this busy time, Harol did not lift a single finger to help and cursed the other mercenaries.


“How could you have done that?? You’re comrade was dying and rather than helping, you guys just watched and laughed!!!

Did you think I wouldn’t see you encoring because of was too busy running away Sherry?!”

“Oh my? I just thought that big sis Iale looked really cool so I cheered her on a bit.”


“You did what!? Are you joking with me? Can’t you see this gigantic wound? Damn it! Even though her whip only grazed me I still got injured.

If that thing actually hit I really would have died!”

All over his bodies were stripes that looked like as if he was scratched by a rock. Although it didn’t seem severe at first glance,

If it was during the hot summer time, I would have suspected that he may get Tetnus. Wait, isn’t the weather still pretty hot?

Since it was Autumn, the difference in temperature between night and day was a sizable scale. In the day, the scorching sun was on par with the heat of Summer.

I feared that although they were all minor wounds, they may become infected so I tied up Harol’s injuries with a clean cloth.

Although it was just a minor action,

Harol seemed emotionally moved


“Hehe. True beauties are really kind.”

“What’s with that illogical concept? Who said that?”

“Shaddap. You’re not my friend you traitorous fool. What? If it was me I should be able to withstand at least one hit? The witch probably won’t kill her comrade?

You didn’t think I would hear did you? Just wait till it’s break time. I’ll show you how a bone piercing through the flesh feels like. Crunch~.”

“Hahaha…. You.. You heard?”


While sweating profusely, Matey back trapped several steps but could not avoid seeing that strange glint in Harol’s eyes.

It felt like there would be another bloodshed today.

As I felt cold sweat running down my forehead, a question appeared in my head that I asked in order to soothe both parties.


“By the way, what month is it? Is it still Autumn?”

“Huh? Aha. It’s the month where the Maiden Bathes in the Flavor of the Midday Sun. But it’ll soon be the Ascension of the Violent Saint Wielding the Spear of Ice.”


Inhabitants of this world do not classify the Season or the months in numbers or a single word. Rather they title them by poetic description.


For example, Spring is the Time of The Yawning Fairy, Summer is The Festival of the Dancing Spirits, Autumn is the Time where a Maiden Bathes in the Flavor of the Midday Sun, and Winter is the Ascension of the Violent Saint Wielding the Spear of Ice.

Up to this point, I can understand. However, the titles change depending on the month and time. Therefore some parts are substituted for other poetic lines.


As a result, accurately pinning down a specific time is like finding a needle in a hay stack.

For example, how the hell am I supposed to know that ‘The Time where the Yawning Fairy Blinks her Eyes’ refers to the time where the sun starts to slope down.

It’s not like as if I’m a detective. I may end up losing my temper at this rate and grab Harol’s collar to scream at him, ‘Are you taunting me cause I’m stupid? Say it so that I can understand you %@#$$%.


“By why’d you ask?


“It’s nothing important. I was just wondering how the journey to Kalmore will take.”


“Hmmm. At the latest, we’ll be there before the Ascended Violent Saint Pierces the Spear of Ice into the Earth.

Since Kalmore gets a lot of snow, I recommend that you get some heavy clothing to keep yourself warm.”


“Ahh…. I see.”


Although I laughed while answering, I had no clue what he meant. The Time where the Spear of Ice pierces the Earth? Does it refer to early winter in December?

So December? Since the Time of the Maiden Bathing Under the Flavor of the Midday Sun is ending and the Ascension of the Violent Saint wielding the Spear of Ice is starting, that means that it’s currently late Autumn. If my instinct is right then it should now be around November.

So we’ll arrive at Kalmore in a month.


‘Damn it. People with empty heads won’t be able to live long here.’


While grumbling my pains away, Trom-Well came over asking what was wrong. When I complained how ridiculous this world’s description of the Seasons were, he smiled brightly and eased my sufferings.


“The time when the Ascended Violent Saint Pierces the Spear of Ice into the Earth means after early winter has past. When it’s early Winter, the people here just say Ascension of the Violent Saint. When it’s late winter however, the phrase is the Ascended Saint leans on the Spear of Ice. So what Harol meant is between early and late winter so mid winter is when we’ll arrive.”


“I… Is that so?”

