The old housekeeper was also speechless, and of course he couldn’t understand why Wei Ying thought that she was pregnant overnight. Did young people nowadays even have any fertility knowledge?

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Wei Ying was admitted to the ward, Tang Yu was with her while she laid there with her eyes wide open. She asked, “You don’t believe I have a baby?”


Then, she grabbed the man’s wrist and laid his palm on her belly, letting him feel it carefully.

Strangely, when Tang Yu’s palm rested on her belly, he clearly felt a heart beating, as if there was a little thing inside her greeting him.

His eyebrows tightened.

No wonder why Wei Ying had the illusion that she was pregnant. Even if it was separated by her belly, he could still feel the lovely vitality of the other side.

The girl’s belly began to emit faint blue light again. This light was very light, just like the fluorescent jellyfish. Its gentle light lined the handsome man’s jawline, and smudged into his eyes. He became calm and tender immediately.

“Did you feel it?” Wei Ying asked him.

Tang Yu bent down uncontrollably. He put his cheek on the woman’s belly, and listened with closed eyes.

The girl’s belly had a warm touch like a jade, like the coolest water in a deep pool, slowly swinging into his fiery heart.

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For a moment, he seemed to be detached from the world full of irritability and evil, and went to heaven. The world was clean and clear, and his heart was extremely peaceful.

He saw Wei Ying with a plain white dress and long hair. She was the most humane, she would smile sweetly at him, and lose her temper at him.

The girl who had not been destroyed by the wicked, even the smile in her eyes was full of clear human feelings. Although not perfect, it made him look happy.

That was nice.

For some reason, Tang Yu’s eyes suddenly became warm and wet.

Wei Ying found that the man was crying holding her belly. She pushed him, “Tang Yu, are you okay? What are you crying for? My baby is not dead yet …”


The man still did not open his eyes, but greedily pressed his cheek against her abdomen. After a while, a smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

Wei Ying,”…” She was afraid that this person had become stupid!

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She poked the man’s head, and said with a cold voice, “Don’t think because you are the child’s father, you can do whatever you want. Get up.”

Like a child, the man continued to hold her swollen belly greedily, and then immediately laid a kiss on her belly button, and whispered, “Yingying, if we really have a child, how good it would be. “

Wei Ying was about to explode, her fist was ready to attack, and throw him out of the ward.

“I love you no matter what you are. You forget the feelings you had with me. It’s okay, I’ll accompany you to find them back slowly.”

The man’s voice trembled, as if deliberately suppressing a certain emotion. Her raised fist suddenly stopped in the air and its strength gradually dissipated. She stared at Tang Yu’s back, and paused for a while, eventually holding his head with her hands, she soothed him like a puppy.

Because he was good to her, she would let him go for the time being. Wei Ying thought that while stroking his head.

A man in a black suit walked out of the Xiahai City train station at three in the morning.

The man’s body was lingering with black gas, and his eyes were fierce. The passer-by saw him and felt that he was decent, but they couldn’t say why, they felt that they should stay away from him.

At this time, Ning Hao looked like a fierce bully dog ​​on the roadside. The violent temper was written on his face, which made people feel that he was not a good person at first glance.

Ning Hao remained in a closed environment for too long. In order to refine Liu Su’s powerful soul, he almost lost himself several times during the period and was swallowed instead. But soon, he broke through the obstacles and bound Liu Su perfectly.

Just because the loss was too large, the sequelae were inevitable. Even if he tried hard to cover up the negative energy on his body, it wouldn’t help.

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He chose to come to Xiahai City because Xiahai City was now half a ghost town.

The city was tightly wrapped in negative energy, which could slightly neutralize the energy on him. The haze in Xiahai City was caused by the breath of marine life, so these things were very helpful to cover up Liu Su’s breath.

Liu Su was a rare ghost in the world. Its birth would inevitably attract the attention of Heaven. Once he released Liu Su, the Zhou Kui*, the ghost hunter would also move.

Over the years, he had used secret methods to practice. Even though he had done many evil things, he had not been condemned by God, all were concealed from Heaven Dao , even from Zhou Kui on earth. If Liu Su was exposed, he would be exposed with her.

Although he had completely controlled Liu Su’s soul, her soul had not yet begun to eat raw souls, and her power was still not strong enough.

Once Liu Su devoured 81 living souls, he would no longer be afraid of those Zhou Kui. After Liu Su swallowed up all the souls of the city, even if Heaven Dao came in person, he could do nothing to him.

As long as Ning Hao thought of the future, he got excited. He dragged his suitcase and waited on the side of the road. Three armed policemen near the train station saw him and was attracted by the negative energy on him.

They walked over with the equipment and called, “Hey, you, turn around.”

Ning Hao turned around, looked at the armed policemen behind him. He raised an eyebrow and smiled, “Did you call me?”

One of them asked coldly, “Who else? What’s in your box? Open it.”

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Ning Hao’s box contained Liu Su’s soul earthenware jar. Once opened, the breath would be emitted. The train station was a breather port. It is impossible for him to open the luggage here. His luggage could only be opened in the hospital or funeral home.

Ning Hao was cold, and he seemed impatient, “Why?”

His voice had just fallen, and a few “bangs” burst into the air. The policemen’s arms, legs, and face were injured to varying degrees, as if burned.

They were lying on the ground crying and wailing, and when the crowd came around, Ning Hao who was pushing his suitcase had disappeared.

At about four in the morning, Wei Ying was awakened by hunger and began to inhale the haze in the vicinity of the hospital, contributing to the environmental governance of Xiamen City.

Accidentally sucking too much, she awakened Tang Yu who slept beside her.

The man turned to look at her, and whispered, “What?”

“I’m full and panicked. You help me get up and go outside for a walk.”

Wei Ying was determined that the “child” in her stomach was Tang Yu’s. Although she had not had a relationship with him in this life, they were “husband and wife” in their previous one. Maybe this sudden child came because of the heart of the ocean.

Therefore, Wei Ying politely evoked him and felt that he, as a father, had an obligation to her and his baby.

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