Faced with blunt accusations, Wei Rui forgot about her arm for a moment.

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She clenched her fists and yelled at everyone, “It’s not me! I didn’t do that. They are accusing me. We have a BlackBox!”

A passer-by said, “Do you still argue? I passed from here just now and saw you with my own eyes when you pushed him down. Don’t you recognize me?”

“Yeah, you are a student at Xichen No.1 High School. Are the students at Xichen No.1 High School all like that?”


“This girl is from Xichen No. 1 High School! It’s a century-old campus! Why do kids these days behave like monsters?”

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Wei Rui’s face flushed red with anger, and finally shouted, “You all shut up! I didn’t!” She raised her wrist nervously and glanced at her watch.

The time for the interview was approaching, and she turned to leave. But she was immediately surrounded by the passers-by.

The crowd surrounding her said, “Want to go? No way, wait for the police to come over!”


“Ah, the students nowadays are irresponsible? I just want to leave? Hehe.”

“Everyone stop her and don’t let her escape!”

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The siren of the police car and ambulance came from the intersection, not far away. The nurse pushed the stretcher into the crowd and carried the person away. The police came over and asked what was happening at the scene.

Wei Rui was crying anxiously. She grabbed the hand of the police, and tears fell, “Uncle, I still have an interview program to attend. I have to leave now. Will you let me go?”


Wei Rui was surrounded by bad luck, and there was a black haze on her forehead. The little girl, who was beautiful and cute, seemed to have sharp teeth at the moment. Her face looked unkind.

The police stared at the little girl in front of her, with disgust in his heart, he shook her hands away and said solemnly, “You pushed someone, and you want to leave just like that? You should study well, how did your parents educate you? Follow me to the police station.”

The driver and Wei Qi were blocked and couldn’t squeeze out of the crowd. They watched as Wei Rui was taken away, but they were powerless.

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On the other side, the school’s political affairs department.

Because Wei Ying went on the hot search, even the school leaders were pushed to take action under the pressure of public opinion. The Education Bureau attached great importance to this incident and sent someone to investigate it that day.

In the afternoon, Wei Ying was called to the Political Affairs and Education Department. About twenty minutes later, Wei Daoming also arrived at the school.

 Wei Ying moved out from her house that day, Wei Daoming almost spat out blood. When he came to school to see Wei Ying, he didn’t care about other school teachers. He pointed directly at her and shouted, “What’s the matter with you? Now you have got wings and learned to run away from home, right? You have the ability to live in your grandma’s house all your life, right? Don’t come home!”

He flicked Wei Ying’s forehead with his fingers.

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Wei Ying frowned, holding Wei Daoming’s fingers, she flung him away.

Wei Daoming was shocked at his daughter’s rebellious behavior. He shook with anger, “You! You rebellious thing! When can you be like your sister? When can you learn from your sister!”

Wei Ying raised her eyebrow, “Learn from her? Are you serious?”

The director of the Political Affairs and Education Department stepped forward, interrupted Wei Daoming. He handed his cell phone to him and talked about the seriousness of the incident.

The people from the Education Bureau were also there. Wei Daoming read the trending news, and only then he knew what he was called for. He quickly nodded to them and explained, “You are mistaken. This is not campus violence. This is just a little fight between my two daughters. I have scolded my eldest daughter now.”

Wei Daoming summarized it as a family conflict.

The director of the Education Bureau also said, “Although the violence on campus is a personal issue, your daughter’s grades are really very low. Some classmates have complained that with her current grades, she should not stay in the elite class at all. Mr. Wei, we know you have contributed a lot to our Xichen’s No.1 high School, but your daughter’s performance is really not good enough. What we mean is, for fairness, if the next time Wei Ying’s performance doesn’t improve in the class, we will change her class. What do you think? “

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