“Yep. To be even more specific, it’ll be at the start of January so the journey we’ll take between 2 to 3 months. You divide a year into 12 months in Earth right?

It’s the same here but poetry is part of their culture so they love playing word games.

They often entertain themselves by deciphering the meanings since they’re like riddles.”


Ugh… Dumb people like me won’t be able to adapt to these mental games. They couldn just make things easy and use a number system to point out a date so why use this annoying method?


While grumbling to myself that even beasts don’t engage in self torture, a new problem jolted my brain.


“This isn’t good. That means that Winter is Coming.” (TLN: Game of Thrones J)


“Why? What about Winter?”


“The secret behind the rain that falls every 3 days. Since it was liquid, you were able to bring it down underground but at winter it’ll be snow.

We’ll have to remove that or the people here will suffer another disaster.”

“Hm. Then why don’t you increase the interval between the rain fall? Even though it’s snow, if you melt it it’s water which people still need.

Regardless it’ll be better thea paying for it instead. Once a week seems to be good.”


“Should I?”


However I had to trash Trom-Well’s advice before I could even use it. Not too long after Archduke Yura proclaimed that it was now forbidden to accept coins for water.

This order came into action 1 month after I started the 3 day rain.


Although the Archduke tried to justify his action by claiming that according to investigations, the 10 year calamity had ended and nature has now fully been recovered.

But anyone who had any interest in politics knew that it was a counter measure since he felt danger as the people’s trust within Isana was now increasing.


I had learned of this while over hearing a conversation between a group of farmers along the way.

As soon as I’ve learned of this new law, my lips curled into the smile of a victor.


Even though we had not made a major move against the Archduke, he himself felt fear and has become cautious.

Yes… Cautious of the Emperor of the Empire, Isana.





“DAMN IT. GOD DAMN IT ALL!!! What humiliation is this? How could I, the one above all be played around by lies made by a bloody brat!”

Thud! Enraged, he slammed his fists onto the desk and sent the fine china and incense flying which shattered upon impact with the ground.


However such mediocre things did not even come into the eyes of the man in rage.


When the incense shattered across the red carpet, a thick herbal smell spread across the room. In response, a man who seemed clueless on what to do glanced at one of the servants.


Among the servants that were trembling in fear, a beautiful crimson haired youth rushed forward and began cleaning up the mess.


Although the servants weren’t ugly, the crimson haired one was gorgeous beyond words along with the strange attraction he emitted and could be easily be mistaken as a girl.

If it was in any normal circumstance, anyone would sigh in admiration at a glance. However the man was currently too furious to even notice.

The man, flying in rage was the one who ordered the tax on water be removed- Archduke Yura Solte.

After throwing a seal out the window, he slumped back down his seat.


“How ignorant can a person be to believe such a outrageous rumor! Ha! Rain is falling because of prayer to God? And the one praying is Isana?

Absolutely clueless, ignorant infidels. How can they make such assumption? “

“Commoners are generally a naïve existence. As long as they see something advantageous to them, they cling onto that thing as hope and become blind to everything else. You know this very well?”


“Yes. I know that too well. That’s how I killed my elder brother, how could I not know it? But I can’t believe how stupid they are,

Isana? That brat who hated and resented everyone that had a hand in his father’s death? He of all people, prayed to God for the sake of the very people that killed his father? Ha- Unbelievable.


I didn’t imagine that the commoners would believe in such absurdity. I should have cut it off while it was just a baseless rumor…

I ended up letting the crisis grow.”

It was when he had learned that many of the nobles who had claimed neutrality went back to Isana’s side, he realized something was wrong.

Isana. Has that wretched nephew really started to move?

He had no intention from the start in letting him live. But he now had to be cautious since Isana has distinguished himself making it harder for him to suppress his nephew.


Although it was unclear how he managed to predict the rainfall, this was certainly the Archduke’s defeat.

“According to some other rumors, one of Isana’s retainers, Felix has become a Spirit Summoner who could control a Superior-Grade Spirit of water.

Perhaps the one responsible for the rain is him?”

“Preposterous! Summoners of that level are mighty without question. But they do not possess the power to call rain to the entire continent.

First of all it’s dubious whether or not that garbage has actually become a Superior Summoner. Just a few months ago he was just a Minor Summoner of Wind and was an object of mockery.

