
Chapter 11

ollowing the encounter with the Orc band, our journey went smoothly with no other unplanned surprises.

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The first checkpoint of the journey was located outside of the castle walls within a small guard post. As the soldiers stationed saw us, they laid down the cards in their hand and lazily got up with a look annoyance.


The representative who was resting in the carriage shot out, taking out his identification and trading permit. The guard captain leisurely skimmed through the papers while shooting suspicious glances at the mercenaries.


“Hmm, Vermillion Bird? For what purpose are you traveling to Kalmore?”


“We have a small branch located in Kalmore that needs to be resupplied. About our luggage, it is mostly wheat and fine silk.”


“Is that so? Are those men mercenaries? Have them take out their Rank Passes.”


At his command, the Champagne Mercenaries took out their pendants without hesitation one at a time. The fluidity of their motion made me think that they have gone through this procedure multiple times.

Isana and I hurriedly followed along. But compared to the metallic pendants that flickered light under the sun, our wooden Rank Passes looked so mediocre in comparison.

This dull design made it stand out even more than Hosane’s Gold Pass.


I was worried that the guards would take interest in our wooden passes and have Isana take off his hood, but those worries turned out to be unfound as the guardsmen walked away with only a glance without even inspecting to see if they were genuine.

This made me believe that theses inspections were done out of formality rather than need.




“Champagne Mercenaries 8 people, Vodka Mercenaries 8 people, Salad Mercenaries 7 people. Compared to the cargo, isn’t there an excess number in your personnel?”

“That is not true. We have already met a pack of monsters that were over 30 in number. In order to ensure our safety, we need to hire at least this number.”


“Hmm. Really? Monster activity have been increasing this past couple of days. Fine. I authorize your passage. Hey, open the gates!”


As the guard who was in charge of the inspection shouted, the iron doors began to open.


I had previously anticipated that the guards would at least rummage through the goods and search for any suspicious individuals so a sense of discomfort in my heart because the process was too easy.


“Excuse me, are the checkpoints usually like this?”


Unable to endure my suspicions, I asked Harol who answered in a small voice.

“It’s because we’re not at the border. The checkpoints located within the Empire is done more as a formality. It’s because as long  as someone is still within this country and haven’t escaped to another, the Empire could still capture them.”


“Heh? That’s possible?”

“Of course it’s impossible. Something like that is doomed to be a failure. To be truthful, how can the Empire be okay when the Imperial palace is a mess? The top water needs to be clear so that the lower stream can be clean.”

“ ……. ”



Isana who was listening with me suddenly became tense. Although I felt regretful in asking, I may as well prod further since I’ve already started. So, in a quiet voice, I asked,

“But I’ve heard that the Regent Yura has praiseworthy abilities in politics. Am I wrong?”


“Eng? Baloney! Who on Arkadon said such nonsense? I admit that it seemed like that at first. Since he knew how to rule and he also had his position as the Pope.

In comparison, Emperor Isana was living a life of debauchery and wasn’t showing any interest in governmental affairs so he did seem favorable. However that was all hallow sincerity.”


“Hallow sincerity?”


Realizing that I wanted a more detailed explanation, Harol continued with a darkened expression.


“The Archduke’s primary interest is appeasing the Aristocrats and ignores the commoners who are genuinely in need of his help.

Since he wants to steal power from the Emperor, the power of the Aristocrats is necessary. In the process, he can obtain their military force to solidify his own position.

The overall appraisal of the Archduke isn’t very good. There are rumors that say that he is the one responsible for the late Emperor’s death and the disappearance of the current Emperor. Also his regency hasn’t been long.

It’s not as if he was in power for 1 or 2 years. He’s only been on that seat for a few months and all sorts of dark rumors that revolve around him are appearing.  Doesn’t that tell you everything you need to know?”

“So that’s how it is.”

Before I noticed, the entire convoy had already passed through the checkpoint and was marching to the center of the village. There, we restocked on our supplies and received orders that we must leave at the start of dawn the next day.

When the Mercenaries left to find lodging, I joyously poked Isana.

“It’s a relief Isana.”

“Huh? What is?”

