Wei Ying glanced down at her round belly and understood what was going on.

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Just now, she was breathing the haze at the crossroads, and she was in a state of meditation. She did not expect that Li Shan would suddenly appear and take her to the hospital. Although the hospital’s death haze was not as abundant as the mass grave post, she absorbed a lot. She slept for four hours. Even if her body absorbed a little over time, there was a lot of death haze in her.

Wei Ying shivered and said calmly that she was fine.

Tang Yu frowned at her and whispered, “I have explained your situation to the teacher, and she gave you permission for a leave.”


Wei Ying didn’t expect Tang Yu to be so thoughtful for her. She had been a ghost for so many years and had long forgotten her school knowledge. Now, letting her return to school to study was even worse than letting her spirits fly.

In an instant, she felt ashamed that she had thought of eating him in the afternoon.

She couldn’t help but say, “Oh, that’s great. Can I be sick for a half month?”


Tang Yu still wore the expressionless face, “Yes, you can.” Then, he took the two bags of review materials hanging on his wheelchair and laid them neatly on her bedside table, then explained, “Your grades are not good, and you can’t fall behind on studies… I chose these materials for you. If you don’t understand, ask me. I will come to see you every day.”

Her grandmother was touched, looking at the two bags of review materials. She quickly took Tang Yu’s hand to show her gratitude.

A person with a disability had gone to the hospital to help and even brought presents. Who wouldn’t be moved?

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Tang Yu patted the old woman’s back, then calmly said, “Grandma, this is what I should do as the monitor.”

Grandma gestured: ‘Come here, why did you bring presents? You are not allowed to do that next time.’

Tang Yu understood the grandma’s gesture and expressed his modesty, “Grandma, you are welcome. Wei Ying and I are classmates. I am the leader of the class, and I should do so.”

Wei Ying’s grandmother was touched. She thought that her granddaughter’s desk partner was really good.


Wei Ying glanced at the review papers such as the “Five-year College Entrance Examination and Three-year Simulation” and “38 Sets” in the plastic bag and felt a headache.

Li Shan looked at Wei Ying with sympathy, and whispered, “Did you dig the graves of his family in your last life?”

Wei Ying thought, ‘…probably.’

When Li Shan saw Wei Ying awake, he actively added Wei Ying’s Weibo and posted online that he became friends with Wei Ying. Today, his younger brothers saw Wei Ying beat him. If it were spread, it would be unpleasant. To turn this incident into a rumor, he decided to have a good relationship with her.

Wei Ying was more powerful than him, and also had a good relationship with Xichen No.1 high school’s leaders. If he had a good relationship with her, he wouldn’t suffer.

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At half-past nine in the evening, the students in the high school would self-study together.

Everyone in the building except for Wei Rui and three girls had left. The girls made up a circle in the classroom. Wei Rui took out Oijia’s game props from the drawer and rolled out the complicated paper on the table.

At midnight, the four girls turned off the lights in the classroom and sat in pairs.

The only light source in the classroom was a faint red candle. The swaying candlelight cast the shadows of the four of them on the wall, and the shadows staggered.

Wen Xiaolan rubbed her hands and whispered, “Time is up. Let’s start.”

The four girls glanced at each other, held each other’s hands, and began to meditate, “Ouija spirit, ouija spirit, please come out.”

About fifteen minutes later, the candlelight suddenly flashed, and the four girls did not notice the additional shadow on the wall.

The plates began to move on the paper.

Wei Rui’s eyes lit up, “Dishian is here!”
Wen Xiaolan immediately asked, “Dishian, will I get admission to Beiqing University?”

The plate began to move and stopped at the word “Yes.”

Qin Mei and Wang Jing also asked their questions, one got sad, and the other one was happy.

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It was Wei Rui’s turn. She glanced at her three classmates before whispering, “Dishian, would my brother inherit father’s business?”

The ouija spirit did not move.

Wei Rui added nervously, “Dad loves me more than my sister?”

Dishian seemed to be playing a prank and intentionally pointed to a “No.”

Wei Rui’s eyes darkened, apparently lost.

Qin Mei urged her, “Rui Rui, your dad loves your sister, but he loves you too. And if you are so good, your dad will have high hopes for you! I will help you teach Wei Ying a lesson. “

Wei Rui nodded and began to ask, “Dishian, could I ask you to help me teach Wei Ying a lesson? Let her be seriously ill.”

——It was better for her to die.

After a few seconds, the ouija spirit’s hands fell on the word “yes.” When they were done, Wei Rui immediately sent the ouija spirit away.

After they ended, Qin Mei said, “Wei Ying could not escape this time. If she is ill, she will not come to class. If she asks for leave, she will definitely fail to review her homework. After the monthly exam, the school will kick her out of our class!”

At one o’clock in the morning, Wei Ying smelled something familiar.

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As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw a translucent teenager sitting at the end of her bed, about seventeen or eighteen years old, with glasses on the bridge of his nose.

Seeing her awake, Dishian showed his teeth.

Wei Ying, “???”

‘Who was he looking at?’

Wei Ying sat up and opened her mouth at the ouija spirit, revealing her two little tiger teeth.

Dishian, “???”

Dishian felt that he was being challenged. He was overwhelmed and pinched her neck to scare her.

Wei Ying, whose neck was held by Dishian, froze and slapped him out of bed.

In order not to disturb her grandma’s sleep, she got out of bed lightly, grabbed Dishian’s ears, and dragged him into the bathroom. After a violent beating, she pushed him into the toilet pot and flushed him.

Dishian, an ouija spirit, was stuffed into the toilet, “Humans are too much.” QWQ

qwq: weeping face

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