How could he have suddenly become capable of reigning over a Superior-Grade Spirit?”

“But the rumors..”

“Rumors? Bullshit! Why can’t you come up with anything accurate? I don’t need rumors that you pluck from the clouds but information that has a reliable source!


Ah, yes! What has the Guildmaster of the Information Guild said? Is he still remaining silent?”

The man in front of him stiffened at the harsh question. With a hesitant expression, he answered with difficulty.


“He has no intention to answer and claims that he cannot allow any disclosal of personal details which is protected with upmost security in the guild.

It’s the same answer as usual.”


“To hell with him!”




Once again the table trembled. Although nothing fell over this time, the servants next to him flinched in fear and glanced at one another.


Whether he knew of their feelings or not, the Archduke steaming with fury glared at the empty air.


But when he glanced at the Sacerdotal Robe he was wearing, he finally calmed down.

As if nothing had happened, he smiled and unlike few minutes ago, he retained an aura of calmness and tranquility.

“Hahaha. No matter how much he tries, that person has sided with me. The Empire is already mine.

Emperor Yura Solte! That is my name.”


“Definitely your Imperial Majesty.”


Claiming such a title while Isana was still alive, even if the Archduke was the regent, is treason.


But the retainers shouted out ‘Your Imperial Majesty!’ with all their heart and the ones listening did not have the slightest bit of discomfort.


But it was understandable. ‘He’ has lent his hand to the Archduke so it was inevitable that the citizens of this Empire would eventually shout out ‘Your Imperial Majesty!’ wherever he walked.

“Try as hard as you want, Isana. Keep trying till my hand reaches that thin neck of yours, hahaha-“


As if he could see the scene playing out, he gripped the empty air and stared at his empty fist with a savage smile.

That neck will break even at the slightest pressure. He’ll disappear like how his father met his end at the execution ground.



In the meanwhile, among the servants that were trembling in fear, the crimson haired youth who was cleaning the broken glass knitted his eyebrows at the Archduke’s words.


Although the Archduke decided to ignore it as if it was nothing, the crimson haired youth felt danger to the point that he couldn’t bring himself to simply skim over it.

A person who was just a Minor Spirit Summoner has become a Superior in a span of few months. Furthermore Isana has accurately predicted the rain fall which is now called the ‘3 day miracle.’

Is this truly all a coincidence?

Does Isana really have no relationship to the 3 Day Miracle? Was it really nothing more than dumb luck?

From what he knew, there was only one existence that could both enhance the abilities of a Summoner and summon rain to the entire continent.

At that point, the youth smiled, a smile so brilliant that could captivate all.


‘You have come, Elqueeness.’


he merchants that had requested the Champagne Mercenaries as an escort group belonged to the Vermilion Bird, an alliance of traders that were ranked within the top three in the continent.

They headed to Kalmore every three months in order to resupply the stock of silk and wheat in one of their branches. However, the number and frequency of monster attacks were so high that they were forced to bring a large number of men for protection.

The soldiers that belonged to the Vermillion Bird that were originally the designated escort ate something rotten in a village tavern along the journey and got food poisoning. So the merchants had to find replacements among mercenaries.

Perhaps because of that, all these merchants including the representative carried pallid expressions as if they were ill even after four days.


There were five carriages including the one used for luggage. According to Harol, this is small compared to some other trades that usually occur.


The number mercenary teams that were hired including ours was 3. Among the 20 totaling hired swords, our team was the only one that possesed a Gold Ranker.

People who possess the Gold Rank Pass usually act solo and rarely act together in groups.

So members of other teams often glanced at Hosane as if they were seeing a rare animal.

While some were being secretive, others were quite open and revealed intense awe and longing within their eyes.

“Are the Gold Ranks that impressive?”


“Of course! Do you know why the Gold Ranks are solo players? It’s because a team would only drag them down so much to the point that they are a nuisance.

Gold Ranks are capable of executing any mission alone. Think about it, one person protecting this entire convoy!”

“Ah. I see what you mean.”

Harol, who is able to wield an axe taller than himself, and Iale, who could slice down trees with a single stroke of her whip, is still a silver Rank.

