Tang Yu heard Wei Ying’s painful retching sound in the ward, he frowned. He dragged Ning Hao into the room, and tossed him aside, to be guarded by Gu Heng.

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Tang Yu hugged Wei Ying, who was sitting on the floor, on the bed, and massaged the girl’s spine. The girl laid on his thigh and immediately spit out the thing stuck in her throat.

A blue spar rolled down on the ground, and Wei Ying’s bulging abdomen returned to flat.


She wiped her mouth weakly and frowned. The spar returned to her palm as if it had life.

She looked at the spar in her palm, and then looked down at her flat belly, sighed slightly, and said in a low voice, “It was fake.”

The baby in her belly was fake.

Tang Yu asked her, “How are you?”

Wei Ying shook her head, saying it was okay. She put the heart of the ocean back to her pants pocket, and immediately got out of bed and walked towards Liu Su.

She grabbed Liu Su’s ankle and lifted her upside down. She shook her, and after several shakes, the life souls in Liu Su’s belly were all spit out.


The pink souls’ light balls swam around the room, and eventually flew out of the ward and returned to their respective bodies.

After doing this, Wei Ying put Gu Heng inside the heart of the ocean and let him hide inside to heal.

Ning Hao saw the heart of the ocean in Wei Ying’s hands and was surprised, “How did you have the heart of the ocean?”

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Wei Ying glanced at him, pinched the blue crystal, and asked, “You talking about this?”

This was the treasure Ning Hao had been searching for all his life, and the only thing that could restrain his strength.


If the power of the heart of the ocean was fully evoked by Wei Ying, his life-long cultivation would fail.

It was obvious that Wei Ying didn’t yet have the ability to stimulate the heart of the ocean.

The hospital enchantment was withdrawn and the living souls returned. Wei Ying was so tired that she yawned.

Tang Yu stepped forward and asked her, “What are you going to do with this ghost?”

Wei Ying glanced at Ning Hao, who was tied up by Tang Yu. After thinking for a while, she crouched down, pulled the iron chain that bound Liu Su, and tied the pair in front of her with it.

She clapped her hands and said blankly to Ning Hao and Liu Su, “I am a good student, but I can’t have enough sleep.”

Liu Su, ‘Hiccup.’

Ning Hao tried to break free, but found that the iron chain was strong and unbreakable. Although he had the power to die, he couldn’t break the chains.

He was so angry that he was violently shaking and he said angrily, “You are looking for death!”

As soon as the words fell, Wei Ying slapped his face coldly, “Who is trying to die?”

Ning Hao was beaten by this slap. He clenched his fists in anger, and his cramped green tendons almost burst from his skin, “You’re f****** tired of live–“

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The next three words had not been said yet, and Wei Ying slapped him again.

This slap was very strong, causing the man’s head to hit Liu Su’s head. Liu Su was struck by Ning Hao’s iron head and spat out black blood.

Although Ning Hao had a humble life, in recent years, he had won the respect of many people by relying on the academic method of fortune telling. Even Tang Haolong didn’t dare to touch him.

But the girl in front of him humiliated him. Anger caused him to build up all the strength in his body. He planned to break through the chain by hurting himself and kill the couple in front of him.

A dark mist condensed under his eyes, and it was about to erupt. But Wei Ying raised her hand and slapped him again, completely dispersing the breath he had accumulated.

Ning Hao, who was accumulating energy, lost his vitality and spat out blood.

Although Wei Ying evaded in time, her face still got sprayed with blood. She got up, wiped it with her sleeves, and stepped on Ning Hao’s face with her feet, and cursed, “Spit your mother’s blood! Don’t you have eyes? My face is expensive.”

Ning Hao, whose face was stepped on, “…”

Liu Su, who was on the side, looked at him with sympathetic eyes, as if saying, take your time, resist less, and suffer less.

Wei Ying glanced at Liu Su with a cold look, which startled her.

The girl said coldly, “You, drag him up and go to the beach to carry garbage. Within 28 days, the beach garbage must be cleaned up, otherwise …”

She sneered, and her fists squeaked, “If I can’t kill him, can’t I make you die?”

Tang Yu watched the little girl calmly and his lips slightly raised.

Liu Su shivered and nodded in tears, expressing that she would definitely make improvements and move garbage.

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Ning Hao frowned and wanted to resist. But when Wei Ying raised her hand and touched the back of his head, he also reflexively lowered his neck. Obviously, he was frightened.

A series of weird incidents in the hospital caught the government’s attention. However, in order to seal public opinion, no media were allowed to report on the incident, and it was suppressed.

For the next few days, Wei Ying began to work hard every day to absorb the haze and use the power of the heart of the ocean to quickly digest the haze in her belly.

In less than half a month, Xiahai City could already see the blue sky.

The garbage on the seaside of Xiahai City was also gradually decreasing. It was strange to the citizens that no one came to clean up garbage on the seashore during the day, but at night, the sound of the work of the ghost came from the seashore.

In order to seal the big problem of environmental pollution in Xiahai City, the government had isolated the citizens’ network from the outside world.

Citizens could only log in to the city’s local area network and go to the official municipal government forum.

The people living by the sea posted a post in the forum called “Exposure: Seaside garbage is decreasing, suspecting abuse of workers”.

A man broke the news.

[The environment of Xiahai City is getting better and the garbage on the seashore is becoming less. Do you know the story behind it? At night, the sea is sealed by the government to keep no citizens close. I live by the sea and I often heard the sound of ghosts crying. One night, I secretly broke through the cordon. I hid on the reef cliff and looked down. I actually saw a girl carrying a whip and whipping two people chained by iron chains to carry garbage.

I heard them talking.

The girl shouted, “The shell of melon seeds is wet trash! The shell and meat of this dead lobster must be separated! The lobster shell is dry trash! Meat and crab are wet trash! Do you understand?”

After that, the girl whipped the man.

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This is not over yet, the girl yelled at the woman next to her, “What are you doing? Go and move the trash! If I can’t finish moving the trash before the middle of the month, I will sell you to a remote graveyard!”

The above is definitely what I saw with my own eyes, without any exaggeration!]

The citizens commented.

“Oh, man, are you telling a ghost story?”

“Hahahahahaha, this story is so cute. The city has started to sort garbage. I guess, after they deal with the environmental pollution in Xiahai City, it will become a key environmental city!”

“Hahaha, I haven’t been online for more than a month, I didn’t expect to find such an interesting post in the forum. Thank you, for making me happy!”

“I beg the man to go there again, I want to learn the wet and dry garbage classification from the girl with the whip!”

The post quickly became the first trending post in Xiahai City, and the citizens followed it.

When Wei Ying saw this post, she was sitting on the beach blowing sea breeze and sucking haze, supervising Liu Su and Ning Hao to move garbage.

The light on the seashore was dim, and the girl was sitting on a beach chair holding her phone. The screen light outlined her face clearly.

Liu Su and Ning Hao were about to be lazy. When they raised their eyes, they saw Wei Ying showing an evil smile to her phone, and they were instantly shaken.

At the same time, Wei Ying also received a reminder.

Her “Li Gui ghost value” leapt up and actually soared to ninety.

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