The atmosphere at the scene was noisy and the reporters aimed their cameras at Tang Yu and Tang Haolong.

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Facing the media reporter at the scene, Tang Yu smiled and bowed to the media and the company first. After he straightened up, he explained, “I haven’t given up on treating my legs in these years. They lived up to my care, and finally let me stand up again. If you have any questions, you can ask today.”


There was a commotion at the scene, but order was soon restored.

A reporter asked Tang Yu, “Mr. Tang, since when was your leg cured? Can the environmental pollution in Xiahai City be handled by the company you and Wei Ying built? Can you talk about it specifically?”

This was originally Tang Yu’s funeral, and Tang Haolong’s press conference. But it all was smashed by Tang Yu, who suddenly appeared, and turned to be standing on his own feets.

Tang Yu replied methodically, “My legs have been actively rehabilitating, probably because the environment of Xiahai City was too bad, and I needed to devote my whole body. So that’s why God gave me this opportunity to recover.”


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The reporter seized the key points and asked, “Although the environmental pollution problem in Xiahai City is blocked across the board, everyone knows the bad situation. I heard that Qingyan Group has withdrawn from this project. How did you and Wei Ying’s company accomplish this? The project? Did Qingyan Group help? “

Tang Yu said with a smile,”Please, to make it clear Qingyan Group and Yingyuan Environmental Protection are completely two independent companies. If Qingyan Group has this capability, why not do this project by itself? The two companies were competing. We did not have any cooperative relationship.”


The meaning behind his words was very clear. Yingyuan Environmental Protection could handle this project without resorting to any external force and had no relationship with Qingyan Group.

As for why the Qingyan Group did not take the project, it obviously had nothing to do with them. Although he didn’t make the point clear, he also led everyone to think so.

Of course, the senior executives of the company were not stupid.

At first, they attached great importance to it, after all, the government was involved in the project. In the end, they withdrew from the project, considering that the government’s goal of one month could not be fulfilled, and they were afraid of many things.

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However, even if the Qingyan Group couldn’t do it, Yingyuan Environmental Protection had done it. Wasn’t this “a slap” to their face?

Moreover, Tang Yu was now the CEO of Yingyuan’s environmental protection. He was only a 19-year-old boy who did such an accomplishment and showed his abilities.

The reporters at the scene were extremely interested in this spirited young man. They were also curious whether a talented boy like him would return to Qingyan Group and replace Tang Haolong.

The reporter pointed the microphone at Tang Haolong and asked, “General Manager Tang, your step-son has such good talent, have you considered giving him back the company?”

Tang Haolong was angry, but had to smile, he said, “Xiao Yu is still young, and now he mainly needs to focus on his studies.”

As soon as his words fell, Tang Yu snatched the microphone and said to the reporters and company executives, “I plan to complete the university course in one year, during which I will try my best to develop Yingyuan environmental protection. One year later, I will return to work in the company. Mr. Tang is already old, and he has to do many things in the company. As a son, I should share his responsibilities “

Tang Haolong wished to gut out the other person’s internal organs with his eyes, making the other person miserable and blocking his mouth.

But he also understood that in such an occasion, any rebuttal might risk losing the trust of the company’s directors.

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He had been careful in recent years, so his step-son could never get up again. However, he didn’t expect that his crippleness, his weakness, and his slump were all deceiving.

Tang Yu’s disguise made Tang Haolong almost forget that Tang Yu was also the company’s major shareholder. Once he gained the trust of the company’s veterans, his lethality was like a nuclear bomb bombed in the vast desert, which could completely kill the heavens.

Even though Tang Yu was only 19 years old, he hadn’t gone to college.

Tang Yu threatened to return to the company after completing all courses in one year. If these words were spoken by another person, others would have laughed. But from Tang Yu’s mouth, it was nailed down, making people look forward to him like a domineering king had returned.

A reporter was broadcasting live on Weibo.

The news of #Tang Yu funeral service hunt# was top searched on.

People commented–

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“Who is Tang Yu? Which eighteen line actor bought hot search? Get off!”

“What? The environmental management project of Xiahai City is done by Yingyuan Environmental Protection? Their broken small company can really cure the haze?”

“Hey, pay attention. Tang Yu is not an 18-line star. Tang Yu, 19 years old, a city science champion, will be studying at Beiqing University. And, he is the CEO of Yingyuan Environmental Protection. Although this company is new and small, it has successfully managed the environmental pollution of Xiahai City. The Xiahai City environmental project was a project discarded by Qingyan Group. It is conceivable how powerful Tang Yu is.”

“One more thing, Tang Yu is the major shareholder of Qingyan Group. He inherited his father’s legacy, and his worth is probably tens of billions.”

“My Yu is so cool !!! Ah ah ah, My Yu is not dead! My Yu is not dead! *Crying* Yu stay active for me! Our cripple Yu is not dead!”

“Ah, ah, but since Tang Yu’s legs are okay, you still call him cripple!”

“+1. Sorry, I can’t stand the perfect Tang Yu. He is too attractive. I want to marry him.”

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