So a Gold Rank, who far surpasses the Silver Rank, is without a doubt amazing. Seeing how others treated Hosane, I started to see him in a new light


Furthermore, his weapon was the most ordinary out of his team. All I could see on him was a plain sword and eagerly awaited a chance to see him in action.


If I’m lucky, I may be able to see the sword play I could only see in movies right before my eyes in reality.


“When’s break?”

“Probably after an hour. It’s approaching lunch time so we’ll have to halt our advancement temporarily. Ah, my belly is complaining already.

I’m so hungryy~ I really want to eat right now and let these guys enjoy some grass.”


Harol rubbed his hand on the neck of the horse he was riding while complaining. Horses were the main means of transportation in this world.


Since the Champagne Mercenaries already had horses that they owned, there was no need for them to procure new ones for themselves. However, Isana and I had nothing to ride on so we made a stop at a nearby stable to obtain a steed.


Why one you ask? I had never ridden a horse in my life. Although I was wondering if I should learn now, but as a Spirit, I had the same weight as air so I rode with Isana who had excellent horsemanship after learning to ride as a child.

Although people complained at first that the horse will tire if there are two people riding, they soon fell silent after realizing the horse was fine even after hours of traveling.

Trom-Well on the other hand was wearing a bitter smile.

-You should have just ridden with me then.


While looking as if something was a shame, he implanted his words into my head.

The Spirit Language was it? In the beginning, I was surprised every time I heard it but after a while, I began to master its usage. It was actually simpler than I had expected. The basis of the Spirit Language was that instead of using vocal cords to create vibrations and forming sound, Spirit Language directly sends the voice without a medium.

I thought that I had always been using vocal cords for communications till now so it seemed strange how quickly I mastered it.

But it turns out that I was unconsciously using Spirit Language back in the Spirit World. I automatically switched the method of communication when I was summoned without even realizing it.

This is because humans cannot understand or even hear the Language of Spirits so I my body must have instinctively known what to do before my mind even followed.

Trom-Well stated that mastery of language was one of the abilities given to a Spirit King at birth so such an occurrence was nothing strange and claimed that my natural instincts were starting to emerge.


-Sorry Trom-Well. But there’s nothing I can do. I am only a temporary mercenary so I can’t drag someone who’s considered one of the best.


-Hm… Well… In reality you’re actually more useful here than Hosane.


-Eh? I can’t fight. With all these eyes, I can’t summon any Spirits of Water…

-That doesn’t matter? You don’t have to move an inch. All you have to do is release your aura as a Spirit King and the monsters will flee in panic..

That’s how I chased them off when I was adventuring by myself.


Huh? You could do that? Since I had never even seen these so called monsters, I couldn’t even imagine what it would be like to fight them.

There are no problems at this moment since I was surrounded by highly skilled mercenaries, but I worried about what I should do when we had to separate.


Fortunately, Trom-Well cleansed those fears in a single breath.

Frighten the beasts with the aura of a Spirit King. Because I could not use my powers openly, there was no better method then that.

-What do these monsters look like? Demons?


-Huh? Earth doesn’t have Monsters?


-There are wild beasts but I had never heard of them where I had lived unless Lions or Wolves are considered Monsters.


-Nope. Those are just wild beasts. Monsters are an existence that are stronger and more violent than animals

To put it simply, they are creatures with extremely bizarre shapes.

Since Trom-Well claims that some can walk like men while others can mimic voices, I am having doubts whether I will be able to differentiate them from normal humans.


But Trom-Well seemed appalled at my worries and asserted that there is absolutely no way I won’t be able to tell humans and monsters apart.


-Monsters look more like beasts than humans. You can’t mistake them as humans.

-R… Really?

-Yes, some monsters can be tamed. If you raise some breeds while they are young, they become obedient to you and follow you around like new born ducks. In your world, they call that imprinting.

Since some monsters are adorable while they are infants just like any other animal, some people raise them as pets.

But there is one thing you must keep in mind. The more beautiful the appearance, the more dangerous and more atrocious it actually is.

While Upper-Class Monsters don’t appear frequently, the possibility of running into them is high when you are near the lair of a dragon.

-What do dragons have to do with this?


Do monsters nest nearby the dragon lairs? When I turned around with confused eyes, Trom-Well answered before a word could pass my lips as if he had already read may heart.

