The line with a golden print floated in the air for a while and then disappeared.

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The notification was something that a ghost saw after every upgrade. Wei Ying obviously didn’t know why such a reminder appeared before her.

After experimenting several times, Wei Ying finally cleared her doubts.

   Although the haze and dead gas were the “food” that satisfied her belly and energized her body, the disposal of garbage was a shortcut to help her improve her cultivation.

   When her grandma saw her standing in front of the garbage dump, she was dumbfounded. She took off her gloves and mask and wiped her hands on the apron. Then she walked towards her and pulled her to go home together.


When she got home, her grandmother took a bath, and then went to cook. The grandmother cooked three dishes and one soup, all of which Wei Ying loved.

Then she added a piece of braised pork in her bowl and hesitated for a long while before gesturing to her—

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—Yingying, did your father and that woman bully you?


If it wasn’t for the family who bullied her, how could her granddaughter whose ten fingers didn’t touch the cold water in spring* suddenly became so sensible? Her granddaughter’s sudden maturity and understanding made her distressed.

She added—

—Yingying, anyway, you don’t need to hide your emotions in front of your grandmother, and you don’t need to do something to please me. No matter if you are good or bad, you are grandma’s, little baby. Grandma will never abandon you.

Don’t mention asking her to segregate garbage, even if she was asked to dump some garbage, Wei Ying would be extremely disgusted. With such a change in a short period of time, her grandmother imagined various situations, the more she thought, the more heartbroken she felt. Wei Daoming was not a good father.

 He abused and bullied his own daughter!

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Wei Ying saw a hint of worry in her grandmother’s eyes. She comforted her and said, “Grandma, I’m okay, and it’s good to live with you. I will study hard and gradually grow stronger. In the future, I will support you and be with you for a hundred years. “

The grandmother probably didn’t expect her granddaughter to say such words, and her eyes became red. She gestured—


—Good girl, good girl. Quick, eat more. When you are full and healthy, your grandmother is happy. Grandma can support herself and doesn’t need you to support her. Hurry up and do your homework after eating.

Wei Ying nodded, ate her meal quickly, set aside the chopsticks, and returned to her room.

She closed the door and sat cross-legged to meditate. Her body began to absorb the death haze. Although there was a steady stream of haze there, the dead gas was becoming scarce.

For Wei Ying, the death haze was a staple food. For her, it was nutrition similar to fruits and vegetables.

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Wei Ying hadn’t eaten enough death gas, and her mouth felt dull and tasteless. She missed the taste very much. She wondered if she could go to the mass grave in Jinyang Mountain and dig out the dead bodies under the ground to suck enough death haze.

She couldn’t let her grandmother know about that. If her grandmother found out that she went out at night, she would be worried. 

She went to her room to study every night at 11 o’clock. After she returned home in the evening, her grandmother cooked supper for her and went to bed at about 1 am.

In other words, she must go out at two in the morning, and she couldn’t go out through the main door. If she went out through the window, she had to use a rope. After all, she was not a ghost, and she couldn’t defy gravity as she pleased.

Wei Ying planned to go to a store the day after to buy a nylon rope.

Before falling asleep, Wei Ying thought of the ouija spirit on Wei Rui’s body.

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Maybe, she could use Dishian’s power to give Wei Rui another blow?

Wei Ying remembered the mass grave in Jinyang Mountain. Relying on her beauty, she had a few followers in her last life. This time she decided to use Dishian as her follower.

Although she was not beautiful now, she had a voluptuous body and bright white teeth.

If none of these can persuade Dishian to be her own younger brother, then … she would throw him and flush him down the toilet again.

Dishian, who was snoring far from school, sneezed, ‘Who, who was missing him?’ qwq


*ten fingers didn’t touch the cold water in spring: means one’s family has good conditions. In March it is very cold, and you don’t need to wash your clothes yourself.

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