A police car stopped at the school gate, and Fang Yuan and Wei Ying were taken into the police car. Wei Daoming also wanted to keep up with it, but was stopped by several fans.

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The female fan pushed him and asked, “Who are you, uncle?”


Another female fan gave him a grimace, “I remember him, just now he pretended to squat to pick up something, but in fact he was peeking at the bottom of the girls’ skirts! Yingying stepped on him!”

He really squatted to pick something up! His daughter stepped on him just because she didn’t see him!

Before he could rebutte, the female fans rushed up, they beat his hands and feet, and verbally condemned, “Kill the wretched man, kill him!”

The assistant went up to pull the girls, Wei Daoming shook his head and shouted, “You have misunderstood, Wei Ying is my daughter!”


A female fan said, “Oh! Go tell that to your mother! If you are Ying’s father, I am your uncle!”

Around five o’clock, Wei Ying and Fang Yuan arrived at the nearest police station.

Tang Yu had just arrived when the two girls reached the police station. The police arranged three separated rooms to take their statement.

Room A, the police asked Wei Ying, “The four kidnappers became like that, you did it?”

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Wei Ying blinked with a pair of big innocent eyes, she grieved, “Uncle, in your eyes, am I that kind of violent person? Of course not …”

The policeman raised his eyebrow, “What the hell happened?”

Wei Ying said, “At the time, the four kidnappers broke into with guns. Fang Yuan and I were very scared. Tang Yu advised us not to be afraid and started to reason with the four kidnappers. Have you seen Wu Lin Wai Chua?”

(Wu Lin Wai Chua= My Own Swordsman= A chinese tv series)

Police asked, “Well. What’s the connection?”

Wei Ying nodded, “Tang Yu started to fight with them with words. I don’t know why the four kidnappers went mad. The second and third kidnappers began to beat each other’s faces. Their boss shot his own hand. The fourth one shot himself on his thigh. “

The policeman frowned, “What did Tang Yu say?”

Wei Ying shook her head, “I didn’t understand what he said, but after I heard it, I also felt dizzy. Tang Yu told me that he had learned hypnosis.”

The policeman took a deep breath.

Room B, the police asked Tang Yu.

The teenager shook his head and said, “I don’t know. I have a split personality, I don’t know anything after ten at night. I suggest you ask me again at that time.”

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Policemen, “…”

In room c, Fang Yuan said the same thing Wei Ying said.

After ten o’clock in the evening, the 33-year-old Mr. Tang woke up and answered honestly, “I have great talents in psychology and have studied hypnosis. I only tried hypnosis last night. It hit the bull’s eye.”

Police, “…”

After the truth was revealed, the police briefly summarized what happened the previous night and posted it online.

As a result, netizens were amazed by Tang Yu’s hypnotic psychological warfare, and they all said:

“Whoa! Tang Yu is so powerful! I didn’t see that on the show!”

“I’ve been a fan of Tang Yu! Whoever f*** hates Tang Yu and says he is a cripple, will deal with me! He is a genius! I want to marry him!”

“Wow Tang Yu boyfriend power max! Quick make Yingying your first love! Mom pink will support you!”

“First Love, fart! Tang Yu is almost nineteen! Wei Ying is almost eighteen years old?”

“That is, they graduated from high school, what is first love? No!”

“I ship the two! As soon as they reach the age of marriage, I will immediately go to the Civil Affairs Bureau and let the two get married!”

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“Genius lame boy x cute environment protector and violent girl, don’t you think this pair is perfect?”

On the Internet, Tang Yu became popular, and the seniors inside the Qingyan Group were naturally shocked by the talented young Tang Yu’s ability to fight with kidnappers who held guns.

The senior management of the company unanimously praised him, “Sure enough, he is worthy of being the son of President Tang. A Tiger has no dog sons. Although he has a disability, as long as his mind is clear enough, he will be able to lead the company in the future.”

“Yeah, this young man is smart, and now he is famous. After graduation, he is bound to be beneficial to the company. He has a bright future.”

These words of praise spread to Tang Haolong’s ears, and they became a dynamite, which instantly inspired his irritability.

It took many years for him to establish prestige in front of the company veterans, and it also took many years to make people on the board of directors expect nothing of Tang Yu.

But now, Tang Yu actually made him feel the crisis.

Although he had a little more shares than Tang Yu, once Tang Yu bought back some shares from others, the company’s right to speak would fall to him.

If he relied on his strength to gain “popularity”, he would completely lose his voice in the company. Tang Haolong became more insecure, and felt the need to plan for thorough cleaning.

After the college entrance examination, fans were more nervous than Tang Yu and Wei Ying. They looked at the results every day.

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Both were key classes in Xichen No. 1 High School. As soon as their scores came out, they went to hot search.

# Wei Ying 701 分 #

# Tang Yu 718 分 #

There were 8 people with 700 points in the city, and 718 points were the highest. Tang Yu won the city’s science champion. In Xichen No. 1 High School, class 12, 4 scored 700 points.

Netizens said, “Kneel to Toppers and kneel to Xichen No.1 High School!”

Because city A was selected as the first civilized city in the country, in order to set an example for other provinces and cities, the government opened a precedent for mandatory waste classification.

If citizens misclassified their garbage, they had to pay a fine of no small amount.

Within half a month, the citizens said they were going crazy. They couldn’t tell what was dry garbage or wet garbage. If they paid no attention, they would make mistakes.

The summer vacation was long, Wei Ying and Fang Yuan immediately started a company in partnership and named it ‘Yingyuan Environmental Protection Co, Ltd’ . After the establishment of the company, recruiting training talents was the difficult problem.

Tang Yu suggested, “Now it’s summer vacation, we can call on the students of the former environmental protection club to come to the company and work for the summer. Firstly, there is no training required. Secondly, you can set aside time to train the long-term workers recruited. Now that garbage classification has become a headache for citizens, no company has developed a convenient app. Therefore, I recommend that you make a garbage classification app. “

Wei Ying felt that Tang Yu’s suggestion was good, she added, “The app can be embedded with a key to help sort garbage, which can send orders to our company. After the company receives the order, it could send employees to the household to sort the waste.

Fang Yuan said, “Yeah, that’s a good idea. But I have work in two days. I may not have much time to take care of the company’s affairs. Tang Yu, the company and Yingying, I will leave them to you. “

Tang Yu nodded, “I can make the app. Give me a week.”

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