Entertainment Industry Acting Emperor

Chapter 82: Entertainment Industry Acting Emp

Chapter 82: Stratagems

October 30, 2022kaychandra

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Chapter 82: Stratagems 

The over-the-air war of words between Gongxi Qiao and the Bai party’s lawyer didn’t stop. The online media, paper media and TV media were all very concerned about this matter because of public opinion, so they were following the story every day.

Then everyone was surprised to find that when the usually gentle and elegant Great Young Master Qiao damaged people, he was so classy. He not only quoted the classics, but also used ancient times to satirize the present. His mockery skills simply caused critical damage to the other side. Some onlookers even said that if they didn’t deliberately look it up on Qiandu or have highly intelligent onlookers to help explain it to them, they wouldn’t have understood what Gongxi Qiao actually said.

He used the content of “Rat’s Appearance”[1] and “Clever Words”[2] to perfection, and then used literary language and certain allusions to Bai Qi and the Bai family behind him to satirize them. There wasn’t a single obvious dirty word in these remarks, but he could make people vomit blood.

After seeing Gongxi Qiao’s eloquence, many people sighed that he was worthy of being a student of history from a famous university. Did you see how well he used those allusions?

The Bai party’s lawyer was so angry with Gongxi Qiao that fumes came out of his mouth. Plus, his experience in dealing with the media wasn’t as good as Gongxi Qiao’s, so he soon had trouble with his words.

“He’s just a showboy[3], what does he know about Lin Kang’s business?”

The word “showboy” was used in a very subtle way. Originally, the lawyer wanted to satirize Gongxi Qiao’s status and take the opportunity to suggest that he was being nosy. He didn’t know that those few words would offend several masters of Chinese opera. Those opera masters were renowned in the opera world, and even the national leaders were very polite to them.

They were all people with a strong backbone. They didn’t like to be in the limelight in their old age, and usually lived a peaceful life.

Bai Qi’s case had become a big deal, which had already caused these Chinese opera masters to be displeased with Bai Qi’s behavior. Now when they saw the lawyer hired by the Bai family blatantly cursing someone with the derogatory word “showboy”, two masters couldn’t sit still and came out to criticize him.

“All beings are equal. There is no difference between upper class and lowly people, only between high and low moral character. Actors are not necessarily lower than others, upper class people are not necessarily superior. If all that is contained under the skin is filth, it isn’t as cute as an animal.”

Although the celebrity spoke without naming names, everyone knew that the Bai party’s lawyers had offended even the biggest names in the opera world.

The Bai family saw that the situation wasn’t good. They made the previous lawyer apologize, and invited a number of lawyers to form a legal team to try to brainwash the public in terms of public opinion.

However, nowadays, people were cultured and the level of education was high. They weren’t ignorant. The Bai family’s various explanations were, in the eyes of the public, a cover-up. Otherwise, why invite a legal team? It couldn’t be for a gang fight, right?

At this time, Lin Kang’s parents also came forward, saying that even if they went bankrupt, they would still seek justice for their son. They also said that since they were in poor health and had to take care of their son in the hospital, they asked Gongxi Qiao to take full charge of Lin Kang’s case.

Mother Lin wasn’t in good health. When she faced the media, she cried and fainted several times. In less than a week, she looked thinner than when she first appeared in front of the media. Her whole body looked like it was a skeleton being propped up, with her clothes hanging loose, looking unspeakably haggard.

However, her eyes were exceptionally bright, as if there was a fire inside, a fire that would never go out without burning the Bai family down.

Although Father Lin was a little calmer than Mother Lin, he wasn’t much better. This father, who was less than sixty years old, looked like he had aged well into his seventies. He bowed sincerely to the media. “Thank you all for your attention to this matter. It is because of your reports that more people have sought justice for my child. I don’t know how to thank you all, except to wish you all great fortune and prosperity.”

Watching such an old man bow to them for his son, the media were also very moved. They were journalists, not machines without feelings. They were accustomed to seeing their interviewees put on a show. When faced with the genuine gratitude and pain of a sufferer, they would also be touched.

Whenever there were feelings, there was bias. In addition, the Bai family was now powerless to suppress the media. The media had also learned that the wind had changed. It was only natural that the scales would soon tip towards the Lin family and Gongxi Qiao.

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Now that everyone knew that Gongxi Qiao was the spokesperson for the Lin family, the focus of the media and public attention remained on the Bai party’s legal team and Gongxi Qiao.

“Qiao Shao, the Bai family’s legal team just released a statement that they will charge you in court for slander. May I ask, will you appear in court at that time?” Outside the gates of Senhe Entertainment, Gongxi Qiao had just left the building and was again surrounded by reporters.

