Jiang Zheng’s crying skills were top-notch, and tears came as soon as they were called. Ji Muye touched his nose in embarrassment, “That’s right. When you were filming Dongnu Country, I saw your crying skills.”

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His face turned pale.

#If he doesn’t like Jiang Zheng, I’ll write my name upside down.

#I cannot make it. As long as they are in the same frame, it’s like a damn sweet love story.

#If you hate me, please curse me and let me have Muye for the first marriage, Muye for the second marriage, and Muye for the third marriage.

#hey-hey. Welcome to the paradise of Jiangye CP. “Terror City” is simply a natural treasure trove of sugar.

Fortunately, under Jiang Zheng’s abundant tears, the sand was quickly washed out. She blinked and said with red eyes that she was fine.

The yellow sand outside passed through the window lattice and made a terrible whimpering sound in the secret passage, which took a long time to stop.

The grave robbers were scared away and definitely won’t be coming back. The six decided to go up and see what was going on in the temple.

The several people piled on top of each other and climbed out of the cave one by one.

They thought it would be buried half a foot deep by the yellow sand, but it turned out that the sand was blown here and there, and only a thin layer remained, which could not be seen unless you looked carefully.

Only now did Jiang Zheng have the opportunity to observe this strange statue carefully.

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She was dressed in red and had a graceful figure and a dazzling face. She leaned forward and seemed to be looking up. But no matter where you went, she seemed to be staring at you.

Ke Cancan shrugged her shoulders, “Since entering Chiyou City, the wind and sand here have been a bit evil. They won’t blow us away, right?”

She just heard Jiang Zheng say that the grave robbers were scared and disappeared. But they may have been swept into the sky by the evil wind and then made to fall down hard until their life was gone.

Jiang Zheng said calmly: “It’s not bad. We won’t.” If the sandy wind hadn’t shown the way just now, they still couldn’t have found the entrance to the secret passage.

Several people looked around, and suddenly Liang Xiaoduan poked Jiang Zheng’s arm, “Sister, the more I look at her, the more I think she looks like you. No, you look like her.”

Jiang Zheng was taken aback, following the direction of her finger, the object of her words turned out to be the goddess statue enshrined in this temple.

Liang Xiaoduan’s words opened up everyone’s imagination. They didn’t think much of it at first, but when they looked at it carefully, they immediately felt that what she said seemed to be true.

#At least five points alike. Especially the eyebrows and eyes are exactly the same.

#My God, the director wants to make wool[1]?

#It’s just a mystery.

Jiang Zheng didn’t take it seriously and waved her hands to comfort her: “Maybe I have a public face.”

Liang Xiaoduan didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. If you have a public face, please give me one too.

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Ji Muye walked up to the wall, stroked it, and wiped off the layer of fine sand on it… Then several brightly colored and well-preserved murals appeared in front of everyone.

It was very common to build murals in temples and Taoist temples. Usually the content of the murals was mainly about the stories of the Buddha or were from the secular scriptures.

There were about eight murals in this temple, it was more like a serial painting story.

The six people studied them head to head.

The theme of the first painting was salvation. It was said that there used to be a general in Chiyou City. When he conquered foreign countries in the Western Regions, he saved a beautiful woman. The two fell in love at first sight and decided to be together for life.

The theme of the second painting was a wedding. The general fell in love with this foreign woman to the extent that he invited guests and friends from all over the world to hold a grand wedding in Chiyou City. The general’s wife also spread her reputation all over the world with a stunning and decisive dance.

The theme of the third painting was evil heart. The news of the beauty of the general’s wife spread to the capital, and the king became greedy for the general’s wife, so he sent a courtier to Chiyou City as a deputy general.

The theme of the fourth painting was making a game. The courtier set up a situation to cut off the general’s food supply. The general’s wife pleaded with him, but the courtier said: “The day the general’s wife arrives in the capital is the day when the grain and grass will be delivered.”

The theme of the fifth painting was death. The general’s wife knew that even if she went to the capital to ask the king to send over the requisite food and grass, she would not be able to save her husband’s life. So, she climbed to the highest point of Chiyou City – above the pagoda and cast a curse in the whistling yellow sand. One cursed the king’s black heart and lungs to die, the second cursed the courtiers to die without seeing the sun, and the third cursed the yellow sand to kill them all.

