Jiang Zheng heard her own heartbeat, pounding, pounding, non-stop.

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“I know, there are a lot of things to consider between us…” He let go of her and said firmly, “Anyway, I respect your idea.”

Jiang Zheng lowered her eyelids, ordinary people’s love and marriage were much more complicated. What’s more, people like them who were in the spotlight.

However, she raised her eyes and smiled, “I’ve never worried about myself. I’m afraid for you…”

Ji Muye was taken aback.

“No one knows better than me how difficult it was for you to get to where you are today. Although I have improved recently, I am afraid that I will delay you…”

Ji Muye’s eyes were shining brightly, and his voice trembled as he said: “You mean you…don’t hate me.”

Jiang Zheng smiled helplessly, “How could I hate you?”

Oh, what’s going on, this person’s earlobes turned red when he got excited. So cute, I really want to touch it.

Ji Muye seemed to know what was on her mind, and turned his face, “Here. Touch it.”

Jiang Zheng struggled for a while, and it wouldn’t do anything if she touched it, so she stood on tiptoe, stretched out her fingers, and pinched gently.

Ji Muye closed his eyes slightly, a tingling numbness shooting up from his spine to the top of his head.

After pinching several times, Jiang Zheng let go of with satisfaction.

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“Well, you don’t hate me…” Ji Muye stammered, “Does that mean you like me?”    

Jiang Zheng said two words in a low voice: “Idiot!”


His scorching breath lingered on her earlobe, and Jiang Zheng couldn’t help trembling.

“Can I kiss you?” Ji Muye asked hoarsely.

Jiang Zheng giggled twice, reached out to wrap her arms around his neck, stood on tiptoe, and kissed him lightly on the lips, “This is my reward for you letting me pinch your earlobe.”

Ji Muye’s eyes darkened, then he hugged her hard and lowered his head to capture her soft lips precisely, “I’ll take the principal and interest together.”

After finishing speaking, his lips continued to fall, grabbing her sweetness little by little.

Ji Muye could have removed the bandage today, but in order to create a tragic atmosphere, he refused the doctor’s suggestion.

But now that he was holding Jiang Zheng with one arm, it was inconvenient to do anything.

Jiang Zheng felt that she couldn’t breathe, so she pushed him away with a little force, her cheeks were flushed, and her eyes were smudged with soft light, “You should go back.”

The phone in Ji Muye’s pocket kept vibrating. He sighed and had no choice but to reach out and pinch Jiang Zheng’s face, “Good girl. I’ll call you later.”

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After returning to the hospital, Ji Muye got the bandages removed as quickly as possible, and let Jing Meini go through the discharge procedures, while updating his Weibo.

He who always had something to talk about, and would never be sad, unexpectedly posted a sour poem for the first time: Tingzhou is full of vines, and there is a beautiful woman who smiles and meets me, only to fulfill my wish. The accompanying picture was a misty landscape of sandbars in the river.

Fans flocked to check their mobile phones.

This was love? Or did brother get sick in the hospital?

Everyone hadn’t gotten used to the style of this Weibo, when Ji Muye posted another Weibo that day, which turned out to be nine selfies.

In an instant, the fans screamed excitedly. You must know that Brother Ji posted only a handful of selfies, but this time he posted nine in a row, which was really a reward for the fans.

Just why were these nine photos all profile pictures?

The left face was the most perfect, the jaw line was three-dimensional, the ear contour was extremely beautiful and the earlobe was moderately thick, and it looked like a flower bud waiting to be picked.

The lines on the right cheek were a bit stiffer, but they were also excellent.

Jiang Zheng almost laughed when she saw this Weibo. This man was showing off his defenseless earlobes.

Not only that, Ji Muye also sent her a WeChat message in a serious manner: Go to Weibo to get a picture. It can be used as a screen saver for you to play with from time to time.

The days that followed flew by quickly.

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Ji Muye gradually returned to work, but his filming was postponed. However, Jiang Zheng worked step by step and was very busy every day.

That night, Jiang Zheng was participating in a certain station’s Mid-Autumn Festival Gala and was going to sing two songs. As soon as the recording ended, she changed her clothes and walked to the underground parking lot under the escort of Han Yi and her assistant.

In the elevator, Jiang Zheng was about to open her mouth to find an excuse for Han Yi to go back first, but she heard him say, “Zhengzheng, I need to meet a client temporarily.”

He arranged for the assistant to take Jiang Zheng back.

Jiang Zheng snorted, told him to be careful, and then went down to the first floor with her assistant.

Jiang Zheng asked her assistant to go back first, saying that Jiang Ran was already waiting for her in the parking lot.

The assistant knew Brother Ran, so he said goodbye with a smile, got in the car and left first.

Jiang Zheng was wearing a peaked cap and a mask. After seeing the assistant’s car leaving, she lowered her head and walked quickly towards a car.

As soon as she sat in the passenger seat, she was pulled into a hot embrace.

Jiang Zheng hadn’t had time to react, when a passionate kiss rushed to her face. She instantly looked like a drowning fish, unable to breathe.

Ji Muye panted slightly, “Your lips are so soft and elastic, it seems like I can’t eat enough…”

Jiang Zheng smiled and pushed him away, “Let’s go. I’m starving to death.”

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Ji Muye heard, then he hurried to sit down, and drove towards the reserved restaurant.

Given the two were currently in a secret relationship, eating out had to be done with extreme caution.

Ji Muye had thus found a high-end private restaurant that only allowed reservations in advance.

When they arrived at the place, the two got on different elevators and reached the door of the restaurant almost at the same time.

The waiter led the two to their table where tall green plants blocked the view of their table.

Suddenly, a soft laugh came out.

Ji Muye paused, a little in disbelief.

Then a burst of silly laughter came out.

Jiang Zheng paused and couldn’t believe it.

The two looked at each other at the same time, their faces full of horror.

Ji Muye stretched out his hand to pick apart a banana leaf, and saw Jing Meini, who told him she had to see a client, sitting there, her hand held by Han Yi, smiling prettily, as she was almost falling into his arms…

The author has something to say: Hahahahahaha, isn’t it thrilling? Should I be afraid of being discovered when I am in love, or should I be afraid of being discovered when my artist is falling in love?

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