-Dragons are capable of controlling Monsters. That is why humans refer to Dragons as the King of Monsters. Just like how the Demon Tribe control the malicious Spirits, Dragons can manipulate the minds of Monsters so they can be categorized the same way. That is why the concentration of Monsters is especially high there.


-Huh?  They fall in the same category as Demons? Then are Dragons also born by ripping out the bellies of monsters?

-What? What are you saying now?

Even before the last word escaped my lips, I felt deep regret in asking that stupid question.

I knew already, that as a type of reptiles, Dragons lay eggs. I naively associated the breeding process of Demons with the process of Dragons.

As Trom-Well’s eyes widened as if to marvel at my ignorance, he started to explain carefully with extreme detail.

-Aha. So you already know how Demons are born. You’re referring to how Demons implant their young inside the malicious Spirits as a form of a parasite so that the infant can leech off nutrients for growth and eventually kill the host in order to be born right?

Dragons aren’t that similar.

Pregnant Dragons usually lay a single egg. Then from that egg comes out a hatchling.

-Ugh… I thought it would be something like that… This useless imagination of mine..

I felt like burying myself inside a rat hole out of embarrassment. Trom-Well on the other hand looked like he was having the time of his life. In his laughter, however, was no trace of disappointment or pity.



-Hahaha! You’re such a fun person. I never realized teaching someone would be so enjoyable.

Or maybe you’re a special case. You have none of the basic knowledge needed to be here but you retained your memories from Earth as a human. Maybe that’s why you feel so fresh to me.

Is it because the angle at which you view the world is unusual?

-Eh? That’s..

-Honestly, I have never heard of anyone worrying about the appearances of the monsters, much less think that they won’t be able to tell the difference. You may feel bad at me for saying this but….

El. You’re really cute.



What should I say as a response to that statement? I felt like the only person who has called me cute on multiple occasions is Trom-Well.


Unconsciously, my cheeks flushed red.


And unfortunately, Matey who was riding next to us wore an annoying expression and playful made a joke.

“Woah~~~ Do I smell a forbidden love? I’m feeling jealous here!”


“Wh… What? That’s not it!”


-Hehehe. Than what was those passionate lights I saw in your eyes. Fill me in. I want to know please? What’s going on, tell me.”


“I’m telling you that’s not it..”


It was unavoidable that he would think that Trom-Well and I were peering into each other’s eyes since he couldn’t understand the Spirit Language.

But still, Forbidden Love? Can’t he just think that our friendship is so passionate that we don’t require words in our conversation?


Although it’s true that Trom-Well’s charismatic and elegant figure was enough to make the heart of any girl flutter, but how is Forbidden Love the first thing he assumes? Chet.

But Trom-Well did not seem offended at all and was smiling radiantly. I think that he is far too kind for his own good.


“Haha. If it really is Forbidden Love, than who’s the Gong and Soo? (TLN: In gay romance, the man who is the Gong acts as the male while the Soo acts as a girl. P.SI do not engage in or encourage this sort of genre.)


“ ……. ”


When Trom-Well replied such shocking words indifferently, Matey who was the one teasing got hurt.


I thought heard him say something like ‘As I thought, Trom-Well isn’t a easy target to tease.’ It has been little over two months since Trom-Well embarked on his vacation.

This meant that Trom-Well couldn’t have been part of the Champagne Mercenaries for over two months. Meaning that even though the time they had spent together is sparse, the Mercenaries couldn’t help but fear Trom-Well.

The cool headiness he answers with even while dealing with jokes was why the Mercenaries had so much trouble dealing with me.


Before meeting me, I heard that Trom-Well did not so much crack a laughter and always carried a chilling atmosphere around him.

Although he was polite and smiled whenever he was talking to someone, he always concealed his emotions to the point that it was impossible to know what he was thinking.

Harol couldn’t bear to see a youth as young as Trom-Well act in such an aloof manner so he aimed to bring out some emotions within him but ended up being labeled as a pervert.

I later learned that he went overboard by showering Trom-Well with excessive love and Kin-ship.

But now Tom-Well laughed so radiantly and displayed genuine happiness, it was difficult to overlap him with his past cold self.