“You don’t need to give up your title as Emperor. Isn’t this what you said? That if the Archduke rules the people sagaciously, you would give up your birth right. But you won’t need to do that.”


The news that I thought would be pleasing turned out to be displeasing for Isana.

Why… Why?

“What’s wrong?”

Seeing how I was taken aback, he weakly answered.


“To be honest I.. I don’t have much confidence.”

“Huh? What is it now?”


“Well. I don’t think there’s not going to be much of a difference in who is the Emperor between my uncle and I. How should I say this, the fact that I can change the fate of countless people with a single word makes me feel like I’m suffocating.

Even if I succeed in defeating my uncle, I don’t know if I’ll able to carry out my duties.”

As if his confidence had turned to fear, he lowered his and stared at his feet.

Seeing him pathetic figure, I couldn’t think of anything to say.


Reigning a country is not easy. Even I can understand that. That sort of ability is gained through experience.


But I knew for certain, that Isana would be a far better ruler than a man who became Emperor in pursuit of wealth and power.


The fact that he was afraid meant that he was fully conscious of the weight of his people’s lives.

It meant that he cared.

With a smirk, I ruffled his hair under the hood.


“ …..? ”


“Returning and reclaiming the capital. That’s the only thing you should worry about Isana. It’s because you’re thinking about too many things that your head is hurting.”

“B.. But..”


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“Are you trying to push away your title as Emperor because of your fears? What do you think would happen if I felt the same way and tried to not be the Spirit King?”


At my nonsensical method of approach, Isana’s eyes turned into two perfect circles. Perhaps because he never imagined that a Spirit King could refuse his status, his expression clearly face his confusion.


“Can you avoid your responsibilities because you don’t want to be a Spirit King?”


“Perhaps. I don’t know about the others but I could delay the time of my birth.

If that happened than rain would have come much later and nature would have taken longer to heal.

It’s the same thing Isana. If you try to resist your duties, than the day your people can live comfortably becomes further away.

If there is a problem that you can’t avoid, face it head on with every ounce of your strength.

What I’m sure however, is that if you become Emperor, the people will live happier.

After all, you care more about them than then your uncle.”


When I winked while finishing my speech, Isana’s cheeks were dyed red.

Than with a sudden initial giggle, he burst out laughing.

“Harol was right.”

“About what?”

“You have the charisma to make people laugh. I agree with Harol. Thank you for your advice

Thanks to you, my heart feels at ease.”


“R.. Really? Hahaha. I’m glad I could help.”


I didn’t think that such words could be considered as encouragement. But since Isana finally looks motivated it’s fine with me.


As we laughed together, the Mercenaries who went to find lodging came back.


Since we were all leaving together tomorrow, I thought we would find separate lodging from the other groups.

However all personnel of this journey had a designated resting area.

“Thankfully there was an inn that could room all of us. As contracted, all living expenses will be taken care of by their group so rest without worries.

However the 3rd floor is reserved for the Merchants so don’t intrude if you can.”


“3rd floor? Than which floor is ours?”

“1st floor. There are 2 3-bedrooms and 1 2-bedroom. Harol, Matey, and I will be together. Matthew, El, and Rai will be in the other 3 bedroom while Sherry and Iale room at the 2-bedroom.”


Violent protests followed Hosane’s brief explanation. The center of the complaint was Harol and Matey. Perhaps because I’ve seen this happening numerous times, I was no longer surprised.

“No way!! Why am I with this bastard?”


“That’s my line! Boss! You’re being too mean? If all the handsome guys are in one room than it’ll be a national loss!

Also what’ll happen if someone attacks them at night? Shouldn’t at least one of us stay with them as guards?”

“Your logic is heading to a dangerous direction. I’m not so sure I’ll be okay with you being with them alone unsupervised. But let me ask one thing Harol.

Who the heck can stand up against Matthew?”


“Th.. That’s!….. Huh? Now that I think about it there’s no one.”

There is no one who would dare mess with Trom-Well who displayed his Herculean strength when he killed an Orc with a single blow.

Now having nothing to say, Harol shut his mouth. Matey was the same.


