“No, it’s not dead,” Wei Ying said.

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She held a stick and pounded on the boar’s eyes. The boar opened his mouth and cried. A loud sound echoed in the forest, filled with sadness.

The boar suddenly opened his mouth. Tang Bowen was scared, “What’s this? It’s scary!”


Wei Ying said, “Come, do me a favor, drag it out. We would carry it down the mountain. Such good meat, we can’t waste it.”

Everyone, “…”

After a while, the rescue team also went up the mountain and helped them lift the dying wild boar down the mountain. The wild boar collapsed.

The evil ghost hid in the boar’s body and did not dare to come out. As a wild boar, it may not die, but as a ghost, it would die directly.

Death was better than life.

The cameraman had a portable camera, so Wei Ying’s wild boar scene was captured by the photographer.

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The party returned to the village at half past ten and the director was crazy. He cracked his head and covered his face for a while and then crouched while holding his head.


He trembled all night and his heart finally settled. After he watched the video recorded by the cameraman, he felt bad.

In this show, from the beginning, Pei Xiaojia played the image of violent loli. But now Wei Ying also carried the violent girl image.

Was it a woman’s job to violently beat a boar?

The theme of this episode was simply changed to “Violent Trash collecting Youth Team”.

Because of the shooting crew, Tang Yu had no chance to go up the mountain. At ten o’clock in the evening, Mr. Tang woke up. After he had read the diary records of the young Tang Yu, the man almost went crazy. When Wei Ying returned safely, his heart finally calmed down.


In the yard, a group of villagers came to watch the wild boar.

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Because the wild boar still had its breath, it was tied up by the villagers with various ropes and couldn’t move.

This kind of wild boar could not be left. According to the rules of the mountain, the carcass of the wild boar must be left and then wait for the staff of the relevant department to come over and claim that a compensation could be obtained.

Wei Ying thought the villagers were ready to slaughter the wild boar. So she raised her sleeves with her arms, squatted in the yard and hit its head with a stick.

Few children thought it was fun and came around, holding a stick and copying Wei Ying to beat the wild boar.

Wei Ying noticed that someone was staring at her. It was different from others and was very fiery.

She turned her head and faced the teenager in the wheelchair. He looked gloomy. His red eyes looked at her very harshly, as if he was about to rush to eat her.

He was holding the steel armrest with both hands. Because of the force, the back of his hand was bruised. One could see that he was trying to restrain a certain emotion.

The young Tang Yu wrote in his diary record–

“It’s been an hour since the incident and there is still no news.”

“Three hours.”

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“Four hours.”

“If Wei Ying can return safely, I would never think about getting the ​​jade again.”

“If she can come back, let alone the jade pendant left by my father, even if she asks for my homework, I would let her copy it.”

“If she can come back, I will give her my life.”

“I like her a little.”

“Come back.”

On this page of paper, there were two drops of tears. Although there were only two drops, Mr. Tang could feel the meaning of these two tears.

Even though he had just woken up and Wei Ying returned, through the diary record he could fully feel the struggling emotions of the teenager.

If it was him, he would probably disregard the camera, and even if the staff stopped him, he would go up the mountain.

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The teenager still did not love her enough, at least not as much as he did.

But the teenager’s love and worry were so distressing.

The red glowing eyes of Mr. Tang stared at her for a while. She looked at him, then snorted, turned her heads and continued to hit the boar with a stick.

“Wei Ying,” he hissed, it was unknown how much effort it took for him to speak.

“Why?” While the girl stopped her movements, she did not forget to direct the child next to her, “You continue to hit, don’t stop until it’s broken!”

“…” Tang Yu looked at her with rather complicated eyes.

Just wanting to speak, she said in a warning tone, “Don’t look at me like this. This is not animal cruelty. It was killing people!”

Tang Yu, “…”

Wei Ying said with confidence, “What’s with your look? If you have the ability, don’t eat it later!”

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