“I trust my legal team to handle this trivial matter that’s been created out of nothing,” Gongxi Qiao said with a sober face. “I thought the Bai family would be more worried about the court subpoenas they received than this, because I’m sure the evidence of those crimes will shock everyone.”

The media was in an uproar. What did Gongxi Qiao mean by this? Did the police already have the exact evidence of the Bai family’s crimes and were planning a public trial?

Now that the matter was so big, and the circumstances were so bad, a non-public trial wouldn’t stop the world from talking. However, the target of the trial was the head of the second most prestigious family in Flower Country. Thinking about it, wasn’t it too mysterious that Gongxi Qiao was really capable of forcing the Bai family to this point?

“Qiao Shao, will there be a public trial for Bai Qi’s case?” The reporters asked excitedly, “Have the police gotten definite evidence?”

“Regarding how well the case has progressed, I can only say that I trust the police’s ability to do their jobs. As for whether there will be a public trial,” Gongxi Qiao said righteously, “everyone should believe in the fairness and justice of the law.”

The reporters laughed in their hearts at his words. This was like saying nothing, but they couldn’t refute it. How could they express doubts?

“Excuse me……” a female reporter was about to continue asking questions when a man suddenly burst out behind her and almost knocked her down. Luckily, the cameraman next to her pulled her, otherwise she would have fallen to the ground.

As soon as she stood up straight, she saw the man rushing toward Gongxi Qiao and pulling a shiny fruit knife from his jacket.

“Aah!” She screamed out in terror, “Watch out!”

At that moment, the man in the jacket raised the fruit knife and stabbed at Gongxi Qiao with a fierce and vicious expression, obviously wanting Gongxi Qiao’s life.

Everyone knew that Gongxi Qiao seldom appeared in public, especially after this confrontation with the Bai family. When he went out, he was picked up by a special car. They heard that the head of the Xi family let Gongxi Qiao live in his own estate because he was worried about retaliation from the Bai family.

But even so, for the last few days Gongxi Qiao still had two or three consecutive “car accidents”. Fortunately, the quality of the Xi family’s car was excellent, and large trucks couldn’t enter the Second Ring Road, so these car accidents didn’t cause any tragedies. Otherwise, how could Gongxi Qiao still be standing there?

Without Gongxi Qiao, the Lin family would have lost their help, and the matter would be over sooner rather than later.

More coincidentally, no suspicious points could be detected on the surface regarding the owners of the several cars involved in the accidents. They concluded that they were just ordinary traffic accidents. This made everyone very angry and they had a new understanding of the lawlessness of the Bai family. Fortunately, the one who came forward this time was Qiao Shao, who had a background. If it was an ordinary person who came forward to speak, wouldn’t he have been killed long ago?

No wonder Lin Kang’s parents were so well protected by Qiao Shao that they lived in a place where even the media couldn’t find them. Lin Kang was also transferred to the hospital under the name of the Xi family. These were all measures done by Qiao Shao to protect the Lin family.

Now seeing people openly committing murder, the reporters were stunned. At this moment, the male assistant who had been protecting Gongxi Qiao’s side reached out to block the perpetrator, then with a beautiful over-the-shoulder takedown, slammed the man to the ground and held his hands behind his back.

When Senhe Entertainment’s security guards saw the situation, they all rushed out from the office building and surrounded the crowd.

The reporters were so scared by the situation that they froze for a few seconds before reacting and took out their cell phones to call the police.

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In broad daylight, the Bai family even hired a murderer. Was there any justice? Were they ignoring laws and ethics? Did they care about the people?

A bold reporter, in a fit of anger, even sneaked up and kicked him twice, forgetting that there were cameras behind him.

Probably because the first reporter took the lead, it led several journalists and cameramen to take advantage of the chaos and start beating him up. A few minutes later, when the police arrived, aside from his face which was still intact, the assailant was bruised and battered everywhere that his clothes covered him.

The reporters said that they were moral people. They never hit people in the face.

The police handcuffed the suspect, took evidence from the scene, and then took statements from the parties at the scene.

There were many members of the media on the scene, and everyone saw the suspect stabbing at Gongxi Qiao with a knife. If not for his assistant’s good skills, Gongxi Qiao might have been killed on the spot.

The police officer who took Gongxi Qiao’s statement was worried that he was in shock and invited him to the police car to calm down before starting his questioning.

When asked who he had a grudge with recently, Gongxi Qiao’s expression was a bit complicated.

“Usually, aside from filming, I rarely participate in entertainment programs, so I don’t have many dealings with artists in the circle, let alone any major grudges, and the media have a good relationship with me. Even if there are possible conflicts, it wouldn’t come to this.” Gongxi Qiao paused. “Recently, because of matters concerning the company’s entertainer, my family and friends worried that I would have an accident, so they deliberately arranged someone by my side.”

