But at the same time, a group of crazy new fans poured into Tang Yu’s fan club.

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The topic on the Internet about the handsome and rich Tang Yu, from”The Rebellious Youth”, actually got into trending.

As an “ordinary person”, Tang Yu never had this kind of traffic, apparently he had no one before. Even though Wei Ying was trending, he never got on hot search.

After the press conference, Tang Haolong and his son Tang Bowen sent guests and reporters away.


The person who was the most sad that he was alive wasn’t Tang Haolong, but Mrs. Tang. Her son returned home safely, but she was not happy for the first time. She was scared and even disappointed.

What did it mean for her son to be back?

This meant that her current husband could hardly get his property. Mrs. Tang knew that her son was not stupid. Since he could lie to everyone for so long, he was definitely much smarter than what she estimated.

He chose to return this way, and he must have made all kinds of follow-up preparations.

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After what happened, it might be a wake-up call for him, and would definitely make a will. If another accident happened, Mrs. Tang would never get anything from her son’s property again.

The more Mrs. Tang thought about it, the more she felt tight in her heart. Fortunately, when her son was cripple in these years she didn’t show dissatisfaction. She still played her role as a “simple good mother” and “good wife”.

Tang Haolong thought that she was pure and harmless, and her two sons thought that she was stupid like a pig. Whoever the winner was in the end, she would not lose.


Thinking of this, Mrs. Tang let out a sigh of relief. When the guests had left, she pulled her son aside.

She was still pure and harmless, and her voice was still so tender. She held her son’s hand, her eyes were moist, and her voice trembled slightly, “Xiao Yu, you came back… These days, my dreams were nightmares. You said it’s cold in the sea, and that it’s painful … “

“Your mother’s heart was aching. When I saw you back, I was relieved.”

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She squeezed out two tears, raised her hands and wiped them, then said, “Xiao Yu, what happened to your legs suddenly?”


Tang Haolong had a Taosist Master and Mrs. Tang naturally believed in ghosts. She didn’t believe her son’s legs were cured, and thought that there must be someone who helped him.

If there was a master behind who cured his legs, could she keep her true face hidden forever? Thinking of this, she was more curious about her son’s legs.

She didn’t really care if her son lived or died.

When her son was born, it didn’t give her happiness, only enough money. When her son died, she could use her handful of legacy in exchange for Tang Haolong to be more loyal. With such a man, she could of course rest in peace.

For her, Tang Haolong was more loyal. Although he was bad, he did it all for her. In order to get her, he killed her ex-husband and killed his own original partner.

She enjoyed the thrill of conquering this perverted man. For her, it was more pleasing to her body and mind than having money.

In his previous life, Tang Yu had already seen his mother’s true face. In his previous life, because he had misjudged his mother, Tang Haolong almost defeated him.

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Fortunately, he found out in time and redeemed everything.

Tang Yu calmly watched his mother perform, but didn’t speak during the whole process. When her performance was over, he calmly stated, “They were healed by a master.”

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Tang’s eyes widened, “A master?” She was surprised for a moment, and then quickly asked, “What kind of master can cure your legs? Is he a God doctor?”

Tang Yu shook his head in denial and said to his mother seriously, “It is not a famous doctor, but a Taoist master. At first I did not believe him, but when he guessed what I thought in my mind, I let him try. After all, even doctors couldn’t cure my legs. It wasn’t a big deal to let him try, but I didn’t expect– “

She paused deliberately and asked, “What did you expect?”

Tang Yu’s lips spread out and he smiled at his mother, “I didn’t expect that he really cured me. He is also very strange. He neither collects money nor wants anything. Just gave me one thing,”


“It’s here.”

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Tang Yu, seeing his mother’s look, took out an old small bag from his trouser pocket.

When his mother picked it up, he continued seriously,”He said, open this bag and you can fulfill whatever you wish.”

Tang Yu carefully observed his mother’s expression. Even if she hid deeper, she still revealed some greed.

When she learned that Tang Yu met an expert, the greed in her eyes overflowed from the bottom of her eyes. She was even too lazy to repeat her “worrying” act about her son.

Mrs. Tang received the bag and immediately went upstairs. She closed the bedroom door, and opened it.

Inside was a note that read, “Use a sincere heart for your youth.”

There was a WeChat QR code on the back of the note. She took out her phone and scanned it immediately.

As a result, her phone immediately went into an uncontrollable state. It was completely dark, and a door appeared on the dark screen, and another line popped up–

“Do you want to see the world behind the door? Please click me.”

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