#Ah ah ah high energy warning.

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#Is it a human or a ghost?

#Ghost is coming!

The evil wind whirled and twisted around his feet, as if trying to lift him up.

The man’s feet moved suddenly, and the sound of sand being rolled over by his feet was extremely unpleasant.

Jiang Zheng couldn’t stand such a weird scene, and asked tremblingly, “Your Excellency, please don’t blame us for breaking into the treasure land by mistake.”

The wind under his feet turned quickly, and suddenly entangled between his thighs.

The man’s throat seemed to have a big hole, and he was whimpering against the sound of the wind, and they couldn’t make out what he was saying at all.

Jiang Zheng’s heart skipped a beat. She was dazzled by this evil wind.

No matter how weird the scene was, it was also created by the director. After thinking about it, she bent down to pick up a stone, and threw it at the soldier in front who refused to turn around.

Director: “…” He knew this woman would do this.

#Hahahaha Is it okay to hit people in public?

#Oh my god, it’s collapsed!

Just as the stone touched the back of the soldier’s head, a sudden gust of wind blew up, and the soldier’s head turned into quicksand like water, leaving only his limbs and torso.

Liang Xiaoduan was about to cry, what the hell was this.

Ji Muye also followed Jiang Zheng’s example by picking up rocks and throwing them at people. Wherever he hit it, it turned into quicksand, and the last powerful soldier turned into a pool of fine sand, which drifted into the air with the wind.

Jiang Zheng snorted, “Sandman? A person carved in sand? Sand sculpture for short?”

#HahahahaSuddenly I am not afraid anymore.

#The logic of this challenge is smooth and weird.

#bluffing stuff.

The three of them walked over to check, only to find a dark hole where the sand sculpture soldier had collapsed just now.

“Someone tried their best to lead us to this hole.” Jiang Zheng rubbed her hands and laughed.

Ji Muye hummed, “Then go down and have a look. No matter what ghosts and monsters are there, they will show up.”

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He returned the same way and called the other three people over.

As soon as Liang Xiaoduan saw He Xiao, she muttered non-stop, and she didn’t forget to look around when she was talking, afraid that another sand sculpture would appear from somewhere.

He Xiao listened to her chatter with a calm face, Liang Xiaoduan saw his calm face, and suddenly lost the idea of chatting.

If he couldn’t empathize, what was the use of him?

Jiang Zheng threw a stone down, and a noise sounded after a long time, showing how deep the cave was.

Ji Muye lay down at the entrance of the cave and observed for a while. The soil layer at the entrance of the cave was extremely hard to the touch, even a little wet. There was no section of fresh soil, so the cave was not dug by grave robbers.

Probably in the past, in order to deal with the intrusion of nomads, this Chiyou city built a city on the ground and also created underground passages. During the war, soldiers could move quickly through underground secret passages to support each other. Ordinary people could also hide inside to keep them safe for a while.

Thousands of years had passed, there may be something disgusting hidden in this kind of hole, so everyone was a little scared.

According to the knowledge points in Ghost Blows out the Lamp[1], to enter this kind of hole, you must first worship God, and you could only enter if the candle was not extinguished. They should then let live chickens and other living things go down for a walk, and people could go down if they stayed alive. At the same time, glutinous rice, dog blood or donkey hooves should be prepared.

However, the director team had not equipped them with anything.

Xiao Cheng was very excited when he first knew that the theme of this episode was related to grave robbery. He told everyone that his dream was to explore ancient graves and chat with a thousand-year-old corpse.

At this moment, he sighed as he walked around the entrance of the cave, and he still didn’t forget to ask the cameraman who followed him, “Is there any dog blood? Is there any donkey’s hoof?”

The camera boy shook his head indifferently.

Without further ado, the big guys didn’t dare to waste time, Ji Muye took the lead, and He Xiao followed.

In any case, the safety of the guests should be the top priority, so there were not only artificially cut steps to descend, but also ropes to pull in.

It was just that the entrance of the cave was narrow enough that it required people to bend over to pass through, which was really uncomfortable for the tall Jiang Zheng and Ji Muye.

In the tunnel, there was a small recessed niche on the wall every twenty meters.

Jiang Zheng turned on the flashlight and saw a rusty bean-shaped lamp stand standing upright, and there seemed to be oily light in the tray.

#Oil lamps thousands of years ago?

#The shape is very similar to the lamp[2] in the grave of King Jing of the Han dynasty in Zhongshan[3].

#Is this a Han Dynasty city?

Going forward, everyone discovered how complicated this underground labyrinth was. The roads were extending in all directions, and they could get lost if they were not careful.

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Fortunately, Ji Muye had a very strong sense of direction, he led the way ahead, and his goal was the pagoda in the northeast corner.

After stepping on seven or eight dead bones, they met three or four super big mice, and several Tibetan soldier caves that seemed to be human figures. Several people saw a ray of sunlight cast from above their heads and heard a lot of human voices.

Jiang Zheng hissed and told everyone not to move.

“Quick, quick. Tie it up with a rope.”

“Di Ling, we have to get out of here before dark.”

“Boss, what good things can we find in such a short time? Let’s just stay here for one night.”

“You know a fart. This Chiyou City is only so calm during the day, but at night the yellow sand blows over and will blow away all you scumbags.”

Ji Muye gestured to Jiang Zheng. Jiang Zheng nodded silently.

According to the grave robber boss, Chiyou City seemed to have a timer installed. During the day, the city was completely exposed, and as soon as the sun set, the yellow sand would cover the city like crazy. On the second day, a gust of wind blew, and the city was exposed again. Over and over again, forever.

Jiang Zheng raised her head, the sun was slanting through, and she was still tens of centimeters away from standing on tiptoe. Otherwise, they could have looked at the situation outside.

