In the past one and a half months, communications in Xiahai City were blocked.

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Externally, citizens only knew that the government was quite covert in dealing with environmental pollution. No one knew what method they used to make Xiahai City sky turn blue again and restore the beach sands to its golden splendor.

The environmental problems in Xiahai City were successfully resolved. Regarding the “Yingyuan Environmental Protection”, the government respected Wei Ying and Tang Yu’s opinions.


The two did not disclose any specific governance guidelines, and the local government did not ask more. In short, this big problem was finally solved, and they could deal with the citizens.

After solving the issue of Xiahai City, Wei Ying and Tang Yu were commended by the mayor of Xiahai City. At the same time, they also received a large amount of project funds.

Tang Yu was about to face university military training. As Tang Yu publicized that he was a cripple, he could be exempted from military training. Wei Ying also felt that the military training was a waste of time. With the help of the mayor of Xiahai, he was exempted from it.


He could use the time of military training to stabilize the company. After all, the company was in its development stage, and she needed help.

Only when the company grew bigger could she further spread her environmental protection cause.

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Wei Ying put Liu Su in a thermos cup and brought her back to city A.

Ning Hao was also transported back to City A. Wei Ying’s ghost value had not risen to 100%, nor could she catalyze the heart of the ocean to the maximum. Therefore, they could not kill Ning Hao for the time being.


Anyway, this demon Taoist master escaped from the six reincarnations and couldn’t die. Tang Yu made him buried under the company’s garbage classification warehouse and receive garbage daily.

Ning Hao in the garbage dump had no air to breath, It was all the stench of garbage. This was torture worse than hell punishment.

As for Tang Yu’s death, after his family announced it, Tang Haolong’s sadness permeated the Internet and the entire city A.

On the third day of Tang Yu’s return to city A, he saw on the news that his family planned to hold his funeral on the 16th day. The news also revealed that the Law Society announced on the spot that Tang Yu’s shares were inherited by his mother, and then transferred to Tang Haolong.

The netizens who saw the news of Tang Yu’s death were crying.

“*Woohoo* Did Tang Yu leave? Sorry I couldn’t accept it, it was too sudden!”

“So what is the cause of Tang Yu’s death? One and a half months ago, he said on Weibo that he was going to Xiahai City. Was he strangled by the air there?”

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“Cherish life and stay away from Xiahai City!”

Fans spontaneously organized an offline prayer event to bid farewell to Tang Yu, who died so young.

Tang Yu’s funeral had been properly arranged at home, and Tang Bowen, as Tang Yu’s stepbrother, had to attend.

Since Tang Bowen hadn’t seen his brother’s body since he returned home, he couldn’t even ask the cause of death. In this case, of course, he didn’t believe that his brother Tang Yu was dead.

Although he didn’t like Tang Yu in the past, after “The Rebellious Youth,” he had feelings for strangers, let alone this younger brother who he had a relationship with.

Tang Haolong and his wife were discussing the details of the funeral and the transfer of property in the study room. Tang Bowen kicked the door open and said angrily to his father, “Dad, how can you conclude that he is dead?”

He even had a guess in his heart that his father had made his younger brother die.

“What are you doing?”

Tang Haolong had never seen his son being so arrogant. His eyebrows tightened, and he said angrily, “Your brother went to the sea and had an accident. How can we find his body in the vast sea? He is gone. We, as his relatives, can we not give him a funeral?”

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Obviously, Tang Bowen did not believe him, and said coldly, “Is it for that reason? Or is it because you are anxious to take over all the property in his name?”

“Stinky boy, what are you talking about?” Tang Haolong glared at his son in anger, “Do I lack property?”

Tang Bowen frowned, “The property left by Tang Yu’s father is not only the shares of the company, but also a well-known technology company that you have always wanted, right? Do you think I know nothing, I just don’t want to break through you. Dad, you have done disgusting things in the past. I can open one eye and close one, but I will not acknowledge his death until Tang Yu’s body is found!”

Tang’s mother, who had an innocent appearance, also scolded him, “Bowen, what did you say? How can you talk to your father that way? Is your father like that? Xiao Yu is my son, I care about him. He is gone, and what we have to do now is his funeral, right?”

“Do you remember that he is your own son? I sometimes feel that I was born from you, but he was just picked up.”

Tang Bowen sneered, “You adults are ridiculous.”

Tang Haolong’s anger grew, and the assistant took the whip, raised it, and whipped him.

He wore thin shirts, and this whip caused the flesh under the light-weight clothing to burst out instantly.

Tang Bowen was trembling with pain. He was never as stiff as this time. He straightened his back in front of his father, and looked at him with the same tough eyes.

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Probably because of his son’s anger, Tang Haolong pointed at him and scolded him, “Not only Tang Yu, but even the girl you like fell into the sea. You and me are so prestigious, it is a man who uses his own ability to protect the people around him!”

These words immediately made Tang Bowen stunned on the spot. In his mind, the young people in the mountain village were scavenging wildly when they participated in the show.

Although suffering was tiring, it was a free experience he had never experienced before.

These days he always thought, why did he do things to compete with Tang Yu in the past? As a brother and a loved one, his life was getting better, wasn’t it something to be happy about?

In the future, Tang Yu, the younger brother, could also take his lover to the older brother’s house to eat, drink, and to grab a bowl of fast food that he himself made.

That kind of warm feeling, the current father and stepmother, couldn’t give.

The experience of living in the light and unrestrained life made it unbearable to live the days of depression at home.

Tang Haolong raised his whip but was stopped by Tang’s mother.

Growing up this way, this was Tang Bowen’s real bump against his father. This was not the first time his father had used the whip on him.

Regarding the issue of Tang Yu’s property succession, Tang Haolong had arranged it plainly. At the funeral the next day, Tang Haolong would invite local reporters and hold a press conference.

He would tell the world that he had inherited all the property of his step-son and that technology company that was affiliated with Qingyan Group.

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