Entertainment Industry Acting Emperor

Chapter 81: Entertainment Industry Acting Emp

Chapter 81: Tit-for-tat

October 30, 2022kaychandra

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Trigger warning: this chapter includes topics of suicide and sexual abuse


Chapter 81: Tit-for-tat

Gongxi Qiao finished filming a scene and it was finally time for the crew to eat. He had just taken the chopsticks and boxed lunch from Xiao Yao when he saw Chen Ke walking over with a very ugly face.

“Xiao Qiao, Lin Kang tried to commit suicide.” Chen Ke looked at the box of rice that Gongxi Qiao was still holding. “We have to go back to the company right now.”

“What’s going on?!” Gongxi Qiao was stunned. Although he didn’t have much friendship with Lin Kang, there was never any conflict between the two. When he heard this news he was immediately very surprised. “How is he now?”

“He’s still in the hospital being resuscitated. Things are a bit complicated. Let’s talk about it in the car.” Chen Ke glanced in the direction of Director Jiao. “Go remove your makeup. I’ll ask Director Jiao for leave.”

Although Lin Kang wasn’t a big hit, he still had some fame at least. The news of his suicide quickly spread. When Director Jiao saw Chen Ke coming towards him, he guessed what was going on. Without waiting for Chen Ke to say anything, he sighed and said, “You guys have something to do today, so go ahead.”

In this circle, artists with no connections and no background often suffered from pressures that others couldn’t imagine. Moreover, hearing that this matter also involved the new head of the Bai family, it wasn’t appropriate for him to say anything more.

After the group got into the car, Gongxi Qiao said in a grave tone, “What the hell is going on?”

“A few minutes ago, Lin Kang sent out a long Weibo post that caused a big stir. Soon, the police found Lin Kang’s parents in a mountain villa. However, when they found Lin Kang at Bai Qi’s villa, Lin Kang had already consumed a large amount of sleeping pills.” Chen Ke paused for a moment. “Now, he’s already been admitted to the hospital. Because this matter is involved in a criminal case, all of us in the company are subject to police investigation.”

Gongxi Qiao frowned. The police found Lin Kang as well as his parents too smoothly. With the means of the Bai family members, it was unreasonable that they didn’t wipe out the evidence before the police arrived.

Thinking of this, his heart skipped a beat. Remembering the text message he received in the morning, he jerked his head up to look at Xiao Yao. “Xiao Yao, where is my personal cell phone?”

Seeing Gongxi Qiao’s ugly face, Xiao Yao hurriedly handed him his phone.

Gongxi Qiao opened his cell phone’s text message app and looked at the few text messages inside. The strength of his grip on the phone increased. What kind of mood was Lin Kang in when he sent this text message?

When he thought of the last two times Lin Kang saw him, he was a bit heavy-hearted. He reached out his fingers and gently rubbed the phone screen. He hesitated for a moment, but finally didn’t press the delete button.

When he found Lin Kang’s Weibo, he found that there wasn’t a single personal Weibo post in it, only the promotion of songs or movies. The long post at the top showed that it was published fifty-five minutes ago.

In just under an hour, this post already had more than 30,000 reposts and 20,000 comments.

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Clicking on this long post, Gongxi Qiao quietly read it.

[I consider myself noble and think I’m different from others. But in reality, I’m just a coward who compromises everything and hides the cowardice in my heart and covers it up with pride on the surface.]

[Bai Qi has my parents under house arrest. I don’t dare to call the police, or even tell anyone. People said that being “liked” by the head of the Bai family was worth eight lifetimes of luck. They cynically hated me and laughed at me behind my back. But who asked me if I wanted this “good luck”? Bai Qi is a psychologically twisted pervert, a monster in elegant skin. I’m just one of the prey that this monster uses for ravaging……]

[Bai Qi had his eyes on a new prey. He even asked me if that would be okay. Perhaps it was because the sun was so good at that moment. I suddenly had the courage to say no to him. In that moment, I felt like he looked at me like he wanted to kill me.]

[I used to dream of being a singer, and when I couldn’t sing anymore, I would open a bar and live the rest of my life in peace. But when I was threatened by Bai Qi, I realized that this dream would never have a chance to come true again.]