“Hmm. I have always only seen his laughing face… I can’t really imagine him as cold and indifferent.”

“Hehe. You’ve only seen him laughing? Well, I guess that’s to be expected.”


“ ……? ”

“About you. How should I say this. Something about you is too beautiful. I’m not talking about your appearance but the vibe and sensation  I get from you.

Something about you just makes people want to laugh. I’m glad that Matthew has a friend like yourself.

“Haha. That’s the first time I’ve heard such kind words.


While I was still Kang Jee Hoo of Korea, the most common words I’ve heard was ‘Just the sight of you pisses me off’ from my parents.

Claiming that my presence alone was enough to put them into a sea of misery, I lived my days surrounded my criticism.

But, in this new world, I was told that I had a talent in bringing laughter by a person I’ve only recently met.

When I think about it carefully, among my class friends, there was one guy who often implied that. His name was Ha Tae Jin. When I ran from home after being severely beaten by my father, Tae Jin became infuriated as if he was the victim.

He once said to me, ‘If your father feels pissed off from seeing you, then he must be going blind. Don’t you know how popular you are?’

I assumed that time that he was trying to soothe my sufferings but now, I feel like his words weren’t as false as I originally thought they were.

Thinking back, I remember Choi Min Suk who packed an extra box of lunch just for me, class president Yoo Ji Tae who turned a blind eye for me whenever I was late to class,

And Lee Jung Min who listened to my worries.


Even while living in that hell like world, my luck with friends wasn’t bad at all.

They all came to my funeral while spilling tears.. Are they doing well?


Just because I was only born a few months ago doesn’t mean that only a few months went by at Earth.

Although the passage of time across the four Dimensions was similar, the time I spent in the netherworld up to my rebirth may not be as small as I thought it was.


After jumping through the gate and losing consciousness, I slept while dreaming before I was reincarnated.


That time I was asleep may be much longer than I thought.

If a year has passed, memories of Kang Jee Hoo in Earth would began to fade as the people I called my friends would forget me as I become something distant. I would become a forgotten mark in their history.


Rather than grieving for the rest of their lives, it would be better if they just forgot and moved on. But that thought only brought a bitter taste to my mouth.


When Harol saw my anguished expression in response to his compliment, he seemed at loss on what to do.


Fortunately I broke out of my nostalgia and covered my pains with a smile.

“Ah, I’m sorry Harol. I was thinking about something else. Hehe.”


“R.. Really? I thought you got angry because of what I said. What were you thinking about? Your complexion looked terrible although you still looked really pretty..”

“Haha. It’s… It was something that happened in my past.. It’s nothing much.”


But Harol had a face full of suspicion and did not buy my explanation.


Assuming that it had a relation with the story of Matthew’s past that explained why he hated nobles, he wore a solemn and patted me in the back several times while saying ‘I understand.’


I knew that he totally had the wrong idea but his actions filled me with such warmth that tears dribbled down my cheeks.


That caught the attention of several of the mercenaries as they gave confused glances at me. I laughed stupidly to express that it was nothing.

When was the last time I cried?

After I was 7, I learned that spilling tears would lead to even greater violence. After that, I suppressed whatever tears I had.

Till now, I assumed that it had dried out a long time ago.

But it looked like there was still sorrow that I have not yet released within me.
The tears that I released however, did not feel as bad as I thought.


Realizing that the tears did not taste salty, I was once again reminded that I was no longer human.

y first meeting with these creatures called ‘Monsters’ occurred after 2 weeks from now.

Right before we arrived at the first of the two checkpoints, we were suddenly surrounded by human figures that had the body of a man but the head of a pig.


As if this was planned in advance, 30 of these creatures came out, smoothly encircling the convoy while snorting laughter in an unpleasant manner.


Gazes filled with murdered intent, the Man-Pigs carried axes that were smaller and more unsophisticated than the one wielded by Harol.

“What… What the heck is that?”


Because I was still celebrating the fact that the Archduke removed the Water Tax, I was taken aback by the appearance of these horrendous sights.

As I gazed stupidly at the men with heads of a pig, Trom-Well answered without a single trace of panic in his voice.

“They are the Orcs.”


“Orcs? Are they Monsters?”


“Yes. If you eliminate the fact that they travel in groups, they are classified as Low-Middle Class.

