In the real world, Fang Yuan and Xiao Ba looked at the mobile phones stunned. When they saw Wei Ying stuffing socks into Tang Yu’s mouth, everyone could feel the taste across the screen.

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Xiao Ba was speechless, “Let’s go, yeah …”

Gu Heng swallowed and said, “The boss’s imagination is not generally rich.”

Xiao Hong who was floating in the air said, “Probably not even the boss knows that she has such a memory in her heart.”


Fang Yuan bit her lip tightly and almost cried, “Are we going to stand like this and do nothing? Can Tang Yu be killed in the fantasy world?”

Gu Heng immediately said, “No! This illusion is not a world created by the network’s vengeful spirit. It is based on the memories of the boss. In other words, Mr. Tang in this illusion is just a memory. It can be regarded as a real person full of emotions. If Tang Yu disappears in the illusion, the boss’s memories will collapse.”

Fang Yuan was puzzled, “What effect would the collapse of that memory have on her?”


Gu Heng replied, “Although the boss’s usual behavior is weird, she still is a kind-hearted person. These are actually because of her inner memory. If her memories collapse, her feelings as a person will also disappear. It’s the equivalent of a house, with its foundations collapsed.”

Xiao Ba anxiously hugged Gu Heng’s arm, shaking vigorously, “You have to think of a way.”

Gu Heng said, “What can I do … If the boss married Tang Yu in the fantasy world, then she will never go out. After all, it is too beautiful. Who would want to escape the beauty and accept the reality?”

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Everyone fell silent and kept watching.

The time in the illusion had quickly reached ten o’clock in the evening.

In the dim storage room, Tang Yu opened his eyes suddenly. He looked around first, moved his body and soon found that he was tied up.


He didn’t know where he was, and he didn’t even know who tied him. The countless guesses rolled in his mind, and then his eyes became cold.

Fortunately, he was well prepared.

His wrists shook and a half-length thumb blade fell out of his sleeve. The teenager Tang Yu didn’t even know that he hid this blade. He began to cut the rope of his hands patiently, and soon the rope broke.

The 33-year-old Tang Yu apparently had more means to help himself in bad situations than the young Tang Yu. He soon discovered that the rope ties used to bind himself were very unprofessional.

The door of this storage room had a narrow frosted glass, and the light from the outside barely allowed him to see the simple outline of the storage room.

He subconsciously fumbled with his phone, but it was not with him. Tang Yu tried to pull the door of the storage room and found that the door was locked from the outside. He couldn’t open it at all. Just as he was thinking about how to escape, he heard a woman talking outside.

This door was good, he couldn’t hear what the outside people were saying. Soon the door trembled and someone unlocked it from the outside.

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Tang Yu almost subconsciously walked behind the door, holding his blade between his fingers, ready to strike at any time.

Ten seconds later, the door was opened and a woman came in.

Tang Yu knocked her to the ground.

As soon as Wei Ying entered the door, before she could turn on the lights, someone knocked her from behind. She covered her whole face and screamed in pain. Nothing had happened, the person behind her grabbed her ponytail and pulled her head up. There was a sharp object in her throat.

Just when she felt her throat was going to be cut, the other person stopped suddenly.

Wei Ying finally reacted, turned over, and lifted her leg to push the man away. Then she violently faced his face.

Two punches had landed on the man’s eyes.

Just when her third punch was about to wave toward the man’s straight nose, the man held her wrists. He had a low voice, with a little helplessness, “Don’t fight, it’s me.”

Wei Ying was obviously not relieved. She pulled her wrists and aimed at him with a hammer. She wished to break the man’s bones.

Obviously Tang Yu didn’t know why she was crazy. He got up, hugged Wei Ying, and trapped the girl in his arms.

His lips rubbed against the girl’s ears, soothing her emotions softly, “Good, it’s all right, it’s me.”

Wei Ying was being taken advantage of by a man, and she was going crazy, “!!!”

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The struggle was even stronger.

Tang Yu was clearly not aware of the current situation and continued to appease. But he found that the more soothing, the more irritated the girl in his arms got.

In previous lives, he had been with the girl for so many years. He always encountered her when she somehow lost her temper. In this case, the fastest way to calm her down was to–

So Tang Yu leaned down, held the girl’s jaw, lifted her chin and bit her lips gently.

This method really worked, and the girl quieted down instantly.

The beloved Wei Ying was aggressive and her entire body was stiff, as if struck by lightning.

It was strange that her body didn’t reject the kiss, it did not react like her instinct.

When the girl calmed down, he said, “Don’t be afraid, I’ll take you out of here.”

Wei Ying, “?”

The man clasped her five fingers, turned around, carefully opened the kitchen door, and looked out.

He glanced at the kitchen, which was about forty square meters, large and decorated in a slightly hotel-style. He had felt it was familiar. Because his nerves were tight, he didn’t respond for a while. This was their house in their previous life.

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He kept the girl behind him and whispered in doubt, “Who is the one who kidnapped me?”

Wei Ying stared at the back of the man. She had already held a stick, ready to knock him down. Hearing these words, a question mark appeared on her face.

Seeing that the kitchen was empty, Tang Yu pulled the girl out of the storage room. He came to the chopping board and took two knives, turned around and handed them to the girl.

When he turned around, the girl was holding the stick high, her face tense, as if something wrong had been discovered.

Tang Yu reached out and snatched her raised wooden stick, then shoved a sharp kitchen knife into her hand, saying in a soothing tone, “The wooden stick is not enough to kill. If necessary, please use the knife for Self-defense, okay? “

Wei Ying, who was preparing to hit his back with a stick was speechless.

Mr. Tang’s twin brother got schizophrenia?

She weighed the knife in her hand, and thought, should she cut him or not?


Hit the grass and startle the snake: premature actions which put the enemy on guard

Fake Wukong : Character in Journey to the west. Six Eared Macaque (六耳獼猴) is one of the four spiritual primates that do not belong to any of the ten categories that all beings in the universe are classified under. The other three are the Intelligent Stone Monkey (靈明石猴), Red Bottomed Horse Monkey (赤尻馬猴) and Long Armed Ape Monkey (通臂猿猴). As he and Sun Wukong are both spiritual primates (Sun Wukong is the Intelligent Stone Monkey), their powers and abilities are on par. He first appears in Xiliang (西粱) in disguise as Sun Wukong, knocks Tang Sanzang unconscious and steals the baggage. He fights with the real Sun Wukong and neither of them is able to overcome his opponent. No one is able to differentiate between the real and the fake Sun Wukong until the two appear before the Buddha, who tells them about the four spiritual primates. The Six Eared Macaque attempts to flee when he hears the Buddha speak about his true identity but the Buddha traps him under a giant golden alms bowl. The macaque is then killed by Sun Wukong.

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