As the two trouble makers finally calmed down, Hosane seemed much more relaxed and glanced at my direction.”

“You must’ve been tired of camping outside. Enjoy your bed as much as you can since we’ll be back out tomorrow.


“Yes. I’ll do as you say Hosane. By the way, which floors are the other Mercenaries at?”


“1st floor like us. It’s larger than I expected. It was probably designed to accommodate large groups in a single place

Although we’ve been living together for a while, don’t interact with the other Mercenary parties. Especially Iale and Sherry. Since you are the only females here, make sure to be even more careful.”

Although he spoke to two people, Iale was the only one who replied. Even though it’s hard to consider something like this a reply…



“Rather than us, doesn’t El need to be more careful? What do we, who are silver ranked need to worry? There’s no one who will bother us.

El on the outside looks like an undeniably attractive girl so it’ll be easy for others to misunderstand. “


“I… Iale!”


“What? Am I wrong? Anyways Matthew! Look after El. Some guys in Vodka Mercenaries were sending suspicious glints in their eyes.”

“Haha. Definitely. Should I be the Knight in Shining Armor for the princess today?”



‘Jesus! Trom-Well~~!! Not you too…’


Staggering back from the shock, my mouth twitched at the absurdity of their comments.

As if they were savoring my torment, the Mercenaries drowned the hall in laughter. Only Hosane remained apathetic.

For a while, he looked like he was sulking over something as he gazed at Sherry. Since she showed no signs of even sparing a glance at him, Hosane was forced to take the initiative.

“Sherry. Why aren’t you saying anything?”




“I thought I said to be careful since you and Iale are the only woman here.”

“Hmph. You don’t need to worry. To be honest it doesn’t matter who attacks me. I’m actually thinking of seducing one of them later on.”





Hosane did not take her apathetic reply very well. His face turned contorted from rage as his glared menacingly at Sherry.


But Sherry herself had no intention to bend and met his eyes with equal ferocity.

When the mood suddenly escalated to hostility, the Mercenaries glanced at another while mumbling to each other, not knowing what to do.


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Harol volunteered and carefully tried to calm both parties but was sent back to his sea of misery.

“Hey, Sherry. Boss is just saying that because he’s worried. If you reply in such a manner..”

“Hmph! This is what is called worthless meddling. Isn’t it fine as long as I don’t bring any harm to the group right? What right do you have to interfere with me doing what I want?”


“That is enough Sherry!!!”


And the hostility continues. It was quite unpleasant for me to see comrades bare their fangs at one another.

Especially when the problem is about love.

Others were in the same boat as me.


The strange conflict that seemed to go on for eternity ended when the other Mercenary groups began to arrive.

With pupils that radiated frost, she examined Hosane’s face. As if she was suppressing her feelings, she spoke in a quivering voice.

“You’re the one who made me like this Hosane.”




I noticed the same embarrassed expression as the time when I first met him on his face. That iron face that he so stubbornly maintained crumbled down at Sherry’s final words.

However, I was glad to see it. When he wore his iron face, he looked several years older than he actually was.

Seeing how panicked he look when Sherry ran off, I realized that he was more troubled than I had expected.

Love that stems from friendship is not as sweet as I had thought.


“Ahah. Frustrating… Do something Boss! Just how long is this going to go on for?”


Iale who endured this crisis far longer than I, complained. The others seemed just as uncomfortable.


But Hosane just stared blankly, not revealing any of his thoughts.

To me, he just looked pitiful. Rather than making such a face, it would be better to just accept Sherry.


I could no longer just stand and watch so I pulled the hem of his shirt. He seemed to have been startled awake from the sudden movement and ordered the Mercenaries to their rooms.

“We don’t have time for this. Go and take a rest. All members of Champagne Mercenaries, move out.”


But his efforts to change the mood failed as all he received was grumblings of his party.


“…. Sherry has already left, what the hell do you mean all members of Champagne Mercenaries? Pay attention Captain!”

“Ha. I know right? How can we mediate between those two hard headed idiots?”