“You mean to say that you suspect that the matter may be arranged by the Bai family’s people?” The police officer who asked the question also had something in mind. Although he wasn’t considered a Qiao fan, he liked Gongxi Qiao’s movie works very much, so he naturally knew about the recent tit-for-tat between the Bai family and Gongxi Qiao. Although there was no evidence on the surface of this matter, it should be connected to the Bai family.

However, as a police officer, he couldn’t freely express his opinion when there was no evidence, so he could only seriously make a thorough report.

“No, I don’t want to suspect anyone until there is evidence of the matter, and I don’t want to give you guys a bad lead in your work.” Gongxi Qiao’s face was a little white, and there was a clear weariness on his face. “It’s just that I have to cause you guys trouble again this time.”

A few police officers in the car saw that Gongxi Qiao didn’t make a fuss, but was very understanding and supportive of the work of the police, and couldn’t help but feel some affection for him.

He looks so tired, it seems that he is worried about Lin Kang’s matter ah.

Daring to fight with powerful opponents for the sake of justice, such a person was worthy of admiration.

After taking his statement, for Gongxi Qiao’s safety, they used a police car to drive Gongxi Qiao back to Xi Qing’s villa personally.

After Gongxi Qiao walked into the gate of Xi’s estate an experienced veteran police officer spoke up, “No wonder the Xi family head would let Gongxi Qiao live here. The security here is indeed very tight.”

“Where is it tight?” The young policeman stuck his head out of the car window and took a look. He thought that apart from being big and beautiful, he couldn’t see anything special about this estate.

“You’ll know when you’ve been around a few more years,” the old cop said as he lit a cigarette and took a drag. “These big prestigious families have private teams of bodyguards and a full set of security equipment around their residences. Now that technology is advanced, security systems are even tighter. Don’t pay attention to the lush greenery and beautiful scenery here. If you don’t have the owner’s consent, if you jump the fence, in less than five steps you’ll be held down.”

The young policeman sucked in a cold breath: “Rich people really cherish their lives.”

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“The more prominent the position, the more people will be watching. It is impossible not to pay attention. Some people are in high positions, but have integrity and responsibility, such as this Xi family head.” The old cop stuck his cigarette out of the car window, flicked the ashes and gestured for the cop in the driver’s seat to drive. “There’s gossip that the Bai family previously maliciously cooperated with foreign forces to disrupt the domestic market. If it weren’t for the Xi family balancing the market behind the scenes, I don’t know how many people would have lost their jobs.”

“This Bai family is really black-hearted and shameless. They don’t even care about their own country for the sake of profit.” The young police officer cursed in a low voice. Even if it was the nature of businessmen to make profits, they shouldn’t join hands with foreigners and pit their own country’s people.

“I heard that this foreign company initially approached the Xi family, but the young family head refused and said on the spot that he wouldn’t cooperate with this company in the future.” The old policeman put out his cigarette and sighed, “This is the kind of backbone the prestigious families should have. The likes of the Bai family are the degradation of the prestigious families.”

The young police officer saw his face wasn’t very good. Although he was curious about the prestigious families, he didn’t want to ask too many questions, so he said, “It would be good if there were more prestigious family heads like the Xi family head. These prestigious families are really no good.”

The old policeman laughed: “It doesn’t matter what circle of people. There are good and bad people, and it has nothing to do with status.”

Hearing that Gongxi Qiao had been attacked, Xi Qing rushed home after only half of his meeting was over. When he entered the door, he saw Gongxi Qiao half lying on the sofa watching TV, with a bag of snacks in his hand, and the worry in his heart was finally put down.

“Why are you back?” When Gongxi Qiao saw him, he put the snacks in his hand on the table and sat up straight and said, “Didn’t I tell you on the phone that I was fine?”

“I had to see you before I could rest assured.” Xi Qing handed his suit jacket to the servant and walked over to Gongxi Qiao and sat down. “What happened?”

“Bai Qi has a lot of people on his side, and there are always a few who are loyal to him and have no brains.” Gongxi Qiao picked up a cup of tea and drank it up. He had eaten too many snacks and was a little thirsty. “Recently, the Bai family has been losing a lot, and there’s more and more evidence against Bai Qi. Some people listened to a few bystanders’ speculations and thought that as long as they got rid of me, a nosy entertainer, no one would dare to meddle in this matter.”

In fact, the matter had become a national sensation. In addition to him fanning the flames behind the scenes, several prestigious families of the Imperial Capital were also behind the scenes. Those people were eager to see the Bai family fall apart after this incident and never return to their former glory.

