As soon as they were downstairs, they heard the servant at the door saying, “Sir, have you forgotten something?”

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“Well, take the file.”
Hearing Tang Yu’s voice in the illusion, the young Tang Yu took Wei Ying to quickly hide into the kitchen on the first floor. He pulled the door, put the girl against the wall, covered her mouth, and made a “shh” gesture to her .
“Woo …” Wei Ying didn’t know what he wanted to do, and looked at him with a pair of big eyes.
Wei Ying apparently heard the outside voice. She looked at the person in front of her inconceivably, and kept turning her eyes, as if she was questioning him very clearly of who he was.
When the outside calmed down, Tang Yu said, “Listen to me, don’t make a noise.”
She stared at his eyes and nodded.
When in a weak position one must be aware of their situation. She must not mess with the other person.
Tang Yu whispered to her and explained, “This is not the real world, but the illusion derived from your heart. You must now wake up and go back with me. In the outside world, your friends and your grandmother are waiting for you. “
Wei Ying glanced at him with a weird look, and punched him in the abdomen. She then kicked him to the ground.
She was shocked by her strength. She didn’t expect that her thin leg could hit a strong man!
Wei Ying stretched out her legs while holding her wedding dress, kicked him fiercely, and stepped on him with her feet, and said, “Do you pretend to be fake Sun Wukong* with me?”

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She crouched down hard, then held Tang Yu’s face, and began to try to tear his face mask. When she realized that she couldn’t pull off the other person’s “skin”, she started rubbing his face with her hands.
It did not rub off any foundation.
Wei Ying patted Tang Yu’s face again, and then stopped in amazement, “Who the hell are you?”
The teenager obviously did not expect Wei Ying to treat him so “rudely”. When the other party stopped, he sat up and rubbed his face. He said, “I am your deskmate, Tang Yu.”
Wei Ying’s eyes widened, “Fart!”
Tang Yu, “…”
Wei Ying asked, “Are you … my husband’s twin brother? But he didn’t mention anyone like that to me. Say, what’s your purpose for coming here?”
Tang Yu was about to correct her, hoping she could accept the reality. If Mr. Tang had a twin brother, would she not know him?
Before the words came out, Wei Ying reached out, and pressed his jaw. Her half-empty eyes said, “Oh, I see. No wonder Mr. Tang is not very willing to tell me about his family. It turns out his family relationships are just as messy as the rumors say. You must be his twin brother who was separated from him since childhood. He doesn’t even know that you exist. ”
Tang Yu, “???” This terrible lady deskmate, what was she doing?
Wei Ying raised his chin tip with her fingers, “You are now back. Obviously, you want to take Tang’s place and become him. Do you want to kill him?”
Thinking of this, she quickly retracted her hand and called Mr. Tang using the phone in the kitchen.

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When she called, Mr. Tang’s car had just driven out of the villa.
Mr. Tang’s soft voice came over the phone, “What’s wrong?”
Wei Ying asked nervously, ” Tang, are you okay?”
“Why did you ask this suddenly?”
Wei Ying said immediately, “Ask the driver to park the car by the side of the road, and then you can take a taxi to go to the company. Remember, let the driver check your car to see if there is any problem.”
Mr. Tang asked,”Why?”
At this time, the young Tang Yu thought of getting up, but Wei Ying held his chest, and pushed him back. Wei Ying felt that telling Mr. Tang that he had a twin brother who wanted to kill him would hurt him.
Mr. Tang was sensitive by nature. In order to take care of his recent mood, Wei Ying decided to wait for a while before telling him.
Wei Ying said, “Nothing, the reason is ridiculous. I watched the news last night. A rich man in Afghanistan was assassinated. Are you not a rich man, too? Now, I have to consider that your life is not safe.”
Mr. Tang laughed on the phone and said, “Okay.”
Wei Ying asked with a little regret, “Do you think I’m too naive?”

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On the phone, Mr. Tang said solemnly, “You should be careful, I should be cautious. Even if not for my own safety, but also for my future happiness. After all, I will feel bad, if I let you be a widow.”
Wei Ying held the phone and laughed out loud, “Well, go to work, be careful.”
Young Tang Yu looked at the smile on Wei Ying’s face and felt a little guilt for no reason.
This illusion was not what the girl imagined, but what happened in her previous lives. Mr. Tang wrote it in detail in his diary.
Including the phone call from Wei Ying to Mr. Tang, it all did happen.
At that time, when Mr. Tang received the call, he did not blame his fiancee for being suspicious. Instead, he thought from her perspective and paid more attention to his personal safety.
Wei Ying was the only girl he had loved since his birth.
He always felt sorry for her. No one in the world loved Wei Ying more than him. She had a weird personality and a bad temper when in love. If he really died early, would there be a man who would treat Wei Ying unconditionally?
He wasn’t sure. To this end, he deliberately strengthened the security team.
Faced with Wei Ying’s violence, the young Tang Yu couldn’t parry it. After all, although Wei Ying’s memory was blocked at this time, her power was still there. Her ability was not weakened at all.
In order to pretend to be a cripple, Tang Yu naturally couldn’t exercise, and his body was not strong.

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Wei Ying found a nylon rope from the cabinet, tied him to the ground. Immediately afterwards, she carried the wedding dress in one hand, and dragged him into the kitchen storage room.
She tied the teenager to a chair in the storeroom. Then pulled her skirt up, stepped on a stool with one leg, and warned him, “You honestly tell me what is your plan? “
Tang Yu replied, “… There is no plan, I am telling the truth.”
Wei Ying squeezed his chin and snorted coldly, “You can stay here if you keep talking nonsense.”
Tang Yu looked at her pretending to be fierce, and said lightly, “Do you think you are right now? Shouldn’t you send me to the police station?”
“Hey,” Wei Ying pinched his mouth into a pointed duck’s shape.
“Do you think I’m stupid? Don’t you think that talking about the law can make me do stupid things, go hit the grass and startle the snake*! I won’t ever come to know who is behind you. Whoever wants to do something to me, I won’t let them go! “
Tang Yu, “…”
After Wei Ying said, she took off a pair of socks from her feet, kneaded them into a ball, and stuffed them into his mouth.
Tang Yu, “!”
So why did he like this rude girl! Why? After doing this, Wei Ying returned to the cloakroom with her wedding dress.

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