Entertainment Industry Acting Emperor

Chapter 9: Entertainment Industry Acting Emp

Chapter 9: I’m His Real Father

February 24, 2021kaychandra

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Chapter 9: I’m his real father

Translated and edited by KChandra

“Mom, it’s still early.” Gongxi Qiao put a plate of raisins in Mama Qiao’s hand and sat down beside her. “When I came back with Dad today, I saw that the raisins were fresh and tasted good, so try them.”

“How was the recording of the program today? I heard that the media is good at taking things out of context. I’m worried that you’ll be discredited by them,” Mama Qiao took the raisins, “It’s hard to think that you might be bad-mouthed by those people.”

“What’s the point of thinking about it? Didn’t you tell me that as long as it’s not Flower Country Yuan, then it can’t be everyone’s favorite?” Gongxi Qiao reached out and took Mama Qiao’s shoulder, “It’s okay, don’t worry.”

“I know you’ve always been opinionated.” Mama Qiao smiled and ate one of the raisins, praised it as delicious, and was soon coaxed by Gongxi Qiao to smile and forget about the previous incident.

Gongxi Xiong sat aside and watched the mother and son eat most of the raisins, one after another, and was secretly relieved that the boy still had a way with his mother.

And at this time the Cape Forum as well as Weibo began to circulate a somewhat blurred photo in which the main character was none other than Gongxi Qiao.

‘A certain boy who has become famous before the drama was even broadcast. There are pictures with the truth.’

‘A certain young star who entered the set with capital, how big a face do you have? Behaving so high profile, is your “godfather” satisfied?’

Entertainment Jumping Brother: Oh, a certain junior’s unknown side [with pictures]

Inside Red Light TV, the staff of the ‘Daily Face to Face’ program had mixed reactions after seeing the photos circulating wildly on Weibo.

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“This scandal of Gongxi Qiao has broken out. If we continue to broadcast his program tonight, I’m worried that it will affect the reputation of our program team.”

“The show is only interesting when there’s a good topic. Now that there’s so much discussion about him online, there will surely be people who’ll also pay attention to our show because of this. I think it will be good for our ratings if we wait for the next show to air as usual.”

The director of the ‘Daily Face to Face’ program was also in a difficult position. She wanted to ensure the reputation of the program while trying to increase the ratings, and her frown had not relaxed since the Gongxi Qiao scandal broke out.

“Director,” Liu Xue rushed to the program after hearing the news. She looked at the staff and said with a complicated expression, “I saw the news on the internet, but I think the program should be broadcast as usual.”

The director looked at Liu Xue in confusion, not understanding why her attitude was so firm.

“I’ve seen the car in the photo,” Liu Xue had an impression of the car because of a party she went to a few weeks ago. The license plate number was peculiar and the owner’s surname was rare, so she could remember it clearly, “The owner of the car is a big coal mine boss surnamed Gongxi.”

Once Liu Xue’s words came out, the crowd of program staff opened their mouths wide. Both were surnamed Gongxi?

So it wasn’t a godfather, it was a real father?

“Originally I wasn’t sure they were father and son, but at that reception, I heard one of the bosses mention that the son of Boss Gongxi is very promising and good-looking. The family has piled up a room full of trophies and awards,” Liu Xue went to the computer and clicked on a video of her conversation with Gongxi Qiao. On screen, Gongxi Qiao, although his smile was a bit shy, the way he day and spoke were very polite. Just at the first glance, it would make people feel that this was an extremely educated person.

“Knowing the guqin, wearing brand names all over, talking elegantly, and having won many awards, raising such a person isn’t something an ordinary family can afford,” Liu Xue pressed pause, “This time, someone is targeting Gongxi Qiao behind the scenes. This Boss Gongxi will certainly not allow others to wrongly accuse his son, so our show will broadcast as usual and get even more benefits.”

“The matter of them being father and son, can you be sure?” The director pondered for a moment, and although Liu Xue had not answered her question, her heart had already made a decision.

Liu Xue nodded: “I can guarantee that Gongxi Qiao is definitely not someone who does the unspoken rules just to make a TV show.” As for whether those two were father and son, she did not dare to guarantee, but it was impossible to be a godfather and godson relationship.

“That’s fine. Tonight’s show will be broadcast as usual,” the director’s tense eyebrows relaxed, “Let’s leave it at that. Maybe this newcomer will really hit it big in the future and remember that we were good at this point today and could also let us hug his thighs[1] in the future.”

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The atmosphere relaxed and everyone was in a joking mood. As for the director’s joke, no one put it to heart.

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To be so famous that they could hug his thighs, how big a leg would it take to do that?

At 8:30, Red Light TV’s “Daily Face to Face” aired on time. Viewers who usually didn’t pay attention to the internet would only think that the young man was good looking, quite talkative, and a graduate of a prestigious school, so they had an initial good impression of him.

For many TV viewers, rumors in the online world were a world apart from them. As long as the person looked good and the TV show looked good, who cared who he fell in love with today and who he broke up with tomorrow.

After Gongxi Qiao played the Guqin for a while, he already made the mother and grandmother audience in front of the TV praise him repeatedly. They even decided to go see the drama “Princess of the Closed Moon” in which he acted.