“Leave it alone. When they regret it we could tease them all we want. Come on~ Lets go. We’re finally going to have a decent meal after a while~”

“I know right? But how’s the food here? I could sleep anywhere so that doesn’t matter but I can’t enjoy myself if the food’s not tasty.”


“Really? As long as I don’t die, I could eat anything…”


“ …….. ”


Hosane who was suddenly alienated from the rest of his unit wore a bitter expression and silently followed along.

His appearance was that of an elderly man who had helplessly accepted his upcoming death.

But the other Mercenaries seemed to have no intention of leaving Sherry’s side or even spare a glance at the pitiful looking man.


This is why that people always say having personal connections with others is important. Wait… But Sherry doesn’t seem like the type to socialize or even try to maintain a good image…


As usual, whenever I was curious I went up to Trom-Well.

“Why do they always take Sherry’s side? Is the Captain really that unpopular?

“No, not exactly.. It’s because Sherry is a woman.”


“That’s it?”

“Also she’s young. Human males have a tendency to treat females more gently.

Sorry El, I try not to read their hearts whenever I can so I can’t tell you any more than this.”


“Hm? You’re able to turn that power off?”


Noticing surprise in my question, Trom-Well grinned and nodded.


“Just because a dying person comes up to you doesn’t mean you are required to heal him. That skill is controlled by your will and intention. It’s the same for me. If I don’t want to read, then I don’t have to. If I was forced to look into the heart of every single person I’ve met, this game wouldn’t be fun.”

“That makes sense.”



Being forced to be constantly aware of other people’s thoughts would be a headache. Also it would take away certain joys of living since nothing would ever come as a surprise. So for Trom-Well to enjoy this game of his, it is necessary for him to shut that power off.


As I nodded in understanding, the corner of Torm-Well’s mouth curled up.


“Are you disappointed? That even though I could find out everything you want to know right at this moment, but I’m standing still doing nothing.”

“As if. I wasn’t even interested in such a thing in the first place. You could consider my question something to satisfy my curiosity. It’s nothing to fret over.

I mean, you won’t hate me just because I don’t aid every dying person I come across right?”


At my words, Trom-Well’s forehead creased into wrinkles showing signs of displeasure. Then he sternly replied.


“That’s wrong.”


“Huh? Ah.. You’re right.. I shouldn’t treat or talk about life so carelessly. Ahahaha…”


“That’s not what I mean. I’m rather against you saving someone who’s on his death bed in the first place.”


“….. why?”


What does he mean? When I got an reply that I could not have predicted, I stared blankly at Trom-Well’s eyes.

Understanding that I did not understand what he meant, he continued, still wearing that serious expression that seemed so ill fitting.

“There’s a huge difference in strain created between healing a light or heavy injury.

I do not want to see you suffer for the sake of a mere human.”

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“T… Trom-Well that’s…”


“I’m sorry El. No matter how hard I try, I can’t consider these people as equals. You El, must realize that humans will always be beneath us.”


“I…. That’s true but…”


While I was stuttering because I could not find a suitable response, we arrived to the area of our lodging.


Behind the wooden panel that was signed <Oak Scent> was a 5 story building made entirely out of wood. Youths who looked like this inn’s employees quickly took and scampered off with the Mercenary’s horses and stationed them at the stable

Once we arrived, the expression of the Mercenaries was renewed with vitality.


But even while our companions walked into the inn, I was held back by Trom-Well who halted my steps by grabbing onto my arm.

Flustered, I stared at him.

“Keep this in mind El. You’re here to enjoy yourself and this adventure is nothing more than a game, something to take pleasure in. You may even consider it a dream. Don’t get emotionally attached to this world. Once you delve too deeply into this dream then it will be difficult to get you back into reality.”


“I.. I’ll be careful.”



“One more thing… Don’t ever…. Don’t ever shed something like a tear because of a human. If you do El, I will erase every creature that is called a human from the face of this dimension.”

“!!!! Trom-Well!?!?!”


What is the meaning of this? Erase every human? This isn’t something that should be said even as a joke!

I was horrified because Trom-Well looked completely serious as his golden eyes that usually shone warmth was now replaced with the bitter cold.