[I’m unreconciled. I was cowardly and resigned to my fate. I came from a poor background. I’m a cowardly wretch that Bai Qi held in contempt. This morning, as I was driving my car and passing by streets, I looked at the pedestrians coming and going, and I suddenly wanted to be brave for once. My life isn’t worth as much as one finger of the Bai Qi family head. But even if I am a wretch, I am not willing to be a wretch who helps the enemy and acts as an accomplice to the villain.]

[Today, I will use my death to prove that the above is true. After my death, all my inheritance will be given to my parents. The property in the East District will be given to my agent to thank him for defending me all these years.]

[I wish you all well. Goodbye.]

“Bai Qi is such a beast!” Xiao Yao wiped her eyes and choked up. “Who does he think he is, a tyrant who can rule the world?”

Gongxi Qiao raised his head and found that Xiao Yao was also reading Lin Kang’s Weibo, looking very emotional.

He lowered his head, looked at the post, and reposted it without hesitation.

Gongxi Qiao V: There should be light in the world, and this matter should be pursued to the end // @Lin Kang V

“Xiao Qiao, you made a public statement?” As Gongxi Qiao’s manager, Chen Ke quickly noticed Gongxi Qiao’s behavior and worried, “You’re a public figure, this kind of thing……” What he wanted to say was that the Bai family was powerful and Gongxi Qiao wouldn’t get any trace of benefit from offending them. Although the head of the Xi family had a good relationship with Xiao Qiao, in the face of profits, sometimes friends just weren’t that important. Xi Qing wouldn’t necessarily stand up to the Bai family for the sake of Xiao Qiao.

This was the reason why no other artists came out to express their opinions publicly, even though the Lin Kang matter was already known to everyone. Xiao Qiao was usually a very tactful person, so why did he take the initiative this time?

“If even I am not willing to stand up for him, then no one else will be willing to help him,” Gongxi Qiao said solemnly as he put down his phone. “Only when public opinion is more fierce will the authorities investigate harder.”

“But what if the Bai family manipulates things covertly?” Although Chen Ke didn’t have much contact with the upper-class people, he knew how ruthless those prestigious family elites, who were elegant and well-mannered on the surface, were when they did things in private.

“The Xi family, the Xue family, the Xu family, and several of the Imperial Capital prestigious families don’t get along with the Bai family. Even if the Bai family intends to suppress people, it depends on whether those families agree or not.” Gongxi Qiao sneered. “It isn’t that harmonious between the prestigious families. They’ll take advantage of your sickness to kill you. How can those prestigious families let go of such a good opportunity? They’re only afraid of pulling up the radishes with the mud.[1] This time, the Bai family won’t be able to solve this matter without losing to the point that they’re half-dead.”

Chen Ke was stunned. How did Gongxi Qiao figure out the minds of those prestigious families so well? He suddenly felt that Gongxi Qiao, who usually looked lazy, became a little unrecognizable to him.

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Gongxi Qiao also didn’t care what Chen Ke thought. He sneered. “The Bai family’s actions over the years have offended many people. The prestigious family members have a bit of pride in their bones. They hold grudges and are good at being patient. The last incident with Bai Zhong, there were already prestigious families tampering behind the scenes. This time, with such a big incident, they won’t just be tampering.”

“Then…… what will they do?” Xiao Yao couldn’t help but ask. Although she didn’t quite understand the ways the prestigious families acted, thinking of Bai Qi’s beastly behavior, Xiao Yao somehow felt relieved.

“Likely shady underhanded methods.” Gongxi Qiao inclined his head to look out the window. “The Imperial Capital will be lively in the next few days.”

Chen Ke heard the words and his heart was a little congested. In Lin Kang’s long Weibo, he told everything about being kept by Bai Qi. Obviously he didn’t care about his fame at all and had no intention of living anymore.

How desperate did someone have to be to seek the light by dying?

Chen Ke didn’t dare to think about it, but he also didn’t dare to stand up for Lin Kang. He only dared to express his indignation behind his back. So when he found out that Gongxi Qiao had come forward publicly, he was first surprised, and then in awe.

