Han Yi pinched Jing Meini’s soft and boneless hand, “Nini, when do you think we’ll tell Muye and Zhengzheng…about the two of us?”

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Ni…Nini? The corners of Jiang Zheng and Ji Muye’s mouths twitched at the same time.

Jing Meini’s voice filled with a smile came from inside, “Anytime is fine. I don’t care. What about you?”

Han Yi shrugged, “I don’t care either. We can tell them anytime.”

After finishing speaking, the atmosphere became awkward for some reason. So, the two each took a sip from their teacups.

At this time, suddenly, a waiter from beside the green plant shouted: “Sir, miss, please go this way.”

Han Yi looked up and saw Jiang Zheng’s profile through the gap.

At the same time, Jing Meini also caught Ji Muye’s figure for the first time.

The four of them stared at each other, stunned for a moment, Han Yi immediately let go of Jing Meini’s hand, wiped the surface of the chair and moved around, sitting upright, chest up, turning serious, with a businesslike look.

Compared with him, Jing Meini was not too slow, and she quickly put on the appearance of a big boss in the brokerage world, which seemed to be different from her soft and coquettish attitude just now.

Since they were exposed to each other, there was nothing to hide anymore.

Jiang Zheng told the waiter that they would share a table with these two.

She lifted her foot across the stone bridge with a smile on her face, walked around to the green shade, raised her eyebrows and asked, “Brother Han, is this the important client you mentioned?”

Han Yi didn’t know what the two of them had already seen, but at this moment, he could only stiffen his neck, “Ms. Jing and I are discussing the cooperation between our two studios.”

As expected of Mr. Han, who could easily arrange Jiang Zheng’s itinerary, he spoke clearly about business, “”Dongnu Country” has received multiple nominations for the Plum Blossom TV Drama Awards. For example, you were nominated for Best Actress, and Mr. Ji was nominated for Best Actor. Moreover, you were also nominated for Best Lovers on Screen. There are too many opportunities for cooperation between the two parties. I and Ms. Jing think that there is a lot to do.”

“Also. “Fashion” wants to celebrate its 20th anniversary by putting the two of you in the same frame, which would also be the highlight. There are many details to discuss.”

“By the way, many advertisers want to invite both of you to endorse at the same time. There are good and bad, so Ms. Jing and I have to make a good choice.”

The way he said it was serious, and the way he talked was orderly.

Jing Meini originally wanted to pretend but was suddenly irritated by Han Yi’s professional rhetoric. She slapped Han Yi on the shoulder and said coldly, “It’s okay. Stop pretending.”

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Han Yi: “…”

“Didn’t you just say that it doesn’t matter.” Jing Meini was really soft when she looked soft, and she was really scary when she looked scary, “Are you lying to me, you touched my hand, and you kissed my mouth, so what…”

Han Yi felt dizzy, and quickly covered her mouth, “Grandma, I don’t, I’m not.”

Jing Meini pushed him away with frowning eyebrows, and looked seriously at Jiang Zheng and Ji Mu who were watching a big show in front of them and said, “Yes. We are in a relationship!”

Han Yi’s back turned wet. During Ji Muye’s hospitalization, Jiang Zheng ran to the hospital every day, and he had to follow her to the hospital. Jing Meini was seen almost every day. One day, the two happened to be in a bad mood at the same time because of a bunch of shit and ran to the fire escape to smoke and decompress and bumped into each other. You light a cigarette for me, and I will shield you from the wind, and at the same time you faintly exhale the smoke ring, and suddenly the atmosphere became ambiguous. She didn’t know who took the initiative to kiss whom, anyway, the two of them opened a room recklessly that night as if they were going to break with the world. They found that they were very compatible with each other, and then they tasted the marrow to know the taste, and fell in love just so unbelievably.

Seeing Jing Meini categorically admitting, as a big man, he couldn’t be cowardly, so he opened his mouth and said, “Yes. That’s right.”

