As soon as she opened her eyes, she was attracted by a fragrance. She got out of bed barefoot, and went downstairs to find it. She leaned on the kitchen door frame and looked at Mr. Tang, who was busy cooking while wearing an apron. Her heart hurt for a while.

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Tang Yu turned around and saw her. He came over holding a bowl, and fanned her at the tip of her nose, “Hungry? Eat something. After lunch, go upstairs to pack. After half an hour, Mr. Shi Ting’s assistant will come over . “


She followed Tang Yu into the dining room and sat down. Holding the noodle bowl and began to enjoy it.

She took two bites, suddenly stopped, and fell silent.


Tang Yu thought it was not delicious, and asked her nervously, “What’s wrong? It’s not delicious?”

Wei Ying looked up at the man, shook her head, and said with a smile, “No. I just remembered that I had a dream last night. I dreamed that I went to a reality show with you. You cooked a whole two pots of noodles. I actually ate them all. “

“You …” Tang Yu reached out and squeezed the tip of her nose.

“You look really hungry. Eat it.”


The warmth emanating from this bowl of noodles was fragrant with scallion oil. Wei Ying was full after eating a bowl. She went upstairs and changed her clothes. Mr. Si Ting’s assistants just brought her wedding dress.

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In the cloakroom, the assistants helped her to wear the wedding dress. Mr. Shi Ting’s design ability was really magical. He knew very well Wei Ying’s figure advantage, and also knew how to show her beauty completely.


Wei Ying looked at herself in the mirror, she became silent for a moment. She was immersed in the beauty in the mirror.

Could she finally be with her beloved?

It felt like dreaming.

On the phone, Wei Ying’s picture after entering the fantasy world was live. The three little ones thought that Wei Ying could not be deceived and her memory would not be blocked, but they didn’t expect this vengeful ghost to plagiarize!

Fang Yuan had been in the bedroom for a while, and watched Wei Yin in the illusion. She didn’t expect that the person Wei Ying liked was actually the monitor of their class.


The resentment ghost did not write a new world for Wei Ying at all, but directly copied the story hidden in the bottom of Wei Ying’s heart.

Gu Heng was shocked, “Can she f***** do this? This is plagiarism! Really shameless!”

Xiao Ba also frowned, “Come on, come on!”

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The red woman was so angry that she cursed, “That’s too much! The boss looks to be in danger. What should we do? Can we go in and pull the boss out?”

Gu Heng stopped saying, “No. Even if you go in, her world is hers. She won’t believe you. Now, you can only find an acquaintance to pull her in.”

The female ghost in red immediately thought of someone and said, “Her grandma!”

“No!” Fang Yuan stopped and said, “Grandma is old. She can’t stand such a thing, and we can’t afford it. We can’t let grandma know about this. Let’s go to Tang Yu and ask him for help. “

Gu Heng asked, “But will he believe you? Will he agree to help?”

“If he likes Yingying, he will help her!”

She proposed that Tang Yu help Wei Ying, one was because the grandma’s ability to bear was not as good as that of young people, and two, maybe it could promote their relationship, she could be a matchmaker!

Thinking about this, Fang Yuan immediately called Tang Yu, but the other party person rushed over immediately after hearing about Wei Ying’s accident.

When he entered the bedroom in a wheelchair, he saw the three ghosts floating in the air and thought it was a projection. Immediately afterwards, the three ghosts gathered around him and started talking to him in a rush.

Tang Yu, “?”

He must be hallucinating.

So he exited the bedroom again, went to the bathroom and grabbed two bottles of water, and washed his face. He took a deep breath and entered Wei Ying’s bedroom again.

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Still saw those three floating in the air.

Alright, he could be reborn so why couldn’t there be ghosts and monsters?

It turned out that Tang Yu’s ability of acceptance was very strong. After seeing these three weird ghosts and hearing a lot of them, he understood the doubts mentioned by Mr. Tang in his diary.

It turned out that Wei Ying’s change was not a butterfly effect at all, and the most fundamental reason was that she was reborn. It was just a slightly different way of reborn, which led to an extremely weird change in her thinking.

Tang Yu asked the three ghosts and Fang Yuan with a serious look, “What do you want me to do?”

Fang Yuan immediately handed him the phone and said, “Yingying is trapped in the phone and can’t get out. This should be Yingying’s deep memory. To get her out of the environment completely, she needs an acquaintance to go in. We can’t think of a better person than you. “

Tang Yu looked at the picture on his phone which was played like a TV series.

In the picture, Wei Ying was wearing a wedding dress looking in the mirror, and a mild happy smile floated on her face.

Tang Yu asked again, “What should I do?”

Gu Heng commanded, “After you go in, tell her the truth and let her snap out of it. But you have to remember, don’t meet with yourself in the dream. If you let the you in the mobile world see the current you, the whole world will collapse, and then you and the boss will not be able to come out. “

Tang Yu nodded and said, “I will pay attention.”

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The female ghost asked, “But this little brother can’t stand up. How can he help us?”

As soon as her voice fell, Tang Yu stood up expressionlessly, and instantly became tall.

Tang Yu held the screen with one hand and asked Fang Yuan, “Can we start?”

Fang Yuan nodded; “Yes, if you are ready, start!”

Tang Yu clicked the screen, and the scene around him changed immediately. He seemed to be in a tight space, unable to see the light. He stretched his arm against something similar to a wooden board, making a slamming noise.

Wei Ying was trying a wedding dress and suddenly heard a voice coming from the closet.

The voice was loud. It was heard by not only her, but also the staff in the cloakroom who helped her manage the wedding dress.

The assistant asked, “Rat?”

She walked over and opened the wardrobe door.

It wasn’t a mouse, but Tang Yu, who was wearing a high school student’s costume and dressed as a teenager.

“Tang Yu? Didn’t you go to the company? When did you come in?” Wei Ying looked at Tang Yu, who was dressed as a teenager, with a look of confusion, she laughed, “Why are you wearing this? Why? Want to talk to me and recall the old years? Make up for youth love? “

When Tang Yu looked at her, he had no emotion on his face. He glanced around and came out of the closet, held Wei Ying’s wrist, dragged her out.

Wei Ying didn’t know what was wrong, she said, “What are you doing? Wedding dress! Don’t stain the wedding dress. What’s the matter? You let me take off my wedding dress!”

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