Deep in the night, the city still had lights and a steady stream of vehicles. Once he was in the suburbs, it became quiet. Outside the area of ​​the factory, there were several rows of houses which were about to be demolished. Hence the area was desolate at night.

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The security room of the community was lit, and the fan was blowing. The security guard held the fan in his hand and slept on the reclining chair. There was a sound coming from the radio, with occasional “Zizzi”.

Tang Yu was at the door, looking at the nearby buildings, and a sense of familiarity surged up.

The building of the factory in his memory was more desolate than this.


In his previous life, people thought that it was him who broke up with Wei Ying, but it was not true.

After Wei Ying’s soul was replaced, her temperament changed greatly. Not only did she steal his company secrets, but she even wanted to break up with him.

He felt that Wei Ying, whose temperament had suddenly changed, was strange, but never thought of giving up on her. He and Wei Ying met each other at High School. After a few years of separation, they met again and fell in love again. Now that they were about to get married, he knew Wei Ying better than anyone.


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He knew that Wei Ying always did things for a reason. But as an atheist, he never thought of ghosts and stuff.

He suppressed all the ridiculous things that Wei Ying did one by one. One time he thought that she was ill, and called a famous doctor to see her.

But no matter what kind of examination they did, the doctors were determined that Wei Ying didn’t have any mental illness, and they all agreed that she was a normal person.

After she broke up with him, she preemptively announced that the relationship was broken by Tang Yu.


Later on, he found that Wei Ying and her stepmother Liu Su were close. She even transferred the shares given by Wei Daoming to Liu Su.

Tang Yu started investigating Wei Ying’s family, and picked up her mute grandmother from the nursing home. This gradually opened the truth of Wei Ying’s “soul” being changed.

He didn’t know where the real Wei Ying went to or what happened to her. He spent a lot of money asking Taoist masters to look for Wei Ying’s soul.

Huang Tian lived up to her name, and finally found Wei Ying’s soul. But as soon as he had a little hope, it was ruthlessly annihilated.

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Wei Ying’s body died unexpectedly.

After Wei Ying and her grandmother passed away, he was deprived of all his happiness.

He used to think that in this world, rich people could control their own destiny, but in the end he found out that the world was never fair, money was not everything, and there were always people who used power to disturb the order of the world.

Tang Yu was hit hard, he lost his love, and his view of the world had changed. After the demon Taoist master was condemned, Tang Yu also let go of humanity and killed Liu Su and Wei Rui.

When the world had collapsed and no one was in charge of justice, he decided to punish evil by evil and death for death.

But after all the dust settled, he realized that his original self had long been lost. His soul and heart had been distorted. In the way he got the so-called justice, was in fact just a selfish desire.

Everything in the world had to live by order. He shouldn’t destroy the order of the world because he had suffered injustice. If everyone became like him, the legal system would eventually collapse.

On the day he decided to surrender, he groomed himself and took the flowers to Wei Ying’s tomb.

He sat in front of Wei Ying gravestone. He leaned his head on the stone and talked a lot to her.

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“Yingying, I liked your nightmares. The times when you used to wake me up in anger. Afterwards, you always apologized to me, but I have never been angry. I know that you care about me and have possessiveness. I am no good. I used to think that after working hard to have status and money I could give you a happy life. Now I know it is ridiculous, “

“Yingying, are you having a good time in another world? Don’t be afraid of getting fat. You are so cute, who will be willing to abandon you?”

“The moment you lose your body, you must have been desperate, right? Sorry, I promised to protect you, I couldn’t do anything.”

“I haven’t told you anything. In fact, I liked you, when you were still a little fatty. I finally confessed. I am talking a lot but why don’t you say a word to me. This is not like you. The silence is making me afraid. “

The man turned his face and looked at the picture on the cold tombstone. The girl was smiling in the black and white photo.

She was smiling, but he didn’t feel any warmth. It even made him feel cold.

He sat at the girl’s tombstone and talked about a lot of stuff. From their high school experiences, their reunion in Paris, to the sweet days they spent for two years.

The bitterness and sweetness with her eventually merged into the happiest feeling, melted into a drop of water, overflowed from his eyes, and dripped down his cheeks.

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The sun shone, turning the entire cemetery yellow, and the soft light plated with gold fell on the man’s wide shoulders.

He rested his head on the tombstone, pouring almost all his strength on it.

In the past, when he was tired from work, he would lean on Wei Ying’s shoulder like a child and unload all his fatigue. She always shrugged disgustedly, complaining that his head was too heavy.

But when he would try to raise his head, she would stretch her arms, grab his head and let him lean against her shoulders.

He wished, like before, the girl would shrug disgustedly, and stretch her arms to hold his heavy head.

But now he would never achieve his wish.

When the sun went down, police arrived and took him away from the cemetery. That night, Tang Yu confessed his crime and committed suicide at midnight.

Tang Yu thought that he would go to hell after his death, but when he opened his eyes again he had returned to the age of eighteen. Probably because of the deep sins of his previous life, he was not the same as other rebirths.

He could only remember the future at night, and during the day, he only had memories of an eighteen years old boy.


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