Since they execute coordinated action to plunder their target, they are mistaken as intelligent but the way they think is juvenile.

They are annoying as pests.


“Ha. I see.”


Oho. So those are the Monsters I’ve only heard about? Perhaps because they were classified as insignificant Low-Middle Class monsters when they were alone, all the Mercenaries maintained perfect composure.

None of them showed any signs of panic excluding Isana and I who were frozen stiff while gripping the reins tightly.


Then suddenly, one of the Orcs spoke while snorting.

“Oink~ Humans. You no die if lay down and run. Oink~ Give goods and go Oink~”

“Our Numbers Oink~ are larger Oink~. No fight back Oink~. Hand over belongings Oink~ Oink~.”


‘Woah, they can talk!’ Unconsciously I felt fascinated.

While the body was that of a human, seeing them talk with the mouth of a pig was a sight pleasurable to the eyes. It felt like a pig was talking in the language of humans.


As my fear and sense of danger was alleviated, my grip on the reins weakened. Trom-Well eyed me carefully.

“Stand aside. El. It will be better if you look the other way.”



“Why? What are you going to do?”


“Since these guys won’t be leaving on their own, we have to erase them. It’ll be a little disturbing so close your eyes with Rai.”


“Eh? Is that okay? Shouldn’t I help?”


“No worries. Our side alone could take care of this easily. Also the other Mercenaries aren’t that bad so you just have to stay still and avoid harm. Understand?”



Trom-Well seemed to have become more caring after I cried and the attitudes of the other Mercenaries became more cautious around me.

But Trom-Well’s behavior was different from the others. Perhaps he had read my entire past when my mental barrier shattered.

Sympathy from someone ignorant is different from sympathy from someone who understands.


I detested being looked upon with pity but Trom-Well did not show any such signs. Rather he had revealed no trace of emotion when he spoke.


Trom-Well may not be looking at me with sympathy. Should I say the feeling of encouragement is stronger when I talk with him?


Anways, it looks like I still have good luck in meeting good friends.

While thinking along those lines, a merry voice from the front lines broke the silence.


“Oy Pig Heads. That’s our line. If you obediently run now we won’t kill you. Huh? What will you do?”


Laughter followed. It came from the front which was protected by the Vodka Mercenaries. (TLN: The author must like his alcohol)


Like the Champagne Mercenaries, they consisted of 8 people who were all silver ranks however, we rarely spent time with any of them since their attitudes seemed far too coarse for our liking.


But the Salad Mercenaries (TLN: Alcohol with Salad. Mhmmm) who were responsible for the center often joked and laughed with them.


The Orcs seemed thoroughly offended by that last lime and with a battle cry of Oink~ Oink~ Oink~, they raised their battle axes and charged at the Mercenaries.



Pewsh-A spear cleaved an Orc’s head into two while a slime like substance fell on the ground.

The ground was soon dyed red with puddles of fresh blood and with bits of brains scattered as decorations.




Even though I wasn’t the one fighting, just watching made my heart race. Is this karma for ignoring Trom-Well’s advice?


My face paled as I watched the scenery of slaughter that was unfolding right before my eyes.

I couldn’t feel any strength in my hands.


Since I was a Spirit, I had nothing inside I could throw up but I still fell like something was going to come out so I clasped my mouth shut with my hands.

In the meanwhile, the Orcs were turning into mince meat under the steel weapons of the Mercenaries.


“KHAHAHA- THIS IS THE LIFE! You can’t even imagine how frustrated I felt from just riding! You guys are a gift! HAHAHAHA!!”


“Harol! Kill all the ones that flee as well! If we let them live than they’ll come back with more of their kind.”


“I know! Leave it to me!”

Leaping off his horse and plunging into the very center of the Orc Party while wielding a single axe, Harol pompously replied back.

With a single stroke of his inhuman weapon, the heads of three Orcs fell to the ground simultaneously.


Following the beheading was a fountain of blood, spraying into the air from the stubs that used to contain a head.

Ugh… I really regret this…


“You dumbass! There are kids watching! Can’t you kill them without leaving such a mess? They’re not even Trolls so why do you need to sever their necks?”


“That’s my line you damned witch! Control you freaking strength! Are you blind to that half a body lying on the road?”