Not everyone had the courage to seek justice.

The Senhe Entertainment building was already surrounded by countless reporters. As soon as the RV Gongxi Qiao was riding in appeared, it was surrounded by them. There were countless hands tapping on the windows, hoping that Gongxi Qiao would accept their interview.

“Xiao Qiao!” Chen Ke saw Gongxi Qiao pull open the door and walk out, so he had to squeeze out the door with his three assistants and protect the area around Gongxi Qiao.

“Qiao Shao, may I ask how Lin Kang’s health is doing?”

“Qiao Shao, did you repost Lin Kang’s post to show your public support for him?”

“Qiao Shao, what are your thoughts on what happened today?”

No wonder the reporters were so agitated. Originally, an entertainer’s suicide wasn’t exactly shocking news. However, this entertainer committed suicide at the villa of the Bai family head, and also said that the Bai family head put his parents under house arrest and made him agree to the Bai family boss’s demand to be kept by him.

This was a serious crime of kidnapping for ransom and illegal confinement, and the entertainer chose to commit suicide in order to get justice. This was a big news sensation worldwide.

Gongxi Qiao looked at the excited reporters in front of him and looked a little cold. “I have no opinion about this kind of thing. I only hope that the perpetrators are duly punished and the victims get justice.”

“Then you support Lin Kang?”

“Don’t you want to know if I’m going to help Lin Kang?” Gongxi Qiao said with a somber face, “Yes. I will help him hire the best lawyer, and I will help him monitor the progress of the case. I believe in what he said on his Weibo.”

The audience was in an uproar. The reporters had never seen such a serious side of Gongxi Qiao. Usually, in front of reporters, Qiao Shao tended to be elegant and gentle, and would never talk to reporters in this tone at all.

“Do you mean…… you think the Bai family head is a kidnapper?”

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“Reporter friend, you think too much.” Gongxi Qiao said coldly, “I only believe in the police evidence and the fact that some people…… are nothing but beasts.”

The reporters got even more excited. Qiao Shao openly called the Bai family master a beast. It was really gutsy and his mouth was really poisonous. They didn’t worry about having no news.

Less than an hour after Gongxi Qiao’s interview, Bai Qi’s lawyer came forward and said that he wanted to sue Gongxi Qiao for defamation.

“Defamation?” Gongxi Qiao was interviewed again. “I said that some people are beasts. Why should the Bai family head rush to jump out and claim this title? Did I say this beast was you?”

Bai Qi was now under police custody. The person who spoke on his behalf to the public was his lawyer. This lawyer, after learning of Gongxi Qiao’s reply, held his breath in anger. “Only the law defines what the truth is. There is no need for irrelevant people to come and dictate things.”

Gongxi Qiao said, “How am I dictating things? What I pursue in this world is nothing but justice. Are some people afraid to let others mention it because they have a guilty conscience?”

Everyone in the entertainment industry was simply stunned as they watched Gongxi Qiao’s tough attitude as he engaged in a sparring match with Bai Qi’s lawyer over the air. As public figures, almost everyone was afraid to get involved in these troubles. People like Gongxi Qiao, with unique pure bones[2] and a sense of loyalty were really uncommon.

While public figures had such scruples, ordinary people weren’t so bothered. Countless people were watching the police and the courts, hoping to get an open and fair investigation process and result.

Because of this, Gongxi Qiao’s courage to fight against the forces of evil was particularly valuable. Even the online entertainment news reporters and water armies didn’t come forward to make any unfavorable comments about Gongxi Qiao at this moment. As for the ordinary netizens, they all had a lot of good feelings for Gongxi Qiao.

On the second day of the confrontation, new news came out that the Xi Group had arranged for a special expert to save Lin Kang’s life. Lin Kang’s parents actually kowtowed and knelt at the Xi Group Headquarters since they weren’t able to see Xi Qing in person. They were finally helped up by the security guards.

Everyone knew that Gongxi Qiao had a good relationship with Xi Qing, so they immediately guessed that was the reason why Xi Qing would step in and arrange a specialist for Lin Kang. It must have been because Gongxi Qiao had spoken out.