Looking around, there were no ladders or anything like that.

Ji Muye walked up to her and knelt down.

Jiang Zheng: “…”

#Mom Mom! Is she going to ride the neck?


#wsl[4]. Please ask them to get married in place! You have ridden my neck, and being the one beside me…is it still far away?

Jiang Zheng blinked, and asked in a low voice, “What?”

Liang Xiaoduan looked at the two of them excitedly.

Ji Muye pointed to his neck, motioning for her to come up quickly.

Even if Jiang Zheng had a hundred guts, she would not dare to ride on his neck. She hid back but refused.

At this moment, the terrifying sound of a chainsaw buzzing suddenly came from above. The grave robbers seemed to be about to do something.

Jiang Zheng immediately jumped onto Ji Muye’s neck, grabbed his ears with both hands, and motioned him to stand up quickly.

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#Hahahahaha so cute.

#One dares to squat, the other dares to ride.

#Grave robbers are too violent. What are they doing with the chainsaw?

Through an inconspicuous grille, Jiang Zheng saw seven or eight men in black in the shadows.

One of them was sitting carelessly on a rest chair with a cigarette in his mouth, directing the others to work.

This seemed to be the main hall of a temple. Compared with the barracks just now, the preservation here was relatively complete. At least the wooden window lattices were still hanging, and several large pillars in the main hall were also standing.

Jiang Zheng was stunned. The wood next to it had already rotted away. Why was it still preserved here?

Twisting her neck and trying to look to the right, she saw a tall statue with several ropes wrapped around it, and a man holding a chainsaw who was sharpening his knife towards the neck of the Buddha statue…

“Go up and support the Buddha’s head, be gentle with the chainsaw when you strike, if the Buddha’s head is cracked, I will crush your balls.”

“I spent so much effort to dig out nothing. Only this Buddha statue is worth some money.”

At this moment, Jiang Zheng seemed to be possessed by a demon, and her soul was taken away by the statue.

You must know that before Buddhism was introduced to China, Buddha statues were all male, but in China Buddha statues began to have female appearance. Female Buddha statues were more appealing and universal for many women who could not leave their homes. Even so, the goddess statue was also characterized by dignity and compassion. It was the first time for Jiang Zheng to see a statue as beautiful as a nine-day fairy, with charming eyebrows and eyes, and a sultry look[5].

The grave robber drew a white line on the statue’s neck, Jiang Zheng was startled, and her mind quickly turned in circles to try to trick him.

Ji Muye reached out to grab the back of her hand, and there were three small stones in Jiang Zheng’s palm.

Jiang Zheng understood, lightly touched the thumb and index finger of her right hand, and a small stone passed through the window lattice and hit the ground in front of the Buddha statue.

However, the chainsaw was so loud that no one heard anything unusual.

Jiang Zheng adjusted the direction of the stone and struck out again with a whoosh. This time, the stone just hit the leg of a grave robber who was yelling but he didn’t even notice that someone hit him.

With only the last stone left, Jiang Zheng clasped her hands together and said to herself: Beautiful statue, your head is about to be chopped off, hurry up and manifest.

After making a wish, she stretched out her hand and flicked it again. As a result, this time the small stone seemed to have eyes. It first hit the chest of the Buddha statue, and then hit the head of the grave robber boss…

Jiang Zheng opened her mouth wide, it’s incredible.

#Aigoo! Appeared, manifested.

#HAHAHAHAHA scared them so much that they knelt down in unison.

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#This body does not belong to any school of Buddhism, nor does it belong to any school of Taoism. It feels like a statue built to commemorate someone.

The small stone was so powerful that it directly smashed the forehead of the villain leader red.

Those who took the chainsaw, those who pulled the rope, and those who packed the boxes, all rolled down and knelt down in front of the Buddha statue, bowing their heads in prayer, begging the Buddha for forgiveness.

The boss wiped his face, looked down at the stone flying from the statue, stepped on it, and said fiercely: “I stand in front of you. What kind of ghosts and snakes, you are nothing in front of me.”

He stood up, snatched the chainsaw with a dark face, and climbed up the stairs to do the business himself.

At this moment, like thunder on the ground, a small gust of wind blew up in the middle of the main hall, raising the thin dust and sand on the ground.

The chainsaw fell on the ground and hit his foot, then he fell off the shelf and hurt his leg, and he was so frightened that he lay on the ground begging for mercy.

The wind and sand hit the window lattice, after being caught off guard, Jiang Zheng’s face was instantly covered with sand.

When Ji Muye heard the sound, he quickly squatted down.

Jiang Zheng had her eyes closed tightly, the wind and sand had blown into her eyes, which was too uncomfortable.

Ji Muye panicked, quickly held Jiang Zheng’s face, and examined it carefully, “Does it hurt? Does it hurt?”

Jiang Zheng frowned and hummed.

Ji Muye hurriedly asked Liang Xiaoduan to turn on the flashlight. There was no cold water or saline here, only raw water drawn from the well. They had to flush the eyes to avoid infection.

He thought for a while, “Zhengzheng, is there any way to make you cry immediately?” Tears could flush the sand out of the eye sockets.

Jiang Zheng didn’t understand, so, “…what?”   

 Ji Muye: “I broke my leg?”

Jiang Zheng: “…”

“I was taken away by bad guys?”

At the end, he came up with a trick, “I’m officially married?”    

Jiang Zheng: “…Mr. Ji, you underestimate my crying skills.” After speaking, two lines of tears seeped out from the root of her eyelashes, then they came out more and more, and finally turned into two lines of clear tears, hanging on the cheeks.     

Ji Muye: “…” Aww.    

The author has something to say: Brother Ji is getting more and more shameless. A dog talks like a dog, and a dog looks like a dog.

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