“Am I such a person in your eyes?” Mr. Tang couldn’t understand Wei Ying’s brain circuit.

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He finally sighed, and explained to her, “The wild boar is a state-protected animal. You can’t eat it.”


Wei Ying thought that in this forest, why couldn’t she eat a pig? He was getting distressed about the boar!

Wasn’t she the one who should be distressed? She had a fight with a wild boar. He didn’t care about her, instead he cared about whether she abused the pig.

Ah this man!

The evil ghost hiding in the wild boar was about to be pushed out by the children. But when he saw the woman squatting beside him, he didn’t dare to come out. As far as ghosts were concerned, surviving the pain was not bad, the worst was dying.

In order to survive, he could only be bullied like this. He was silently waiting for the other four escaped brothers to rescue him.

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If he could escape this time, he would not eat Wei Ying’s flesh even if he starved to death in the future.

It didn’t take long before the village chief brought the village cadres over.

The village chief called the children aside and said to Wei Ying and others, “We have contacted the local authorities. The carcass of wild boars should be kept here. It cannot be eaten. We can apply to the people from the relevant departments for a little compensation. “


Wei Ying snorted and she felt bored. She dropped the stick and kicked it.

She secretly called the red female ghost hiding in her pocket and told Xiao Hong to guard the wild boar. She asked her to notify her if the evil ghost emerged from the wild pig. Then she would come back and pack up the wild ghost.

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The ghost stayed there to guard. So Wei Ying safely entered the hall with Tang Yu and met with the director and other young staff.

The day’s event was really thrilling. The director had let people send messages to the outside world and had posted the videos to the Internet. It included the scene of Wei Ying and the wild boar.

The public opinion on the Internet was very bad for Wei Ying and the show team had to restore her image.

During the meeting, the director specifically instructed them that they must come back before 4 pm, otherwise, if they encountered sudden changes in the sky, they could not afford to face another trouble of this kind.

The live broadcast of the program also resumed. Netizens saw the teenagers sitting in the house intact.

Everyone didn’t seem to listen to the director’s words and looked at Wei Ying.

Except for the shabby clothes, the girl didn’t seem to be injured, but her little face turned slightly red and bright.

Bei Xiaojia and Yuan Yiyi each sat on Wei Ying’s side and looked at her with concern.

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Bei Xiaojia whispered to her, “Yingying, are you really okay? Do you know that we were scared to death just now. We just watched your video, you are so amazing!”

Yuan Yiyi wondered, “Yeah. I want to know how you captured the wild boar. It’s amazing.”

Of course, Wei Ying wouldn’t say it in detail, but just perfunctorily said, “The situation was very complicated at the time, with luck. However, I was sure I could run away.”

As soon as her voice fell, Fei Yun said, “Brother Ying will be worshipped by me! Brother Ying, I feel more that I am not worthy of you. You wait, wait for me to become better. Then I will pursue you brightly and honestly!”

Tang Bowen also looked at Wei Ying with an embarrassed face and said, “Wei Ying, if it weren’t for you, we might have been frightened. It should have been me or Fei Yun who should have taken action. But you were brave. You are younger than me, but I sincerely call you brother Ying. “

He had never bowed down to his savage dad, nor had he listened to any teacher. Wei Ying was the only one who convinced him to be her underling.

From beginning to end, Tang Yu didn’t speak. Mr. Tang just stared at Wei Ying, his thoughts were complicated.

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He wanted to ask a lot of questions, but felt it was inappropriate.

Wei Ying in the previous life was just a little girl who had the heart of a chicken. What was the reason for such an incredible change in this life?

Even if her physical fitness changed, Mr. Tang was puzzled whether this Wei Ying was still Wei Ying.

Wei Ying said, “You said on the mountain that if you can go down alive, you will protect the environment every day. I have made sure that you went down the mountain intact. Can you honor your promise now?”

Probably just because of the life and death situation, everyone was heated at this moment, and they all said they could in unison.

Protect the environment, they must!

Without Wei Ying, how could they come back safely?

At this moment, the teenagers actually thought that it was a particularly proud thing to engage in environment protection and pick garbage.

On the Internet, a video was sent out, and it quickly became popular.

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