When the doorbell rang, Jiang Zheng was still wondering. Han Yi and her assistant just left, did they forget to take something?

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But when she looked at the doorbell monitor, it was Ji Muye who looked wronged with his arm hanging in a sling.

Jiang Zheng drooped her lower eyelids. You have to pay back the sins you have done.

She opened the door, and he immediately put one foot in the doorway.

Ji Muye was wearing a hat and a mask, and when he saw her, he immediately raised his eyebrows, “Zhengzheng.”

Jiang Zheng said with a cold face, “You are not staying in the hospital, what are you doing here?”

Ji Muye whispered: “I haven’t seen you for a few days, I miss you.”

Speaking the word miss, he emphasized the sound, and the tone of his voice was full of misery. Where was he still the gentle and refined Mr. Ji.

Jiang Zheng: “…and then?”

Ji Muye looked around, lowered his voice, and said, “We played against each other that day. I kissed you first, and you pinched my earlobe, and then you ran away… “

His two beautiful eyes were drooping, like a resentful woman.

Jiang Zheng: “…”

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He said it like she was a scumbag.

Ji Muye was about to open his mouth to say something again, but Jiang Zheng hurriedly opened the door and pulled him in.

Ji Muye entered the room as he wished, and after looking around, he smiled and said, “It’s really clean.”

Jiang Zheng: “…”

She coughed twice, “As for what you just said, I thought you were acting…. the confession lines.”

Ji Muye fell from heaven to hell, heartbroken. A few days ago in the hospital, he played with Jiang Zheng, and when he saw the red lips that were close at hand, he followed them like a demon. He couldn’t help but kiss her shamelessly through the play, and then after knowing her taste, he kissed her again and again. In the end, he finally gathered the courage to say that he didn’t want to be her Brother Mu anymore.

He thought he would be beaten up by Jiang Zheng, but Jiang Zheng pinched his earlobe and said: It is wrong to change the lines randomly.

He thought that Jiang Zheng was thin-skinned, and pinching his earlobe was a sign of liking. As a result, the woman ran away after pinching, and then did not show up for several days.

He came to collect the debt…

“Since you stopped coming to the hospital, I have lost a few pounds.”

Jiang Zheng knew that this guy was selling misery, and was pretending to be pitiful.

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“Actually, I hid in the corridor for a long time just now. Look here, and here, I was bitten by mosquitoes.” Ji Muye rolled up his sleeves, and his arms were really covered with red bumps. “I was waiting for Han Yi and the others to leave, only after they left did I dare to knock on the door and talk to you for a while.”

Jiang Zheng pursed her lower lip, before Ji Muye recorded an outdoor reality show, fans found various mosquito repellants, tried them on themselves first, and then picked the one that worked best and sent it to him. Now that Ji Muye was bitten like this at the door of her house, if Su Yue and the others got to know, would they push her to the ground and rub her hard?

Without further ado, she turned and went back to the bathroom to get some medicine to relieve the itching and found a cotton swab bag and handed it over.

Ji Muye pointed at his left arm in embarrassment, Jiang Zheng endured it, let him sit down, then took out a cotton swab and put ointment on it…

Ji Muye sat down obediently.

In an instant, the familiar breath came again, Jiang Zheng paused, lowered her head and concentrated on rubbing the medicine on him.

“I came here today secretly. Jing Meini must be looking for me all over the world.”

“I stood outside for a long time just now, and my legs are numb.”

“The doctor told me to rest well, and I can’t lift things for three months, so you can’t hit me again.”

How did I not realize that this person was a talker before. Jiang Zheng concentrated on applying the medicine but didn’t answer his words.

“I have to rest well, take good care of my body, and let my arm function return to normal.” Ji Muye blinked, “Otherwise, I’m afraid I won’t be able to hold you in the future…”

Jiang Zheng raised her head abruptly, just in time to see the corner of Ji Muye’s raised lips before he could retract it and raised her small fist as if to beat him.

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Ji Muye laughed and dodged again and again, but unexpectedly pulled the wound, and cried out weakly in pain.

Jiang Zheng was taken aback, and quickly told him to lie down, fearing that he would not be comfortable lying down, she took out another pillow and put it under his neck.

Someone was lying comfortably on the sofa, he had heard that his brother-in-law first slept on the sofa at the sister-in-law’s house, and then entered the room (pushing his nose and face) and coaxed her into becoming his wife.

Afraid that he would catch a cold, Jiang Zheng ran to the bedroom to get a small blanket, and as soon as she turned around, she saw Ji Muye’s feet dangling happily, how could there be any pain?

It’s really far away and close to the dog!

Ji Muye didn’t notice Jiang Zheng’s expression, he tilted his head just in time to see the photo frame on the opposite table.

Surprised, he sat up and walked over. This was the photo of him and Jiang Zheng, with his signature on it.

Ah! Hard-spoken woman.

Jiang Zheng said coolly behind him: “Don’t get excited, I forgot to throw it away.”

Ji Muye: “…”

He raised his head, “What is this?”

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Muye pulled out a poster from the top shelf on the wall.

The owner of the poster was looking at his own poster, smiling very happily, “This was taken when I was the first male lead, and you actually kept it.”

Jiang Zheng blushed, knowing that this person should not have been allowed in.

“I’m a dedicated career fan, okay?!”

Ji Muye nodded approvingly, and suddenly said with a smirk: “You won’t have my humanoid pillow on your bed, right?”

He said while pretending to go to Jiang Zheng’s bedroom.

Jiang Zheng was taken aback, and quickly blocked him, “Yes. Every old fan has one, you…”

Looking up and seeing Ji Muye laughing, she was so annoyed that she hit his chest hard.

At that time, old fans bought a humanoid pillow with Ji Muye’s face on it, and she wanted one too. It was usually placed on the sofa in the bedroom, but these days she was uneasy, looking at someone’s face, whenever she thought of his lips, she couldn’t calm down, so she planned to pack the pillow and put them in the cabinet. But she had not yet had time to find a suitable packaging bag…

Ji Muye grabbed her wrist with one hand and pulled her into his arms.

Holding her waist, with his chin resting on her shoulder, he said quietly: “Zhengzheng, do you know how difficult it is for me to say the three words I like you? I’m afraid that you will hate me after hearing it, and you won’t even be my friend in the end. But I had to do it.”

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