When someone came down, someone went up. Who wouldn’t want to go higher? In addition, the Xi family made their position clear. Those prestigious families who usually suffered from the suppression of the Bai family, even if they just wanted to express their anger, would also use their own family connections to throw stones at the Bai family.

The result of this incident was no longer a matter of Bai Qi alone, but involved the entire Bai family.

Gongxi Qiao enjoyed the feeling of beating people with a stick in chaos, especially since his stick had provoked this chaos.

“A few bystanders’ speculations?” Xi Qing looked at Gongxi Qiao thoughtfully. “What bystanders?”

“Since they’re just bystanders, it doesn’t matter.” Gongxi Qiao smiled. “Those people are no good anyway, they deserve to be caught.”

Bai Qi’s men, those thugs, usually did a lot of shameful things. If not for the protection of the Bai family, these people would have been in jail long ago, so he didn’t have any mercy when scheming against them.

Apart from the first car accident, which was intentionally caused by the Bai family, he knew about the other “accidents” in advance, which is why he happened not to be injured, and there was so much media filming the scene and reporting it.

There were some things that could only be credible if people saw it with their own eyes.

Weren’t there people who thought that Bai Qi was good-looking and rich and could find any man he wanted, so it was unlikely that he would force an unpopular artist to submit to him?

Then, he would make those people believe that Bai Qi was such daring and despicable beast under the surface.

Didn’t some people think that Lin Kang wasn’t a good person either and deliberately discredited Bai Qi because he fell in love with Bai Qi?

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Then, he would make people believe how good of a person Lin Kang was, how helpless and desperate his parents were, and even show people that the Bai family spent money behind the scenes to hire the media as well as the water army to whitewash themselves.

He wanted to make the Bai family understand a truth. Don’t meddle, if you meddle you will be caught. In the past, they weren’t caught because others didn’t dare to catch them.

Guessing that Gongxi Qiao might be behind all this, Xi Qing sighed. “You…… should pay attention to safety. In the future, when you go out, bring two more bodyguards, and remember to wear bulletproof undershirts and pants.”

Gongxi Qiao reached out and pinched his ears. Looking into his eyes, he said, “Don’t worry, I won’t joke about my safety. Because there are still many important people in my life that I can’t part with.”

Compared to his previous life, his current methods were much milder. In his previous life, he could even include himself in his schemes, not to mention others.

“Today’s events are over. I don’t need to waste my brain on this.” Gongxi Qiao smiled and kissed Xi Qing on the cheek. “The evidence of the Bai family’s wrongdoing and evidence of Bai Qi’s crimes have been submitted. We just need to wait for the trial.”

“You can’t take it lightly. When you go out in the future, you must bring your bodyguards.” Xi Qing sighed and said helplessly, “I have arranged for a team of lawyers, so don’t worry about that aspect.”

“Yeah.” Gongxi Qiao didn’t thank Xi Qing. He reached out and wrapped his arms around his neck and said, “Don’t worry, I’ll have bodyguards follow me when I go out, even if I go into the toilet. Who made me Master Xi’s boyfriend? What if someone is jealous of me and puts me in a sack?”

“They wouldn’t dare.” Xi Qing put his forehead against Gongxi Qiao’s forehead. “I really don’t know how you came up with so many tactics to deal with the Bai family in just a few days.”

There were also those remarks that were damaging without profanity. He felt a headache for the Bai party’s lawyer when he read them. It was like scolding the dead for not paying with their lives. When he thought that some netizens teased the lawyer that his cursing skills were the difference between a level 10 side-account and a max-level main account compared to Gongxi Qiao, he couldn’t help but laugh a little.

“Since you asked, then I can only tell you the shocking secret.”

“What secret?” Xi Qing asked, pretending to be curious.

“That is……” Gongxi Qiao was full of seriousness, “Some experts tested my IQ when I was a kid and my IQ was as high as 230.”

“Why not 20 more to make 250? That’s a shame.” Xi Qing laughed in a low voice, “And your skin might be 20 centimeters thick.”

Gongxi Qiao smiled and said, “Alas, it seems I can only tell the truth. The reason I am so formidable is because in my past life I was a great person who left his name in the annals of history.”

Xi Qing:……

Was he supposed to pretend to be convinced?


1. Rat’s Appearance: 相鼠 a poem from the Chinese classic Book of Songs. On the surface it describes rats but it satirizes rulers using hypocritical manners to deceive people.

2. Clever Words: 巧言 another poem from the Book of Songs which denounces slanderers.

3. Showboy: 戏子 xìzi Originally this was an insulting term for Chinese Opera performers which is why the opera singers are particularly upset. 

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