The people under the pagoda kept kneeling and worshiping, but the general’s wife jumped down, and her blood dripped down the gap in the base of the pagoda. In order to cover up his crime, the courtier ordered to kill all the old and weak women and children left in Chiyou City. The horn of massacre had just sounded, when they saw a gust of wind blowing from around the pagoda, getting bigger and bigger. In the sky full of yellow sand, soldiers who came from nowhere held weapons in their hands and hacked and killed all the courtiers and their subordinates. The common people hiding in the dark saw these soldiers turning into yellow sand and flying in the sky after killing the villains, so they knew that it was the general’s wife protecting them.

The theme of the sixth piece was building a temple. The surviving common people were grateful to the general’s wife, so they spent all their money to shape a golden body and build a temple for her, and respectfully called the general’s wife: Empress Huangsha. And vowed that if there was even one Chiyou city resident left, he would also offer incense to her for thousands of years.

Seeing this, Jiang Zheng couldn’t help but look back at the statue. Some people said that beauty was a disaster, but what was wrong with beauty? It was the people who were greedy for beauty.

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Ji Muye walked outside the main hall, and there were five powerful characters written on the plaque: Huangsha Empress Temple. This coincided with the contents of the mural. The story of the mural was not fabricated but real?

The theme of the seventh piece was defending the city. The general escaped from death with two entourages and came back, only to find that his wife was dead, and the courtier had turned into withered bones and buried under the yellow sand without being able to see the light of day all year long. Despite his grief, he knew that the king would definitely send someone to destroy the city. He couldn’t bear the common people to die with him and sent them out. Unexpectedly, the common people did not want to leave alone, and they were determined to guard Chiyou City and Huangsha Empress for the last journey together with the general. Three days later, the army really came under pressure. The general defended the city desperately for many days, but he finally became powerless. At the last moment, he dragged his disabled body and opened the grave under the pagoda. In the coffin lay his true love, his wife. The yellow sand flew again, burying all the ten thousand troops sent by the king and Chiyou City, turning them into a part of the desert.

The eighth mural, although there was room, was blank. Moreover, the first six paintings were smooth and vivid, with magnificent colors. While the seventh one, maybe because of the overwhelming army, where the Chiyou city was not safe, thus the painter’s mind was not stable, so he tried his best to complete the painting, but there was a suspicion of haste, and the flaws were not hidden.

The six of them marveled at the story.

But Xiao Cheng frowned and said: “Zhengzheng, look at these seven paintings, the general’s wife also had the face of this Empress Huangsha, she really resembles you.”

Jiang Zheng was only focused on interpreting the murals just now, so she didn’t notice this.

The enlarged version of the statue of Empress Huangsha had a five-point resemblance with her, and the exquisite version of the general’s wife on the mural had a similar image to her.

Jiang Zheng joked: “Do you want to say that I might be able to do magic tricks? For example, making wind and blowing sand?”

As soon as the words fell, the ground of the temple shook violently.

#Oh God. scared me. I thought there was an earthquake here.

#Jiang Zheng is going to blow up the city.

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#Zhou Xin does not die, continue to die.

The grave robbers, who were frightened by the sudden yellow sand just now, were unwilling to reconcile and ran towards the pagoda instead. Seeing that the sun was about to set, the leader, Boss Yi, decided to blow up the pagoda with a gun.

He had long heard that there was an underground palace under the pagoda, and there were many treasures hidden in the underground palace for the supporters to serve the Buddha. The grave robbers were desperate and were going to try again for the last time.

Sure enough, after the pagoda body collapsed, a large black hole was exposed, and there seemed to be a long passage into it.

The boss sent two people to guard the entrance of the cave. The remaining five people all got in.

When Jiang Zheng and others rushed over, they found two grave robbers guarding the entrance of the cave dejectedly, their backs to each other’s backs, their four eyes flickering from side to side. But they seemed to have lost their guts.

The viewers watching the live broadcast were very enthusiastic to give advice to the guests, either Ji Muye should fight against two and knock people down, or Ji Muye and He Xiao should fight against two and knock people down, or Ji Muye, He Xiao and Xiao Cheng should use the power of three against two to knock people down.

Just as everyone continued to add people, Jiang Zheng bent down, picked up a stone, and threw it towards the entrance of the cave.

The stone rolled in front of the two grave robbers… It seemed that the two had a scud missile strapped to their buttocks, and they fled over the wall with a whoosh.

One stone did it. It was easy and stress-free.

Ji Muye stretched out his thumb and gave Jiang Zheng a heartfelt thumbs up.

The several people walked inward along the entrance of the cave, suddenly enlightened, and walked freely. Compared with the secret passage just now, it was simply an underground palace.

This was not a pagoda underground palace at all. It was consistent with the description on the murals. This was the grave of the general and his wife.

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