Wei Daoming glanced at his incompetent daughter and nodded, “Okay.”

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Wei Ying didn’t speak from beginning to end, and she was almost invisible to them all. When the people from the Education Bureau left, Wei Daoming yelled at Wei Ying again, “You go back with me today. I will ask your tutor to make up for your lessons. Don’t go to your mute grandma. What can you learn from her? “

“What would you learn from her? She worked in the assembly line before retiring, and thereafter picked up mineral water bottles. Would you like to go and pick up trash to make a living like her in the future?”

Wei Ying could tolerate Wei Daoming’s berating her, but she couldn’t bear him saying mean things about her grandmother.


Her eyes were cold, her cheeks bulged, and she looked very angry like a pufferfish. She exhaled and said, “It’s better to pick up trash than to follow you.”

Wei Daoming was stunned by his daughter’s words, and said in anger, “You are a disobedient girl! When will you be like Rui Rui? Look at your sister, you broke her arm, still she forgave you. Your mother also pleaded for you. When can you learn from them? “


“Did they learn two sides and three swords, and frame me with bitter flesh?” Wei Ying crooked her head and looked at him, “If their heart can be seen, then their heart must be darker than mine. Father, do you believe me? “

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This sentence was not like what his daughter would usually say. Wei Daoming’s heart was hit hard when she asked him if he believed her.

The father and daughter were still arguing in the office, and the school leaders around watched the commotion.

Wei Daoming’s assistant knocked on the door, pushed in with a mobile phone, and whispered two words in Wei Daoming’s ear.


Wei Daoming looked puzzled, “What? Rui Rui is at the police station? What’s wrong?”

The director and deputy director of the Political and Education Affairs Department, who was scanning Weibo, just happened to see the video of Wei Rui’s incident on the street taken by the people around.

In the video, Wei Rui wasn’t cute. Because of bad luck and embarrassment, her appearance became extremely annoying.

The assistant turned out the online video and showed it to Wei Daoming, and whispered, “Miss Rui Rui encountered something on the way to the program. Now someone posted Miss Rui Rui’s video online. The information has been scraped out.”

Wei Daoming felt the blood surging in his veins.

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In just two days, his two daughters trended on the internet search for doing bad things. What was going on?

The deputy director watching the video said, “Ah,” and then patted the table, “What’s going on? Isn’t Wei Rui’s hand broken? Why didn’t it seem so in the video?”


The director nodded, “There is nothing wrong with her hand.”

People in the office looked at each other. When everyone tried to look at Wei Ying, they discovered that she was no longer there.

Wei Daoming also reacted to what happened.

Immediately in his head, an image of Wei Ying’s expressionless face appeared, saying, “Their hearts must be darker than mine. Father, do you believe me?”

Having been with his second wife for so many years, this was the first time in his life that he doubted her.

The environment in the suburbs was getting worse due to factory waste.

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The elderly in the chemical factory’s vicinity gradually moved away, leaving only Wei Ying’s grandmother, who still lived there. Wei Ying’s school was not far from the suburbs, and it only took 15 minutes by taxi.

It was seven in the evening when she arrived home, and it was not dark.

There was a garbage collection area at the gate of the community. Her grandmother was picking mineral water bottles from the garbage dump.

The old woman was wearing clean old clothes, a floral apron, gloves, and a mask on her face. This was the first time in her life she saw her grandmother picking up the bottles here.

Wei Ying finally knew from where the stack of red banknotes given to her by her grandmother came from.

She saved them one by one.

Wei Ying walked over and took a fire tong from her grandmother’s tools. She learned to pick out mineral water bottles from the trash can and sort the garbage.

The grandmother didn’t expect her granddaughter to come back at that time. She quickly took the tools from her and pushed her away.

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Her grandma got nervous and gestured with her hand—

—It’s dirty here. I’m also dirty, don’t come over. It will stain your clothes.

Wei Ying didn’t feel dirty. The person who could clean up the waste and make the world clean was the cleanest.

Just then, Wei Ying felt strong energy pouring into her body. This energy was something she had never felt before.

If absorbing haze and eating dead gas could fill her belly, then this energy could make her stronger.

This had something to do with picking up the water bottles.

Despite her grandmother’s obstruction, she picked up a few water bottles and sorted the garbage. Immediately before her eyes, a line of golden words appeared, floating in the air, like a system prompt.

“Congratulations, you got 3 ghosts points. You need 97 points to order in the ghosts panel. Please come again.”

Wei Ying, “?”

Was the way to improve her cultivation practice not to absorb death gas, but to engage in environmental protection?

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