Outside the door, a slightly fat girl of 1.7 meters stood.

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Because of the backlight, they could not see her features, but she looked a little sturdy.

Wei Ying broke into the Internet cafe, grabbed a broom, opened the door, and glanced around. Under the instructions of Dishian Gu Heng, she found the boss first and rushed over with the broom.

She didn’t say much, raised her broom and pressed him on the sofa with her shoe.

The younger brothers in the private room all looked surprised. What? What was happening?

The tattooed man’s butt was still aching. Facing Wei Ying’s broom, he shook his head and shouted, “What the hell are you all doing! Pull her away!”

Only a few younger brothers reacted.

One of them grabbed Wei Ying’s shoulders, only to feel that her body was like a boulder, with a lot of weight. They obviously exerted their whole energy, but couldn’t move her at all.

Immediately after, Wei Ying slowly turned her face to look at him. The girl’s gaze was like an ice cave, making everyone feel cold.

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The younger brother was stunned by her eyes. He trembled, loosened his hand, and gulped. He was kicked by Wei Ying.

Others in the private room could no longer stand by idly. Even if they usually claimed that they didn’t hit women, they all held stools and sticks.

Wei Ying grabbed Fang Yuan’s hand and pulled her out, but the door of the Internet cafe was closed.


When they heard their boss getting beaten, the bad young people who were surfing the Internet outside also grabbed their sticks and approached Wei Ying.

At ten thirty, Tang Yu, aged 33, woke up.

At the moment he woke up, he had reached the Internet cafe. He took out his mobile phone and looked at the record left by the eighteen years old Tang Yu. When he understood the situation, he went upstairs.

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There were too many people in the Internet cafes, and Wei Ying had no problem fighting them, but chaos would inevitably hurt Fang Yuan. She moved the girl behind her and directed Xiao Ba and Gu Heng to protect Fang Yuan.


The yang was too abundant there, so Gu Heng didn’t dare to show up and attack directly. He could only make small moves in secret.

The door of the internet cafe was kicked open. A man in a black sportswear and black mask appeared at the door.

The tattooed man rubbed his butt and cursed, “Shit, why is everyone kicking the door open?”

The man was 1.8 meters tall. Although he was thin, he had strong bones. His loose clothes made him look strong and burly.


He lifted his chin, revealing his chilly eyes. But when his eyes fell on Wei Ying, they became warm again.

He walked straight into the crowd to Wei Ying, and pulled the little girl behind him to protect her.

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Wei Ying stared at the man’s wide shoulders and recognized who he was.

The tattooed man hid behind the crowd and yelled, “A hero saves the damsel in distress? Did the hero come alone to save the beauty? There are twenty or thirty people here, they can kill you.”

As soon as the voice fell, the policemen rushed to the area, pointing at everyone, “Hands on your head and squat, don’t move!”

The tattooed man immediately crouched down, holding his head.

The officer Liu slapped the tattooed man’s head, “Who were you going to kill? Huh?”

The police began to take notes and asked what was going on at the scene. The tattooed man replied that it was a joke, but Fang Yuan yelled, “It was kidnapping! They kidnapped me!”

The little girl hugged herself, squeezed two tears from her eyes and said pitifully, “Uncle, they still .. and they wanted to … waahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ..”

When the police saw the little girl cry, he glared at the tattooed man and kicked him, “Mao Xiaohu, you ***** jerk. I thought you had gone straight. But I didn’t expect you would commit such a big crime!”

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The tattooed man muttered, “No … Liu, listen to me, I …”

Officer Liu interrupted him, “Hurry up and confess everything to me. I can then maybe be lenient!”

The tattooed man began to tell the entire truth, “Officer Liu, I will be honest. We did not plan to kidnap anyone. A girl named Wei Rui hired us to take a few indecent photos of Wei Ying and post it on the Internet, making her unable to raise her head in school thereafter.”

The little boy next to him heard it and reminded him, “What are you saying boss?”

The tattooed man realized that he said something that he wasn’t supposed to say. But now it was too late, he said, “I am not talking nonsense.”

He took out his mobile phone, showed the WeChat record to the police, and said, “If you don’t believe me, you can see the chat record yourself! You can also check and cctv, I haven’t deleted it! The girl named Fang Yuan, came here! “

He spilled everything. The younger brothers covered their face one after another, never wishing to see the expression of this idiot boss again.

Several police officers looked at each other, instructed people to collect the surveillance of CCTV, and Mao Xiaohu’s phone.

Tang Yu volunteered to send the two girls home.

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