Next, Ji Muye probably said three hundred baskets of good things, five-wheeled explanations, and tried his best to pretend to be pitiful and begged for a hug, and even offered his trump card – his ruby earlobes, which finally won Jiang Zheng’s forgiveness.

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At the moment, the circle of friends was all posting beautiful pictures of the super moon. The two ran to the balcony, looked at the disc in the sky, and felt that they could appreciate such a beautiful moon indoors.

After discussing it, they decided to go for a walk by the river and enjoy the moon while blowing the river breeze.

The two were fully armed, with hats and masks ready, and ran to the river.

Along the way, the wind from the river rustled, caressing people comfortably.

The two ran one after the other, sweating.

There were many people admiring the moon in Jiangbian Park, but no one noticed that there were two big stars in the crowd.

Jiang Zheng felt that all the stale air in her chest had been expelled. This was much more refreshing than exercising in the gym.

The two ran to an unoccupied Linjiang platform.

The shadow of the moon was shattered by the ripples of the river, and someone on the opposite side was singing an unknown folk tune, everything was as beautiful as a painting.

Ji Muye took out a wet towel and handed it to Jiang Zheng, then he took off the mask, and took the wet towel to wipe the sweat off his face.

Jiang Zheng smiled at him, hoping to do this kind of running more times in the future.

The two leaned against the railing, talking quietly.

The moonlight fell on Ji Muye’s handsome face, the shadow made his face more three-dimensional, and his blushing face lingered with youth and health.

Jiang Zheng couldn’t help reaching out and touching his face… Suddenly her hand stopped, and the red scar the size of a fingernail on Ji Muye’s temple seemed to have disappeared without a trace.

Smooth and unmarked, intact.

At this moment, the wind from the river came and rushed onto his sweaty back, and Ji Muye suddenly felt a chill.

Jiang Zheng took a step back and looked at him with a half-smile.

Ji Muye’s heart skipped a beat, and he didn’t dare to move.

“Did you take the fairy medicine for repairing and removing scars, or did you use PS technology on the spot…it’s amazing.”

Ji Muye’s scalp went numb, he hastily rolled over again.

He actually forgot that there was supposed to be a scar here. He was sweating too much, so he just wiped off with wet wipes, and the scar he had drawn disappeared.

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It must be that the moonlight tonight was so beautiful that he got carried away.

He took a step forward, blinked his eyes and said, “Zhengzheng, Teacher Ji is getting older, and sometimes he thinks more.”

Jiang Zheng bit his lower lip, “And then?”

“You got to know that something had happened to me, and you came back from abroad overnight. If I just had a small fracture, wouldn’t I be really sorry for your rush back home?”

Jiang Zheng’s face became serious, “You have been lying in bed for a month, is this called a small fracture?”

Ji Muye said awkwardly: “The doctor said that I didn’t hurt my head or internal organs…”

Jiang Zheng reached out and punched him angrily.

Ji Muye grabbed her wrist, “Zhengzheng, you really don’t know how happy I was when you came back to see me overnight. Sometimes I lay there thinking, I have to thank that horse, if it didn’t get scared causing me to fall off, I don’t know when I would be able to hug you and kiss you…”

Jiang Zheng broke free and said helplessly, “Mr. Ji, you…”

Ji Muye knew when he heard her call him Teacher Ji. Things were ruined. He had poked a hornet’s nest. It was over.

At this moment, Jiang Zheng’s cell phone rang. It was Han Yi who had come to pick her up.

Jiang Zheng raised her head and looked at the bright night sky, “I will remember today’s moon for many years.”

After speaking, she turned and got into the car.

Ji Muye chased two steps forward, but seeing Jiang Zheng’s resolute back, he didn’t dare to say more.

Han Yi was startled when he saw Ji Muye’s distraught look through the car window.

He waved his hand outside, and quickly lowered his head to send a text message to Jing Meini.

Jiang Zheng seemed very tired. She leaned against the back seat, with her eyes closed, and he couldn’t see her expression clearly.

Early the next morning, Weibo’s trending searches went viral.

Someone posted a video in the middle of the night with the title: Jiang Zheng and Ji Muye were enjoying the moon by the riverside, so close they seem to be in love.

Thanks to the big moon last night and the streetlights next to the running path in the riverside park, the shot of the two talking and laughing against the railing was slightly blurred, but still recognizable.

The video was only 30 seconds long, and the tall two people stood side by side, as if they were talking about something funny, Jiang Zheng was bent over with a smile, as she raised her hand to touch Ji Muye’s face, while Ji Muye turned back to hold her hand as he brought it to his mouth to kiss…

For so many years, what the people who ate melons wanted to see was not #My friend’s friend said I, #I listened to their fellowship#Someone said they were both together, what the melon eaters were tirelessly pursuing was this kind of real hammer that couldn’t be turned over.

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The real hammer video detonated super energy bombs, and tens of thousands of comments appeared on this hot search topic in an instant.

Weibo went down immediately, and the technical guys were called to come back and repair the server.

N people flooded into Ji Muye’s Weibo.

#Think Jiang Zheng and Ji Muye match well! Like it!

#Think Jiang Zheng and Ji Muye don’t deserve a thumbs up!

#Ah Ah ah

#If it is true, then I will turn my face.

#??? I am your girlfriend.

#Husband How can you kiss another woman. Are my hands not fragrant?

#Have a hunch. The two of them interacted sweetly when they were filming “Dongnu Country”, and Ji Muye looked at Jiang Zheng with light in his eyes. Later, in “Terror City” they collaborated as husband and wife or boyfriend and girlfriend at every turn. Ji Muye was hospitalized a month ago, and Jiang Zheng didn’t attend events for a whole month, so she must have been taking care of him in the hospital.