“Shut up! It’s way better than severed heads!”

“Don’t make me laugh! Rather than seeing intestines spill out like water, flying heads is far better!”

Look at all those guts falling out!”

“What did you say??”



Even if I had my eyes closed, the vivid descriptions they so kindly shouted out turned mine and Isana’s face into a whiter shade of white…


Seeing my discomfort, Trom-Well looked upset as if he calmly warned the two bickering rivals.


“Harol, Iale! If you have time to quarrel than finish the fight over there. The sun’s going to set before we finish at this rate.”

“Ah, Sorry Matthew.”


“Chet, I’m letting you off easy because of Matthew!”


The End….

Is what I like to have said. But they started quarreling once again not too long after.

But fortunately, they no longer bothered to describe the killing methods.

Seeing how they care freely argued while in combat, I realized how accustomed these people were to this sort of events.


Wondering how Trom-Well was doing, I took a look at his direction.

With a move so smooth that it reminded of flowing water, Trom-Well round house kicked an Orc into the air as my face cramped from shock.


The Orc that received Trom-Well’s kick landed with a thud and gave one last shivere as white foam bubbled in his mouth.


With a single kick, an Orc was sent to the netherworld.

That wasn’t the end. When another Orc swung his axe, Trom-Well dodged to the left as the axe passed harmlessly by a hairbreadth worth of distance and embedded itself to the ground. Using the axe as leverage, he leaped into the air. His jump was followed by a multiple series of flawless kicks that sent countless Orcs to the afterlife..

Every single kill was clean without a single drop of blood.


Even the nearby Mercenaries who should have been busy fighting with their lives on the line were awestruck and stared captivated by Trom-Well’s figure.


On the mean while, with a clean strike aimed at the back of the neck, Hosane’s sword blurred through the spinal cord of multiple Orcs. His flawless textbook motion and light footwork brought the attention of several Mercenaries to his direction.

Seeing how everything was unfolding, I felt embarrassed at myself for staying still so uselessly.

On the other hand, Isana watched the battle with a expression full of desire and longing.



“Amazing. Really  Amazing..”



In the blink of an eye, a large majority of the Monsters were disposed of. Seeing how the Orcs no longer served as a threat, Trom-Well who had not yet shed a single drop of sweat ran over to my direction.


As he left the battle field, the remaining Champagne Mercenaries retreated as well and left the remainders to the other Mercenary parties and rated from 1 to 10 the last moments of the Orcs.


Although my nose wrinkled at the stench of flesh and blood, I greeted them with a smile.


“You guys were awesome. Killing all those monsters that quickly…”



“Hehe. Something like that is a piece of cake. How was I? I was pretty cool right?”


“Yes, you were brilliant. Are you hurt any where?”


“All of us are fine. But the guys on the other side seemed to have suffered some wounds.”


Matey pointed at several of the Vodka Mercenaries who had long gashes left by the axes of the Orcs.

Suddenly, someone came out of one of the carriages and approached the wounded.


Wearing a clean white robe, the blonde man pointed at the wound while muttering incantations. With a flash of brilliant light, the gash that the Mercenary had was gone.

“!!! That… He’s a priest?”

“He, I know. They truly are ranked within the 3 biggest Merchant Groups. To think that they would hire those expensive Priests for a convoy this small.

They’re probably overflowing with money.”


“Leave them alone. It’s good that those guys will heal quickly. Ahah, it’s hot. Look at all this sweat.

Sorry Rai but, can you give me some water? I want to drink something cold.”

“Yes! I’ll summon the Naiads right away..”


“Ah!!! Wait!! Do it somewhere I can’t see!”


The one who screamed was Iale. She seemed to have swore within her heart to never see the Naiads no matter what happened.

Aware that there were other eyes watching, Isana ran inside one of the carriages and hid himself.

The fact that he was a Spirit Summoner of Water was information that was classified within the Champagne Mercenaries.

If other Mercenaries learned of his existence, they too will ask for water and Iale will have to have her eyes closed all throughout the night.


Seeing how the usually arrogant Iale was acting so desperately in order not to see cute things, laughter escaped my lips.


Like Trom-Well said, they were a fine bunch.


End of Volume 2

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