Before Gongxi Qiao’s family finished watching the program, Gongxi Xiong received a phone call from his secretary. After hearing what happened, he almost smashed his phone. How did a father become a “godfather”?

He looked at his wife and son who were still watching TV seriously, barely suppressed his anger and said, “I have something to take care of right away, I’ll be back later.”

“Okay, go ahead, be careful on your way,” Mama Qiao waved her hand without looking back, still staring at the TV with burning eyes.

“Boss, the latest reports are all here, do you want to rest first?” The secretary asked in a worried tone as she glanced at the large antique style clock on the wall.

“I see, put it on the table,” Xi Qing nodded, reached out and picked up a thick stack of information, without raising his head, “You go back and rest first.”

The secretary left helplessly, walked out the door and nodded to a bodyguard guarding the outside. She looked back at the large, empty living room and sighed.

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The silent space made Xi Qing very satisfied. He exceptionally hated noisy environments, so he didn’t like to let people near him too much when he was in private. He took a few glances at the report material and suddenly had no interest in reading it. He stood up to pour himself a glass of wine and found that the TV series remote control had fallen in the sofa seam. He took it out with his hand.

He accidentally pressed the on button, but he didn’t mind. He went ahead and poured himself a small glass of red wine and came back. He heard a very nice male voice coming out of the TV, nice enough to make him a little curious about the person’s appearance.

Walking over to the sofa and sitting down, he looked at the TV. The young man on the screen was wearing a well-fitting casual light suit, looking no more than in his early twenties, and smiling in a way that looked somewhat familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere before.

Before he remembered where he had seen this person, he saw the young man on the TV screen get up and walk to a guqin. His posture was very serious. Xi Qing averted his eyes with little interest and turned his head to get the remote control to turn off the TV.

But when the guqin song started, his hand holding the remote control gave a slight pause. His finger fiddled with the on/off button a few times, and he finally simply put down the remote control, leaned back on the sofa and closed his eyes and listened.

Three or four minutes later, the zither sound abruptly stopped, the female host’s voice rang out, “What a wonderful…”

The TV screen instantly turned black. Xi Qing threw the remote control to the side, looked at the report on the table and went upstairs with no expression.

The post about Gongxi Qiao’s reliance on the unspoken rules to get to the top already had hundreds of replies, and these people spared no effort to smear Gongxi Qiao. Among them, there was a bit player from the crew next door, and a staff member from the crew next door. From the crew of “Princess of the Closed Moon” a bit player ran out to tell his story, saying how Gongxi Qiao’s reliance on his sugar daddy was extravagant, and how he made the scriptwriter change the script to increase his part in the show.

He also said that Gongxi Qiao had no acting skills, how much worse he was than the main actors, and how he simply ruined such a wonderful role from the original story.

Soon this post was flooded with a large number of fans of the original novel as well as fans of Zhou Huaisheng who came in and mocked Gongxi Qiao in a fancy way. The way they were gnashing their teeth and wanting to tear Gongxi Qiao apart, to the people who didn’t know the truth, seemed like it was simply the kind of anger and hatred that could only come from having your father killed and wife stolen.

Netizen A: just a pretty face, and he can play a living Xu Ruiheng? What a joke, inflatable dolls look better than him, can they also play a living character?

Netizen B: No wonder when they did TV publicity last time, my male god was so cold. So it was because of such a character?

Netizen C: Sheng Sheng don’t be afraid, we’re with you!

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Gradually only Zhou Huaisheng’s fans remained in the thread to criticize Gongxi Qiao. They didn’t even notice that the novel’s original fans had disappeared without a trace at that point.

On Weibo, the official Weibo page of “Princess of the Closed Moon” finally posted the first trailer.

Princess of the Closed Moon official Weibo page: three more days, until we meet again. [VIDEO]

The video opened. A man in a white robe stood on the high steps, his cold eyes looked at the pair of men and women at the bottom of the steps, and quietly spoke: “I am who I am. No need for anyone to pity, no need for anyone to understand. We’re not from the same world in the first place!”

Along with the sound of the flute, the picture changed, and next was the image of the male and female protagonists’ engagement and marriage. However, perhaps the man at the beginning was too eye-catching, so that the people watching the video were not too interested in the later clips of romance.

The moment the video ended, the original novel’s fans suddenly felt, ah, so this is Xu Ruiheng.

Netizens who hadn’t read the original novel would only feel that the character played at the beginning of the video was really imposing and looked so handsome.

While at this time, Gongxi Xiong, with the help of his assistant, applied for an account on Weibo, and then sent out his first Weibo in his life with great vigor.

Xiao Qiao’s Father: Who turned me into Xiao Qiao’s godfather? I’m his real father! Genuine father!!!!

These four big exclamation marks vividly expressed Gongxi Xiong’s angry emotions, as well as his dissatisfaction with netizens who spread rumors indiscriminately.

What father in the world would like to somehow become a godfather?


Hug somebody’s thigh: An idiom that means something similar to riding on someone’s coattails, ingratiating yourself to a powerful person to reap rewards. The “bigger” the “thigh”, the better.


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