Late at night, the two girls sat cross-legged on a bed, holding their faces, and looking at the ghost, floating in the air.

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The small ghost with sharp ears shrank into a ball, and didn’t dare to change back, for fear that Wei Ying would really flush him away in the toilet.
They were ghosts who are most afraid of human sewage. If they were slightly drowned, they may be smoked to death.
Dishian Gu Heng rested in the mug. His face rested on his hands with his elbows on the edge of the cup. He also looked at the ball with the two girls.
After some time, Wei Ying was about to get out of bed, and said, “Flush him off in the toilet and smoke him.”
“Don’t,” Gu Heng stopped her. “He is still a kid. Don’t bully people like that. He is compelled to do that. I have seen the demon Tao. Compared to him, he is a poor ghost. Why don’t you give him to me, I will make him your discipline!”
Wei Ying looked at him suspiciously, “Can you do that?”
Gu Heng immediately ordered the small round ball, “Go, give the boss a cup of tea.”

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The ball’s pointed ears trembled, and a tail stuck out, he shook cheerfully, and quickly disappeared into the air. When he came back, Wei Ying’s bedside table already had a cup of warm tea.
The small ball still did not show his face, but just shook his tail at Wei Ying. His desire to survive was very strong.
When Fang Yuan who was still very scared of this ghost, saw him swinging his tail so cheerful, she interceded for him,
“Yingying, he’s very obedient, can we let him go? Didn’t you say that he could take advantage of people only when they are afraid of him? If we are not afraid of him, then he is harmless, right? “
Wei Ying picked the cup of tea, took a sip, raised her eyes and asked the little ball, “You can do everything?”
The little ball continued to wag his tail cheerfully, and his little ears fell down nicely, just like a well-behaved puppy dog ​​who totally trusted his master.
Wei Ying said lightly, “Then, go and help me steal Tang Yu’s math homework.”

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The little ball was stunned. His tail stopped swaying, and his big round eyes were exposed, and then the tip of his nose and lips gradually appeared.
He showed his entire face, with the incredible feeling of ‘just this little thing’ written on his face.
“I can do it …”
His voice was cute, like a little wolfdog.
Dishian Gu Heng coughed gently, with a majestic look, he said, “If you can handle this, I will let you be my younger brother, and I will cover you in the future.”
“I will do it!”
The little ball turned into a little boy, with a pair of pointed ears and a big tail. He shook the tail, made two laps in the air, and quickly disappeared.

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At Tangjia Villa.
After Tang Yu showered, he was just about to lay down, but heard movements. Suddenly, he heard the weird sound of “ba ba ba”.
His eyebrows were raised, and his eyes were cold. He found a special knife under the pillow and turned on the lights.
As soon as the lights turned on, the bedroom was empty and there was nothing.
He glanced, keenly aware that the high school math papers just resting on the bed just now were missing.
Tang Yu frowned, “?”
He helped the 18-year-old Tang Yu to check his homework. The test paper was kept there just now.

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Why was it missing?
Thirty-three-year-old Tang Yu was completely drowsy and his thoughts fluttered. This was the twelfth day of his rebirth. He woke up at 10 o’clock every night, but he had no energy after waking up.
He finally recovered some strength that day and started normal outdoor activities.
He originally planned to wait a few days before visiting Wei Ying, but the weird incident that happened in his bedroom made him realize that this matter could no longer be delayed, and he must visit Wei Ying.
He first hacked into the villa’s surveillance system with a computer and paralyzed the surveillance for 20 minutes. Later, he took out black sportswear from the closet, wore a mask, and flipped down from the second-floor window, leaving Tangjia Villa.
Before going to Wei Ying District, Tang Yu passed the 24-hour supermarket and bought some snacks for his little girl.
He remembered that Wei Ying still had the acne issue at this age, so he bought a set of sk2 boxes. The boyfriend bought about dozens of face masks.
His girl had recently ran away from home, and her grandmother was not rich. He was worried about her lack of money? So, he got some money, sealed it with a letter, and kept it in a plastic bag.

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