Perhaps noticing that he went too far, his forehead loosened but his calm was frightening.


What was especially unnerving that this was Trom-Well who was always so considerate and kind. To think that such a person would utter such destructive words is not something that I can accept.

But I was unable to refute his following lines.

“I’m sorry. I read your entire life as Kang Jee Hoon. Although it looks like you had some good friends, I don’t think it’s a good thing for you to remember your past life. So… I… said some things that I shouldn’t have. What I want is for you to never be wounded by something like a human ever again.”


“ ……. ”

“I won’t argue if you think that this is just useless meddling..”

“No, it’s not. That’s not true at all. Thanks for thinking about me Trom-Well. But not all humans are terrible. So..”


“Haha. I understand. I know that I was too severe just now. Just know that I was too angry to be rational..”

“I’m sorry Trom-Well, I keep adding onto your worries.”


At my apology, Trom-Well’s golden eyes softened as the biting chill disappeared.

Then, he raised his hand to brush my hair.


“ ….? ”

“Let’s go on a journey together later on El. It’ll be fun.”

“Ah.. Yeah.”


Finally seeing him act like his usual self, my lips automatically formed a smile. I felt like the ability to make others smile was more fitting of him.


This is not the first time I had received help or encouragement from him.

I wished that this day could end happily but….




“Hey, what are you doing, why aren’t you coming in… Wait a minute… You two are suspicious. You’re not actually in “that” sort of relationship, are you?”


“Ackk!! No, definitely no!! Hey hey hey!!! No more of this bull crap. Love within this Mercenary group is now forbidden, we don’t need a second love affair here… “(TLN: First is Sherry x Hosane)


I was convinced that those words were designed to tease so the happy mood that I had originally envisioned turned into one of awkwardness.


What was even more troublesome was that Trom-Well did not even shrink at their mockery and showed no signs of embarrassment while radiating that same gentle golden light.

That confident attitude would definitely spark some other strange misunderstandings but Trom-Well did not even seem to care.

So I swore deep inside my heart…

‘I’ll never be alone with Trom-Well ever again.’


But I had no intention of creating distance in our relationship.


<Games of A Spirit King>

That night, Sherry actually managed to seduce a member of the Vodka Mercenaries. Not long after the Mercenaries finished their meals, I wandered the inn a bit.

At that time, all had left to enjoy the free time that they had left.

While strolling around, I noticed that figure of a man and woman walking together and almost chocked at what I saw.


Wearing a even more daring and revealing outfit than usual, Sherry was in the embrace of a man who was at least 3 times her size.


“Ugg.. Cough cough… Uh.. Sh… Sherry??”


What on Earth is this? I didn’t think that she was being serious earlier on. I had a mountain of things I wanted to say to her but all that came out was her name and a few coughs.


But I was still successful in catching her attention.

Looking flustered, she stared back but as if sneering mockingly, she lifted the ends of her mouth.



But her eyes shone tenaciousness and fear as if she was afraid would report back to Hosane. Although she seemed hostile, it looked to me as if she was begging me to just ignore this and walk away.


“I’ll introduce you. This guy here is Shawn of the Vodka Mercenaries. He’s going to be my date for tonight.


Even though I tried to see this ‘Shawn’ in a good light, he looked far older than Hosane and if you took out his muscles, there was nothing good about him and even less to see.

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Skin that was burnt brown by the sun and those numerous scars that seemed to have unclear origins, bristly eyes, hooked nose along with thick lips… It was hard to not label him as vulgar.

Furthermore I was already biased against the members of the Vodka Mercenaries so when those dark blue eyes stopped at my direction, I felt like I was suffocating.


W… Why… Why did he look at me and lick his lips?!?!


“Hoho. Your unit has a lot of beauties. It’s really doubtful whether the Champagne Mercenaries are all Silver and above.”


While muttering as if something was exciting, his eyes did not know when to look away from my face. Sherry who had not yet noticed answered.

“It’s not everyone. They are temporary Mercenaries for this journey. Let’s hurry, I want to enjoy the night breeze.



Even if she hadn’t told him, Shawn probably already had caught on that Isana and I were temporary Mercenaries.