#Jiang Zheng The hatred of snatching a husband is irreconcilable.

#Worthy face. One is gentle and elegant, the other is spoiled and glamorous, love love love love.

#Just 30 seconds of video made me feel as sweet as an idol drama. Who can compare.

Eat melons and eat a full set. After sweeping around Ji Muye’s Weibo, they ran to Jiang Zheng’s Weibo.

#Wife don’t you love me?

#Sister Zheng! Ji Muye, I can.

#Don’t, no one is worthy of my cosmic invincible sister Zheng.

#No wonder Jiang Zheng looks quite different from the past recently. She is helping designers and fans to go on stage and pet fans and supporting the younger generation. She also went to Lu Tianyi’s concert and shouted wildly. It turns out that she is in love.

#Jiang Zheng has recently become sweet and cute, she is indeed a woman in love.

Jiang Ye’s cp fan’s super talk went straight to the first place.

There was no better way to enjoy a meal than to be hit with real candy.

#It’s complete!

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#The pinnacle of life is at this moment. Say it out and blow it for a lifetime.

#I have been squatting here since the beginning of Dongnu Country, and God did not fail me.

#Ah ah ah so happy. From now on, when I go out, I have to pinch my waist and hold my chest out and walk in a pace that my relatives do not recognize.

Among them was a rich cp fan who wished everyone in the world to know that she was a real CP fan, and her actions were very efficient. An hour later, a line of words appeared on the tallest building in a certain city: Dreams shine into reality, Jiang Ye cp mighty.

In the headquarter building of Zhewei Group, Jiang Ran sat in the office and looked at the flashing big characters on the tall building opposite, his face turning very dark.

He was in a meeting, but suddenly everyone looked at the other side.

Earlier, when everyone got to know that Jiang Zheng was the sister of their own boss, they all went to take in the gossip knowledge. They were familiar with the meaning of Jiang Ye cp.

They just didn’t expect to see these big characters on the wall of the tallest building in the opposite city. What magic realism was this.

Jiang Ran announced the end of the meeting on the spot and went downstairs to drive home. As a result, he was blocked by reporters before leaving the Zhewei headquarters building.

“Mr. Jiang, did you know that your sister is in a relationship with your good friend Ji Muye?”

“Mr. Jiang, please express your thoughts?”

“Mr. Jiang, are you satisfied with this brother-in-law Ji Muye?”

Poking the microphone in front of him and asking three soul-searching questions, Jiang Ran’s face became more and more ugly, but he kept his lips tight and said nothing.

The security guards who arrived late hurriedly escorted their boss away.

Speeding all the way home, his mother Chen Jinjiao had also just come back.

Aunt Chen Meiting came out quickly, saw that both of them had returned, and asked anxiously: “What’s going on? Zhengzheng is really dating Xiao Ji?”

Chen Jinjiao sat down on the sofa calmly. She had just flipped through the video several times.

Her baby girl smiled happily in front of Ji Muye.

This guy had finally figured it out.

Jiang Ran: “Ms. Chen, can you at least pretend to be shocked? Otherwise, did you know about this in advance!”

Chen Meiting looked up at her elder sister.

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Chen Jinjiao shrugged, “What’s so exciting or shocking? Whether Zhengzheng wants to fall in love, and who she falls in love with, I can’t control it as a mother, and you can’t control it as a brother.”

Jiang Ran: “…”

Chen Meiting sat next to her elder sister, “Oh, actually, I think Xiao Ji is quite nice. He is good-looking and gentle, and he and Zhengzheng are colleagues and share a common language. I just don’t know what his parents and his family are like?”

Chen Jinjiao smiled and said: “Do you know Mufeng Furniture? That’s the furniture brand created by Ji Muye’s father. But he has retired, and the group has been handed over to a professional manager. His mother was a drama actress before, but she retired because of poor health. Yes. The husband and wife are kind people, and they have an open-minded attitude towards the profession of actors.”

Chen Meiting laughed, “Big sister, you have already inquired about it.”

Chen Jinjiao nodded. That must be done. She was his baby girl.

She turned to look at Jiang Ran, “I think you just don’t like your sister having a boyfriend. If you change it to Zhang Muye, Li Muye, it will be the same. Mr. Jiang, please adjust your mentality.”

Jiang Ran: “… No.”

Chen Jinjiao didn’t puncture his pretense as he doted on his sister, “Oh, when will Zhengzheng come out and stamp our son-in-law Ji.”

As soon as she finished speaking, a message came across Chen Meiting’s phone screen.

In the midst of all the attention, Miss Jiang Zheng, the heroine of watching the moon by the river video, finally posted a response to Weibo.

@jiangzheng: Just a career fan.

Attached were three pictures, all of which were related to Ji Muye, from his earliest debut to the latest.

The tone was quite indifferent, casual and meaningless.

Chen Jinjiao: “!!!!” The couple just broke up when this old lady found out?

Chen Meiting: “!!!!” Blood pressure is too high.

Jiang Ran let out a laugh, Brother Ye is really unreliable!

With Jiang Zheng’s reply, she rushed to the top of the hot search again.

She only admitted that she was Ji Muye’s career fan, and posted pictures to prove herself?!

The big guy immediately rushed to Ji Muye’s Weibo, obediently waiting for the follow-up.

Ten minutes later, Ji Muye posted a Weibo: @Jiang Zheng! Zheng girlfriend!

The author has something to say: Hahahahahaha Zheng girlfriend = real girlfriend. all right. Now the whole internet knows Brother Ji, you offended your girlfriend.

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