In the end, Wei Ying dropped the idea of eating him, not because of the relationship between the two in the past life, but because he was too thin.

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‘Anyway, wouldn’t it be better to eat him later?’ Thinking of it, Wei Ying felt much more relieved. She looked back at Li Shan, who was lying weakly on the ground and pointed her finger at him.

Wei Ying now had no strength to carry Tang Yu, so she pinned all her hopes on Li Shan.


The teenager was also quick-witted, he immediately got up, nodded at Wei Ying, “I’ll carry him on my back.”

Wei Ying’s foot was too strong. He believed that she had really practiced to get an Iron foot from a master. After witnessing Wei Ying’s foot power once, he certainly did not want to feel it for the second time.

So when she only made a gesture, he obediently squatted over and carried Tang Yu on his back.
Li Shan was a senior student of Dongyou No.2 High School who relied on his family’s money to act as a school bully.

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The students of Xichen No.1 High School were mostly concerned with learning, while the students of Dongyou No.2 High School students were far inferior to the former. So there were many bad boys in that school. Li Shan was a hegemonist. He had money in his family, and so was a little bit arrogant.
Therefore, many male students from Xichen No.1 High School called him boss.


Li Shan had peculiar yellow hair, which was typical of a bad boy. He carried Tang Yu on his back and drew a lot of attention along the way.

Xichen No.1 High School and Dongyou No.2 High School were on the left and right sides of the crossroads. This was precisely the time when students after the lunch break returned to their classroom for self-study.

The two schools shared one campus.

The students were shocked when they saw Li Shan, a young man from Dongyou No. 2 High School, and Tang Yu, a good student from their school, coming out together. They saw the fat girl Wei Ying scratching her head behind them.

His classmates, ‘Tang Yu, if you are kidnapped, blink your eyes!’

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Li Shan walked to the gate of the school with Tang Yu on his back,he was tired and sweating. As soon as he stopped to rest, Tang Yu hit his head with his fist. Tang Yu, on Li Shan’s back, said something short, “Send me to Dr. Li’s clinic.”

The clinic was near the school. Li Shan was so angry that he immediately wanted to throw Tang Yu away. However, as soon as he had this idea, he heard the “click” sound from the fat girl pinching her fist behind him.

Li Shan, “…” ‘What could he do?’

Li Shan and Wei Ying sent Tang Yu to the clinic, and then called his family according to Tang Yu’s instructions. Ten minutes later, a gray-haired old housekeeper arrived.

The old housekeeper took Li Shan’s hand gratefully, “Thank you, little hero for fighting the injustice. I thank you from our young master.”

With a look of horror, Li Shan took his hand out of the old housekeeper, took a step back, and whispered to the “mute” Wei Ying beside him, “No, I am not a hero.”

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Wei Ying hadn’t spoken since she was out of the grove. If he hadn’t heard her, Li Shan suspected she was really dumb.

Out of the clinic, Wei Ying was so hungry that her stomach pressed against her back. She planned to go to a place with a lot of traffic to absorb the haze and fill her belly.

Out of curiosity about Wei Ying, Li Shan followed her all the way to a crossroad near the school where traffic was often congested. Wei Ying sat on a park chair at the intersection, closed her eyes, and absorbed the haze.

As she entered the state of meditation, Wei Ying had no sense of the outside world. Liu Shan felt strange, he walked over, and sat down in front of her. He called her a few times, but she did not respond. Then he raised his hand and gently pushed her.

This made Wei Ying fall directly to the ground.

Watching Wei Ying, who suddenly fell to the ground like a dead body, passers-by nearby came around and stared at Li Shan like he was a beast.

Li Shan, “???” ‘He didn’t… it didn’t matter, he didn’t do anything!’

A passing old man asked, “What’s wrong with this girl? Hurry up, call for an ambulance.”

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An aunt said, “I don’t know. I just saw this guy push her. Just now, didn’t the girl ask you not to mess with her? What are you doing? You are not sending her to the hospital!”

Faced with the accusations of passers-by, Li Shan was crying. It was all bad luck of previous lives. If he had done something bad, he would have acknowledged it, but he didn’t do anything!

Although he was usually lawless at school, he was beaten by Wei Ying, and it was normal in everyone’s eyes to think that he would get revenge. And therefore if something happened to Wei Ying, the police would find him.
The ambulance arrived soon as the “perpetrator” Li Shan was asked to accompany Wei Ying on the ambulance by a group of uncles and aunts.

Wei Ying sucked a lot of haze at the crossroads and felt satiated. When she arrived at the hospital, it was filled with deadly gas.
When she opened her eyes, her Grandma, Li Shan, and Tang Yu were there. After seeing her, her grandmother breathed a sigh of relief and made a gesture to her, indicating that she was frightened.

Wei Ying shook her grandmother’s hand, saying she was okay and raised her eyes to see Tang Yu and Li Shan.

Li Shan exhaled and asked, “I’ve seen a starving man faint, but I’ve never seen anyone who has eaten a lot and fainted. What did you eat? I almost got misunderstood as a woman beater.”

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