Unlike the others, Isana and I gave the impression that we were being protected. Also we had never engaged in any of the conflicts along the way.

As he continued to throw that uncomfortable gaze at my direction, he had no choice but to turn when Sherry pressed on.

Even while struggling to catch a glimpse of my appearance for a little bit longer, he didn’t forget to put his arm around Sherry’s slim waist.

Blegh. It’s not me who’s his target but I felt goose bumps regardless.

Unfortunately for Sherry, the night gale that she was looking forward to had to wait as Matey who has been her follower ran into the scene.


“HEY! You bastard! Get off of Sherry!!”


Although a direct confrontation was flawed, other Mercenaries started to head to our direction at the commotion.


Sherry and the man named Shawn turned around.

Even though Matey was smaller than Harol, Shawn could not ignore him since he was also ranked Silver. However that did not stop him from sneering as if something was ridiculous.


“And what does that mean?”


“Sherry is a girl I wanted for years! I won’t let someone who doesn’t even share a shred of history steal her from me!”


“Heh. Isn’t that something you should tell the girl? Since the man she selected was me and not you.”


“Y… You!!!!!”

As if he had heard something absurd, he no longer seemed to care about the consequences when he unsheathed the blade that was hooked to his waist.

His usual weapon of choice were twin daggers however, when needed he was a capable user of a longsword.


As the conflict was about to turn into violence, Sherry now had no choice but to intervene.

“That’s enough Matey. What the hell are you trying to do?”


“But Sherry!”


“Don’t meddle in my life, PLEASE! If you continue then I won’t be able to continue as a Champagne Mercenary any longer.”

“…!!.. She.. Sherry..”


I knew that she was ruthless and often crude, but I didn’t think she would sink so low as to threaten Matey with withdrawal from the unit.

Iale was always calm to these types of conflicts instantly turned pale. When the gaze of these two met for an instant, Sherry’s eyes flashed signs of guilt. It didn’t look like she actually wanted or intended to leave.


I think I could understand why Hosane was resented so much. He let Sherry say whatever she desired even when she didn’t mean it while doing nothing to rebind their relationship.


Silence resumed as neither party could think of anything to say. Sherry took this as an opportunity and quickly dragged Shawn away.


I wanted to purse her but a strong hand held me back as a restraint so I had no choice but to just watch.

“Let her go El. Sherry won’t listen to the words of anyone when she’s like that. It’s better to let her vent all she wants.”


“But Iale..”


“Rather you saw that light in Shawn’s eyes right? Sherry didn’t look like she noticed but he was really looking intently at you.

Even I was getting the shivers.

Be careful. Not just tonight but until we reach Kalmore. Don’t ever be alone with a member of the Vodka Mercenary.. Understand?”


Even if she hadn’t warned me, I too got the same feeling from Shawn so I nodded. I didn’t think there was any reason to worry however…

If I just reveal my gender then wouldn’t they lose interest? But Iale shook her head firmly.


“Moron. Trash like that doesn’t care whether you’re a man or woman. Some perverts specifically target males.”

“W.. What??!”


“Matthew had the same problem at first, but after he sent a few to the Netherworld, no one dared to bother him again.”

Right Matthew? As a senior, you have to STRICTLY advice El. Like countermeasures when he encounters a pervert..”


As if he had been waiting for this opportunity, Trom-Well suddenly drew a knife and handed me the hilt.


And with melodic laughter, he began explain.


“If someone launches himself at you, stab the heart. If you slash somewhere like the shoulders, they’ll just get angry so it’s ideal for you to end his life from the start.”



“ ……….. ”


Cough. So you don’t need to give perverts human treatment? The way he spoke reminded me of an instruction manual explaining how to slaughter livestock.

The people around us stiffened as he happily gave his advice while laughing.


Even Iale who had originally requested Trom-Well to advice me now had a blank expression.  Anyways he did give me STRICT advice so he had accomplished what was required of him as a senior.


The nearby Mercenaries now learned a valuable lesson to never judge based on appearance.


‘Trom-Well may be the scariest being among the Spirit Kings…’


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