Wei Ying was lost in thought, rubbing her bulging belly subconsciously.

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As a result, her belly began to glow again, and even began to produce pain. Although she had never had a child, she felt the pain, the pain of having a child.

“Boss, what’s wrong with your stomach? It’s starting to glow!”


Gu Heng lamented that the boss was indeed the boss, even her pregnancy was different from ordinary people. However, his boss was not an ordinary person, so weird should not be a problem, right?

Although the sudden pregnancy was bizarre, it was not without precedent.

It was rumored that after Tang Fei and the big brother Qin Li were together, Tang Fei suddenly had a big belly, and in less than two weeks she gave birth to Qin Yue who could now inherit the ten courts of hell.

Qin Yue was also regarded as a unique person. He merged the ten halls with his own strength. There were also rumors that Qin Yue ‘s father was actually in heaven, but this rumor was too outrageous, no ghost believed it.


To sum up, Gu Heng felt that the boss was going to have a good baby.

Wei Ying’s abdomen began to ache. The pain was exactly the same as that of acute gastroenteritis. She subconsciously grasped Tang Yu’s wrist and laid down in cold sweat.

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“Tang … Tang … Brother, my stomach … … my belly … “


Brother Tang, what was this weird title?

Tang Yu found that Wei Ying’s recent changes were indeed not small, she was becoming more human.

Seeing her suffering, Tang Yu immediately knew that she wasn’t kidding. He took her head, rested it on his thigh, and wrapped his warm palms around her belly.


In their previous life, whenever her aunt came, Wei Ying was in pain, and he relieved her of the pain this way.

Seeing that she didn’t get any better, Tang Yu sent a text message to the old housekeeper to prepare the car and arrange a doctor.

He put down his phone and asked the girl with a nervous look, “What’s going on? Do you feel alright?”

“No … not good … very bad!” Wei Ying’s feet were sore in pain, sweat beads the size of soybeans were rolling down. In the end, she could n’t bear the pain. She lifted her fist and started to hit Tang Yu’s leg,

“Pain … pain … Tang Yu, I may be giving birth!”

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What? A ghost was going to be born?

Tang Yu didn’t dare to delay. He put on a mask, a cap, and covered Wei Ying’s face with clothes. He picked her up and went out.

At this time, he took preparations, so he went out without any fear.

Tang Haolong and others thought that he was already dead. But after he returned, he quickly let the old housekeeper make arrangements. At least he could guarantee that Tang Haolong would not know that he was still alive in a short time.

The old housekeeper’s car was already waiting outside the hotel. Tang Yu took Wei Ying into the car, and while comforting the girl, he asked the old housekeeper in the driver’s seat, “Is the doctor ready?”

The old housekeeper looked at Wei Ying through the rearview mirror and nodded, “Dr. Zhang is ready.”

On the way to the hospital, Tang Yu gave a memory card to the old housekeeper, “It records everything that happened after we crashed into the sea. You can edit it and prepare it for release at any time.”

The old housekeeper put away the memory card and nodded.

What he thought of, he asked again, “Master, the garbage in Xiahai City cannot be disposed of within a short period of time. If we use the group’s resources, you will be exposed early.”

“This one isn’t urgent. We should deal with the foreign body in Yingying’s belly first.”

The man’s eyes were dimmed, his eyes gathered on Wei Ying’s face. He was anxious.

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Xiahai City’s garbage was difficult to clear in a month with manpower. If one wanted to complete the task in a month, they had to rely on ghost power. After all, the creators of these garbage and haze were those things.

The old housekeeper carefully looked at Tang Yu through the rearview mirror, when he saw that he was indifferent, he raised his wrist to look at his watch.

It was only seven o’clock in the evening, and it stands to reason that the time for the stable young master to appear should be after ten o’clock. Did they encounter anything in the sea?

The old housekeeper didn’t ask much, as long as the other party was his own master, he would absolutely obey. No matter how strange his speech and behavior were, as long as it was reasonable and rational, he did whatever he was commanded.

At the Third District Hospital, the stretcher was ready. The doctor and nurse escorted Wei Ying to the operating room on the third floor. Tang Yu and the old housekeeper waited anxiously.

In the operating room, Wei Ying was lying on the operating table. The nurse was about to inject her with anesthetic, but she flinched and said, “No, in the birth process I know, you shouldn’t do that.”

Hadn’t eaten pork, but saw pigs run. Wei Ying still knew this common sense.

She raised her eyes to see the doctor who was playing with the surgical tools, and frowned, “You want to hurt me? My amniotic fluid isn’t broken, and the mouth isn’t open, so I’m going to have surgery? You want to give me a shot of anesthesia, why do you want me to sleep? How can I have the child?”

The nurse looked blankly at the doctor.

The doctor ordered several nurses to hold Wei Ying, and then said, “Miss Wei, your belly doesn’t have a fetus, it is a foreign body, we have to take it out for you.”

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“!” Wei Ying didn’t believe it.

The merman said that what was in her stomach was the heart of the ocean, she could clearly feel the life and fetal movement in her belly. That feeling was so amazing. No one could really feel the life in her belly better than her.

Wei Ying struggled to sit up. She bit her lip, covered her belly and said, “I’m not giving birth!”

She got out of the operating table. The nurse hurriedly stopped her, but she was shaken away.

Tang Yu and the old housekeeper were waiting anxiously outside, and the door of the operating room suddenly opened. The girl stood barefoot, holding her belly, she shouted at Tang Yu, “What are you doing? Come and help me.”

Her stomach didn’t hurt anymore. She just felt a little bit weak.

Tang Yu immediately stepped forward to support her and asked, “Why did you come out?”

“This doctor is not reliable,” Wei Ying sighed, and whispered again, “I will give birth at home.”

Tang Yu, “…”

Old housekeeper, “…”

Tang Yu helped Wei Ying to sit down on the bench in the corridor. The old housekeeper asked the doctor what was going on.

The doctor took off his mask and said, “This girl has a foreign body in her belly, not a fetus. She suffered from paranoia and thought we would harm her. Forget it, let her be hospitalized and wait for her mood to stabilize before arranging for surgery. “

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