Jing Meini didn’t bother to ignore his second thoughts, and fixedly looked at the two people in front of her, “What about you? “

Although this was a private restaurant, Jiang Zheng and Ji Muye came to the restaurant one after the other for dinner. It was not clear which person in the restaurant could have secretly taken pictures or talked about it.

It was only then that Han Yi came to his senses. Compared to the two of them being caught in a relationship, Jiang Zheng and Ji Muye would be the bomb if they were tossed out.

Although they had been prepared for a long time, the impact of the two of them appearing side by side in front of them was quite intense.

Ji Muye raised Jiang Zheng’s hand, “True love!”

Jiang Zheng hummed, “That’s right.”

Ji Muye and Jiang Zheng were frank about their relationship and planned to find a suitable opportunity to officially announce the relationship. Of course, before making complete preparations, it needed to be carefully covered up. For which, the help of Jing Meini and Han Yi was indispensable.

Han Yi had been more than once forcefully asked about his sister’s recent situation by Jiang Ran. Before when Jiang Zheng watched over Ji Muye’s serious appearance in the hospital, Jiang Ran always felt that his younger sister was not being good enough.

How could Han Yi tell him? The person involved said it, so he could only pretend to be dead in the face of Jiang Ran’s questioning.

Ji Muye didn’t have any questions from the elders. His mother was a drama actress in her early years, and his father was a businessman. The family business was quite large, but the company under his name had long been handed over to professional managers. The old couple found a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters to settle down, and they maintained the attitude that their son’s marriage would come naturally when it should come, neither rushing nor impatient, neither pushing nor forcing.

What Jing Meini needed to do most was to create an atmosphere among fans that “Brother Ji is not too young to fall in love”, and at the same time, consciously push Jiang Ye cp’s sugar eating video, so that more people could start loving them and there was a mental preparation for the possibility of love between the two.

On this day, Jiang Zheng drove to the airport to pick up Ji Muye.

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The love life of an actor was like this: get together less and leave more. What’s more, both of them were popular actors, and their current schedules were full. Sometimes it took a few months after joining the filming group, and they could only date in the occasional free time.

This time Ji Muye had to go to a certain city in the northwest to shoot a movie for at least half a month. And Jiang Zheng had just finished recording the new song, and she finally took the opportunity to arrange a rest time, so they were going to meet today.

Dodging the crowd, the two finally met in the car, not daring to stay too long at the airport, kicked the accelerator and drove towards Ji Muye’s house.

When they arrived at the underground parking lot, the two sat in the car for a while.

Jiang Zheng pushed Ji Muye away with a blushing face, “Go up and rest quickly. I have to go back.”

Ji Muye’s bright eyes instantly went out, and he complained, “Are you leaving now?”

Brother Jiang Ran urged her several times to go back tonight, and it was already six o’clock in the afternoon.

Jiang Zheng nodded, “We still have time to meet tomorrow.”

Ji Muye: “It’s only an hour. I can’t do anything.”

Jiang Zheng laughed, “What do you want to do?”

Ji Muye lowered his head, “My arm is still not healed, you can at least take me upstairs and help me push my luggage in.”

Jiang Zheng checked the time and touched Ji Muye’s face, “Okay. I can satisfy you in this.”

Ji Muye immediately turned happy, and the two walked to the apartment on the top floor together.

This was Jiang Zheng’s first visit to Ji Muye’s house.

To say she was not curious would be a lie. She had wondered what his home was like before. Probably the same as him, with a Chinese style of elegant beauty. Sure enough, after entering, whether it was a screen, a futon, or a plum vase with dead branches, there was a sense of philosophy.

Clean, simple and elegant, but unique.

Ji Muye hurriedly pulled Jiang Zheng to sit down, busy making coffee and introducing the decoration experience.

Jiang Zheng smiled, leaned on the sofa relaxedly, and nodded from time to time.

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After drinking the coffee and preparing to say goodbye, Ji Muye opened the refrigerator again, and sincerely invited her to stay for hot pot.