The ordinary people who were worried about Gongxi Qiao being retaliated against breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts. With Xi Qing around, there shouldn’t be too much danger, right?

Who knew that two days later, it was revealed in the media that Gongxi Qiao’s car had been hit. Fortunately, his driver was very skilled and reacted quickly to save them from injury.

As a result, the netizens were outraged. F***, they were ignoring laws and ethics[3]. Qiao Shao just came out to say a few words about justice, and was retaliated against. The Bai family is simply inhumane.

The products produced under the name of the Bai company were boycotted by consumers. Some impulsive people even staged a sit-in outside the police station, saying that Bai Qi must be severely punished, otherwise it would be an injustice to the world and unjust enough to make people angry.

The police officers in charge of this case also had a big headache. Public opinion was raging, and the Bai family was trying to suppress the matter. It was a mess.

“This Bai Qi is really not a human being.” A young police officer slapped the investigation data on the table and cursed. “Forcing artists to drink and take drugs, sexual abuse, hiring murderers and tax evasion. This is enough for him to be executed several times. He looks like a gentleman, but he’s a beast in disguise.”

“Who asked people to be reincarnated with eyes[4].” Another middle-aged police officer helplessly smiled bitterly. “He forced someone to die, but he can still calmly say that he had nothing to do with it, and it was the artist who framed him. If that’s true, how could that entertainer enter the door of his house? We also found a lot of household items used by the person in question in his house.”

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“Didn’t they say they were still trying to save his life?” The young police officer said hesitantly, “I heard that an entertainer also invited an expert to come over. Maybe he can be saved.”

“Who knows. He swallowed nearly a hundred sleeping pills which I think is a bit mysterious.” The middle-aged police officer shook his head. “But fortunately he has a colleague to stand up for him, otherwise I’m afraid that he would have died in vain. It seems that regardless of the circle, there is a sense of loyalty.”

The young policeman nodded. “That’s right, not to mention who Qiao Shao is.”

The two were feeling emotional when suddenly the captain in charge of the case hurried in and directly said, “The superiors have issued a notice that this case must be investigated strictly, re-investigated, and not to let go of anything suspicious.”

The young police officer was stunned. This meant that the Bai family was to be cleaned up ruthlessly?

At the Xi family estate, Xi Qing brought a cup of tea and put it in front of Gongxi Qiao. “You don’t have to worry, the police have decided to investigate the case strictly. Bai Qi can’t get away.”

“It’s been hard for you this time.” Gongxi Qiao picked up his cup of tea and put it down again. “How are Lin Kang’s parents doing?”

“I had someone arrange a place for them to live, and it’s close to the hospital.” Xi Qing reached out and touched his cheek. “You haven’t had a good rest for the last two days. Go up and take a nap.”

Gongxi Qiao squeezed his hand and sighed, “If I had paid enough attention when he sent the text message, maybe Lin Kang wouldn’t have tried to kill himself.”

In the end, it was because he didn’t associate the owner of the text message with Lin Kang at all. Perhaps in his mind, Lin Kang was no different from other entertainers at all.

But it was this entertainer, whom he hadn’t paid attention to before, who tipped him off despite the pressure from Bai Qi, and even used his death to show his resistance to power.

After having been reborn for more than twenty years, he realized after this incident that he was actually a bit arrogant. Relying on his previous life’s experience, he thought he had seen through the hearts of people and thought he was handling things safely, but in reality no one could really see through the hearts of people at all.


1. Pulling up the radishes with the mud: Get rid of a problem only to create more problems. It can also refer to a criminal investigation, when one criminal is arrested and subsequently exposes the crimes of many other people. 

2. Unique pure bones: 骨骼清奇 this is often a term used in martial arts novels to describe somebody born very suitable for martial arts. I think they’re just praising his goodness in general

3. Ignored laws and ethics: Literally the saying is “There is no king’s law” 

4. Reincarnated with eyes: 谁叫人家投胎长了眼睛 I have no idea what this means but I translated it literally. When I googled this exact phrase the only results were from this novel…

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