Entertainment Industry Acting Emperor

Chapter 10: Entertainment Industry Acting Emp

Chapter 10: Reversal

February 26, 2021kaychandra

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Chapter 10: Reversal
Translated and edited by KChandra

Gongxi Xiong’s rhetoric sounded very angry, but unfortunately the microblog he sent out from his newly-applied Weibo account wasn’t seen by anyone. Fortunately, his assistant and secretary knew more about the Internet and contacted several certified Weibo users to forward Gongxi Xiong’s microblog.

Deng Li was a famous internet author of a certain webnovel database. Usually in addition to writing on the Internet, she would go out for walks and browse Weibo and forums. She was also a verified user of the Weibo platform, with a golden V after her name. That evening she was chatting online with her friends about gossip when she suddenly received a call from her cousin, asking her to help retweet a Weibo message from his boss.

Although she didn’t understand what was going on, she had a very good relationship with her cousin, so she didn’t refuse and opened her Weibo page directly, searched for the account that her cousin’s boss mentioned, clicked on it and almost dropped her jaw.

Her cousin’s boss was a very rich tycoon. She heard that his employees were also very well off, so when she suddenly found out that this boss was Gongxi Qiao’s rumored godfather, but was actually his real father, she had a feeling that the world was really small.

After silently forwarding the angry microblog, she had a feeling that her Weibo would be forwarded by countless people and then plunged into a war of haters. Thinking of this, she simply turned off Weibo, opened a document and started writing her story. She wouldn’t pay attention to anyone looking for her.

The ‘Daily Face to Face’ program hadn’t finished airing, but the netizens of Weibo and Cape Forum had already experienced a great show of breaking news and slapping faces.

‘It’s too ugly to see the attitude of a certain celebrity’s fans bullying a newcomer. A newcomer playing the third male can bully the first male? Anyone who buys into it is a fool!’

‘The Owner: As soon as I refreshed the forum tonight, I saw such a good show. Those bit part actors using side accounts have come out to say how bad Gongxi Qiao’s acting skills are and how arrogant he acts. It seems that you all know what others are doing, you hide under people’s beds or behind people’s backs? Some haters said those words in order to goad netizens without ever having been to the crew okay. Those who are in the circle saw that post and simply laughed to death.

Extras get paid a few dozen yuan a day, and most of the time they don’t even meet the cast, so how can they have the ability to know what the cast is up to? The one who says he’s from the crew next door, your crew was a few hundred meters away from us, do you have clairvoyant eyes or ears? Do you know things better than me, one of the crew’s people? I don’t know which god Gongxi Qiao got in the way of. Is it worthwhile for you to slander a newcomer with superb acting skills and good conduct, and to photograph people getting into a luxury car just to get hot/trendy? When you see a rich man, you say he’s the godfather of that person. You guys put a label on people like this. Do their own fathers agree?!’

The tone of the owner of this post was very sarcastic, and implied that a particular artist was deliberately targeting Gongxi Qiao. As to who this artist was, let the wise judge the wisdom of the wise, the netizens could guess it.

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The netizens hadn’t yet returned to their senses, when ‘The Owner’ posted again, attached the ‘Princess of the Closed Moon’ trailer link address, as well as a screenshot of a Weibo post.

The Owner: there are pictures with the truth [with pictures]. I don’t see that rich people are godfathers, maybe people are biological fathers.

The reversal was so dramatic that netizens who had experienced the dog-blooded drama flocked to Weibo to watch the microblogging account named “Xiao Qiao’s Father” with inhumane fervor.

Soon there were thousands of comments under this Weibo account, some calling the blogger father, and others calling the blogger father-in-law, soon leaving the suspicion of Gongxi Qiao’s entry into the circle by hidden rules behind.

But there were still quite a few people who doubted the authenticity of this microblog, in case someone was deliberately pranking them.

Soon after, “Xiao Qiao’s Father” sent a second microblog, this one with three pictures.

Xiao Qiao’s Father: as a father, I support his hobby, but also cannot tolerate my own child being unjustly accused. Rumors stop at the wise man. [with picture 1, 2, 3]

The first picture was a clear picture of a luxury car, exactly the same as the one previously revealed. The second was a picture of Gongxi Qiao wearing a bachelor’s graduate cap. The third was a photo of Gongxi Xiong dressed up like a tycoon with Gongxi Qiao, who was wearing a white shirt and holding a big trophy.

The contrast between the father and son was great, one vulgar and rugged, one elegant and noble. Many netizens under Weibo went hahaha, asking Gongxi Xiong if he saved the whole universe in his last life to give birth to such a male god son.

To put it mildly, the ears and eyebrows of the father and son were quite similar, but after growing on different faces, they became the difference between low-end goods and refined high-fashion goods – simply a picture of the north versus the south.

The Bear Isn’t At Home: father-in-law, I’m your daughter-in-law, what do you like, tomorrow I will buy it to visit with you, old man.

Bean Curd is Salty: Dad, are you still short of daughters, the kind that reads and talks?

Second Brother and Up: Dad, I’m your long-lost son, ah, you quickly take me back.

