The driver drove to the Internet cafe, and Tang Yu opened the door for the two girls like a gentleman.

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The girls sat behind him in the car.

When the car reached midway, Fang Yuan broke the silence in the car, she whispered, “I’m sorry Yingying. I gave you trouble again.”

Wei Ying shook her head and said, “It has nothing to do with you. You are a victim.”

Fang Yuan pursed her lips. She glanced at Tang Yu and whispered, “Yingying, who is he?”

Although the man wore a mask, he hadn’t said a word since he got in the car. He was so domineering that he didn’t let people ignore his existence.


Wei Ying knew that it was not easy for Tang Yu to keep the secret of his crippled legs. She casually made up something, “The guardian of the night who saves the weak women and children.”

Thirty-three-year-old Tang Yu, “………”

Why on earth was she speaking nonsense so seriously?

While following Wei Ying these days, Fang Yuan had seen many incredible things, and she easily believed Wei Ying’s words.

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Although she couldn’t see the face of the “guardian”, an image of Lee Minho in ‘city hunter’, a perfect face that was both handsome and righteous appeared in her brain!

She stared at Tang Yu’s head with a look of idol worship.

Tang Yu, “………”

The car parked outside the old community. After getting off, Wei Ying asked Fang Yuan to go back first.

Fang Yuan winked at her, with an expression that told that she understood, and took Xiaoba and Gu Heng home.


After Fang Yuan left, Wei Ying approached Tang Yu and reached out to tear off the mask on his face. There was no shock on her face, “Monitor, it’s really you.”

Mr. Tang really was working very hard to add two extra points for his college entrance examination.

Tang Yu held the girl’s wrist and looked at her with anxiety, “Are you hurt?”

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Wei Ying replied, “No.”

She tried to pull her hands from Tang Yu, but she couldn’t break the man’s iron grip.

Tang Yu asked her, “What happened to you recently?”


Wei Ying thought for a while and said, “I lost ten pounds.”

“I’m not asking about that.”

Wei Ying tilted her head, with a doubt in her tone said, “No acne?”

Tang Yu, “Forget it. If you don’t want to say it, I won’t force you. From now on, I will protect you. The products and money hanging out of your window that day were from me. If you ever receive such items don’t send them to the police station.”

He grabbed the girl’s palm, kept a thousand dollars in her hand, and whispered, “You keep it. Your father is hopeless now. He thinks that you will bow down to him one day because of the money. You can’t let him succeed. If you have financial difficulties in the future, tell me at any time, understand? ”

Wei Ying was not polite to him, and asked him expressionlessly, “Do you have a crush on me?”

Facing the girl’s serious questioning, Tang Yu didn’t hold back, laughed out loud, rubbed her head and said gently, “It’s love, can’t you see?”

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Wei Ying, “???” She couldn’t really see it.

The way to love her was to make her study hard every day? Was this the normal way to chase a girl? She did not believe that Tang Yu would like her, she, who was 140 pounds then.

This was his tactic, in order to make her study hard, he would do anything.

Ah. Humanity.

Seeing her blank face, Tang Yu whispered, “Go back and sleep early.”

Wei Ying kept the money in her pocket, and patted it. She walked to her house.

Tang Yu didn’t imagine that Wei Ying would be reborn. He found that the girl’s life was becoming more and more strange. In addition to studying, the way her brain worked also changed. He could not guess her mind at all.

He guessed that his rebirth interfered with Wei Ying, making her so strange.

Could this be the price of his rebirth?

He didn’t know if Wei Ying would become even stranger, and didn’t dare to think deeply. At present, he could only execute his plan quickly, so he could resume normal life as soon as possible, and protect Wei Ying with integrity.

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Back in the car, Tang Yu opened the laptop, and took off a button from his clothes. He opened it, took out the memory card from it and inserted it into the laptop.

This button was a small video camera, which stored the CCTV surveillance video from the Internet cafe.

Tang Yu edited the entire video, posted on the Internet with an anonymous account, and brought the topic #A fine actor, step sister#.

Tang Yu hds his own methods for manipulating the public opinion.

In previous life, Wei Ying was an international supermodel, and she was also a goddess in China. After Wei Ying participated in several variety shows, her popularity increased, and the internet gossip could not be underestimated.

Wei Ying only knew that she had an anti-triad support group, but she never knew that the head of the anti-triad support group was her serious-faced boyfriend.

As the head of the anti-triad group, Tang Yu would personally argue to control public opinion and restore his girlfriend’s image.

# A fine actor, step sister # ‘s topic trended in the hot search.

The last Wei Rui’s incident had just subsided. Netizens had yet to forget it but now a new incident happened. When netizens saw Wei Rui’s name, they were disgusted and vomited.

Netizens said, “I feel like vomiting! Why is it her again? Didn’t she say she is sick? I thought she was really sick, but she hired a man to harass her sister?”

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