Knowing that he couldn’t eat too much, he had fresh organic vegetables that Jing Meini stuffed in in advance today in his refrigerator.

When Jiang Zheng was in a dilemma, Han Yi sent a WeChat message, saying that Jiang Ran had called him several times to ask her whereabouts. He knew that she must be with Ji Muye, so he helped her get over it to let her date with confidence.

Jiang Zheng took a look and sent Han Yi a big red envelope.

Han Yi snorted and replied: [The amount of hush money is barely enough to make up for it. Also, be sure to use contraception.]

Jiang Zheng: …Nothing like that, what a ghost!

These words were too eye-catching, she quickly turned off the phone, and said with a smile: “Then I’ll have a taste of Teacher Ji’s craftsmanship?”

When Ji Muye heard this, he immediately kissed Jiang Zheng’s face hard, and then happily, like a bird, went to the kitchen to complete the base of the hot pot.

Jiang Zheng nestled comfortably on the sofa, glanced at the TV for a while, and glanced at Ji Muye who was busy in the kitchen.

She suddenly gave birth to the feeling of quiet time.

The life of an actor had always been fast-paced and super stressful. Don’t just look at them looking bright in front of everyone, in fact, this kind of life was quite tiring. Although the highlight moments of winning awards and the sense of recognition from fans would give you enough sense of accomplishment but everything you gained must be lost.

Like now.

Thinking that this moment was achieved after half a month of hard work by both parties, Jiang Zheng couldn’t help but sigh.

The bottom of the mandarin duck pot was spicy and vegetarian. Obviously, Ji Muye was a frequent cook, and he prepared everything in less than forty minutes.

Two people sat at a table facing each other. Drinking beer eating boiled mutton and green vegetables, comfortable, and no one was watching, so they were really super happy.

Jiang Zheng looked at Ji Muye amidst the mist on the opposite side, and sighed, “What about the wound on your face? You have to apply thick concealer every time to cover it.”

Ji Muye paused and stretched out his hand to brush his temple.

It was a long story. In order to create a miserable situation, he wrapped half of his face with a bandage, which made Jiang Zheng feel distressed and so she stayed with him for a month.

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Then things took a weird turn. At first, he had to apply iodophor to cover his wounds, but after he was discharged from the hospital, he had to be specially made up for his scars. After all, facial abrasions could not be completely healed in a short while.

Jing Meini teased him a lot for this.

Jiang Zheng took this matter as a top priority. She originally wanted him to take time off to do a medical aesthetic restoration. As a result, he was so busy that he could only cover up his scars with concealer.

Ji Muye planned to take advantage of this rest to end the matter. So he pretended to get plastic surgery, and he wouldn’t need to apply special makeup when he saw Jiang Zheng next time.

He paused, “You always say that, I think you think I’m ugly!”

Jiang Zheng laughed and said, “Am I such a superficial person?”

Couldn’t help it for a second, and immediately leaned over and kissed her.

The crimson lips were like delicious fudge, making Ji Muye pant slightly.

Jiang Zheng pressed against his chest weakly, trying to push but couldn’t.

The longing that Ji Muye had endured for more than half a month turned into a torrential flood, and he could not delay for a moment.

He stretched out his hand to wrap around Jiang Zheng’s waist, and kissed her delicately, especially unpleasantly, his eyes sank, he grabbed her waist, and hugged her… Jiang Zheng screamed, and hugged him tightly to hold his neck.

Ji Muye raised his head, and said in a hoarse voice, “I missed you so much.”

Jiang Zheng pursed her lower lip, pressed her chin to his forehead, and whispered, “Me too.”

Ji Muye’s boyfriend strength was overwhelming, and he hugged Jiang Zheng and kissed her for a long time.

When Jiang Zheng realized that it had been more than 20 minutes, she looked down, and suddenly said: “Didn’t you say that your arm still hurts, and you can’t carry heavy objects, can’t lift heavy objects?”

Ji Muye; “….” Shit. Overturned.

The author has something to say: What can you do in an hour???? It seems to have exposed something.

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