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“Nowadays these young people are really not reserved at all,” Gongxi Xiong flipped through the comments under his Weibo, shaking his head with a regretful face. “How could I get so many daughters-in-law? If Xiao Qiao dares to be so philandering, I’ll break his legs.”

Deng Heng laughed dryly, “Boss, the netizens are joking with you. These people are saying this because they like Qiao Shao.”

Gongxi Xiong lit a cigarette and took a drag, shook his head and said, “I’m not sure if they like him or not, but the person who smeared Xiao Qiao behind the scenes, I have to teach him a lesson. What did our kid do to deserve people behind the scenes ruining his reputation like this?”

Deng Heng silently listened and did not say anything. The boss was a generous person. His only reverse scale[1] was his wife and children, so this time when the person behind it was found out, even if he wasn’t put in a sack and beaten, he at least had to take off a layer of his skin.

Gongxi Qiao only found out that something had happened online after receiving a text message from one of the crew members. He looked at his mother, who was ignorant and carefree, and opened his Weibo account. After following Gongxi Xiong’s Weibo account, he left a comment under his Weibo account.

Gongxi Qiao: It’s me who saved the universe to meet such good parents.

“Son, what’s wrong?” When Mama Qiao saw Gongxi Qiao playing with his phone, she turned her head to look at him.

“Nothing, the crew came out with a trailer and asked me to help forward it.” Gongxi Qiao’s expression was calm as he threw his phone onto the sofa.

“So when is that drama you’re in going to air?” Mama Qiao wasn’t interested in such things as Weibo and turned her head to ask the question she was interested in.

“Three nights from now,” Gongxi Qiao replied with a smirk, waiting for Mama Qiao to go back to watching TV before his eyes darkened slightly.

If you see this message this content has been stolen. Please read at KChandraTL [dot] wordpress [dot] com.

He was a newcomer. Who would somehow be concerned about whether he was being kept by a sugar daddy except for someone who was targeting him behind the scenes, and who would use such tactics, except for people in the entertainment industry who didn’t want him to act.

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The second male in the cast was an actor who played supporting roles for many years but wasn’t popular. Gongxi Qiao got along with this person. He was a down-to-earth actor who usually spent time at home with his wife and children in addition to acting, and simply did not have the intention of becoming a big star.

Then there was only…

Because of his appearance, the director gave Gongxi Qiao some extra scenes to make his role more colorful. When a drama had a supporting role that was too colorful, the one most affected was the main character, not the other supporting characters.

Thinking of this, Gongxi Qiao’s face showed a smile. He stroked his nose with his index finger, picked up a sofa pillow and leaned back lazily on the sofa.

Three days later, ‘Princess of the Closed Moon’ was officially released on Red Light TV, with three episodes aired every night, for a total of thirty-six episodes spread out over twelve days.

The first two episodes received good ratings, but there weren’t many surprises. At most, some viewers thought the male and female leads looked good, and the costumes were exquisite.

However, at the beginning of the third episode, the drama’s popularity suddenly skyrocketed, even to the first place in the ratings of the same period.

The third episode began with the princess escaping from the palace in order to avoid the marriage. During this episode, she accidentally had a minor confrontation with the male lead, and then, in order to avoid the soldiers looking for her, she met Xu Ruiheng, who looked better than Pan An, by the lake.

And then, to the regret of the audience, Xu Ruheng’s tune had not even begun to play, and the third episode ended.

“WTF, how dare you put the scene of the beautiful man and then end it?

“No more, my blood tank is empty, why is my Heng Heng so beautiful?”

“I finally understand why the director said Gongxi Qiao brought Xu Ruiheng to life, this is the Xu Ruiheng I imagined ah, who said Xiao Qiao has no acting skills, does your face hurt?”

“No wonder Xiao Qiao was attacked so badly, I’m afraid that some person saw Xiao Qiao acting too well and worried that he would be better than himself in the future, so they will discredit Xiao Qiao without mercy, right?”

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Presumably, such remarks were too obvious in their insinuations. They soon led to a counterattack from Zhou Huaisheng’s fans, and then another scolding war took place online.

The two main characters did not react, and Zhou Huaisheng continued to post selfies on Weibo, as if he knew nothing about his fans’ behavior.

Gongxi Qiao was even more calm and did not even send a single microblog.

The next night, after the broadcast of ‘Princess of the Closed Moon’, the ratings rose again. There were discussions about the drama on all major forums and websites, and this heat made Red Light TV, which bought the premiere rights to ‘Princess of the Closed Moon’, so happy that it re-edited the original 36 episodes to make a 40-episode drama.

Everyone knew that ‘Princess of the Closed Moon’ was on fire, and even the physical book of the novel had increased sales and there was even a game developer ready to make an online game of the same name to make a fortune.

And the hottest character in this drama wasn’t the male and female lead, but Gongxi Qiao as the male third lead, Xu Ruiheng. Therefore, before the drama was finished, Gongxi Qiao turned from an unknown nobody into a hit, and this hit was also a super rich guy.

So Gongxi Qiao soon had a fan recognized nickname: Qiao Shao.


Reverse scale: From legends that dragons have a single scale that grows in an opposite direction, and touching it will provoke the dragon’s wrath.

I’d like to reiterate that it’s seriously a pain trying to translate the Weibo/forum comments to make sense.

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