When the three teenagers didn’t move, the kidnappers thought they were stupid. One whispered, “Boss, are these three already scared?”

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“What did you say?” The boss gave him a sideways glance.


“If you were in their place wouldn’t you be scared? Second, Third, you two drag the boy to the living room, and the two girls to the bedroom.”

“Okay,” the second and third kidnapper responded in unison.

They were ready to get started and drag Wei Ying who was spilled with soup. However, when their hand just touched Wei Ying, the girl gave them a slap.

The two grandfathers’ cheeks turned red, and two slap marks were printed.


Wei Ying’s slap directly fanned the 1.8 meters’ men . The two men felt that their bones were broken, and they couldn’t get up from the ground.

The boss saw the two of them, thinking that they were posing engaging in sex together, he immediately kicked the nearest one, only to find out that the second kidnapper’s face was actually crooked, half of his face was slapped, his eyes were bloodshot and looked terrible.

He went to see the third kidnapper. His situation was the same as the other one, his face was crooked, his eyes were bloodshot, and he shrank on the ground in pain.

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Only then did he realize that Wei Ying’s slap was not simple. He pointed the gun at Wei Ying and scolded her, “You smelly girl!”

When he was about to pull the trigger, Tang Yu reminded him, “I advise you not to shoot.”

The boss was irritated by this sentence which made him want to shoot.

The moment he pulled the trigger, Tang Yu sighed and said, “Are you a Taurus? Stubborn till the end?”

After the kidnapper pulled the trigger, he was slammed with a low blast. The bullet did not explode from the muzzle ~ but blasted out from the opposite direction, blowing up the kidnapper‘s entire palm.

A scream echoed in the apartment building.

Tang Yu watched the kidnapper lying on the ground with his bloody hand rolling back and forth. He sighed slightly, shook his head and said, “You will suffer if you don’t listen to my advice.”

He got up from the dining chair and took out a handkerchief to wipe the blood on his face. He then rubbed Wei Ying’s jaw and wiped her face while whispering, “Don’t let our Yingying get blood splatter on her face next time, it doesn’t look good.”

Xiao Ba, who was floating in the air, narrowed his wide eyes, and thought for a long time before understanding that Tang Yue was blaming. He nodded and shook his tail.

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Dishian Gu Heng sat on a chandelier and swayed slightly. The girl in red was spinning under the lamp. The network vengeful spirit was sitting on the water glass, shaking his legs leisurely, looking uprightly at the kidnapper boss.

The fourth kidnapper went to the bathroom and when he came out, the outside world had actually changed.

The kidnapper couldn’t see the ghosts floating in the air, and only saw his three brothers lying on the ground in pain and sorrow, especially his elder brother.

Facing this tragic scene, the teenager was still calmly wiping the blood on his face. Their calmness actually made people think that they weren’t normal people, but devils who crawled out of hell.

The fourth kidnapper felt something blowing against his back. His hair stood, his body was cold, and his legs began to tremble.

Tang Yu picked up Wei Ying’s chin with his fingers and wiped the last trace of blood for her. He said without looking back, “If I were you, I would call the police and surrender immediately.”

The boy’s words completely made him sober from the unexplained fear. Then he remembered that he had a firearm in his hand, raised his hand to grab it, and pointed at the boy.

Soon, his hand uncontrollably aimed the muzzle at his thigh. He shot again, the blood splattered, and the man shouted in pain.

Tang Yu cleaned Wei Ying’s face for her, and moved a strand of hair from her forehead to her ears, and whispered, “Leave it to me here, you can go into the bath and change clothes.”

Wei Ying obediently got up, stepped on the body of the three kidnappers and went to the bathroom.

Tang Yu said to Fang Yuan, who was holding a noodle bowl in daze, “You also go to the room.”

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“Will you be … okay?” Fang Yuan looked at him with anxiety.

As soon as she said that, she remembered that Tang Yu wasn’t the young one, but the 33-year-old mature man. With this in mind, she quickly ate the last bite of noodles in the bowl, pulled a paper towel, and wiped her mouth as she returned to the bedroom.

The kidnappers thought, ‘Are these children devil?’

When both girls entered the room, Tang Yu took a chopstick and crouched down, poking the kidnapper’s wounded flesh, he asked coldly, “Tang Haolong asked you to come?”

The four kidnappers collected money and the man was nice to them. Even if they were arrested, they did not plan to expose him.

But the teenagers’ cold eyes caused them to be swept by fear, and their mental defenses gradually collapsed.

Tang Yu’s voice was still indifferent, while dialing 110, he said, “You don’t say, I know,”

He poked their boss’s temple with chopsticks and whispered, “You, Qin Hai, 28 years old, are a fugitive. Tang Haolong promised to help you take care of your elderly grandma, so you are willing to kill for him.”

He pointed to the second kidnapper and said, “You, Zhang Hu, 24 years old, rape-killed a teacher, and was running for three years.”

Tang Yu pointed to the third and fourth kidnappers respectively, “Liu Yufei, 32 years old, killed his wife and fled. Song Jin, 26 years old, escaped after an accident.”

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“You desperate people, doing things for Tang Haolong. You came here today to stop me from taking the college entrance examination, right? Tang Haolong really looks high at me.”

The kidnappers had no idea that their bottom line was clear to the kid.

After Rebirth, Mr. Tang was not idle. Not only did he keep an eye on the Tang family’s every move, but he also knew everything about Tang Haolong.

The previous day, he had already received the news that Tang Haolong would send four desperate people to stop him from taking the college entrance examination, destroying all his self-confidence, so it could never be recovered.

The four kidnappers looked at Tang Yu with a look of horror and anguish.

Tang Yu snapped his fingers and whispered, “Little Red, call the police.”

As soon as his voice fell, a red-haired woman ghost appeared in the air, with a pale face and bleeding eyes. As soon as she opened her eyes, the whole house flashed.

After a short while, the lights in the room flickered, and the light bulb made a “ZZZZ” sound.

They were frightened by this strange atmosphere, their eyes rolled back and fainted.

At around 1:30 in the morning, the police blocked the apartment and started cleaning up the scene.

In order not to hinder the three teenagers’ college entrance examination, the police arranged a hotel for them to sleep first, and then take their statements after finishing the exam.

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