When the four kidnappers were taken to the hospital, they were completely insane.

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Their boss talked nonsense, clutching the policeman’s shoulder, he said, “Ghost! Ghost! They are the devil! They are the devil!”

Second and Third couldn’t cry at all, they couldn’t even make any expression. After the doctor ran a test, it was found that half of their face’s bones were broken.


Not to mention the fourth kidnapper, who after shooting and hurting his thigh, he kept picking up his wounds. It caused the wound to fester and get worse.

The previous night, the apartment tragedy was secretly posted on the Internet by the neighbors. On the first day of the college entrance examination, the Internet was chaotic.

#Transformed Rebellious Youth were abducted tragically, the scene was filled with blood #

Anonymous netizen broke the news, “Tang Yu and Wei Ying from the Rebellious Youth and another girl were abducted in a shared apartment last night. The bloody smell passed to the next door, and after the police came, it was said to be terrible.”


Netizens saw this news immediately, after all, Wei Ying had a lot of environmental protection fans and Tang Yu also had some female fans.

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Comments were boiling!

“What’s wrong with them! Ying and Yu, these two are celebrities, why didn’t they have bodyguards?”

“The incident area was a high-level apartment, so how did the kidnappers get in? Are they all right? God, today is their college entrance examination! Crazy, what is going on? Hope Yingying and Tang Yu are fine!”


“Are the kidnappers crazy? Isn’t Wei Ying and Tang Yu a rich second generation? Why didn’t their parents send them bodyguards?”

“Tang Yu’s father is Tang Haolong, he’s a ruthless stepfather. And Wei Ying also has a stepmother, she has a younger brother, what status can she have?”

“If Wei Ying is favored, she won’t come out to pick up trash!”

“No wonder they have become good friends, they sympathize with each other. I want to know if they are all right? Are there any problems with the little girl who shared the room with them?”

Public opinion on the Internet had fermented with rumours, and the police had to come out. The police officer in charge of the case explained the situation to the majority of netizens, “At 1.15am last night, we received a report call. When we arrived, the scene was chaotic. All four gunmen were seriously injured. The teenagers were just frightened and were not injured, and today our colleague was admitted to the examination room on time. “

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Immediately after, photos and details of the four suspects were revealed. Netizens saw that the four were all wanted murderers.

Netizens were relieved after watching the live broadcast.

Some of the netizens said, “Is it real? The kidnappers with guns were seriously injured to varying degrees! Is it … itt’s Yingying who fought the kidnappers with bare hands!”

“My Ying can outsmart wild boars, and she can certainly outsmart the kidnappers! It’s too thrilling! I hope my Ying’s exam goes well!”

At the same time, when Tang Haolong, who had just finished the company’s meeting, saw the online news, he was so angry that he swept all the information on the desk to the ground. He walked to the assistant, kicked him and said angrily, “How did you do your job? Four criminals actually can’t control three kids? “

The assistant was knocked to the ground, then got up, wiped the sweat on his forehead, and said, “It doesn’t make sense … But the girl named Wei Ying does seem to be a little strong. I went to the show’s director and discovered that she caught the wild boar for real and it wasn’t a show arrangement. It was indeed an accident. “

Tang Haolong’s eyes were empty, thinking of the slightly stupid girl, he asked, “How about Wei’s house?”

The assistant replied, “Wei’s family is scorched. Madam Wei died, her second daughter was paralyzed, and her youngest son ran away from home. At present, the girl named Wei Ying lives in her grandmother’s house, and these two days she shared an apartment with Master Tang Yu.”

Tang Haolong frowned, and said, “Where is Ning Hao? Go and call him over!”

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Once Tang Yu got admitted to the top domestic university, it would be extremely unfavorable to him. Although Tang Yue’s feet weren’t exposed to be fine, the cautious Tang Haolong, always felt that he was hiding something from himself.

The more he thought about it, the more uneasy he got.

The assistant said, “Mr. Ning has disappeared for half a month and cannot be contacted. Before leaving, he only said that there was something important and he would return as soon as possible.”

Tang Haolong was irritated, he gritted his teeth and scolded, “This Ning Hao, there is more than enough to lose. When you want him, he disappears.”

The assistant asked, “Boss, should I arrange it again? There are several exams, we have time.”

Tang Haolong gave a cold cry, “You stupid, are you on the police and that kid’s side? The best chance has been messed up by those four stupid people. Now the most important thing is not to let them reveal anything about us.”

The assistant nodded with a smile and said, “Boss, be assured that they are already crazy. Their words have no credibility.”

After Liu Su died, Ning Hao took her soul and retreated.

Before Liu Su’s death, she was attacked by evil spirits, and was murdered. Ordinary people who became ghosts were very few.

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Ning Hao took her soul and planned to create an absolutely lethal soul weapon.

With this weapon, he could no longer deliberately rob Wei Ying’s heroine luck and no longer need to rely on his own daughter. This spiritual weapon alone could do whatever he wanted.

At around 4:30 in the afternoon, the exam was not over yet, and Wei Ying was already crowded outside the school.

Wei Daoming arrived at the school gate early, holding a bunch of flowers, waiting for his daughter’s exam to end.

As soon as the bell rang, the candidates stepped out of the door. As soon as Wei Ying and Fang Yuan came out, a group of fans at the school gate rushed up.

Wei Daoming also tried to squeeze through the crowd. But not only did he fail to squeeze in, the glasses on the bridge of his nose fell, and when he bent to pick it up, the fans stepped on the back of his hands one by one.

Everyone’s attention was on Wei Ying. No one noticed Wei Daoming at all. Wei Ying was surrounded by fans, and she stepped on the back of Wei Daoming’s hand as well.

When the crowd passed, Wei Daoming was embarrassed. His hand was almost crippled.

The assistant helped him up, and whispered, “Sir, are you all right?”

Watching the direction in which his daughter and fans left, he waved his hand and said, “It’s all right.”

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